Author: JvW

Ghent Launches Centre for Late Antiquity

On the 4th of October, Ghent University in to launch a Centre for Late Antiquity, comprising research in the fields of archaeology, history, linguistics and literature. The GCLA is set to offer a gateway for international scholars, senior as well as junior ones, wishing to collaborate or come to Ghent to work on Late Antiquity.

See website and the programme of the opening launch. All welcome, registration mandatory.

Urlacher-Becht Reviews the Companion

Céline Urlacher-Becht has written an extensive review of the Sidonius Companion in AnTard 29 (2021) 400-404:

– Il s’agit indéniablement d’un ouvrage de très grande qualité, extrêmement complet et à la présentation fort soignée, qui rendra d’utiles services à tous les antiquisants s’intéressant non seulement à l’œuvre de S., mais aussi à l’histoire et la littérature de l’Antiquité tardive en général.

– Loin d’être un simple ouvrage de synthèse offrant de riches panoramas, ses apports sont en effet nombreux: on pense notamment à la nouvelle prosopographie mise à disposition de la communauté scientifique ainsi qu’au recensement et classement des manuscrits complets de S.

– Par ailleurs, il s’agit d’un outil méthodologique précieux, offrant des clés d’analyse et des exemples de démarches scientifiques suceptibles d’être appliquées à d’autres œuvres tardo-antiques dans le cadre d’une étude autonome ou d’une démarche comparatiste.

– Que les éditeurs et les auteurs en soient vivement félicités!

Stover & Woudhuysen and Sidonius in the HA

In a new article on ‘The Poet Nemesianus and the Historia Augusta‘, centred on onomastics in the Life of Carus (JRS 2022, open access), Justin Stover and George Woudhuysen, in passing (fn. 4), advocate some renewed confidence in the hypothesis that Sidonius Apollinaris is reflected in the HA:

‘The argument of Domaszewski (Die Personennamen bei den Scriptores historiae Augustae, Heidelberg, 1918: 19, here), that Aurelius Apollinaris was inspired by Sidonius Apollinaris, who did write about the deeds of Carus (Carm. 23.88–96), has been treated with greater contempt than it perhaps deserves’.

Furbetta on Letter Epigrams

Luciana Furbetta contributed ‘L’usage des procédés rhétoriques et leur fonction communicative dans l’épigramme latine: l’“épigramme lettre” comme cas d’étude’ to Florence Garambois-Vasquez and Daniel Vallat (eds), Stylistique et poétique de l’épigramme latine. Nouvelles études, Lyon: MOM, 2022, 181-201. Examples are drawn from Ausonius, Sidonius (Carm. 17 and 20) and Venantius Fortunatus.

The publication is freely accessible on OpenEdition

Vessey Reviews the Companion

In Early Medieval Europe first view, there is a review of the Companion by Mark Vessey:

– impeccably edited
– a work of reference which in the clarity and density of its coverage of a relatively compact oeuvre achieves a comprehensiveness scarcely conceivable for more historically influential figures
– speak[s] eloquently both for our own time and for what its authors agree in seeing as its subject’s mode of existence in his
– Sidonius has got the Companion he deserved.