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Benedetti on Subaltern Experiences

19 July 2024

Pedro Benedetti wrote ‘Beyond Aristocratic Strategies: Popular and Subaltern Experiences in Sidonius’ Letters (430-486 AD)’, Alethéia vol. 1 issue 2 (2022) 69-82 [published in 2024].… Read more

Lucy Grig Interviewed about ‘Popular Culture’

19 July 2024

Pedro Benedetti interviews Lucy Grig about her book Popular Culture and the End of Antiquity in Southern Gaul. Watch the interview here Read more

Ferrari Reviews ‘Gallia docta?’

16 July 2024

Carlo Ferrari reviews Tabea L. Meurer & Veronika Egetenmeyr (eds): Gallia docta? Education and In-/Exclusion in Late Antique Gaul, in Sehepunkte 24 (2024) no. 7,… Read more

BEEC Now Launched In Print

16 July 2024

The print edition of The Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, edited by David G. Hunter, Paul van Geest and Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, is being… Read more

Szada on Nicene-Homoian Relations

12 July 2024

Marta Szada’s book Conversion and the Contest of Creeds in Early Medieval Christianity (Cambridge, 2024) contains a chapter on ‘The Religious Controversies in Gaul and… Read more

Bohîlţea-Mihuţ on Colour in Sidonius

6 July 2024

Florica Bohîlţea-Mihuţ, ‘Classical Authors in Sidonius Apollinaris’ Letters’, Classica et Christiana 19 (2024) 389-99. Open Access: issue online Contrary to what the title suggests, this… Read more

Zugravu Reviews Mascoli’s Translation

26 June 2024

Nelu Zugravu reviews Patrizia Mascoli’s 2021 translation of the correspondence in Studii Clasice 51-52 (2022-2023) 298-301. ‘Un’edizione … meritoria e di reale importanza per la… Read more

Urlacher-Becht on Gaul, Italy and Ep. 1.5

2 June 2024

Céline Urlacher-Becht published the article ‘“Gaule” et “Italie” dans les épîtres de la fin Ve-début VIe siècle: stratégies littéraires et enjeux identitaires’ in Annali della… Read more

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