Bibliography 2010-2019

Anders, Friedrich, Flavius Ricimer. Macht und Ohnmacht des weströmischen Heermeisters in der zweiten Hälfte des 5. Jahrhunderts, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2010.

Barcellona, Rossana, ‘Introduzione e Bibliografia generale’, ‘Introduzioni, traduzioni e note dei Concili gallici del V secolo’, in: Angelo Di Berardino (ed.), I Canoni dei concili della Chiesa Antica, II, 2, vol. 1 I concili gallici, SEA 119, Rome, 2010, 7-33 and 121-51 respectively.

Bodart, Marie-Gaël, ‘Apports des lettres de Sidoine Apollinaire à l’histoire du christianisme’, in: Janine Desmulliez et al. (eds), L’étude des correspondances dans le monde romain de l’Antiquité classique à l’Antiquité tardive. Permanences et mutations, Lille, 2010, 363-74.

Caccavo, Raffaele, ‘Temi e forme degli epigrammi di Sidonio Apollinare’, Tesi di laurea triennale, Parma, 2009-2010 (unpubl.).

Carrié, Jean-Philippe, ‘Les lieux des lettres dans les villae occidentales de l’Antiquité tardive’, AnTard 18 (2010) 63-74.

Chronopoulos, Tina, ‘Brief Lives of Sidonius, Symmachus, and Fulgentius Written in Early Twelfth Century England?’, JML 20 (2010) 232-91.
| info: Studies the bio-bibliographical introductions on Sidonius, among others, in 12th-century English mss., especially London, British Library, MS Royal 4.B.iv, and Cambridge, Corpus Christi College Library, MS 202. The evidence suggests that Sidonius reached England soon after the Norman conquest. An essential pocket for the transmission was the West Country, specifically Worcester and Gloucester. William of Malmesbury (ca. 1090-in/after 1142) is a plausible candidate for the authorship of the introductions. These mss. are also provided with contemporaneous marginal and interlinear glosses which present some overlap with those in MS Digby 172 from the Bodleian Library, Oxford, which date to ca. 1200 (published by R. Ellis, ‘Glossae in Apollinarem Sidonium ex codice Digbeiano 172’, in Anecdota Oxoniensia, Classical Series, vol. 1, part 5, Oxford, 1885).

Crogiez-Pétrequin, Sylvie, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et le col du Petit Saint Bernard’, in: Fabrice Delrieux and François Kayser (eds), Des déserts d’Afrique au pays des Allobroges. Hommages offerts à François Bertrandy, Chambéry: Université de Savoie, 2010, 35-44.
| volume in HAL Archives

Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike, ‘Bleibende Klänge: Das hymnische Briefsiegel des Bischofs Sidonius (epist. 9,16)’, in: Wolfram Brandes et al. (eds), Millennium-Jahrbuch 2010, Berlin, 2010, 257-92.

Evenepoel, Willy, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris en Synesius van Cyrene in de roman The Dream of Scipio’, Lampas 43 (2010) 269-83.
| see on this site Aftermath > Reception > United Kingdom

Ferguson, Thomas S., ‘Sidonius Apollinaris and the Muses: Reception of an Epic Tradition in the Poems and Letters’, in Studia patristica, vol. 48, Papers presented at the Fifteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2007: From the Fifth Century: Greek Writers, Latin Writers, Nachleben, Leuven 2010, 289-94.

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Sidonio Apollinare e l’imperatore Eparchio Avito. Testo, traduzione e commento dei carmi 6, 7 e 8’, PhD thesis, University ‘La Sapienza’, Rome 2010 (unpubl.).
| see SAxxi > Project

Gineste, Marie-France, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et la topique de l’éloge de personne dans les Poèmes VI et VII’, Vita Latina 182 (2010) 41-60.
| HAL Archives

Gosserez, Laurence, ‘Portraits des Wisigoths par Sidoine Apollinaire’, Bulletin de l’Association Guillaume Budé, 2010, vol. 1, 127-39.
| read

Grzywaczewski, Józef, ‘The Passage from Romanitas to Christianitas According to Sidonius Apollinaris († c. 486)’, Studia patristica 48, 295- 302.

Grzywaczewski, Józef, ‘Christianity of Gaul According to Sidonius Apollinaris (430-486)’, Forum Teologiczne 11 (2010) 127-44.

Guipponi-Gineste, Marie France, ‘Sidoine et la topique de l’éloge de personne dans les Poèmes VI et VII’, Vita Latina 182 (2010) 41-60.

Herbert de La Portbarré-Viard, Gaëlle, ‘Venance Fortunat et l’esthétique de l’ekphrasis dans les Carmina: l’exemple des villas de Léonce de Bordeaux’, REL 88 (2010) 218-37.

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘Sterilis Camena. El carmen 9 de Sidonio Apolinar o la muerte de la poesia’, Acme 63 (2010) 97-133.
| download

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘Traducir a Sidonio en el siglo XXI: en busca de la experiencia estética tardoantigua’, Estudios clásicos 1 (2010) 141-50.

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘La aristocracia galorromana ante las migraciones bárbaras del siglo V: la invención del burgundio‘, El Futuro del Pasado 1, 2010, 365-78.
| info: About carmen 12 | read

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘La écfrasis de la Catedral de Lyon como híbrido intersistémico. Sidonio Apolinar y el Gesamtkunstwerk tardoantiguo’, AnTard 18 (2010) 297-308.
| info: About Sidonius’ Ep. 2.10: ‘… essays a new approach to … ekphrasis … contextualized within the broader cultural pattern of hybridization’

Humphries, Mark, and David M. Gwynn, ‘The Sacred and the Secular: The Presence or Absence of Christian Religious Thought in Secular Writing in the Late Antique West’, in: David M. Gwynn and Susanne Bangert (eds), Religious Diversity in Late Antiquity, Leiden, 2010, 493-509.

Joye, Sylvie, ‘I conflitti familiari per la figlia nubile (V-IX secolo)’, Genesis 9 (2010) 29-54.
| Academia | info: On pp. 34-37, Epp. 7.2 and 5.19.

Kaufmann, Helen, ‘Virgil’s underworld in the mind of Roman late antiquity’, Latomus 69 (2010) 150-60.

Kitchen, Thomas E., ‘Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: Richard Corradini et al. (eds), Ego Trouble. Authors and Their Identities in The Early Middle Ages, Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2010, 53-66.
| info: Aims ‘to demonstrate how Sidonius’s works show him grappling with the various roles he was required to play, often in impressively manipulative ways’ (p. 54), highlighting the role played by humour, ‘a sadly neglected aspect of Sidonius’s personality’ (p. 56).

Krautschick, Stefan, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: Germanische Altertumskunde Online, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010.

Lepelley, Claude, ‘The Use of Secularised Latin Pagan Culture by Christians’, in: David M. Gwynn and Susanne Bangert (eds), Religious Diversity in Late Antiquity, Late Antique Archaeology 6, Leiden: Brill, 2010, 475-92.
| catalogue

Litovchenko, Elena, ‘Daily Life of the Roman Nobility in Late Antiquity (by Letters of Sidonius, Gallic Aristocrat of V-th Century A.D.’, Memoirs of the Faculty of History of Belgorod State University 2010, 48-55.
| Academia

Luceri, Angelo, ‘Tra continuità e innovazione. A proposito di un nuovo studio sulla poetica di Sidonio Apollinare’, Vichiana IV 12 (2010) 126-33.
| info: Concerns Condorelli 2008

Mascoli, Patrizia, Gli Apollinari. Per la storia di una famiglia tardoantica, Quaderni di Invigilata Lucernis 39, Bari, 2010.
| reviews by John Henderson in BMCR 2011.04.38, Francesco Montone in Atene e Roma, n.s. 5 (2011) 215-17, François Chausson in Gnomon 88 (2016) 468-69.

Patzold, Steffen, ‘Zur Sozialstruktur des Episkopats und zur Ausbildung bischöflicher Herrschaft in Gallien zwischen Spätantike und Frühmittelalter’, in: Matthias Becher and Stefanie Dick (eds), Völker, Reiche und Namen im frühen Mittelalter, MittelalterStudien 22, Munich: Fink, 2010, 121-40.

Santelia, Stefania, ‘Per un approdo sicuro tra pericoli e tempeste (Sidon. Apoll. Carm. 11,1-7)’, Quaderni di storia 72 (2010) 227-37.
| info: Defends the manuscript text of Carm. 11.1-7

Santelia, Stefania, ‘Vocatio ad cenam: spigolando tra i modelli di Sidonio Apollinare, carm. 17′, AFLB 52-53 (2009-2010) 169-80 (Bari: Cacucci, 2011).

Schamp, Craig H., ‘Difference and Accommodation in Visigothic Gaul and Spain’, MA thesis, San Jose State University, 2010.
| online

Squillante, Marisa, ‘… de hymno tuo si percontere quid sentiam: l’inno secondo Sidonio Apollinare’, Paideia 65 (2010) 449-63.

Squillante, Marisa, ‘Geografia e memoria letteraria nell’epistolario di Sidonio Apollinare’, in: S. Rocca (ed.), Latina Didaxis 25. Atti del congresso Genova-Bogliasco 16-17 aprile 2010, Genua, 2010, 83-98.

Styka, Jerzy, ‘Późnoantyczna satyra poetycka w świetle listów Sydoniusza Apollinarisa’ [‘Late-Antique Poetic Satire in the Light of the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris’], in: E. Dąbrowy et al. (eds), Hortus Historiae. Księga pamiątkowa ku czci profesora Józefa Wolskiego w setną rocznicę urodzin, Cracow, 2010, 576-89.

van Waarden, Johannes A., Writing to Survive. A Commentary on Sidonius Apollinaris, Letters Book 7. Volume 1: The Episcopal Letters 1-11, LAHR 2, Leuven, 2010.
| see on this site SAxxi Publications | catalogue | info: This is the revised text of van Waarden’s homonymous 2009 doctoral dissertation at the University of Amsterdam; the latter can be retrieved from this university’s repository

White, Heather, ‘Textual Problems in the Poems of Sidonius Apollinaris’, Veleia 27 (2010) 347-54.
| download | info: Explains the following passages in a discussion with Shackleton Bailey, with a tendency not to alter the text: 2.8, 2.487, 2.429, 5.293, 5.312, 5.415, 7.97, 7.164, 7.195, 7.248, 7.272, 7.295, 7.403, 7.423, 11.86, 15.162, 15.193, 17.7, 22.7, 22.74, 22.215, 23.228.

Álvarez Jiménez, David, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris and the Fourth Punic War’, in: David Hernández de la Fuente (ed.), New Perspectives on Late Antiquity, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2011, 158-72.
| Academia

Aranjo, Daniel, ‘Circumnavigation dans les bagages de Sidoine entre barbares et Ariens aux IVème/Vème siècles’, 2011 (inedit.).
| on this site: Contributions

Behrwald, Ralf, ‘Das Bild der Stadt Rom im 5. Jh. Das Beispiel des Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: Therese Fuhrer (ed.), Rom und Mailand in der Spätantike, Berlin, 2011, 283-302.
| open access | review

Bruzzone, Antonella, ‘Riprese oraziane nella Gigantomachia del carme 6 di Sidonio Apollinare’, InvLuc 33 (2011) 13-21.
| Academia

Буяров, Дмитрий B., Сидоний Аполлинарий и позднеантичная культура, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011 [Sidonius Apollinaris and Late Antique Culture].
| catalogue | info: See Buyarov’s dissertation 2009

Casado, Pierre, ‘Réflexions onomastiques à propos de Vorocingus et Prusianum, deux noms de lieux chez Sidoine Apollinaire’, Cahiers de la société française d’onomastique 3 (2011) 63-73.
| link

Condorelli, Silvia, ‘Sidonio maestro di Ennodio?’, in: Silvia Condorelli and Daniele Di Rienzo (eds), Quarta giornata ennodiana. Atti della sessione ennodiana del Convegno Auctor et Auctoritas in Latinis Medii Aevi litteris, Benevento, 12 novembre 2010, Cesena, 2011, 61-98.

Consolino, Franca Ela, ‘Panegiristi e creazione del consenso nel occidente latino’, in: G. Urso (ed.), Dicere laudes. Elogio, comunicazione, creazione del consenso. Atti del Convegno internazionale di Cividale del Friuli, 23-25 settembre 2010, Pisa, 2011, 299-336.
| info: Pp. 322-29 on ‘Come persuadere il senato: Sidonio, i Visigoti e il panegirico di Avito’

Consolino, Franca Ela, ‘Recusationes a confronto: Sidonio Apollinare epist. IX 13,2 e Venanzio Fortunato carm. IX 7′, in: Lucio Cristante and Simona Ravalico (eds), Il calamo della memoria. Riuso di testi e mestiere letterario nella tarda antichità IV, Trieste, 2011, 101-25.

Ferreiro, Alberto, The Visigoths in Gaul and Iberia (Update): A Supplemental Bibliography, 2007-2009, Leiden: Brill, 2011.

Formicola, Crescenzo, ‘Oltre l’archetipo: ipotesti letterari e testimonianze codicologiche (specimina da Lucrezio e Sidonio)’, in: Paolo Mastandrea and Linda Spinazzè (eds), Nuovi archivi e mezzi d’analisi per i testi poetici. I lavori del progetto Musisque Deoque, Venezia 21-23 giugno 2010, Amsterdam, 2011, 89-97.
| info: Remarks on Sidon. Carm. 5.404-405, 11.20, 22.178, 24.66-68, 34 (Ep. 8.9.5).50-51

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Alcune riflessioni sul carm. 6 di Sidonio Apollinare’, RPL 33-34 (2010-2011) 148-63.
| Academia

Gibson, Roy K., ‘<Clarus> Confirmed? Pliny, Epistles 1.1 and Sidonius Apollinaris’, CQ 61 (2011) 655-59.

Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard, Gaëlle, ‘Venance Fortunat et la représentation littéraire du décor des villas après Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Catherine Balmelle et al. (eds), Décor et architecture en Gaule entre l’Antiquité et le haut Moyen Age, Bordeaux, 2011, 391-401.

Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard, Gaëlle, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et les “bibliothèques”’, in: A. Balansard et al. (eds), Prolongements et renouvellements de la tradition classique. En hommage à Didier Pralon, Publications de l’Université de Provence, 2011, 321-40.

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘La recepción de Sidonio Apolinar en los albores del Humanismo. Petrarca y Salutati como intérpretes y transmisores de la cultura tardoantigua’, Traditio 66 (2011) 267-306.

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘Sidonio Apolinar en el Quattrocento’, Cuadernos de Filología Italiana 18 (2011) 77-96.

Hofeneder, Andreas, Die Religion der Kelten in den antiken literarischen Zeugnissen. Sammlung, Übersetzung und Kommentierung, vol. 3 Von Arrianos bis zum Ausklang der Antike, Vienna: ÖAW, 2011.
| download | info: Sidon. Carm. 7.139-40, 22.107-10, Ep. 7.7.2 on pp. 445-48

Lucht, Bente, Gastfreundschaft und Landleben bei Sidonius Apollinaris am Beispiel von epist. 2,9 (an Donidius). Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar und Interpretation, Polyptoton 2, Berlin, 2011.

Malick-Prunier, Sophie, Le corps féminin dans la poésie latine tardive, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2011.
| catalogue open access | info: Features chapter ‘Tradition et renouveau dans les épithalames de Sidoine Apollinaire’

Mastandrea, Paolo, ‘Corippo, Giordane, Colombano: nomi parlanti e allusioni reticenti’, Aevum (ant) N.S. 11 (2011) 131-49.

Mathisen, Ralph W., and Danuta Shanzer (eds), Romans, Barbarians, and the Transformation of the Roman World: Cultural Interaction and the Creation of Identity in Late Antiquity, Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.

Montone, Francesco, ‘”Lupi d’autore” nel panegirico ad Avito di Sidonio Apollinare (carm. 7, 361-368)’, Parole rubate 4 (2011) 113-29.
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Montone, Francesco, ‘Scribo ergo sum. La presenza di toponimi campani in Sidonio Apollinare, l’ultimo letterato dell’impero romano’, Salternum 26-27 (2011) 89-106.
| Academia

Neri, Marino, ‘Sidonio Apollinare (epist. 9,9,10) e la possibile attribuzione del De ratione fidei a Fausto di Riez’, BSL 41 (2011) 531-42.
| Academia

Pignatelli, Cinzia, ‘Gloses à une lettre de Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Claudio Galderisi (ed.), Translations médiévales, cinq siècles de traductions en français du moyen Âge (XIe-XVe siècles): Etude et répertoire, 3 vols, Turnhout: Brepols, 2011, vol. 2 Le Corpus Transmédie, no 249.
| see HAL Archives

Raga, Emmanuelle, ‘Le banquet et la transformation du monde Romain entre Romanitas, barbaritas et Christianisme. Espace Romain occidental, IVe-VIe siècle’, PhD thesis Brussels/Bologna, 2011 [unpubl.]
| online

Richlin, Amy, ‘Old boys: teacher-student bonding in Roman oratory’, CW 105 (2011) 91-107.
| info: Historicizes Roman oratorical discourse by examining the letters of Cicero, Pliny, Fronto, and Sidonius Apollinaris

Robert, Renaud, ‘La description du Burgus de Pontius Leontius: entre réalité et objet de mémoire littéraire (Sidoine Apollinaire, carm. 22)’, in: Catherine Balmelle et al. (eds), Décor et architecture en Gaule entre l’Antiquité et le Haut Moyen Âge, Aquitania suppl. 20, Pessac [Bordeaux], 2011, 377-90.
| HAL archive

Rückert, Julia M.M., ‘Romans and Goths in Late Antique Gaul: Aspects of Political and Cultural Assimilation in the Fifth Century AD’, Master’s degree thesis, University of Durham, 2011 [unpubl.].
| Durham E-Theses

Santelia, Stefania, ‘L’aristocrazia galloromana celebra se stessa: l’epitalamio per Ruricio ed Iberia (Sidon. Apoll. carm. 11)’, Bollettino di Studi Latini 41 (2011) 103-14.
| info: French version in Poignault and Stoehr-Monjou, 2014, 333-48 | This wedding song suggests a world which is perfect and full of harmony – in order to ward off the endangered reality of everyday life.

Smolak, Kurt, ‘De patronis septipedibus Sidonii Apollinaris’, in: Jan-Wilhelm Beck (ed.), Ad fines imperii Romani anno bismillesimo cladis Varianae, Leuven, 2011, 235-44.

Stratenwerth, Dietrich, ‘”Facias ut venias”: eine Geburtstagseinladung aus Vindolanda’, AU 2011 (54) 6-8.
| info: About VT 2, 291 compared with Sulpicia’s complaint Tib. 4, 8 and a birthday invitation from Sidonius Apollinaris (Carm. 17)

Styka, Jerzy, ‘Cursus honorum im spätantiken Gallien im Lichte der Briefe Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: Studies of Greek and Roman Literature and Culture. Essays in Honour of Józef Korpanty, Classica Cracoviensia 14 (2011) 303-18.

Teillet, Suzanne, Des Goths à la nation gothique: les origines de l’idée de nation en Occident du Ve au VIIe siècle, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2011.

Teitler, Hans, ‘Tacitus in de late oudheid. Kanttekeningen bij een brief van Sidonius Apollinaris’, Hermeneus 83 (2011) 142-47.

van Waarden, Joop, ‘Sidonio Apollinare, poeta e vescovo’, Vetera Christianorum 48 (2011) 99-113.
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van Waarden, Johannes A., ‘Episcopal Self-Presentation: Sidonius Apollinaris and the Episcopal Election in Bourges AD 470’, in: Johan Leemans et al. (eds), Episcopal Elections in Late Antiquity, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2011, 555-61.
| download

Verbaal, Wim, ‘Een blijk van innerlijke waardigheid: Sidonius Apollinaris, Latijns dichter’, Hermeneus 83 (2011) 110-14.

Barcellona, Rossana, Una società allo specchio: La Gallia tardoantica nei suoi concili, Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2012.

Bedon, Robert, ‘Les auteurs latins et le voyage thérapeutique: à la recherche d’une nature bienfaisante’, in: Christine de Buzon and Odile Richard-Pauchet (eds), Le corps et l’esprit en voyage: le voyage thérapeutique, Paris: Garnier, 2012, 17-44.
| see HAL Archives

Callow, Chris, and Mary Harlow, ‘Left-over Romans: The Life Course in the Late Antique West’, in: Mary Harlow and Lena Larsson Lovén (eds), Families in the Roman and Late Antique World, London: Continuum, 2012.
| info: Sidonius and his son Apollinaris as case studies, along with Paulinus of Pella

Camastra, Palma, Letteratura latina tardoantica, Bari: Edipuglia, 2012.
| info: A history and anthology of late antique Latin literature from the third up to and including the eighth century, with a bibliography. Sidonius features on pp. 173-74, 344-45, and 399 | review by Jean-Louis Charlet in AnTard 20 (2012) 448-51

Condorelli, Silvia, ‘Dal parassita della commedia all’impudicus di Sidonio Apollinare (Epist. 3,13,1-4)’, Paideia 67 (2012) 409-27.
| info: French version in Poignault and Stoehr-Monjou, 2014, 227-43

Delaplace, Christine, ‘The So-Called “Conquest of the Auvergne” (469-75) in the History of the Visigothic Kingdom: Relations between the Roman Elites of Southern Gaul, the Central Imperial Power in Rome and the Military Authority of the Federates on the Periphery’, in: David Brakke et al. (eds), Shifting Cultural Frontiers in Late Antiquity, Farnham, 2012, 271-81.
| info: ‘Delaplace’s re-reading of Sidonius plausibly characterises Euric’s takeover of the Auvergne not as an expansionist act during a power vacuum, but rather as part of the civil war between Ricimer and Anthemius.’ (From the review by Richard Flower in BMCR 2013.01.50)

Demicheli, Anna Maria, ‘Inquilinato e unioni miste per condizione sociale tra 4. e 5. sec. Da una lettera (Ep. 5,19) di Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Atti dell’Accademia romanistica Costantiniana 18, Rome: Aracne, 2012: 275-304.

Fernández López, María Concepción, ‘”La lune dans un puits”? Broma de frontera (in puteo/in podio, Sid. Apol., Carm. 24, 23-25)’, in: Frédérique Biville et al., Latin vulgaire – Latin tardif IX. Actes du IXe colloque international sur le latin vulgaire et tardif, Lyon, 2-6 septembre 2009, Lyon, 2012, 901-908.
| info: This volume also contains examples from Sidonius’ letters of the preverbs ad-, in-, and ob– in verbs in –sco (Sophie Van Laer, pp. 693- 704)

Fusi, Alessandro, et al., ‘I nuovi confini del genere: l’epistolario di Sidonio Apollinare’, in Lo spazio letterario di Roma antica, vol. 7 (I Testi. 2 Prosa), Rome, 2012, 584-95.

Gibson, Roy K., ‘Letters into autobiography: the generic mobility of the ancient letter collection’, in: T.D. Papanghelis et al. (eds), Generic Interfaces in Latin Literature: Encounters, Interactions and Transformations, Berlin, 2012, 387-416.
| info: The ‘generic mobility’ of the ancient epistula is notorious. Since antiquity, letters have been vulnerable to reclassification as members of another genre, whether the new genre is that of ‘treatise’, ‘commentary’ or (in the modern world) ‘essay’. The same generic mobility can be observed also in the case of collections of letters. Since early modern times, editors of ancient collections of letters have been engaged in an informal project of re-ordering these collections along chronological lines. The result has been the gradual transformation of ancient collections into works of history and autobiography (where chronological ordering is a distinctive generic marker in these genres in their modern forms). This chapter focuses on the ideological and historical contexts and motivations for modern and early-modern editorial intervention in the genre of Latin letter collections. | Academia

Gibson, Roy, ‘On the Nature of Ancient Letter Collections’, JRS 102 (2012) 56-78.
| info: There exists a strong link in modern thinking between letter collections and biographical or historical narration. Many ancient letter collections have been rearranged by modern editors along chronological lines, apparently with the aim of realizing the biographical and historiographical potential of these ancient collections. In their original format, however, non-fictional Greco-Roman letter collections were arranged predominantly by addressee or by theme (often without the preservation of chronology within addressee or thematic groupings), or they might be arranged on the principle of artful variety and significant juxtaposition. Consequently, some purpose or purposes other than biographical or historical narration must be attributed to ancient letter collections. This paper asks what those purposes might be.

Gillett, Andrew, ‘Epic Panegyric and Political Communication in the Fifth-Century West’, in Lucy Grig and Gavin Kelly (eds), Two Romes. Rome and Constantinople in Late Antiquity, Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity 2, New York, 2012, pp. 265-90.
| Academia | info: Verse panegyric from Claudian to Sidonius as a characteristic of imperial politics in Rome during the early and mid-fifth century

Golonka, Katarzyna, ‘Elita galo-rzymska w V w. i jej obraz w pismach Sydoniusza Apollinarisa: ludzie, rodziny, więzi społeczne i postawy polityczne’ [The Gallo-Roman elite in the 5th century and its image in the writings of Sidonius Apollinaris: people, families, social bonds and political attitudes], doctoral dissertation Cracow, 2012 [unpubl.].
| view in repository

Guillaumont, François, and Patrick Laurence (eds), La présence de l’histoire dans l’épistolaire, Tours: PU François Rabelais, 2012.

Heather, Peter, ‘Visigoths and the Fall of Rome’, Groniek 191 (2012) 33-44.
| info: In Heather’s view ‘a very strong case can be made that the Visigoths played a central role in west Roman imperial collapse’. Sidonius is adduced as an example of the Roman landowners who ‘had no choice but to come to accommodations with … the barbarian kingdoms … Some moved quicker than others …, but in the end there was no choice, as the career of Sidonius Apollinaris demonstrates’. A short discussion of this career follows, including a reference to the panegyric of Euric in Ep. 8.9 (page 43)

Henke, Rainer, ‘Der Brief 3,12 des Sidonius Apollinaris an Secundus: Eine Novelle in einer Epistel?’, Hermes 140 (2012) 121-25.

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, Vel Apolline muto. Estética y poética de la Antigüedad Tardía, Peter Lang: Bern, 2012.
| info: Incorporates all the articles published since 2006 and makes them into a challenging and comprehensive study of late antique aesthetics with Sidonius as its leitmotiv. ‘Este libro pretende reconstruir el paradigma estético que subyace a las producciones literarias y artísticas de la Antigüedad tardía (s. IV-VI d. C.), tan poliédricas y sofisticadas como tradicionalmente malentendidas. Propone para ello un nuevo modelo omnicomprensivo de análisis cultural, basado en tres pilares fundamentales. … Este nuevo modelo … se ensaya mediante su aplicación sistemática a la obra de Sidonio Apolinar, uno de los autores más representativos de la estética tardoantigua.’ | reviews by Joop van Waarden in BMCR 2013.02.20; Silvia Condorelli in BSL 44 (2014) 754-60

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘Poéticas de lo banal. La literatura tardoantigua como literatura en el campo expandido’, Latomus 71 (2012) 133-49.

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘Nuevas aproximaciones metodológicas al estudio de los comentarios humanísticos: la edición comentada de Sidonio Apolinar a cargo de Giovan Battista Pio (1498) a la luz de la Teoría de los Polisistemas’, in: N. Fernández Rodríguez and M. Fernández Ferreiro (eds), Literatura medieval y renacentista en España: líneas y pautas, Salamanca: SEMYR, 2012, 633-41.

Liebeschuetz, Wolf, ‘“Habitus barbarus”: did barbarians look different from Romans?’, in: Pierfrancesco Porena and Yann Rivière (eds), Expropriations et confiscations dans les royaumes barbares: une approche régionale, Rome, 2012, 13-28.
| info: Habitus barbarus and ethnic identity, taking into consideration evidence from Ambr. Extra coll. 4, 9-10; Vict. Vit. 2, 8; Sines. Regn. 22; Oros. Hist. 7, 43 and Olymp. Hist. fr. 24; Sidon. Ep. 1, 2 and 4, 20, Carm. 7, 12; Ennod. Carm. 2, 57-59

Litovchenko, Elena, ‘Sidonius’ Letters as a Source of Information about the Life of Late Antiquity’s Society’, Scientific Bulletin of Belgorod State University, History series 126 (2012) 69-73.
| Academia | info: Contains translations of Ep. 1.6 and 4.24

Luceri, Angelo, ‘I nuovi confini del genere: l’epistolario di Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Lo spazio letterario di Roma antica, vol. 7 (I Testi. 2 Prosa), Rome, 2012, 584-95.

Manukyan, Eduard M., ‘Correlation Between Provincial and Capital in Sidonius Apollinaris’ Perception of the World’, Labyrinth (2012) 148.

Mascoli, Patrizia, ‘Tracce di Persio in Sidonio Apollinare’, Classica et Christiana 7 (2012) 183-92.
| download | info: Discusses Carm. 5.497; 9.264, 318- 20, 332-35; 15.182-84; 16.2; 23.132; Ep. 3.13.6; 4.1.4; 8.16.2; 9.7. Probably, only Ep. 4.1.4 and 8.16.2 are direct borrowings

Montone, Francesco, ‘Sidonio Apollinare. Carmi 1 e 2. Praefatio e Panegirico per Antemio. Introduzione, traduzione, commento ed appendici’, PhD thesis, University of Naples, 2011-2012 [unpubl.].
| download | on this site: Contributions

Montone, Francesco, ‘Il barbaro che Roma non sconfisse. Il vandalo Genserico in una similitudine del poeta tardoantico Sidonio Apollinare’, Salternum 28-29 (2012) 67-77.
| Academia

Näf, Beat, ‘Se taire sur l’histoire’, in Guillaumont and Laurence 2012, 81-91.

Paschoud, François, ‘On a Recent Book by Alan Cameron, The Last Pagans of Rome‘, AnTard 20 (2012) 359-88.
| info: While advocating more nuanced positions throughout, Paschoud, on pp. 367-69, makes it plausible ‘that Flavianus had perhaps … translated Philostratus, or had sponsored such a translation, or played some role which it is impossible to specify in its genesis or its circulation’.

Ploton-Nicollet, François, ‘La topique de la “nourrice divine”: un motif récurrent dans la poésie d’éloge depuis Stace jusqu’à Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: N. Catellani-Dufrêne and M. Perrin (eds), La lyre et la pourpre. Poésie et politique de l’Antiquité tardive à la Renaissance, Rennes: Presses Universitaires, 2012, 33-57.
| Academia

Santelia, Stefania, Sidonio Apollinare. Carme 16, Eucharisticon ad Faustum episcopum. Introduzione, traduzione e commento, Cacucci Editore: Bari, 2012. With a preface by Joop van Waarden and an appendix by Emanuele Castelli, ‘L’invocazione allo Spiritus nel carme 16’.
| info: ‘Significativa testimonianza della perfetta fusione tra cultura classico-pagana e tradizione cristiana, il carme 16 propone al lettore la singolare “mescolanza” di preghiera/inno allo Spiritus e “panegirico”/agiografia di Fausto: un esempio, potremmo dire, dello “sperimentalismo” della poesia di Sidonio.’ (p. 56) | reviews by Francesco Montone in Atene e Roma 2013, fasc. 1-2, 219-21; Roberto Alciati in CR 64 (2014) 476-77; Helga Köhler in Gnomon 87 (2015) 124-27; Silvia Condorelli in BSL 45 (2015) 339-42.

Santos, Diego, El orden, la opinión y la lucha. La politica en la Galia desde la época romana hasta la merovingia, Buenos Aires: Biblos, 2012.

Squillante, Marisa, ‘La voce degli animali tra onomatopea e imitazione’, in: Paulo F. Alberto and David Paniagua (eds), Ways of Approaching Knowledge in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages – Schools and Scholarship, Studia Classica et Medievalia 8, Nordhausen: Bautz 2012, 144-57.
| info: Animal sounds in Sidonius, among others

Stoehr-Monjou, Annick, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire, ep. 5, 8: Constantin le Grand, nouveau Néron’, in: Guillaumont and Laurence 2012, 239-60.

Stueber, Till, ‘… ut ambigas ampliusne suae gentis an suae sectae teneat principatum. Überlegungen zur Kirchenpolitik des Westgotenkönings Eurich’, conference paper ‘Toletum III – Fokus Spätantike’, University of Hamburg, 2012.
| Academia

Wolff, Étienne, ‘La description par Sidoine de son voyage à Rome (Lettres I, 5)’, Itineraria 11 (2012) 1-11.

Wolff, Étienne, ‘Deux éloges de Narbonne aux IVe et Ve siècles, par Ausone et Sidoine Apollinaire’, Lucida Intervalla 41 (2012) 115-29.

Wolff, Étienne, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et l’histoire à travers sa correspondance’, in: Guillaumont and Laurence 2012, 43-54.

Allen, Pauline, and Bronwen Neil, Crisis Management in Late Antiquity (410-590 CE). A Survey of the Evidence from Episcopal Letters, Vigiliae Christianae Supplements 121, Leiden, 2013.

Barcellona, Rossana, ‘La “conversione” della cultura: una trasformazione tardoantica’, Chaos e Kosmos 14 (2013) 1-23.
| download

Barcellona, Rossana, ‘Il riverbero delle decretali nella normativa gallica tardoantica. Clero e sessualità’, in: Atti dell’Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana XIX, 2013, 177-220.
| Academia

Becker, Audrey, Les relations diplomatiques romano-barbares en Occident au Ve siècle: acteurs, fonctions, modalités, Collections de l’Université de Strasbourg. Études d’archéologie et d’histoire ancienne, Paris, 2013.

Börm, Henning, Westrom: Von Honorius bis Justinian, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2013; 2., erweiterte und aktualisierte Auflage 2018.
| review of 1st edn by Jeroen Wijnendaele

Bruzzone, Antonella, ‘Mito e politica nei Panegyrici di Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Diefenbach and Müller 2013, 355-78.
| open access | Academia

Canobbio, Alberto, ‘Una supplica tra serio e faceto: Marziale nel carme 13 di Sidonio Apollinare’, Lexis 31 (2013) 366-90.
| online

Castellanos, Santiago, En el final de Roma (ca. 455-480): La solución intelectual, Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2013.
| info: ‘Por lo que respecta a las fuentes históricas, Castellanos hace uso principalmente de Sidonio Apolinar, cuyo epistolario es una de las obras más interesantes y prolíficas del periodo […]’

Chapot-Blanquet, Maguy (ed.), Actes du colloque ‘Les royaumes barbares, de Rome à Tolède (Ve-VIIe siècle)’, Histoire et cultures en Languedoc, Lodève, 12 October 2013.
| online Occitanica | programme Academia

Condorelli, Silvia, ‘Gli epigrammi funerari di Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Guipponi-Gineste and Urlacher-Becht 2013, 261-82.

Consolino, Franca Ela, ‘Sidonio e le Silvae‘, in: Galand and Laigneau-Fontaine 2013, 213-36.
| info: A discussion of the legacy of Statius’ Silvae (or not) in Sidonius’ poetry, particularly in Carmen 9.

Dewar, Michael, Leisured Resistance. Villas, Literature and Politics in the Roman World, London, 2013.
| info: Especially ch. 5 ‘Romans, Gauls and Christians: Mine is No Barbarous Land’

Diefenbach, Steffen, and Gernot Michael Müller, Gallien in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter: Kulturgeschichte einer Region (Proceedings of the international conference at Augsburg, 16-19 September 2009), Millennium-Studien 43, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2013.
| catalogue, open access

Eigler, Ulrich, ‘Gallien als Literaturlandschaft. Zur Dezentralisierung und Differenzierung lateinischer Literatur im 5. und 6. Jh.’, in: Diefenbach and Müller 2013, 399-419.
| open access | info: A central role for the library in Ep. 2.9.4-5

Franceschelli, Carlotta, and Pier Luigi Dall’Aglio, ‘Des voies de terre aux voies d’eau: La transformation du voyage en Gaule cisalpine, entre l’Itinerarium Burdigaliense et le témoignage de Sidoine Apollinaire’, conference paper at Dessiner les lieux, cartographier le monde, MSH, Clermont-Ferrand, November 2013 [unpubl.].

Franzoi, Alessandro, ‘Mesure (et nature) de l’épigramme latine tardive dans les témoignages littéraires du IVe au VIe siècle’, in: Guipponi-Gineste and Urlacher-Becht 2013, 481-91.

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Les objets et les lieux: quelques réflexions sur les épigrammes de Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Guipponi-Gineste and Urlacher-Becht 2013, 243-60.

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Remarques sur la présence du mythe dans l’œuvre de Sidoine Apollinaire’, Lalies 33 (2013) 275-90.

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Tra retorica e politica: formazione, ricezione ed esemplarità dell’epistolario di Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Stéphane Gioanni and Paolo Cammarosano (eds), La corrispondenza epistolare in Italia. Forme, stili e funzioni della scrittura epistolare nelle cancellerie italiane (secoli V-XV) -2, Convegno di studio Roma, 20-21 giugno 2011, Collection de l’École française de Rome 475, Rome, 2013, 23-65.
| Academia

Galand, Perrine, and Sylvie Laigneau-Fontaine (eds), La silve. Histoire d’une écriture libérée en Europe, de l’Antiquité au XVIIIe siècle, Latinitates 5, Turnhout, 2013.
| review in Acta fabula 15 (2014).

Gerth, Matthias, Bildungsvorstellungen im 5. Jahrhundert n. Chr.: Macrobius, Martianus Capella und Sidonius Apollinaris, Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 111, Berlin, 2013.

Gibson, Roy, ‘Pliny and the Letters of Sidonius: From Constantius and Clarus to Firminus and Fuscus’, in: Bruce J. Gibson and Roger D. Rees (eds), Pliny in Late Antiquity, Arethusa 46 (2013) 333-55.

Goldlust, Benjamin, ‘Nature et culture dans l’écriture silvaine de la latinité tardive (Ausone, Symmaque, Sidoine Apollinaire)’, in: Galand and Laigneau-Fontaine 2013, 183-211.

Guillaumin, Jean-Yves, ‘Rappel de l’histoire et invitation à l’action dans les panégyriques de Sidoine Apollinaire’, Dialogues d’histoire ancienne, supplément 8 (2013) 93-107.
| summary | HAL Archives

Guipponi-Gineste, Marie-France, and Céline Urlacher-Becht (eds), La renaissance de l’épigramme dans la latinité tardive (Actes du colloque de Mulhouse 6-7 octobre 2011), Collections de l’Université de Strasbourg. Études d’archéologie et d’histoire ancienne, Paris: Éditions De Boccard, 2013.
| reviews: BSL 44 (2014) 760-65 (Alessia Cosenza); ALRiv 5 (2014) 149-76 (Angelo Luceri and Maria Nicole Iulietto; see Academia)

Hecquet-Noti, Nicole, ‘Le temple de Dieu ou la nature symbolisée: la dédicace de la cathédrale de Lyon par Sidoine Apollinaire (Epist. 2, 10)’, in: Florence Garambois and Daniel Vallat (eds), Le lierre et la statue. La nature et son espace littéraire dans l’épigramme gréco-latine tardive, Saint-Étienne, 2013, 217-31.

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘El poema In refectorio de Martín de Braga: ¿Un ready-made literario?’, Voces 23-24 (2012-2013) 75-92.
| Academia

Liebs, Detlef, ‘Magnus von Narbonne’, in: Matthias Armgardt et al., Liber amicorum Christoph Krampe zum 70. Geburtstag, Berlin, 2013, 239-49.

Manukyan, Eduard, ‘Сидоний Аполлинарий и проблема социальной идентификации клира на
рубеже Античности и Средневековья’ [Sidonius Apollinaris and the Issue of Social Identification of the Clergy Between Antiquity and the Middle Ages], Научный поиск (2013) no. 2, 51—54.

Mascoli, Patrizia, ‘Gli Apollinari: una famiglia dell’aristocrazia galloromana’, Classica et Christiana 8 (2013) 199-214.

Montone, Francesco, ‘Africa in the Roman Imagination. The Personification of the Goddess Africa in the Panegyric on Maiorianus by Sidonius Apollinaris (Carm. 5, 53-350)’, in: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature, University of St Andrews, 2013.
| online

Montone, Francesco, ‘I barbari contro l’impero. L’excursus sugli Unni nel Panegirico per l’imperatore Antemio di Sidonio Apollinare’, Salternum 30-31 (2013) 35-48.

Mora Lebrun, Francine, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et Benoît de Sainte-Maure: de la silve au dit?’, in: Galand and Laigneau-Fontaine 2013, 253-66.

Oppedisano, Fabrizio, L’impero d’occidente negli anni di Maioriano, Saggi di Storia Antica 36, Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2013.

Ouzoulias, Pierre, ‘La géographie de la villa dans les Gaules romaines: quelques observations’, in: Jean-Luc Fiches, Rosa Plana-Mallart, and Victor Revilla Calvo (eds), Paysages ruraux et territoires dans les cités de l’occident romain: Gallia et Hispania, Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2013, 253-68.
| Researchgate

Pietri, Luce, and Marc Heijmans (eds), Prosopographie chrétienne du Bas-Empire 4, la Gaule chrétienne (314-614), 2 vols: A-H, I-Z, Paris, 2013.
| download the introduction. The entry on Sidonius is by Françoise Prévot (see below)

Prévot, Françoise, ‘La construction de son image par Sidoine Apollinaire à travers la publication de sa correspondance’, in: Stéphane Benoist and Christine Hoët-Van Cauwenberghe (eds), La vie des autres: histoire, prosopographie, biographie dans l’Empire romain, Villeneuve d’Ascq [Lille], 2013, 231-48.
| catalogue | info: ‘Die Selbstdarstellung des Sidonius Apollinaris durch die Publikation seiner Korrespondenz ist das Thema Françoise Prévots […]. Auswahl und Komposition folgen laut Prévot nicht nur literarischen Aspekten, sondern seien bewusst darauf angelegt, ein zentrales Thema zu unterstreichen: Sidonius’ Rechtfertigung und Verteidigung ihm wichtiger Ideen.’ (From review of the volume by Andreas Klingenberg, Klio 97 (2015) 803-805)

Prévot, Françoise , ‘Gaius Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius 1’, in: PCBE 4, 1759-1800.

Riess, Frank, Narbonne and its Territory in Late Antiquity. From the Visigoths to the Arabs, Routledge: Farnham 2013.
| review | info: Chapter 3 discusses Sidonius’ Carmen 23

Rusnac, Natalia, ‘From Villa to Cloister. The Religious Transformation of the Book in Late Antique Gaul’, Viator 44 (2013) 1-24.

Tommasi, Chiara O., ‘Imperium sine fine after 410. The Attempt at an Impossible Accomplishment in Some Latin Poetical Sources’, in: Karla Pollmann and Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer (eds), Der Fall Roms und seine Wiederauferstehungen in Antike und Mittelalter, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013, 265-91.
| Academia

Torrance, Alexis, and Johannes Zachhuber (eds), Individuality in Late Antiquity, Ashgate Studies in Philosophy and Theology in Late Antiquity, Routledge: Farnham, 2013.
| catalogue

van Waarden, Johannes A., and Gavin Kelly (eds), New Approaches to Sidonius Apollinaris, with Indices on Helga Köhler, C. Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius: Briefe Buch I, LAHR 7, Leuven, 2013.
| see on this site Saxxi Publications | catalogue | reviews: BSL 43 (2013) 733-35 (by Alessia Cosenza), BMCR 2014.05.42 (by Paolo Mastandrea), H-Soz-u-Kult (Clio-online) 28.07.2014 (by Hendrik Hess), CR 65 (2015) 163-65 (by Michael Hanaghan), AC 85 (2016) 336-38 (by Marie Roux), and Вестник древней истории / Journal of Ancient History 79 (2018) 420-28 (by Eduard Manukyan)



van Waarden, Joop, ‘Sidonius in the 21st Century’, 3-19

Part 1: Cultural Diversity in Research

Amherdt, David, ‘Sidonius in Francophone Countries’, 23-36

Köhler, Helga, ‘Sidonius in German-Speaking Countries’, 37-46

Santelia, Stefania, ‘Sidonius in Italy’, 47-59

Part 2: The Carmina: Poetics and Intertextuality

Gerbrandy, Piet, ‘The Failure of Sidonius’ Poetry’, 63-76

Rijser, David, ‘The Poetics of Inclusion in Servius and Sidonius’, 77-92

Brolli, Tiziana, ‘Improvisation and Poetical Programme in Sidonius, Ep. 9.13′, 93-109

Condorelli, Silvia, ‘Writing Commentary on Sidonius’ Panegyrics’, 111-32

Stoehr-Monjou, Annick, ‘Sidonius and Horace: The Art of Memory’, 133-69

Kelly, Gavin, ‘Sidonius and Claudian’, 171-91

Part 3: The Epistulae: The Collection, Its Aims, and Its Language

Gibson, Roy, ‘Reading the Letters of Sidonius by the Book’, 195-219

Mathisen, Ralph, ‘Dating the Letters of Sidonius’, 221-48

Mratschek, Sigrid, ‘Creating Identity from the Past: The Construction of History in the Letters of Sidonius’, 249-71

Risselada, Rodie, ‘Applying Text Linguistics to the Letters of Sidonius’, 273-303


Köhler, Helga, Indices on C. Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius: Briefe Buch I (Heidelberg, 1995), including addenda et corrigenda, 305-51

Aranjo, Daniel, ‘Quatre poèmes modernes sur Sidoine Apollinaire, ses barbares, son époque (1931, 1994, 2004, 2005)’, 2014 (inedit.).
| on this site: Contributions

Arnold, Ellen F., ‘Fluid Identities: Poetry and the Navigation of Mixed Ethnicities in Late Antique Gaul’, Ecozona 5 (2014) 88-106.
| online | info: Discusses environmental imagination in Ausonius, Sidonius (Carm. 22) and Venantius Fortunatus

Becker, Audrey, ‘Les évêques et la diplomatie romano-barbare en Gaule au Ve siècle’, in: Michèle Gaillard (ed.), L’empreinte chrétienne en Gaule du IVe au IXe siècle, Turnhout: Brepols, 2014, 45-59.
| Academia

Becker, Audrey, ‘Ethnicité, identité ethnique. Quelques remarques pour l’Antiquité tardive’, Gerión 32 (2014) 289-305.
| Academia

Bedon, Robert, ‘Les glaces de la Loire et le séjour en Touraine d’un futur empereur romain dans l’œuvre d’un écrivain gaulois du Ve siècle de notre ère’, Mémoires de l’Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Touraine 27 (2014) 17-33.
| HAL Archives

Cain, Andrew, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris’, in Richard F. Thomas and Jan M. Ziolkowski (eds), The Virgil Encyclopedia, vol. 3, Malden, MA, 2014, 1174.

Colafrancesco, Pasqua, ‘Sidon. epist. 3, 12: note a margine’, Invigilata lucernis 35-36 (2013-2014) 71-76.

Cutino, Michele, ‘Le renouvellement métrique dans la production élégiaque latine chrétienne (IVe s.-moitié Ve s.)’, RET 3 (2013-2014) 141-55.

De Cicco, Pasqua, ‘L’historien Eusèbe de Nantes (?): nouvelles perspectives’, RET 3 (2013-2014) 211-42.
| info: On p. 220, a hypothesis of identifying the philosopher Eusebius (Sidon. Ep. 4.1.3) with the Greek historian Eusebius of Nantes (?): abstract online

Diesenberger, Maximilian, Yitzhak Hen and Marianne Pollheimer (eds), Sermo doctorum: Compilers, Preachers, and their Audiences in the Early Medieval West, Turnhout: Brepols, 2014.
| info: Sidonius on pp. 25–28, 30–31, 82, 86–87

Diliberto, Oliviero, ‘La Legge delle XII Tavole nel Basso Impero’, Koinonia 38 (2014) 235-47.
| Academia

Dinarès Cabrerizo, Oriol, ‘La onomástica como indicador de identidad en el bajo imperio romano. Una aproximación a las problemáticas analíticas’, Polis 26 (2014) 51-80.
| Academia

Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike, ‘Who Reads What? Intended Plurality of Addressees in the Epistolary Votive of Bishop Sidonius (Epist. 2,10)’, in: Jean-Claude Julhe (ed.), Pratiques latines de la dédicace: permanences et mutations, de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance, Paris: Garnier, 2014, 369-93.
| catalogue

Ferreiro, Alberto, The Visigoths in Gaul and Iberia (Update). A Supplemental Bibliography 2010-2012, MEMI 55, Leiden: Brill, 2014.
| catalogue | inifo: Sidonius on pp. 264-72

Filosini, Stefania, Sidonio Apollinare. Epitalamio per Ruricio ed Iberia. Edizione, traduzione e commento, Studi e testi tardoantichi 12, Turnhout: Brepols, 2014.
| catalogue | info: Text of the original PhD thesis, University Roma Tre 2008, available online here

Formisano, Marco, ‘Reading Décadence – Reception and the Subaltern Late Antiquity’, in Formisano and Fuhrer 2014, 7-16.
| Academia

Formisano, Marco, and Therese Fuhrer (eds), Décadence. ‘Decline and Fall’ or ‘Other Antiquity’?, part of The Library of the Other Antiquity, Bibliothek der klassichen Altertumswissenschaften, Neue Folge, 2. Reihe, vol. 140, Heidelberg: Winter, 2014.
| ToC | review by Lorenzo DiTommaso in SLA 1 (2017) 90-94

Fournier, Mauricette, and Annick Stoehr-Monjou, ‘Cartographie géo-littéraire et géo-historique de la mobilité aristocratique au Ve siècle d’après la correspondance de Sidoine Apollinaire: du voyage officiel au voyage épistolaire’, Belgeo 2 (2014).
| read

Franceschelli, Carlotta, and Pier Luigi Dall’Aglio, ‘Entre voies de terre et voies d’eau: l’évolution du voyage en Italie Padane, entre l’Itinerarium Burdigalense et le témoignage de Sidoine Apollinaire’, Belgeo 2 (2014).
| read

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Un nuovo manoscritto di Sidonio Apollinare: una prima ricognizione’, Res publica litterarum 37 (2014) 135-57.

Gaillard, Michèle (ed.), L’empreinte chrétienne en Gaule du IVe au IXe siècle, Turnhout: Brepols, 2014.
| catalogue

Gammarrota, Marialisa, ‘Personaggi femminili in Sidonio Apollinare’, laurea triennale University of Bari, 2013-2014 (unpubl.).
| Academia

Giulietti, Ilenia, ‘Sidonio Apollinare, difensore della Romanitas. Epistulae 5, 1-13: saggio di commento’, PhD thesis 2014, University of Macerata (unpubl.).
| on this site: Contributions

Goncalves, Vincent, ‘Otium et decus. Les contraintes du “devoir de loisir” dans les réseaux aristocratiques de l’Occident romain tardif (IVe-Ve s. ap. J.-C.)’, in: Ariane Bodin and Tiphaine Moreau (eds), Réseaux sociaux et contraintes dans l’Antiquité Tardive, RET suppl. 1, 2014, 137-56.
| online

Grzywaczewski, Józef, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris’ Pagan Vision of Ancient Roma Bellatrix in Christian Rome’, Studia theologica Varsaviensia 52 (2014) 179-94.
| online

Halsall, Guy, ‘Two Worlds Become One. A “Counter-Intuitive” View of the Roman Empire and “Germanic” Migrations’, German History 32 (2014) 515-32.
| Academia

Hanaghan, Michael P., ‘Intertextuality and Allusion in the Epistles of Sidonius Apollinaris’, PhD thesis, University of Sydney, 2014.
| limited access | info: Bishop, diplomat, letter-writer, poet and saint, Sidonius Apollinaris was an incredibly influential author in fifth-century Gaul. In Sidonius’ epistles literary allusions are employed to great and varying effect. This thesis examines Sidonius’ use of literary allusions in selected epistles, chosen to show the variety of their use.

Harich-Schwarzbauer, Henriette, ‘Die “Lust” der Poesie. “Décadence” in den spätantiken Epithalamien (Claudius Claudianus, c.m. 25, und Sidonius Apollinaris, cc. 10-11; 14-15)’, in: Formisano and Fuhrer 2014, 133-48.

Heil, Uta, ‘The Homoians in Gaul’, in: Guido M. Berndt and Roland Steinacher (eds), Arianism: Roman Heresy and Barbarian Creed, Farnham: Ashgate, 2014, 271-96.
| Academia

Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard, Gaëlle, ‘L’insertion du discours sur les monuments chrétiens dans la poésie de circonstance (IVe-VIe siècle)’, in: Aurélie Delattre and Adeline Lionetto (eds), La Muse de l’éphémère. Formes de la poésie de circonstance de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance, Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2014, 333-58.
| info: As exemplified in Paulinus of Nola, Sidonius Apollinaris, Ennodius of Pavia, and Venantius Fortunatus

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘Sidonio Apolinar y Alano de Lille: el revival tardoantiguo de la Escuela de Chartres en el contexto intelectual del siglo XII’, in: A. Musco (ed.), Coexistence and Cooperation in the Middle Ages, Palermo: University of Palermo, 2014, 685-96.

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘La polémica humanística sobre la presunta irrisio Ciceronis de Sidonio Apolinar. Historia de un malentendido’, in: L. Bertolini et al. (eds), Nel cantiere degli umanisti. Per Mariangela Regoliosi, Florence, 2014, 617-30.

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, El Humanismo que no fue. Sidonio Apolinar en el Renacimiento, Cultura umanistica e saperi moderni 2, Bologna: Pàtron, 2014.
| catalogue | reviews by Luciana Furbetta in Euphrosyne 43 (2015) 337-45; Ma. Concepción Fernández López in Exemplaria Classica 20 (2017).

Knox, Daniel K., ‘Post-Roman Gaul: An Epistolary Society’, MA thesis, Auckland, 2014 (unpubl.).
| abstract

Köhler, Helga, C. Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius. Die Briefe. Eingeleitet, übersetzt und erläutert, Bibliothek der Mittellateinischen Literatur 11, Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 2014.
| reviews by David Amherdt in MH 72 (2015) 250-51; Raphael Schwitter in CR 66 (2016) 293-94; Danuta Shanzer in ZAC 20 (2016) 203-209; Joop van Waarden in VC 70 (2016) 335-36

Laurens, Pierre, Histoire critique de la littérature latine. De Virgile à Huysmans, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2014.
| info: A history of literature and of reception in one. Chapters on Sidonius include ‘La Silve: Stace, Sidoine Apollinaire’ and ‘Épistoliers: Pline le Jeune, Fronton, Symmaque, Sidoine Apollinaire’

Lepeška, Jan, ‘Pozdně antický člověk v perspektivě latinsky píšících autorů. Gótové v pohledu Sidonia Apollinara a jeho (téměř) současníků’ [Late antique man in the perspective of Latin authors. The Goths in the view of Sidonius Apollinaris and his (almost) contemporaries], doctoral thesis, Charles University Prague, 2014 [unpubl.].
| repository

Litovchenko, Elena V., ‘The Cultural Space of Imperial Provinces as a Factor in Preserving Roman Identity in Late Antiquity’, Tractus Aevorum 1 (2014) 197-203.
| Academia

Литовченко, Елена В., ‘Письма Сидония как образцы эпистолярного жанра в позднеримской литературе’, Cursor mundi 6 (2014) 6-16 [Elena Litovchenko, ‘Sidonius’ Letters as Examples of the Epistolary Genre in Late-Roman Literature’, Cursor mundi, University of Ivanovo, 2014].
| info: The article is accompanied by translations of Sidonius’ letters 1.4 and 4.5

Luceri, Angelo, and Maria Nicole Iulietto, ‘Rinascita e metamorfosi di un genere: in merito a una recente raccolta di studi sull’epigramma tardoantico’, ALRiv 5 (2014) 149-76.
| Academia | info: Review article of M.-F. Guipponi-Gineste and C. Urlacher-Becht (eds), La renaissance de l’épigramme dans la latinité tardive, Paris, 2013.

Манукян, Эдуард М., ‘Переписка Сидония Аполлинария и Лупа Труаского’, Cursor mundi 6 (2014) 17-33 [Eduard M. Manukyan, ‘The Correspondence of Sidonius Apollinaris and Lupus of Troyes’, Cursor mundi, University of Ivanovo, 2014].
| Academia and Academia | info: The article is accompanied by translations of Sidonius’ letter 6.1 to Lupus and of Lupus’ fictitious letter to Sidonius to congratulate him on his ordination as bishop (Migne PL 58: 63D). For Lupus’ letter, cf. the Reception (France) page.

Манукян, Эдуард М., ‘К вопросу о выборе епископа в Галлии V века: критерии, мотивации, цели (на примере выборов в Бурже ок. 471 г.)’, Проблемы истории и культуры средневекового общества. Тезисы докладов XXXIII всероссийской конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых ‘Курбатовские чтения’, St-Petersburg, 2014 [Eduard M. Manukyan, ‘On the Issue of the Selection of a Bishop in Fifth-Century Gaul: Criteria, Motivation, Goals (Taking as an Example the Election in Bourges c. 471)’, in: Historical and Cultural Problems in Medieval Society. Papers of the 33rd All-Russian Conference of Students, Postgraduates, and Young Scholars, St-Petersburg, 2014].
| Academia

Манукян, Эдуард М., ‘Политик в мантии: Сидоний Аполлинарий. К вопросу о роли епископов в “битве за Клермон” (471-475 гг.)’, Классическая и византийская традиция. Материалы VIII международной научной конференции. Белгород, 2014, 132-137 [Eduard Manukyan, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris, the Politician in the Robe. On the Issue of the Bishops’ Role in the “Battle for Clermont” (471-475 AD)’, Classical and Byzantine Tradition. Materials of the 8th International Scholarly Conference, Belgorod, 2014, 132-37].
| Academia

Marinova, Elia, ‘Duties and Epistolarity: Semantic Transformations of officium in Latin Epistolography, IV-V c.’, LucInter 43 (2014) 99-117.
| Academia

Mascoli, Patrizia, ‘Multum est quod debemus et matribus: le donne della famiglia degli Apollinari’, C&C 9 (2014) 175-83.
| info: Also in Poignault and Stoehr-Monjou 2014, 33-39

Mascoli, Patrizia, ‘Sidon. epist. 4,12,1-2: la ruminatio, da forma di socializzazione ad intima riflessione sul sapere’, Invig. Luc. 35-36 (2013-2014) 137-45.

Mathisen, Ralph, ‘Natio, gens, provincialis and civis: Geographical Terminology and Personal Identity in Late Antiquity’, in: Geoffrey Greatrex and Hugh Elton (eds), Shifting Genres in Late Antiquity, Farnham: Ashgate, 2014, 277-86.

Montone, Francesco, ‘Memoria poetica e propaganda augustea. Per un commento di tre luoghi sidoniani sulla battaglia di Azio’, Parole Rubate 9 (2014) 3-25.
| Academia

Montone, Francesco, ‘I rapporti di Sidonio Apollinare con l’imperatore Maioriano, con i barbari foederati … e con Ovidio’, Salternum 18 (2014) 29-37.
| read

Montone, Francesco, ‘“Vergilian” Wolves in the Panegyric on Avitus by Sidonius Apollinaris (Carm. 7.361–368)’, Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (2013-2014) 287-300.

Montzamir, Patrice, ‘Confirmation de l’existence de l’épitaphe de Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Bertrand Dousteyssier and Philippe Bet (eds), Éclats arvernes: Fragments archéologiques (Ier-Ve siècle apr. J.-C.), Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2014, 46-47.
| catalogue | Academia

Nudda, Fabiana, ‘Sidonio Apollinare, prefazioni e postfazioni ai panegirici’, laurea magistrale thesis 29.04.2014, University of Sassari (unpubl.) .
| on this site: Contributions | fact sheet

Onorato, Marco, ‘Tigrifer Niphates: a proposito dell’anfibologia nei carmi di Sidonio Apollinare’, BSL 44 (2014) 70-82.
| Academia

Pelttari, Aaron, The Space that Remains: Reading Latin Poetry in Late Antiquity, Ithaca, 2014.
| review

Perrini, Gianluca, ‘Apollinare Sidonio, Panegirico dell’imperatore Giulio Valerio Maggioriano: Introduzione’, Hellenismo – Pyanepsion 2790, 28 (2014).
| online

Pietrini, Stefania, ‘Situazione della giustizia e diritto nella Gallia romana della seconda metà del V secolo: la testimonianza di Sidonio Apollinare: alcune osservazioni’, Koinonia 38 (2014) 205-33.
| Academia

Pisano, Carmine, ‘Gutture sulphureas lente exhalante mefites: anatomia simbolica e rappresentazioni latine del crapulone’, BSL 44 (2014) 557-65.
| info: On the image of the glutton in Persius and Sidonius. Riassunto: L’immagine del crapulone come una grande gola che esala “mefiti sulfuree” (Persio) ovvero un “odore mefitico” (Sidonio Apollinare) si serve dei sistemi di rappresentazione dell’anatomia simbolica, mettendo in valore la corrispondenza analogica tra vapori del sottosuolo ed eruttazioni, inferi e intestino. Abstract: The image of the glutton as a great gorge that exhales “sulphurous miasmas” (Persius) or a “mephitic smell” (Sidonius Apollinaris) uses the systems of representation of the symbolic anatomy, putting into value the analogical correspondence between subsoil exhalations and belching, hell and intestine.

Poignault, Rémy, and Annick Stoehr-Monjou (eds), Présence de Sidoine Apollinaire, Centre de Recherches A. Piganiol – Présence de l’Antiquité, coll. Caesarodunum 44-45 bis, Clermont-Ferrand, 2014.
| info: This volume originates in the international conference held on 19-20 October 2010 at the University ‘Blaise Pascal’ in Clermont-Ferrand | reviews: CR 66 (2016) 151-53 (Joop van Waarden); JRS 107 (2017) 466-68 (Michael Hanaghan)


Poignault, Rémy, ‘Avant propos: Sidoine Apollinaire ou l’entre-deux’, 7-16

Sidoine Apollinaire et son temps

Delaplace, Christine, ‘Le témoignage de Sidoine Apollinaire: une source historique toujours fiable? À propos de la “conquête de l’Auvergne” par les Wisigoths’, 19-32

Mascoli, Patrizia, ‘Multum est quod debemus et matribus: le donne della famiglia degli Apollinari’, 33-39

Viellard, Delphine, ‘La fonction de l’évêque dans la Gaule du Ve siècle d’après la correspondance de Sidoine Apollinaire’, 31-54

Faure, Éric, and Natacha Jacquemard, ‘L’émergence du paludisme en Gaule: analyse comparée des écrits de Sidoine Apollinaire et de Grégoire de Tours’, 55-70

Histoire, poétique et politique: les Panégyriques

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Il Panegirico di Avito: note di metodo e nuovi risultati’, 73-88

Stoehr-Monjou, Annick, ‘Traditions littéraires et renouvellement de la figure de Fabricius chez Sidoine Apollinaire: construire l’image d’Avitus ambassadeur et consul pauper (carm. 7)’, 89-110

Jolivet, Jean-Christophe, ‘Avitus et les barbares: nouvel Énée, Éole, roi des oiseaux: quelques remarques sur l’intertexte virgilien dans le carmen 7′, 111-28

Brolli, Tiziana, ‘I Franchi Salii al Vicus Helena (Sidon. Carm. 5. 211-254)’, 129-45

Consolino, Franca Ela, ‘Fra intertestualità e iconografia: le rappresentazioni della Dea Roma nei panegirici di Sidonio Apollinare’, 147-75

Delattre, Aurélie, ‘Genséric et les Vandales: sources et méthodes de construction d’une image dans les Panégyriques de Sidoine Apollinaire’, 177-92


Longobardi, Concetta, ‘Il memoratus, la dimensione scritta del ricordo’, 195-203

Mathisen, Ralph, ‘La création et l’utilisation de “dossiers” dans les lettres de Sidoine Apollinaire’, 205-14

Squillante, Marisa, ‘Giochi d’acqua tra invenzione e citazione’, 215-25

Condorelli, Silvia, ‘Du parasite de la comédie à l’impudicus de Sidoine (epist. 3, 13, 1-4)’, 227-43

Guipponi-Gineste, Marie-France, ‘Poème-bijou et objet précieux: la merveille entre esthétique, épidictique et politique dans la correspondance de Sidoine Apollinaire (Epist., IV, 8)’, 245-57

Fry, Carole, ‘Apollinaris modus: Sidoine Apollinaire rythmicien’, 259-80


Taisne, Anne-Marie, ‘Présence de Stace dans les Carmina de Sidoine Apollinaire’, 283-93

Wolff, Étienne, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire lecteur de Martial’, 295-303

Bruzzone, Antonella, ‘Ovidio (e altri) in Sidonio Apollinare, carme 6’, 305-32

Santelia, Stefania, ‘L’aristocratie gallo-romaine s’auto-célèbre: l’épithalame pour Ruricius et Hiberia (Sidoine Apollinaire, carm. 11)’, 333-48

Filosini, Stefania, ‘Ovidio nell’Epitalamio per Ruricio ed Iberia (Sidon. carm. 11)’, 349-76

Culture antique et chrétienne

Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard, Gaëlle, ‘Les descriptions et évocations d’édifices religieux chrétiens dans l’œuvre de Sidoine Apollinaire’, 379-406

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘El carmen 16 de Sidonio Apolinar. Muerte y resurreccion de la poesia’, 407-20

Amherdt, David, ‘Le carmen 16 de Sidoine Apollinaire. L’Esprit Saint et les Muses, la Bible et Juvénal, Lérins et les Syrtes brûlantes’, 421-32

Brocca, Nicoletta, ‘Les Rois Mages, Ambroise de Milan et Chromace d’Aquilée: quelques remarques à propos de la culture chrétienne de Sidoine Apollinaire’, 433-47

Sidoine Apollinaire au miroir des autres

Hecquet-Noti, Nicole, ‘Avit de Vienne face à l’esthétique de Sidoine Apollinaire: l’embarrassant héritage littéraire d’un oncle admiré’, 451-63

Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard, Gaëlle, ‘La description du castellum de Nizier dans le carmen 3, 12 de Venance Fortunat: une retractatio de la description du burgus de Pontius Leontius de Sidoine Apollinaire (carm. 22)’, 465-85.

Gioanni, Stéphane, ‘La Correspondance de Sidoine Apollinaire dans les  florilèges médiévaux: l’exemple du Florilegium Angelicum (milieu du XIIe siècle)’, 487-500

Charlet, Jean-Louis, ‘Gianbattista Pio éditeur de Sidoine Apollinaire et juge de son style’, 501-12

Baudoin, Sébastien, ‘Présence-absence de Sidoine Apollinaire dans l’œuvre de Chateaubriand’, 513-24

de Palacio, Marie-France, ‘Mechanemata fin-de-siècle: Sidoine Apollinaire et la “décadence”‘, 525-35

Aranjo, Daniel, ‘Quatre poèmes modernes sur Sidoine Apollinaire, ses barbares, son époque (1931, 1994, 2004, 2005)’, 537-45

Raga, Emmanuelle, ‘L’influence chrétienne sur le modèle alimentaire classique. La question de l’alternance entre banquets, nutrition et jeûne’, in: Michèle Gaillard (ed.), L’empreinte chrétienne en Gaule du IVe au IXe siècle, Turnhout: Brepols, 2014, 61-87.
| Academia for this and related articles

Reynaud, Jean-François, ‘Les lieux de culte et la renaissance burgonde à Lyon et à Vienne, textes et données archéologiques’, HAM 20 (2014) 170–82.

Roux, Marie, ‘Les ralliements d’aristocrates à des usurpateurs dans la Gaule du Ve siècle, des choix politiques contraignants pour leurs descendants?’, in: Bodin and Moreau 2014 [see Goncalves above], 83-100.
| online

Schwitter, Raphael, ‘Briefe, Bildung, und Identitäten im merowingischen Gallien. Zum Briefcorpus des Desiderius von Cahors’, JbAC 56/57 (2013/2014, published 2016) 86-100.

Sirks, Boudewijn, ‘Rome and the “barbarians” in late antique Gaul’, in: Stefano Giglio (ed.), Atti dell’Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana 20: Roma e barbari nella tarda antichità, Rome: Aracne, 2014, 197–208.

Sogno, Cristiana, ‘The Ghost of Cicero’s Letters: Epistolography and Historiography in Senatorial Letter-Writing’, JLA 7 (2014) 201-22.
| info: ‘Even though Cicero is often invoked as the unachievable example, his letters became the model against which later letter- writers redefined the boundaries of the genre and of their own epistolary project. In so doing, they were able to offer new epistolary models to future generations of letter-writers.’ On Sidonius in particular, pp. 216-19: ‘Pliny’s influence on the letter collection of Sidonius can be seen as a measure of the success of Pliny’s strategy for replacing the Ciceronian letter collection as a model’.

Squillante, Marisa, ‘… tanta curiositate discusserat atque intellexerat, ut … paratum haberet competens sine aliqua dilatione responsum: l’uomo di cultura tra V e VI sec.’, in: A. De Vivo and R. Perrelli (eds), Il miglior fabbro. Studi offerti a Giovanni Polara, Amsterdam: Hakkert, 2014, 273-86.
| Academia

Stein, Christian, ‘Épigraphie funéraire et culture classique: les évêques de Gaule méridionale entre deux mondes (IVe-VIe s.)’, in: Nicolas Bock et al. (eds), L’Évêque, l’image et la mort: identité et mémoire au Moyen Age, Rome: Viella, 2014, 347-62.

Styka, Jerzy, ‘Claudianus Mamertus in the Eyes of Sidonius Apollinaris’, Classica Cracoviensia 17 (2014) 189-201.
| online

Tizzoni, Mark L., ‘Dracontius and the Wider World: Cultural and Intellectual Interconnectedness in Late Fifth-Century Vandal North Africa’, Networks and Neighbours 2 (2014) 96-117.
| Academia | info: ‘… this analysis centres upon literary parallels (loci similes) between the works of Dracontius and those of Sidonius Apollinaris and Avitus of Vienne’

Tommasi Moreschini, Chiara O., ‘L’utilisation du passé pour célébrer le présent: Esquisses d’histoire romaine chez Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Aurélie Delattre and Adeline Lionetto (eds), La Muse de l’éphémère. Formes de la poésie de circonstance de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance, Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2014, 185-202.
| Academia

Visser, Jelle, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris, Ep. II.2: The Man and His Villa’, JLARC 8 (2014) 26-45.
| download

Williams, Joe, ‘Letter Writing, Materiality, and Gifts in Late Antiquity: Some Perspectives on Material Culture’, JLA 7 (2014) 351-59.

Wolff, Étienne, ‘Quelques jalons dans l’histoire de la réception de Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Formisano and Fuhrer, Décadence [see above], 249-62.

Wolff, Étienne, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et la poésie épigraphique’, in: Antonio Pistellato (ed.), Memoria poetica e poesia della memoria. La versificazione epigrafica dall’antichità all’umanesimo, Venice: Edizioni Ca’Foscari, 2014, 207-18.
| download (entire volume here) | info: On page 213, Wolff puts forward a different interpretation of sese … reflectit in line 23 of the dedicatory poem of Patiens’ new church in Lyon (Carm. 27 in Ep. 2.10.4): travellers turn towards the church in admiration. The sounds produced are their pious cries of admiration.

Zakharova, Ekaterina A., ‘РОЛЬ ГРЕЧЕСКИХ  СЛОВ  В  ТЕКСТЕ  ПИСЕМ СИДОНИЯ АПОЛЛИНАРИЯ’ [‘The Role of Greek Words in the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris’], Philologia Classica 9 (2014) 248-61.
| online

Ziche, Hartmut G., ‘Late Roman Elites and the Attraction of Ecclesiastical Power’, in: Vladimir Iliescu, Decebal Nedu and Andreea-Raluca Barboş (eds), Graecia, Roma, Barbaricum. In memoriam Vasile Lica, Galaţi, 2014, 351-67.
| Academia | info: An illustration of how different from Gaul the situation was in the rest of the Empire

Allen, Pauline, ‘Rationales for Episcopal Letter-Collections in Late Antiquity’, in: Bronwen Neil and Pauline Allen (eds), Collecting Early Christian Letters. From the Apostle Paul to Late Antiquity, Cambridge, 2015, 18-34.

Allen, Pauline, ‘Christian Correspondences: The Secrets of Letter-Writers and Letter-Bearers’, in: Han Baltussen and Peter J. Davis (eds), The Art of Veiled Speech. Self-Censorship from Aristophanes to Hobbes, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015, 209-32.

Arweiler, Alexander, ‘L’invenzione dell’autore nell’arte dopo l’arte – Il caso di Sidonio Apollinare’, lecture as a visiting professor at Università Roma Tre, 23/04/2015 [unpubl.].

Babic, Marek, ‘Pôžitky vidieckej vily v neskororímskej Galii. Sidonius Apollinaris, Ep. 2.2’ [Pleasures of a Rural Villa in Later Roman Gaul. Sidonius Apollinaris, Ep. 2.2], Kultúrne dejiny / Cultural History 6 (2015) 87-99.
| download | ResearchGate

Barcellona, Rossana, ‘Da Apollo a Cristo. L’invocazione proemiale nel carme XVI di Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Concetta Giuffrè Scibona and Attilio Mastrocinque (eds), Ex Pluribus Unum. Studi in onore di Giulia Sfameni Gasparro, Rome: Edizioni Quasar, 2015, 279-90.

Brown, Peter, The Ransom of the Soul: Afterlife and Wealth in Early Western Christianity, Cambridge Mass.: Harvard UP, 2015.
| info: Pp. 115-48, chapter 4 ‘Penance and the Other World in Gaul’

Celenza, Christopher S., ‘Petrus Crinitus and Ancient Latin Poetry’, in Alison Frazier and Patrick Nold (eds), Essays in Renaissance Thought and Letters: In Honor of John Monfasani, Leiden: Brill, 2015, 36-52.
| Academia | info: Crinitus’ (and Sicco Polenton’s) work on Sidonius on pp. 39, 40, 46-52, studying and annotating the Florence MS Plut. 90 sup. 8, among other things

Condorelli, Silvia, ‘L’inizio della fine: l’epistola IX 1 di Sidonio Apollinare tra amicitia ed istanze estetico-letterarie’, BSL 45 (2015) 489-511.

Consolino, Franca Ela, ‘Le mot et les choses: epigramma chez Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Paola Francesca Moretti et al. (eds), Culture and Literature in Latin Late Antiquity. Continuities and Discontinuities, STTA 13, Turnhout: Brepols, 2015, 69-98.
| ToC

Coutinho Figuinha, Matheus, ‘Monges sob o manto de generais: aristocracia imperial galo-romana e monasticismo nas obras de Sidônio Apolinário’, Classica 28 (2015) 47-64.
| internet

Черных А.И., Письма Сидония Аполлинария в собрании Музея книги Российской государственной библиотеки // Вестник РГГУ. Серия “История. Филология. Культурология. Востоковедение”. – 2015. – № 9. – С. 44-52. [Alexandr I. Chernӯkh, ‘The Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris in the Collection of the Book Museum of the Russian State Library’, Herald Russian State University for the Humanities 9 (2015) 44-52].
| Academia

Delaplace, Christine, La fin de l’Empire romain d’Occident. Rome et les Wisigoths de 382 à 531, Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2015.
| catalogue | review by Michael Kulikowski in TMR

Denecker, Tim, ‘Language Attitudes and Social Connotations in Jerome and Sidonius Apollinaris’, VChr 69 (2015) 393-421.

Desbrosses, Lucie, ‘L’Ancien Monde chez Sidoine: prégnance et signification du modèle païen’, in: Stéphane Ratti (ed.), Une antiquité tardive noire ou heureuse?, Colloque international de Besançon, 12 et 13 novembre 2014, Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté: Besançon, 2015, 209-26.

Dumézil, Bruno, ‘Des évêques locaux aux saints civiques en Gaule’, in: Jean-Pierre Caillet et al. (eds), Des dieux civiques aux saints patrons (IVe-VIIe siècle), Paris: Picard, 2015, 185-97.

Fages, Brieuc, ‘Le devenir des “uillae” aristocratiques aquitaines de la fin du 4e s. au 6e s. à travers l’exemple de Séviac (Montréal-du-Gers, Gers)’, in: AA.VV., ‘Uillae’ and domain at the end of Antiquity and the beginning of Middle Age: how do rural societies respond to their changing times?, Pau, 2015, 141-60.
| info: La « uilla » de Séviac, révélée par les fouilles archéologiques, illustre les transformations socioculturelles de la fin de l’Antiquité en Aquitaine, en contradiction avec les témoignages de Sidoine Apollinaire (Carmen 22 et 23, 497-506 ; Epistulae 2, 9, 8)

Fournier, Mauricette, and Annick Stoehr-Monjou, ‘Représentation idéologique de l’espace dans la lettre I, 5 de Sidoine Apollinaire: cartographie géo-littéraire d’un voyage de Lyon à Rome’, in: Patrick Voisin and Marielle de Béchillon (eds), L’espace dans l’Antiquité, collection Kubaba, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2015, 267-85.
| info: The version on HALSHS Archives and Academia is preliminary and uncorrected, hence should be used with care.

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘La lettre de recommandation en Gaule (Ve-VIIe siècles) entre tradition littéraire et innovation’, in: Agnès Bérenger and Olivier Dard (eds), Gouverner par les lettres, de l’Antiquité à l’époque contemporaine, CRULH 54, Metz, 2015, 347-68.
| Academia

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Empereurs, rois et délateurs: Esquisse d’étude sur la représentation du pouvoir et de ses dégénérescences dans l’œuvre de Sidoine Apollinaire’, RET 4 (2014-15) 123-54.
| journal | Academia

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Sidonio Apollinare nei Libri Historiarum di Gregorio di Tours: qualche riflessione’, MEFRM 127-2, 2015.
| online

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Cronaca: Sidonius Apollinaris, his Words, and his World. An International Conference, sponsored by the Leverhulme Trust and the British Academy – University of Edinburgh, 20-23 November 2014’, BSL 45 (2015) 277-85.

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘L’epitaffio di Sidonio Apollinare in un nuovo testimone manoscritto’, Euphrosyne NS 43 (2015) 243-54.
| Academia

Giannotti, Filomena, ‘Uomini e scrittori tardoantichi nel Romanzo dell’Impero Romano di Giulio Castelli’, Annali di studi umanistici 3 (2015) 9-28.

Heather, Peter J., ‘East and West in the Fifth Century’, in: Roberto and Mecella 2015.
| OpenEdition

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, Sidonio Apolinar. Poemas: Edición bilingüe: introducción, traducción y notas, col. Letras Universales, Madrid: Cátedra, 2015.
| catalogue

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘Paisajes de Papel. Sidonio Apolinar y la textualización de la experiencia en la literatura tardoantigua’, in: J. De la Villa and J. Siles (eds), Ianua Classicorum. Temas y formas del Mundo Clásico, Madrid: SEEC, 2015, vol. 2, 465-72.

Jolivet, Jean-Christophe, ‘Aurore et Rome: topothésie ovidienne et chorographie virgilienne dans le Panégyrique d’Anthémius de Sidoine Apollinaire (Carmen II)’, in: Séverinne Clément-Tarantino and Florence Klein (eds), La représentation du “couple” Virgile-Ovide dans la tradition culturelle de l’Antiquité à nos jours, coll. ‘Cahiers de philologie’, Lille – Villeneuve-d’Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2015, 155-76.
| catalogue

Kaufmann, Helen, ‘Papinius noster: Statius in Roman Late Antiquity’, in: William J. Dominik et al. (eds), Brill’s Companion to Statius, Leiden: Brill, 2015, 481-96.

Lamendola, Francesco, ‘Il viaggio a Roma di Sidonio Apollinare: un prezioso spaccato dell’Impero morente’, Quaderni culturali delle Venezie / Nuova Italia, 21.11.2015 (online 20.12.2017).
| online

Litovchenko, Elena, ‘The features of patron-client relations in Late Antiquity (based on the letters of Sidonius)’, Εἰρεσιώνη. The Ancient World and Its Heritage, vol. 4: Proceedings at Professor N. Bolgov’s Jubilee, Belgorod (2015) 158-64.
| Academia

Манукян, Эдуард М., ‘Episcopus bonus: эпистолярная репрезентация образа у Сидония Аполлинария’, Научные ведомости 34 (2015) 58-64 [Eduard M. Manukyan, ‘Episcopus bonus: Epistolary Representation of Image at Sidonius Apollinaris’].
| Academia

Mascoli, Patrizia, ‘Come estorcere un elogio: una schermaglia epistolare tra Claudiano Mamerto e Sidonio Apollinare’, VetChr 52 (2015) 231-40.

Montone, Francesco, ‘L’ultimo arbitro dei destini dell’impero romano d’Occidente. Il barbaro Ricimero nel panegirico ad Antemio di Sidonio Apollinare’, Salternum 34-35 (2015) 89-103.
| Academia

Moreno Resano, Esteban, ‘Las ejecuciones de Crispo, Licinio el Joven y Fausta (año 326 d.C.): nuevas observaciones’, Dialogues d’histoire ancienne 41 (2015) 177-200.
| abstract | info: Refers, among other things, to Sidon. Ep. 5.8.2 and to Annick Stoehr-Monjou’s article ‘Sidoine Apollinaire, ep. 5.8: Constantin le Grand, nouveau Néron’ (2012)

Pietri, Luce, ‘Quand et comment Martin de Tours est-il devenu le saint patron par excellence de la Gaule?’, in: Jean-Pierre Caillet et al. (eds), Des dieux civiques aux saints patrons (IVe-VIIe siècle), Paris: Picard, 2015, 353-64.

Pietrini, Stefania, ‘Il processo di Arvando. Il racconto di Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Gisella Bassanelli (ed.), Ravenna capitale. Giudizi, giudici e norme processuali in Occidente nei secoli IV-VIII, vol. 1 Saggi, Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli Editore, 2015, 301-21.
| Academia

Pinkster, Harm, The Oxford Latin Syntax, vol. 1 The Simple Clause, Oxford, 2015.

Rexin, Gerhard, ‘Zur Geschichte einiger lateinischer Palindrome’, MLatJb 50 (2015) 39-58.
| info: Zwar sind aus der Antike (neben hiermit vergleichbaren magischen Quadraten) nur zwei lateinische Palindrome bekannt: Roma tibi subito motibus ibit amor, Sid., Ep. 8, 11, 5, und der römische Graffito Roma summus amor aus dem 3./4. Jh., veröffentlicht von P. Castrén bei F. Magi (APh 44, S. 63), doch tritt schon im Archetyp der Überlieferung von Sidonius’ Briefen ein weiteres, einhellig überliefertes Palindrom auf: Sole medere pede, ede perede melos; und eine der ältesten erhaltenen Handschriften seiner Werke aus dem 10./11. Jh. fügt noch ein weiteres hinzu: Si bene te tua laus taxat sua laute tenebis. Einen festen Terminus für das Palindrom gab es im Lateinischen nicht. Sidonius benutzt dafür recurrentes; spätere Autoren verwenden andere Begriffe.

Roberto, Umberto, ‘Politica, tradizione e strategie familiari: Antemio e l’ultima difesa dell’unità dell’impero (467-472)’, in: Roberto and Mecella 2015.
| OpenEdition

Roberto, Umberto, and Laura Mecella (eds), Governare e riformare l’impero al momento della sua divisione: Oriente, Occidente, Illirico, Rome: École française de Rome, 2015.
| OpenEdition

Roux, Marie, ‘“Champs d’expérience” et “horizons d’attente” des aristocrates gallo-romains lors de l’apparition des premiers royaumes romano-barbares’, congress paper in: Transitions historiques, Nanterre, June 2015, 185-94.
| See HAL Archives

Santelia, Stefania, ‘Laus est ardua dura sustinere: riprese e originalità nell’elogio sidoniano di Narbona (carm. 23, 37-96)’, in: Lucio Cristante and Tommaso Mazzoli (eds), Il calamo della memoria. Riuso di testi e mestiere letterario nella Tarda Antichità 6 (Collection of papers given at the 6th International Conference at Triest, 25-27 September 2014), Triest: Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015, 189-204.
| All papers online

Schmitzer, Ulrich, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris – unfruchtbare Muse oder Erneuerung der Poesie im Zeichen des Mythos?’, in: Hartmut Leppin (ed.), Antike Mythologie in christlichen Kontexten der Spätantike, Berlin, 2015, 71-92.
| open access

Schwitter, Raphael, Umbrosa lux. Obscuritas in der lateinischen Epistolographie der Spätantike, Hermes Einzelschrifte 107, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2015.
| catalogue

Settipani, Christian, ‘La parenté implicite ou explicite dans les recueils épistolaires gallo-romains’, in: Agnès Bérenger and Olivier Dard (eds), Gouverner par les lettres, de l’Antiquité à l’époque contemporaine, CRULH 54, Metz, 2015, 313-46.
| info: L’expression de la parenté entre les membres de l’aristocratie dans l’épistolaire met en lumière un système au service du pouvoir. L’étude des termes employés révèle une grande variété (parentes, filius, pater, etc.) avec toutefois une certaine imprécision. L’analyse de ces mentions dans la correspondance de Sidoine Apollinaire, Ruricius, Avit de Vienne et Ennode permet de rendre compte de la façon dont ces liens sont signalés au public (parenté soulignée, affichée ou omise).

Squillante Saccone, Marisa, ‘La retorica tardoantica tra ars e disciplina’, in: Lucio Cristante and Tommaso Mazzoli (eds), Il calamo della memoria 6, Triest, 2015, 35-49.

Stein, Christian, ‘Épigraphie et mise en scène de la domination sociale dans la Gaule méridionale tardive (IVe-VIe s.): A propos de la tombe du grand-père de Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Sandrine Agusta-Boularot and Emmanuelle Rosso (eds), Signa et tituli: Monuments et espaces de représentation en Gaule Méridionale sous le regard croisé de la sculpture et de l’épigraphie. Mélanges Michel Janon, Paris: Errance, 2015, 191-205.
| info: Les inscriptions gauloises mentionnant les élites au 4e s. sont peu nombreuses […]. En revanche, aux 5e et 6e s., leur nombre augmente considérablement et permet de cerner les grandes familles occupant la Gaule méridionale à cette période. Le cas de la famille de Sidoine Apollinaire est étudié (Lettres 3, 12)

Stephenson, John, ‘Late Roman villas and a culture of spectacle’, NAC 44 (2015) 251-74.

Styka, Jerzy, ‘Late Ancient Collegia Poetarum According to Sidonius Apollinaris’, Classica Cracoviensia 18 (2015) 377-90.

Szopa, Adrian, ‘Wódz doskonały w świetle łacińskich panegiryków późnoantycznych’, VoxP 35 (2015) 307-29 [‘The perfect chief in the light of late Latin panegyrics’].

Tommasi, Chiara O., ‘Teo-teleologia in Sidonio Apollinare: tra modulo encomiastico e provvidenzialità dell’impero’, in: Fabio Gasti and Michele Cutino (eds), Poesia e teologia nella produzione latina dei secoli IV-V, Pavia: Pavia University Press, 2015, 73-105.
| Academia

van Waarden, Joop, ‘Elogio dell’ambivalenza: le lettere ascetiche di Sidonio Apollinare tra abbandono e abbraccio del mondo’, paper in honour of Prof. Salvatore Pricoco (Catania, 13 April 2015).
| Academia

van der Wallen, Stefanie, ‘”Different voices?” Familieleven in de correspondentie van Sidonius Apollinaris (431-483)’, Eindverhandeling UA-LW (MA thesis), University of Antwerp, 2015.

Westenholz, Willum, ‘Sidonius as an auctor in the Middle Ages’, Classica et Mediaevalia 66 (2015) 243-83.
| open access online

Wilkinson, Ryan H., ‘The Last Horizons of Roman Gaul: Communication, Community, and Power at the End of Antiquity’, PhD thesis, Harvard University, 2015.
| ProQuest

Wolff, Étienne, ‘Martial dans l’Antiquité tardive (IVe-VIe siècles)’, in: Il calamo della memoria 6, Triest, 2015, 81-100.
| All papers online

Wolff, Étienne, ‘La lettre VIII, 11 de Sidoine Apollinaire sur le rhéteur Lampridius’, in: Aline Canellis et al. (eds), Caritatis scripta: Mélanges de littérature et de patristique offerts à Patrick Laurence, Collection des Études augustiniennes – Série Antiquité 199, Turnhout, 2015, 191-97.

Wolff, Étienne, ‘The Image of Augustus in the Work of Sidonius Apollinaris’, Acta Antiqua 55 (2015) 469-75.

Zakharova, Ekaterina A., ‘Юмор в письмах Аполлинария Сидония’ [‘Humor in the Letters of G. Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius’], Philologia Classica 10 (2015) 235-44.
| online

Zugravu, Nelu, ‘“Nu-ţi voi da exemple creştine, ci exemple păgâne”. Eroi şi personaje istorice greco-romane în scrieri creştine’, Istorie 61 (2015) 31-61.
| ResearchGate | info: Exempla in Sidonius on pp. 43-47

Adams, James N., and Nigel Vincent (eds), Early and Late Latin: Continuity or Change?, Cambridge: CUP, 2016.
| catalogue

Andrades Rivas, Eduardo, ‘El significado histórico-jurídico de las leyes Teodoricianas’, Revista de estudios histórico-jurídicos 38 (2016) 47-75.
| download

Arweiler, Alexander, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris und die Kunst nach der Kunst’, lecture at the Institut für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie der Freien Universität Berlin, 19/01/2016 [unpubl.].

Babic, Marek, ‘Vidiecke vily v listoch rímskych aristokratov’ / ‘Rural Villas in the Letters of Roman Aristocrats’, Studia Historica Nitriensia 20 (2016) 40-46.
| SHN | info: The article deals with literary descriptions of particular rural Roman villas in the letters of Seneca, Plinius Secundus, and Sidonius Apollinaris

Bailey, Lisa K., The Religious Worlds of the Laity in Late Antique Gaul, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.
| catalogue

Barcellona, Rossana, ‘Il senso dell’identità in epoche di transito: Salviano di Marsiglia, Sidonio Apollinare, Gregorio di Tours’, in: Juana Torres and Silvia Acerbi (eds), La religión como factor de identidad, Madrid, 2016, 109-24. Also in: Carlo Lorenzi and Maria Luisa Navarra (eds), Atti dell’Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana 21: Frontiere della romanità nel mondo tardo antico. Appartenenza, continuità, alterità trasformazione e prassi, Naples: Editrice Scientifica Italiana, 2016.

Barnaby, Paul, ‘Sidonius in Clubland: John Buchan’s “The Wind in the Portico”’, on ‘Sidonius in Antiquity and Modernity’ blog, 10 June 2016.
| blogpost | see also article 2017

Bayard, Adrien, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Bruno Dumézil (ed.), Les barbares, Paris: PUF, 2016, 1235-38.

Bedon, Robert, ‘Le séjour et les actions d’un futur empereur romain au bord de la Loire prise par les glaces (Sidoine Apollinaire, Carmina V, 206-211’, RIPARIA 2 (2016) 93-113.
| online

Bedon, Robert, ‘L’accès des femmes aux livres et aux bibliothèques familiales en Gaule romaine’, La Revue de la BNU 14 (2016) 26-35.
| OpenEdition

Berger, Jean, ‘Droit, société et parenté en Auvergne médiévale (VIe-XIVe siècles): Les écritures de la basilique Saint-Julien de Brioude’, PhD thesis Lyon III, 2016 (inedit.)
| info: Volume 1, chapter 2 ‘L’église brivadoise et la chose publique: Une longue Antiquité Tardive’ discusses the times of Avitus and Mamertus

Boshoff, Lynton, ‘Looking Eastwards: The Regina Orientis in Sidonius Apollinaris’ Carmen 2’, in: Nicholas S.M. Matheou et al. (eds), From Constantinople to the Frontier: The City and the Cities, Leiden: Brill, 2016, 13-24.
| Google

Briquel, Dominique, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Bruno Poulle (ed.), L’Etrusca disciplina au Ve siècle apr. J.-C. Actes de colloque de Besançon, 23-24 mai 2013, La divination dans le monde étrusco-italique 10, Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2016, 175-84.
| HAL Archives

Chauvot, Alain, Les ‘barbares’ des Romains: représentations et confrontations, ed. by Audrey Becker and H. Huntzinger, Centre de Recherche Universitaire Lorrain d’Histoire, Université de Lorraine 59, Metz, 2016.

Corsi, Cristina, ‘Institutional hospitality and occasional hosting in Christian society between the fourth and sixth centuries: From individual initiative to assistance as mission’, HospitAm Project, 2 Sept. 2016.
| blogpost

Dion, Jeanne, ‘Aratos, Virgile, Sidoine Apollinaire: la réécriture et ses enjeux’, in: Jackie Pigeaud (ed.), Virgiliennes: Hommages à Philippe Heuzé, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2016, 227-53.
| catalogue

Eickhoff, Franziska C. (ed.), Muße und Rekursivität in der antiken Briefliteratur, mit einem Ausblick in andere Gattungen, Otium: Studien zur Theorie und Kulturgeschichte der Muße 1, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016.
| catalogue

Fascione, Sara, ‘Seronato, Catilina e la moritura libertas della Gallia’, Koinonia 40 (2016) 453-62.
| Academia

Ferrari, Carlo, ‘Tra le steppe e le Gallie: la descrizione degli Unni di Sidonio Apollinare (carm. II, Panegirico di Antemio, 243-269)’, Studi classici e orientali 62 (2016) 315-44.
| catalogue

Franzoi, Alessandro, ‘Ancora sul “uicus Helena” (Sidon. carm. 5.210-54)’, Lexis 34 (2016) 420-24.
| Academia

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Tracce di Ausonio nelle lettere di Sidonio Apollinare (appunti di lettura)’, in: Lucio Cristante et al. (eds), Incontri di filologia classica 14, 2014-2015, Triest: Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016, 107-33.

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Gioco letterario e realtà: l’esempio dell’epistolario di Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Paolo Cammarosano et al. (eds), Art de la lettre et lettre d’art, Épistolaire politique 3, Convegno di studio Roma, 11-13 aprile 2013, Collection de l’École française de Rome 517, Triest: Edizioni CERM, 2016, 9-47.
| Academia

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘La mémoire de Lucain dans l’œuvre de Sidoine Apollinaire: l’exemple du carm. VII’, in: Fabrice Galtier and Rémy Poignault (eds), Présence de Lucain, Caesarodunum 47-49 bis, Clermont-Ferrand, 2016, 397-428.

Giannotti, Filomena, Sperare meliora: Il terzo libro delle Epistulae di Sidonio Apollinare, introduzione, traduzione e commento, Studi e testi di storia antica 22, Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2016.
| catalogue

Green, Roger, ‘The Sadness of Eparchius Avitus (Sidonius, Carm. 7.519-21)’, CQ 66 (2016) 821-25.

Grélois, Emmanuel, ‘De Clermont-Ferrand à Augustonemetum: analyse régressive des territoires urbains’, in: Nacima Baron et al. (eds), Reconnaître et délimiter l’espace localement au Moyen Âge. Limites et frontières, vol. 1, Lille: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2016, 111-22.
| access

Harich-Schwarzbauer, Henriette, ‘Over the rainbow. Arachne und Araneola – Figuren der Transgression’, in Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer (ed.), in Weben und Gewebe in der Antike. Materialität – Repräsentation – Episteme – Metapoetik / Texts and Textiles in the Ancient World. Materiality – Representation – Episteme – Metapoetics, Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2016, 147-64.
| open access

Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard, Gaëlle, ‘Dire le marbre des édifices chrétiens dans les textes latins tardifs (IVe-VIe siècles)’, in: Gaëlle Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard and Annick Stoehr-Monjou (eds), Studium in libris: Mélanges en l’honneur de Jean-Louis Charlet, Paris: Institut d’études augustiniennes, 2016, 279-96.

Jäger, David, ‘Die “Neue Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte” im Spiegel eines qualitativen Forschungsansatzes: einige Fragen nach der Verwendbarkeit des Deutungswerkzeuges “Kriegermodus” anhand östlicher und westlicher Quellen’, in: Carola Föller and Fabian Schulz (eds), Osten und Westen 400-600 n. Chr.: Kommunikation, Kooperation und Konflikt, Roma Aeterna 4, Stuttgart: Steiner, 2016, 215-37.
| info: Zum ‘hunnischen’ Sozialgefüge zur Zeit Attilas und zu den militärischen Operationen König Eurichs in der ciuitas Clermont unter Heranziehung von Priskos und Sidonius Apollinaris

Kasperski, Robert, ‘Czy Brukterowie mogli w roku 451 brać udziałw wyprawie Huńskiego władcy Attyli na Galię?’ [‘Could the Bructeri people join Attila’s Gallic campaign?’], Nowy Filomata 20 (2016) 206-17.
| Academia | info: ‘The participation of the Bructeri warriors in Attila’s Gallic campaign 451 AD is a matter of historiographical debate. While Sidonius Apollinaris mentions that they were a part of the Hun army, his statement is questioned by many modern commentators. Thus, E.A. Thompson argues that Bructeri were a long non-existent tribe when Attila attacked Gaul. However, my paper demonstrates that they were an existing ethnic group from the first until the sixth century AD providing some additional arguments supporting the claim that Attila’s army could enlist Bructeri warriors since the Huns crossed the Rhine near the actual homeland of the tribe.’

Kelly, Gavin, ‘Vichy and the Visigoths: Sidonius in Occupied France’, on ‘Sidonius in Antiquity and Modernity’ blog, 29 June 2016.
| blogpost

Коньков, Дмитрий С., ‘At nostra longe condicio dispar: элементы суггестии в письме Сидония Аполлинария’, Вестник Новосибирского государственного университета. Серия: История, филология. 2016. Т. 15. № 1. С. 28-38 [Dmitry S. Konkov, ‘At nostra longe condicio dispar: Suggestive Elements in a Letter by Sidonius Apollinaris’ (Ep. 4.22)] .
| bibliography

Kritzinger, Peter, Ursprung und Ausgestaltung bischöflicher Repräsentation, Stuttgart: Steiner, 2016.

Litovchenko, Elena V., ‘Sidonius Apollinaris: The Letter to His Friend Turnus’, Zbornik Radova Filozofskog Fakulteta u Prištini 46 (2016) 479-92.
| online

Lucas, Gérard, Vienne dans les textes grecs et latins, TMO 72, Lyon: Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2016.
| OpenEdition | info: Sidonius on pp. 79-82

Манукян, Эдуард М., ‘Сидоний Аполлинарий и Луп Труаский. Эпизод из истории взаимоотношений представителей церковной аристократии Галлии V века’, in: А.Ю. Прокопьев (ed.), Проблемы истории и культуры средневекового общества. Материалы XXXIV всероссийской научной конференции «Курбатовские чтения» (25–28 ноября 2014 года), Saint Petersburg, 2016, 191-97 [Eduard M. Manukyan, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris and Lupus of Troyes. An Episode from the History of the Relationship between the Members of the Ecclesiastical Aristocracy in Fifth-Century Gaul’].
| Academia

Манукян, Эдуард М., ‘Eще раз о переписке Cидония и Лупа (Вступительный комментарий к письмам VI.9 и IX.11)’, Cursor Mundi человек 8 (2016) 8-21 [Eduard M. Manukyan, ‘The Correspondence of Sidonius and Lupus Revisited (Introductory Commentary on Epistulae VI.9 and IX.11)’, Cursor Mundi 8 (2016) 8-21].
| Academia

Martinez, Damien, ‘Les premiers monastères d’Auvergne à la lumière de la documentation textuelle et archéologique (Ve-Xe siècle): état de la question’, BUCEMA, Hors-série 10 (2016).
| online

Mascoli, Patrizia, Amici di penna: dall’epistolario di Sidonio Apollinare, Biblioteca tardoantica 10, Bari: Edipuglia, 2016.
| catalogue | review by Francesco Montone in Salternum 20 (2016) 285-86

Mascoli, Patrizia, ‘Per chiudere in bellezza: giochi di parole tra retorica e storia nell’epistolario di Sidonio Apollinare’, VetChr 53 (2016) 21-29.

Mascoli, Patrizia, ‘Sidonio marito e vescovo: matrimonio e interesse nella Gallia del V secolo’, Classica et Christiana 11 (2016) 193-99.

McGill, Scott, and Joseph Pucci (eds), Classics Renewed: Reception and Innovation in the Latin Poetry of Late Antiquity, Heidelberg: Winter, 2016.
| review by Marco Onorato in BSL 47 (2017) 379-82

Montone, Francesco, ‘Lettere dalla Gallia del V secolo d. C.: Sidonio Apollinare scrittore e vescovo e il sesto libro dell’epistolario’, Salternum 20 (2016) 139-57.
| read

Mratschek, Sigrid, ‘The Letter Collection of Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: Cristiana Sogno et al. (eds), Late Antique Letter Collections: A Critical Introduction and Reference Guide, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2016, 309-36.
| catalogue

Onorato, Marco, ‘Amore e Venere nel c. 11 di Sidonio Apollinare: tra culto della varietas ed aemulatio staziana’, BSL 46 (2016) 79-109.
| Academia

Onorato, Marco, ‘Sulla multiplicitas lessicale del c. 23 di Sidonio Apollinare’, BSL 46 (2016) 174-99.
| Academia

Onorato, Marco, Il castone e la gemma. Sulla tecnica poetica di Sidonio Apollinare, Naples: Paolo Loffredo, 2016
| catalogue | reviews by Stefania Santelia in BSL 47 (2017) 393-96; Joop van Waarden in BMCR 2017.10.50; Luciana Furbetta in RPL; Paolo Mastandrea in CR (2018) 114-17; Sara Fascione in Aevum 92 (2018) 220-22; Antonella Bruzzone in Athenaeum 108 (2020) 303-305.

Pailler, Jean-Marie, ‘Palladia Tolosa: fantaisie de poète ou évergésie imperiale?’, Pallas 100 (2016) 205-15.

Pelttari, Aaron, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris and Horace, Ars poetica 14-23’, Philologus 161 (2016) 322-36.
| article

Piacente, Luigi, ‘Equimulgae ed equi epoti’, in: Aldo Setaioli (ed.), Apis Matina. Studi in onore di Carlo Santini, Triest: EUT, 2016, 532-37.
| download volume (see also M. Squillante below)

Пикин, А.В., Э.М. Манукян, ‘Римско-готские переговоры 474-475 гг. глазами Эннодия и Сидония Аполлинария’, История 2016, № 4, c. 74-81 [Andrey V. Pikin and Eduard M. Manukyan, ‘The Romano-Gothic Negotiations of 474–475 Through the Eyes of Ennodius and Sidonius Apollinaris’, Istoria 2016, 74-81].
| Academia

Ploton-Nicollet, François, ‘Les Huns franchissent le cours gelé du Danube: note critique et esthétique à Sidoine Apollinaire, carm. 2, 269-271’, in: Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard and Stoehr-Monjou 2016 [see above at Gaëlle Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard], 245-61.

Poble, Pierre-Eric, ‘Les frontières des territoires locaux dans l’espace gaulois de Sidoine Apollinaire à Grégoire de Tours’, in: Nacima Baron et al. (eds), Reconnaître et délimiter l’espace [see above at E. Grélois], 19-34.

Raga, Emmanuelle, ‘Le vocabulaire de l’hospitalité dans l’Antiquité tardive occidentale: le cas d’humanitas et les nouveaux enjeux de l’hospitalité à l’âge de l’ascétisme chrétien’, HospitAm Project: Hospitalités dans l’Antiquité méditerranéenne, ENS Lyon, 2016.
| blog post 16.05.2016 | info: compares John Cassian and Sidonius

Reis, Gabriel Freitas, ‘Representações de “bárbaros” nos Panegíricos de Sidônio Apolinário (século V d.C.)’, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, thesis licenciatura e bacharelado, 2016 [unpubl.].
| Academia

Rollason, Nikki K., Gifts of Clothing in Late Antique Literature, Abingdon: Routledge, 2016.

Rush, Richard R., ‘Saints and Sanctity in the Works of Sidonius Apollinaris’, MPhil thesis Trinity College Dublin, 2016 [unpubl.].

Santelia, Stefania, ‘Sidonio Apollinare, carm. 23.101-66: una “proposta paideutica”?’, Lexis 34 (2016) 425-44.
| download here

Skibiński, Tomasz, ‘Letters of Recommendation of Sidonius Apollinaris – the Legacy of Tradition and the Challenge of Transformations’, Saeculum Christianum 23 (2016) 23-34.
| Academia

Skibiński, Tomasz, ‘Inter perfectos Christi – inter praefectos Valentiniani. The public service and episcopal ministry of bishop Sidonius Apollinaris in the light of his Letters’, in: Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Jerzy Wojtczak-Szyszkowski, Vox Patrum 65 (2016) 605-16.
| online

Squillante, Marisa, ‘Modello lucreziano e superstitio nell’epistolario sidoniano’, in: Lucio Cristante and Vanni Veronesi (eds), Forme di accesso al sapere in età tardoantica e altomedievale, vol. 6, Triest: EUT, 2016, 179-88.
| info: The ambiguous term superstitio, with which Sidonius Apollinaris describes in letter 8,6 the ritual performed by the Saxons before raising anchor, has a strongly negative meaning: this is not only ascribable to the historical and cultural context in which the author lives, but it also represents an original re-elaboration in a Christian dimension of Lucretius’ words

Squillante, Marisa, ‘Le siluulae di Stazio per Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Aldo Setaioli (ed.), Apis Matina. Studi in onore di Carlo Santini, Trieste: EUT, 2016, 669-78.
| download

Styka, Jerzy, ‘Inter amicos inter aequales …: The Reflections of Sidonius Apollinaris (Fifth Century AD) on the Élite Consciousness of Gallo-Roman Nobles in the Period of Barbarian Invasions’, in: Katarzyna Marciniak and Elżbieta Olechowska (eds), De amicitia. Transdisciplinary Studies in Friendship, Warsaw, 2016, 351-68.

Styka, Jerzy, ‘Epistles as a Medium of Late Ancient Literary Debates: The Case of Sidonius Apollinaris’, Classica Cracoviensia 19 (2016) 171-86.
| Research Gate

Tommasi, Chiara O., ‘Coping with Ancient Gods, Celebrating Christian Emperors, Proclaiming Roman Eternity: Rhetoric and Religion in Late Antique Latin Panegyrics’, in: Maijastina Kahlos (ed.), Emperors and the Divine – Rome and Its Influence, Collegium 20 (2016) 177-209.
| Academia

Van Den Brulle, Arno, ‘“Numquam me toleraturum animi servitutem”: het belang van literatuur in Sidonius Apollinaris’ visie op de Romeinse identiteit, vormgegeven doorheen zijn briefcorpus’, master thesis Ghent, 2016 [inedit.].
| online

van Waarden, Johannes A., Writing to Survive. A Commentary on Sidonius Apollinaris, Letters Book 7. Volume 2: The Ascetic Letters 12-18, LAHR 14, Leuven: Peeters, 2016.
| see on this site Saxxi Publications | catalogue

van Waarden, Joop, ‘Sidonius Edifies German Nuns’, on ‘Sidonius in Antiquity and Modernity’ blog, 23 August 2016.
| blogpost

Wolff, Étienne, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire voyageur’, in: ‘Le voyage dans l’Antiquité tardive: réalités et images’, Antiquité tardive 24 (2016) 193-201.

Wood, Ian, ‘The Legislation of Magistri Militum: The Laws of Gundobad and Sigismund’, Clio&Themis 10 (2016) 1-22.
| OpenEdition | info: Takes the epitaph into account for possible participation of Sidonius in Burgundian legislation: par. 11 ‘In considering the possibility that Gibichung rulers legislated prior to the period of Gundobad’s rule, it is worth remembering Syagrius, to whom Sidonius Apollinaris wrote around the year 470 (Ep. 5.5). The latter commented on his friend’s ability to translate the language of the barbarians and on his acting as arbiter and disceptator in their negotiis mutuis: he was a Novus Burgundionum Solon in legibus disserendis. The Burgundians were clearly the subject of legislation in the days of Gundobad’s father and uncle. It is also worth remembering that Sidonius’ epitaph suggests that he too helped legislate for the barbarians: Leges barbarico dedit furori – perhaps he was working alongside Syagrius: he certainly spent some time in places under Burgundian control (Carm. 12), so the barbarians for whom he legislated are as likely to have been Burgundian as Visigoth. Gundioc and Chilperic, like Gundobad, were Roman officials, and would have needed regular advice from men conversant with Roman law, and we might well guess that Syagrius and Sidonius played some role in collecting law that was subsequently enshrined in the Forma et Expositio.

Barnaby, Paul, ‘Sidonius in Clubland: John Buchan’s “The Wind in the Portico”’, Classical Receptions Journal 9 (2017) 507-26.
| abstract

Battaglia, Piergiuseppe, ‘Sidonio Apollinare e il Panegirico ad Avito: Tra doctrina, laus ed exempla’, laurea magistrale thesis, University of Palermo, 2016-2017 (unpubl.).
| on this site: Contributions

Becht-Jördens, Gereon, ‘Ein Waschbecken mit Versinschrift des Sidonius als Danaergeschenk für die Gotenkönigin Ragnahild. Zur Bedeutung von Materialität, Handwerks- und Dichtkunst im Diskurs der Ohnmächtigen (Sidon. epist. IV 8)’, Antike und Abendland 63 (2017) 125-53.
| online

Carrié, Jean-Michel, ‘The Historical Path of “Late Antiquity”: From Transformation to Rupture’, in: Rita Lizzi Testa (ed.), Late Antiquity in Contemporary Debate, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, 174-214.
| Academia

Condorelli, Silvia, ‘Friguttio / fringultio: fortuna di un verbo tra onomatopea e arcaismo’, BSL 47 (2017) 705-18.

Condorelli, Silvia, ‘Una memoria apuleiana in Sidonio Apollinare: tra stile epistolare e modelli retorici’, in: Giuseppina Marino et al. (eds), La lingua e la società. Forme della comunicazione letteraria fra antichità ed età moderna, Naples: Satura, 2017, 51-73.

Consolino, Franca Ela, review article of Jesús Hernández Lobato, Vel Apolline muto, El Humanismo que no fue, and Sidonio Apolinar Poemas, Athenaeum 105 (2017) 812-21.
| download

Corke-Webster, James, ‘The Early Reception of Pliny the Younger in Tertullian of Carthage and Eusebius of Caesarea’, CQ 67 (2017) 247-62.
| info: In 1967 Alan Cameron published a landmark article in this journal, ′The fate of Pliny’s Letters in the late Empire′. Opposing the traditional thesis that the letters of Pliny the Younger were only rediscovered in the mid to late fifth century by Sidonius Apollinaris, Cameron proposed that closer attention be paid to the faint but clear traces of the letters in the third and fourth centuries. On the basis of well-observed intertextual correspondences, Cameron proposed that Pliny’s letters were being read by the end of the fourth century at the latest. That article now seems the vanguard of a rise in scholarly interest in Pliny’s late-antique reception. But Cameron also noted the explicit attention given to the letters by two earlier commentators—Tertullian of Carthage, in the late second to early third century, and Eusebius of Caesarea, in the early fourth. The use of Pliny in these two earliest commentators, in stark contrast to their later successors, has received almost no subsequent attention.

de Luca, Stefano, ‘Il processo di Arvando e il ruolo del senato tra Antemio e Ricimero’, Historia 66 (2017) 483-508.

Denecker, Tim, Ideas on Language in Early Latin Christianity: From Tertullian to Isidore of Seville, Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 142, Leiden: Brill, 2017.
| i: Sidonius on pp. 12, 17, 20, 188 (Ep. 4.3.6; Carm. 23.99-100; 30 (Ep. 4.11.6) 4-5), 248, and 255-56 (Ep. 3.3.2; 4.17.2; 5.5.2-3; Carm. 12) | review by Joop van Waarden (VC 73.3 (2019) 341-45)

Elsner, Jaś, and Jesús Hernández Lobato (eds), The Poetics of Late Latin Literature, Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity, Oxford: OUP, 2017.
| catalogue | Introduction and bibliography here

Fascione, Sara, ‘Nil natura novat (Sidon. carm. 2, 12): una nuova realtà, tra staticità e cambiamento’, Camenulae 18 (2017).
| online

Ferreiro, Alberto, The Visigoths in Gaul and Iberia (Update): A Supplemental Bibliography, 2013-2015, MEMI 63, Leiden: Brill, 2017.

Fielding, Ian, Transformations of Ovid in Late Antiquity, Cambridge: CUP, 2017.

Fioravanti, Gianfranco, ‘Da Agostino a Sidonio Apollinare: come scomparvero i filosofi in Occidente’, in: Amos Bertolacci and Agostino Paravicini Bagliani (eds), La filosofia medievale tra antichità ed età moderna. Saggi in memoria di Francesco Del Punta (1941-2013), SISMEL 18, Florence: Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2017, 73-100.
| catalogue

Fischer, Svante, and Lennart Lind, ‘Late Roman Gaul – Survival Amidst Collapse?’, in: Tim Cunningham and Jan Driessen (eds), Crisis to Collapse: The Archaeology of Social Breakdown, Aegis 11, Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2017, 99-130.
| Academia

Flierman, Robert, Saxon Identities AD 150-900, London: Bloomsbury, 2017.
| info: Pp. 43-48 ‘Saxons in a Changing World: Sidonius Apollinaris’

Formisano, Marco, ‘Tarda antichità anacronica. Tra storiografia e panegirico’, in: Stefano Rocchi and Cecilia Mussini (eds), Imagines antiquitatis: Representations, Concepts, Receptions of the Past in Roman Antiquity and the Early Italian Renaissance, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017, 65-84.
| Academia

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Da Lucrezio a Sidonio Apollinare. Esempi di intertestualità nei versi di Avito di Vienne’, in: Lucio Cristante and Vanni Veronesi (eds), Il Calamo della memoria 7, Triest, 2017, 85-146.
| Academia

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Ferventia funera mundi. Note di commento ad Alc. Av. carm. 4,488-509 (con qualche riflessione sulla presenza di Marziale)’, Incontri triestini di filologia classica 15 (2015-2016), Triest, 2017, 139-80.

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Lire la Bible et “construire” un texte poétique: l’exemple de Sidoine Apollinaire (carm. 16,6-39) et d’Avit de Vienne’, in: Michele Cutino (ed.), Poésie et Bible aux IVe-VIe s., RET 6 (2016-2017) Supplément 4, 2017, 147-88.
| Academia

Girotti, Beatrice, ‘Spunti storiografici nella panegiristica tardoantica tra realtà e deformazione: Indizi dalla testimonianza di Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Valerio Neri and Beatrice Girotti (eds), La storiografia tardoantica. Bilanci e prospettive, Milan: LED, 2017, 181-99.
| download

Grzywaczewski, Józef, and Daniel K. Knox, ‘Glory, Decay and Hope: Goddess Roma in Sidonius Apollinaris’ Panegyrics’, in: Marianne Sághy and Edward M. Schoolman (eds), Pagans and Christians in the Late Roman Empire: New Evidence, New Approaches (4th-8th Centuries), Budapest: CEU Press, 2017, 203-16.
| catalogueMUSE

Hanaghan, Michael, ‘Avitus’ Characterisation in Sidonius’ Carm. 7’, Mnemosyne 70 (2017) 262-80.

Hanaghan, Michael, ‘Micro Allusions to Pliny and Virgil in Sidonius’s Programmatic Epistles’, International Journal of the Classical Tradition 24 (2017) 249-61.
| online

Hanaghan, Michael, ‘Latent Criticism of Anthemius and Ricimer in Sidonius Apollinaris’ Epistulae 1.5’, CQ 67 (2017) 631-49.
| online

Harper, Kyle, The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2017.

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘La descripción de la morada de la Aurora en el Panegírico a Antemio de Sidonio Apolinar: ¿Un manifiesto oculto de la poética tardo-antigua?’, in: Jesús Ponce Cárdenas (ed.), Las artes del elogio: Estudios sobre el panegírico, Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid, 2017, 83-104.

Herrero de Jáuregui, Miguel, ‘Etniquetas del derecho gótico en Sidonio y Procopio’, Seminarios Complutenses de Derecho Romano 30 (2017) 137-50.
| Academia

Hess, Hendrik, ‘Übergang, Hybridität, Latenz. Das Selbstverständnis der gallo-römischen Oberschicht im historischen Diskursraum von Sidonius Apollinaris bis Gregor von Tours’, PhD thesis, University Bonn, 2017.

Hildebrand, Lennart, ‘Fragmentation and Unity: Elites and Inscriptions in Late Antique Southern Gaul’, in: Katharina Bolle et al. (eds), The Epigraphic Cultures of Late Antiquity, Stuttgart: Steiner, 2017, 111-46.

Jäger, David, Plündern in Gallien 451-592: Eine Studie zu der Relevanz einer Praktik für das Organisieren von Folgeleistungen, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017.

Johnston, Andrew C., The Sons of Remus: Identity in Roman Gaul and Spain, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2017.

Kötter, Jan-Markus, and Carlo Scardino (eds), Gallische Chroniken, Paderborn: Schöningh, 2017.
| info: Edition, German translation, and commentary of the Gallic Chronicles of 452 and 511

Lampinen, Antti, ‘”We know what you remember”. Notes on the Ecclesiastical Discourse about Religious Acculturation and Subaltern Memories in Late Antique and Early Medieval Gaul’, Acta Classica Univ. Scient. Debrecen 53 (2017) 215-39.
| Academia

Leatherbury, Sean V., ‘Writing (and Reading) Silver with Sidonius: The Material Contexts of Late Antique Texts’, Word & Image 33 (2017) 35-56.
| online

Lemay, Éloïse, ‘Studies in Merovingian Latin Epigraphy and Documents’, PhD thesis UCLA, 2017.
| online

Luiselli, Bruno, Romanobarbarica: Scritti scelti, ed. by Antonella Bruzzone and Maria Luisa Fele, mediEVI 12, Florence: Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2017.
| catalogue | info: For Sidonius and his times, see especially the first section, ‘Rapporti di culture

Manukyan, Eduard, ‘Идеальные епископы Поздней Античности: Визуализация образа’ [Ideal Bishops in Late Antiquity: Visualization of the Image’, Vox Medii Aevi (2017) no. 1, 50-70.
| Academia

Martinez, Damien, ‘De la cité arverne au diocèse de Clermont: topographie ecclésiale, fortifications et peuplements de l’Auvergne entre Antiquité tardive et haut Moyen Âge (IVe-Xe siècle): une approche archéologique’, PhD thesis Université Clermont Auvergne, 2017.
| abstract and ToC

Mascoli, Patrizia, ‘Tra letteratura e storia: per una biografia di Apollinare il Giovane’, Classica et Christiana 12 (2017) 197-212.

McEvoy, Meaghan, ‘Shadow Emperors and the Choice of Rome (455-476 AD)’, AnTard 25 (2017) 95-112.

Miles, Richard, ‘Vandal North Africa and the Fourth Punic War’, CPh 112 (2017) 384-410.

Montone, Francesco, ‘Vita e svaghi di un aristocratico del V secolo. Il secondo libro dell’epistolario di Sidonio Apollinare’, Salternum 21 (2017) 23-45.
| Academia

Montzamir, Patrice, ‘Du nouveau sur l’épitaphe attribuée à Sidoine Apollinaire’, Bulletin de l’Association pour l’Antiquité Tardive 26 (2017) 45-53.
| info: see also congress paper XXXIXe réunion Association pour l’Antiquité Tardive, June 2017, halshs-02275957

Morvillez, Éric, ‘“Avec vue sur jardin”: vivre entre nature et paysage dans l’architecture domestique, de Cicéron à Sidoine Apollinaire’, Cahiers Mondes Anciens 9 (2017).
| open access

Newlands, Carole E., ‘The Early Reception of the Silvae: From Statius to Sidonius’, in: Federica Bessone and Marco Fucecchi (eds), The Literary Genres in the Flavian Age: Canons, Transformations, Reception, Trends in Classics, Supplementary Volume 51, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017, 167-84.

Onorato, Marco, ‘Dal novum al notum: gli anacreontei di Sidonio Apollinare’, Bollettino di Studi Latini 47 (2017) 112-55.
| info: A discussion of Carm. 37 (in Ep. 9.13.5), ‘one of the most fascinating nugae of Sidonius’ | Academia

Onorato, Marco, ‘Tra Orazio e Arnobio: contaminazione di modelli in un’immagine musicale di Sidonio Apollinare’, BSL 47 (2017) 661-73.
| Academia

Oppedisano, Fabrizio, ‘L’insediamento di Antemio (467 d.C.)’, Aevum 91 (2017).
| download

Pancer, Nira, ‘Le silencement du monde: Paysages sonores au haut Moyen Âge et nouvelle culture aurale’, Annales 72 (2017) 659-99 (tr. ‘The Silencing of the World: Early Medieval Soundscapes and a New Aural Culture’, Annales English edn 72 (2017) 411-50).

Pollmann, Karla, The Baptized Muse: Early Christian Poetry as Cultural Authority, Oxford: OUP, 2017.
| catalogue

Ripart, Laurent, ‘De Lérins à Agaune: Le monachisme rhodanien reconsidéré’, in: Monachesimi d’oriente e d’occidente nell’Alto Medioevo, Spoleto, 31 marzo-6 aprile 2016, Settimane di Studio 64, Spoleto: CISAM, 2017, 123-92.
| Academia

Roberto, Umberto, ‘Dépouiller Rome? Genséric, Avitus et les statues en 455’, Revue historique 684, 2017, 775-801.
| Academia

Roberts, Michael, ‘Venantius Fortunatus on Poetry and Song’, Materiali e Discussioni 78 (2017) 83-103.

Salzman, Michele Renée, ‘Emperors and Elites in Rome after the Vandal Sack of 455’, AnTard 25 (2017) 243-62.

Sancho Gómez, Miguel, ‘Riotamo y el emperador Procopio Antemio: relaciones de Britania con Roma al final del Imperio de Occidente’, Antigüedad y Cristianismo 33-34 (2016-2017) 229-54.

Sarri, Antonia, Material Aspects of Letter Writing in the Graeco-Roman World: c. 500 BC – c. AD 300, Materiale Textkulturen 12, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017.
| Open Access | review by Henning Ohst in Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft 21 (2018) 1209-17, online

Schwitter, Raphael, ‘Letters, Writing Conventions, and Reading Practices in the Late Roman World: Analysing Literary Reception in Late Antiquity and Beyond’, Linguarum varietas 6 (2017) 61-77.
| Academia

Stadermann, Christian, Gothus. Konstruktion und Rezeption von Gotenbildern in narrativen Schriften des merowingischen Gallien, Roma Aeterna 6, Stuttgart: Steiner, 2017.
| info: Features a chapter ‘Vorstellungen über Goten im Weströmischen Reich des ausgehenden 4. und des 5. Jahrhunderts’

Stoehr-Monjou, Annick, ‘L’épitaphe funéraire en l’honneur de Sidoine Apollinaire, entre manuscrits, fragments de la stèle et tradition littéraire: à qui l’hommage est-il rendu?’, XXXIXe réunion Association pour l’Antiquité Tardive, June 2017, Bulletin de l’Association Antiquité tardive 26 (2017) 74-79.
| congress paper hal-02412890

Thielen, Thorsten, Friede und Recht. Studien zur Genese des frühmittelalterlichen Herrscher- und Tugendideals in der lateinischen Literatur der römischen Antike und des frühen Mittelalters, Rechtshistorische Reihe 471, Berlin: Peter Lang, 2017.
| info: Sidonius’ Panegyrics in ch. G V

Trisciuoglio, Andrea, Studi sul crimen ambitus in età imperiale, Memorie del dipartimento di giurisprudenza dell’Università di Torino, Milan: Ledizioni, 2017.
| Academia | info: Discussions of Ep. 1.3, 7.9 contio, 8.2.2, among other things

Valeva, Julia, ‘L’image sur les murs des domus de l’Antiquité tardive: contexte et système décoratif’, in: Stephan T.A.M. Mols and Eric M. Moormann (eds), Context and meaning: Proceedings of the twelfth international conference of the Association internationale pour la peinture murale antique, Athens, September 16-20, 2013, Babesch, Supplement 31, Leuven: Peeters, 2017, 63-68.
| info: Le remplacement des décors peints par des décors de marbre, par des tentures ou par des murs nus s’explique par l’atmosphère psychologique de l’Antiquité tardive et par un goût de la simplicité (Sidon., Epist. 2,2 ; lettre d’Epiphane à Jean de Jérusalem).

Wolff, Étienne, ‘Agir par lettres: le cas de Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Élisabeth Gavoille and François Guillaumont (eds), Conseiller, diriger par lettre, Epistulae antiquae 9, Tours: Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais, 2017.
| catalogue | info: This volume originates in a conference in Tours, 2015. Wolff’s contribution explores ‘les diverses modalités de l’action que Sidoine Apollinaire déploie dans ses lettres, dans les domaines politique, religieux et social, avec deux moments de rupture: l’entrée dans les ordres en 469/470, et la victoire du roi Euric en Auvergne en 475’

Wolff, Étienne, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et le cérémonial autour des rois barbares’, in: Mehdi Jerad (ed.), Le Cérémonial dans les sphères politiques et religieuses à travers les âges. Actes du colloque international du département d’histoire, 19-21 novembre 2015, Sousse: Latrach Edition, 2017, 67-75.

Wood, Ian, ‘Burgundian Law-Making, 451-534’, Italian Review of Legal History, 2017.
| read online | info: The law codes of the Gibichung rulers of Burgundy can be placed in very specific political contexts (c.500 and 517), but they can also be seen as legislation issued by late-Roman magistri militum, on the advice of members of the Gallo-Roman senatorial aristocracy, including Sidonius Apollinaris.

Alciati, Roberto, Monaci d’Occidente: secoli IV-IX, Rome: Carocci, 2018.

Alciati, Roberto (ed.), Norm and Exercise: Christian Asceticism Between Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages, Stuttgart: Steiner, 2018.

Bonnan-Garçon, Camille, ‘Au-delà du casque à cornes: Théodoric, monarque parfait et ami des poètes’, Interférences 11, 2018.
| online | info: The change in the Roman attitude towards barbarians as illustrated by Sidonius’ portrayal of Theodoric. Besides, letters take over the encomiastic role as panegyrics become more nuanced and ironic

Bonnan-Garçon, Camille, ‘L’épigramme et la lettre d’Ausone à Ennode de Pavie: étude stylistique littéraire et historique d’une contiguïté générique dans l’antiquité tardive’, PhD thesis Lyon 3, 2018 [unpubl.].
| repository

Brolli, Tiziana, ‘Il mordax dens di Sidonio Apollinare nel panegirico per Maioriano’, Lexis 36 (2018) 305-15.

Buffat, Loïc, ‘Villas in South and Southwestern Gaul’, in: Annalisa Marzano and Guy P.R. Métraux (eds), The Roman Villa in the Mediterranean Basin: Late Republic to Late Antiquity, Cambridge: CUP, 2018, 220-34.

Ceccarelli, Lucio, Contributions to the History of Latin Elegiac Distich, Turnhout, 2018.
| catalogue | info: ‘… The second part takes into account the late latin poets (…, Sidonius Apollinaris, …). Also in this case, the key issue is how these poets position themselves towards the Ovidian model (Knowledge of both Catullus and Tibullus is very limited in late antiquity and therefore they do not come in consideration as possible models). The conclusion of the analysis, not predictable a priori, is that the influence of Ovid’s metrical technique in late antiquity is by far less strong than it could be expected.’

Chauvot, Alain, ‘Luxus et pompa. La notion de luxe d’après trois portraits de “barbares” dans la Correspondance de Sidoine Apollinaire’, Ktèma 43 (2018) 57-76.
| HAL Archives | info: Refers to Ep. 1.2.6, 1.5.10-11, and 4.20

Condorelli, Silvia, ‘Mens saucia: una iunctura lucreziana tra echi e riusi’, in: Giuseppina Matino et al. (eds), Generi senza confini: La rappresentazione della realtà nel mondo antico, Naples: Satura Editrice, 2018, 71-93.
| info: Section on Sidonius Ep. 9.3.3 on pp. 85-88

Desbrosses, Lucie, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et la Gaule chrétienne au Ve siècle’, PhD thesis Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Besançon, 2018 [unpubl.].
| repository HAL

Deswarte, Thomas, Klaus Herbers and Hélène Sirantoine (eds), Epistola 1. Écriture et genre épistolaires: IVe-XIe siècle, Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 2018.
| info: Sidonius on pp. 119, 131, 140, 142, 144, 149-50, 152, 237-9, 243, 264, 303-5, 319

Drijvers, Jan Willem, ‘Travel and Pilgrimage Literature’, in: McGill and Watts 2018, 359-72.

Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike, ‘Vom Epulonenschmaus zum Fest der Worte. Konviviale Gelegenheiten im Briefcorpus des Sidonius’, in: Müller 2018, 255-86.

Fascione, Sara, ‘Gli “altri” al potere. Romani e barbari nella Gallia di Sidonio Apollinare / Les “autres” au pouvoir. Romains et barbares dans la Gaule de Sidoine Apollinaire’, PhD thesis Lyon 3 Jean Moulin, 2018.
| download

Fascione, Sara, ‘Finding Identities on the Way to Rome’, in: Chiara Ferella and Cilliers Breytenbach (eds), Paths of Knowledge. Interconnection(s) between Knowledge and Journey in the Greco-Roman World, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2018, 177–87.
| download

Fascione, Sara, ‘Retorica e realtà: i barbari di Sidonio Apollinare’, Invigilata Lucernis 40 (2018) 35-44.
| Academia

Fauquier, Michel, Martyres pacis. La sainteté en Gaule à la fin de l’Antiquité et au début du Moyen Âge (ive-vie siècles), Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2018.

Franzoi, Alessandro, ‘L’Elegidion di Giovanbattista Pio, carme prefatorio all’edizione milanese (1498) di Sidonio Apollinare. Testo, traduzione, note di commento’, Lexis 36 (2018) 442-52.
| Academia

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘La rhétorique du “petit” dans les épigrammes de Sidoine Apollinaire: stratégies littéraires et enjeux politiques’, in: Doris Meyer and Céline Urlacher-Becht (eds), La rhétorique du ‘petit’ dans l’épigramme grecque et latine. Actes du colloque de Strasbourg (26-27 mai 2015), Paris: Boccard, 2018, 251-66.

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Présence d’Ausone dans les panégyriques de Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Étienne Wolff (ed.), Ausone en 2015: Bilan et nouvelles perspectives, Collection des Études Augustiniennes Série Antiquité 204, Paris: Institut d’Études Augustiniennes, 2018, 349-66.

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Presence of, References to and Echoes of Ovid in the Works of Rutilius Namatianus, Sidonius Apollinaris and Avitus of Vienne’, in: Franca Ela Consolino (ed.), Ovid in Late Antiquity, STTA 16, Turnhout: Brepols, 2018, 293-323.

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘”Minime ignarus, quod ita mens pateat in libro velut vultus in speculo”: l’écriture épistolaire d’après Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Dominique Demartini, Sumi Shimahara, and Christiane Veyrard-Cosme (eds), La lettre-miroir dans l’occident latin et vernaculaire du Ve au XVe s., Paris: Institut d’Études Augustiniennes, 2018, 99-112.

Guipponi-Gineste, Marie-France, ‘Le lusus poétique à la lumière du conuiuium et autres formes d’otium dans les poèmes de la correspondance de Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Meyer and Urlacher-Becht 2018, 235-50 (see above at Furbetta).

Hanaghan, Michael, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris and the Making of an Exile Persona’, in: Dirk Rohmann, Jörg Ulrich, and Margarita Vallejo Girvés (eds), Mobility and Exile at the End of Antiquity, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2018, 259-72.

Herbert de La Portbarré-Viard, Gaëlle, ‘Du palais de Vénus au séjour céleste des Vierges: Quelques remarques sur le devenir de la tradition littéraire des architectures et décors fictifs dans la poésie latine tardive’, in: Gaëlle Herbert de La Portbarré-Viard and Renaud Robert (eds), Architectures et espaces fictifs dans l’Antiquité: textes, images, Scripta Antiqua 114, Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2018, 107-37.
| info: Propose l’étude d’architectures fictives issues de la tradition littéraire, d’architectures entre fiction et réalité et d’architectures spirituelles chez Claudien, Sidoine Apollinaire, Prudence et Venance Fortunat.

Kelly, Gavin, ‘Erasing Victor: Sidonius, Manuscripts, and Prosopography’, blogpost 18.02.2018 on Sidonius in Antiquity and Modernity.
| read

Lagioia, Alessandro, ‘Prospettive sidoniane, Convegno internazionale: Bari, Università degli Studi Aldo Moro, 20 novembre 2017’, cronaca, BSL 48 (2018) 269-74.

Litovchenko, Elena V., ‘К ВОПРОСУ О СВАДЕБНОЙ ЦЕРЕМОНИИ В ПИСЬМАХ СИДОНИЯ: НЕКОТОРЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ РИТУАЛА’ / ‘On the Issue of the Nuptial Ceremony in the Sidonius’ Letters: Some Aspects of the Rite’, UDK 94 (2018) 12 pp.
| ResearchGate

Манукян, Э.M., ‘Род Аполлинариев и социокультурные стратегии галло-римской аристократической фамилии в IV-V вв’. Научные ведомости БелГУ. Серия История. Политология 45 (2018) 415-26 [Eduard Manukyan, ‘The gens Apollinaris and the Socio-Cultural Strategies of a Gallo-Roman Aristocratic Family in the 4th-5th Centuries’, Scientific Publications of Belgorod State University, Series History, Politicology].
| Academia

Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘”Roman” Identity in Late Antiquity, with Special Attention to Gaul’, in: Pohl et al. 2018, 255-74.

Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘The ”Publication” of Latin Letter Collections in Late Antiquity’, in: Müller 2018, 63-84.

Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: David G. Hunter, Paul J.J. van Geest, and Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte (eds), Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online, first published online 2018.
| online

McGill, Scott, and Edward J. Watts (eds), A Companion to Late Antique Literature, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2018.

Métraux, Guy P.R., ‘Late Antique Villas: Themes’, in: Annalisa Marzano and Guy P.R. Métraux (eds), The Roman Villa in the Mediterranean Basin: Late Republic to Late Antiquity, Cambridge: CUP, 2018, 401-25.

Müller, Gernot Michael (ed.), Zwischen Alltagskommunikation und literarischer Identitätsbildung. Studien zur lateinischen Epistolographie in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter, Roma Aeterna 7, Stuttgart: Steiner, 2018.
| catalogue

Müller, Gernot Michael, ‘Warum einem Barbaren Briefe schreiben? Zur Integration von Nichtrömern in die Briefnetzwerke römischer Aristokraten im Gallien der ausgehenden Spätantike’, in: Thomas Deswarte, Klaus Herbers, and Cornelia Scherer (eds), Frühmittelalterliche Briefe: Übermittlung und Überlieferung (4.–11. Jahrhundert). La lettre au haut Moyen Âge: transmission et tradition épistolaires (IVe–XIe siècles), Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 84, Vienna: Böhlau, 2018, 81-102.
| catalogue

Neger, Margot, ‘Quid nobis cum epistula? Zur Kombination von Brief und Epigramm bei lateinischen Autoren’, Diomedes NF 8 (2018) 43-61.
| Academia

Nicholson, Oliver (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity, 2 vols, Oxford, 2018.
| catalogue

Onorato, Marco, ‘Un ospite per Apollo: intertestualità interna e codice ausoniano nella metatoria pagina di Sidonio a Lampridio’, BSL 48 (2018) 492-523.
| Academia

Pohl, Walter, et al. (eds), Transformations of Romanness: Early Medieval Regions and Identities, Millennium Studies 71, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018.
| catalogue

Roberts, Michael, ‘The Influence of Ovid’s Metamorphoses in Late Antiquity: Phaethon and the Palace of the Sun’, in: Franca Ela Consolino (ed.), Ovid in Late Antiquity, STTA 16, Turnhout: Brepols, 2018, 267-92.

Schindler, Claudia, ‘Macht und Übermacht der Tradition. Dichterkataloge in der lateinischen Literatur von Ovid bis Sidonius’, in: Simone Finkmann, Anja Behrendt, and Anke Walter (eds), Antike Erzähl- und Deutungsmuster. Zwischen Exemplarität und Transformation. Festschrift für Christiane Reitz zum 65. Geburtstag, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018, 335-58.
| info: Analyses three poetic catalogues from the Early Empire (Ov. Am. 1.15 and Manil. 2.1-52) and Late Antiquity (Sidon. Carm. 9) with a focus on the role of the self-referential author.

Schottenius Cullhed, Sigrid, and Mats Malm (eds), Reading Late Antiquity, The Library of The Other Antiquity, Heidelberg: Winter, 2018.
| catalogue

Schwitter, Raphael, ‘Gebrauchstext oder Literatur? Methodenkritische Überlegungen zur literarischen Stellung des Privatbriefs in der Spätantike’, in: Müller 2018, 85-106.

Шкаренков, Павел Петрович, ‘Образ Теодориха II в сочинениях Сидония Аполлинария: римская civilitas вестготского rex’, in: Литература. Литературоведение. Устное народное творчество, Вестник РГГУ, 2018 [Pavel Petrovich Shkarenkov, ‘Theodoric II’s portrait in the writings of Sidonius Apollinaris: Roman civilitas of a Visigothic rex‘, in: Literature. Literary criticism. Folklore, Journal of the RGGU, Moscow].
| online

Sessa, Kristina, Daily Life in Late Antiquity, Cambridge: CUP, 2018.

Squillante, Marisa, ‘Dalla poetandi ineptia di Ausonio alle nugae poetarum cantilenosae di Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Wolff 2018, 367-76 (see above Furbetta).

Squillante, Marisa, ‘Vanescentium litterarum vestigia …’, Invigilata Lucernis 40 (2018) 125-34.

Stoehr-Monjou, Annick, ‘Le rôle du poète dans la Gaule du Ve siècle: Sidoine Apollinaire et son public’, Invigilata Lucernis 40 (2018) 135-68.

Stok, Fabio, ‘Was Philargyrius a Christian?’, Giornale Italiano di Filologia 70 (2018) 233-47.
| Academia | info: Is sympathetic to Heraeus’ identification, confirmed by Geymonat (Geymonat 1984), of Philargyrius, the commentator of Vergil’s Bucolica, with Philagrius patricius, an ancestor of the Emperor Avitus (Sidon. Carm. 7.156 and possibly 24.93)

Trément, Frédéric, ‘La cité des Arvernes à la fin de l’Antiquité. Dynamique du peuplement et des paysages (IVe-VIe siècles)’, Table ronde sur « La vie quotidienne d’Hippone à Sidoine Apollinaire ». Rencontres franco-algériennes de l’archéologie et de l’histoire (Clermont-Ferrand, 26 janvier 2018), Association France-Algérie Pays d’Auvergne AFAPA, Jan 2018, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
| congress paper halshs-01839345

Tyulenev, Vladimir M., ‘Эллинская словесность и ученость на Латинском Западе v – первой половины vı в’ [Greek Literature and Scholarship in the Latin West of the 5th-early 6th Century], Cursor Mundi 10 (2018) 40-53.

Ungvary, David, ‘Verse and Conversion: Poetship, Christianity, and the Transformation of the Roman World, AD 400-700’, doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, 2018.
| repository | info: This dissertation presents a cultural history of Christian Latin poetic authorship from the late Roman through the post-imperial period. … Individual case studies entail historically sensitive close readings of verse writers active in the fifth, sixth, and seventh centuries: Sidonius Apollinaris, Avitus of Vienne, Venantius Fortunatus, the Visigothic king Sisebut, and Eugenius of Toledo.

van Waarden, Joop, ‘Gaul’, in David G. Hunter, Paul J.J. van Geest, and Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte (eds), Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online, first published online 2018.
| online

van Waarden, Joop, ‘”Il tempo invecchia in fretta”: la biografia di Sidonio Apollinare nella sua corrispondenza’, Invigilata Lucernis 40 (2018) 187-98.

Venning, Timothy, A Chronology of Early Medieval Western Europe 450-1066, Abingdon: Routledge, 2018.
| catalogue

White, Peter, ‘Senatorial Epistolography from Cicero to Sidonius: Emergence of a Genre’, BICS 61 (2018) 7-21.

Wolff, Étienne, ‘Qui était André Loyen, l’éditeur français de Sidoine Apollinaire?’, Invigilata Lucernis 40 (2018) 211-16.

Wood, Ian, The Transformation of the Roman West, Leeds: ARC Humanities Press, 2018.

Wood, Ian, “Why Collect Letters?’, in: Müller 2018, 45-61.
| info: ‘Ausgehend von den Bedingungen und dem Charakter von Briefsammlungen in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter und vor dem Hintergrund von deren Vielgestaltigkeit ist es nicht berechtigt, in der an Plinius dem Jüngeren orientierten Korrespondenz des Sidonius Apollinaris einen Prototyp solcher Zusammenstellungen zu erkennen.’

Zetzel, James E.G., Critics, Compilers, and Commentators: An Introduction to Roman Philology, 200 BCE-800 CE, Oxford: OUP, 2018.
| catalogue

Zoeter, Matthijs, ‘Reading the Future, Writing the Present: A Literary and Interpretive Commentary on Sidonius Apollinaris Letter 8.11’, MA thesis Radboud University, Nijmegen, 2018.
| online | slightly revised as of 5 March 2019 on this site, Contributions

Allen, Bruce Ware, Tiber: Eternal River of Rome, Lebanon, NH: ForeEdge, 2019.
| info: Sidonius Apollinaris on pp. 93-95

Baratte, François, ‘Vaisselle d’argent, nourriture et service de table’, Antiquité Tardive 27 (2019) 223-39.
| info: Literary testimonia, also in Sidonius

Battistella, Chiara, ‘Ovidio in Sidonio Apollinare: il carme 9 e l’Ibis’, in: Chiara Battistella and Marco Fucecchi (eds), Dopo Ovidio: aspetti dell’evoluzione del sistema letterario nella Roma imperiale (e oltre), Milan: Mimesis, 2019, 187-99.

Béal, Jean-Claude, and Alain Ferdière, ‘Une plaquette d’ivoire sculpté de l’Antiquité tardive dans la grande villa périurbaine de Lazenay à Bourges (Cher)’, Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France 58 (2019) open access online
| info: References Sidon. Ep. 8.8.3 eboratas curules and other luxury items in Syagrius’ villa

Bernstein, Neil W., ‘Nec tibi sufficiat transmissae gloria vitae: Otium and Ambition from Statius to Ennodius’, Classical Journal 115 (2019) 63-85.

Buongiorno, Pierangelo, ‘Ex vetere senatusconsulto Tiberiano. Nota in margine a Sid. ep. 1.7.12’, in Emmanuelle Chevreau et al. (eds), Liber amicorum. Mélanges en l’honneur de Jean-Pierre Coriat, Paris, 2019, 65-72.
| Academia

Condorelli, Silvia, and Marco Onorato (eds), Verborum violis multicoloribus: Studi in onore di Giovanni Cupaiuolo, Naples: Paolo Loffredo, 2019.
| review by Martina Russo in BMCR 2021.05.18

Condorelli, Silvia, ‘La lettera 9.11 di Sidonio Apollinare a Lupo di Troyes: luci e ombre di una excusatio epistolare’, in: Condorelli and Onorato 2019, 113-38.

Corsi, Cristina, ‘Travelling first class? Emperors, dignitaries and intellectuals on the roads of the Roman Empire’, L’Antiquité Classique 88 (2019) 139-77.

Cvetković, Carmen Angela, ‘Christianity, Romanitas and the politics of otherness in the late ancient West’, in: Jérôme Lagouanère (ed.), La naissance d’autrui, de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance, Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2019, 261-82.
| info: The representation of religious and ethnic alterity in Ambrose, Sidonius and Paulinus of Nola

Di Stefano, Anita, ‘Commentarios in Apollinarem petis. L’epistola prefatoria di Giovan Battista Pio all’edizione sidoniana del 1498’, in: Condorelli and Onorato 2019, 247-76.

Dijkstra, Roald, ‘Tijd om te lachen. Op zoek naar humor in de vroegchristelijke wereld’, Lampas 52 (2019) 214-27.

Drijvers, Jan Willem, and Noel Lenski (eds), The Fifth Century: Age of Transformation. Proceedings of the Twelfth Biennial Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity Conference, Bari: Edipuglia, 2019.
| catalogue

Egetenmeyr, Veronika, ‘“Barbarians” Transformed: The Construction of Identity in the Epistles of Sidonius Apollinaris’, in Drijvers and Lenski 2019, 169-81.

Fascione, Sara, Gli ‘altri’ al potere: Romani e barbari nella Gallia di Sidonio Apollinare, Biblioteca tardoantica 12, Bari: Edipuglia, 2019.
| catalogue

Fascione, Sara, ‘Simmaco e la difesa della Romanitas nell’ottavo libro delle Epistole di Sidonio Apollinare’, Koinonia 43 (2019) 363-74.
| Academia

Fera, Vincenzo, ‘Un fantasma petrarchesco: Sidonio il temerario’, in: Condorelli and  Onorato 2019, 295-326.

Foscarini, Sergio, ‘Una pista lessicale nella prosa di Sidonio Apollinare: i grecismi’, in: Condorelli and Onorato 2019, 345-62.

Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Cronaca – Lo specchio del modello. Orizzonti intertestuali e Fortleben di Sidonio Apollinare: Messina, 4-5 ottobre 2018’, BSL 49 (2019) 245.

Girotti, Beatrice, ‘Civilitas, humanitas e identità gallica. Esempi di appropriazione identitaria nella Gallia di IV e V secolo: Eumenio e Sidonio’, in: Tommaso Gnoli and Valerio Neri (eds), Le identità regionali nell’impero tardoantico, Milan: Jouvence, 2019, 65-98.

Gualandri, Isabella, ‘Obscuritas tra retorica e diritto in età tardoantica’, in: Dario Mantovani (ed.), Le strutture nascoste della legislazione tardoantia. Atti del convegno Redhis (Pavia 17-18 marzo 2016), Bari: Edipuglia, 2019, 137-75.

Hanaghan, Michael P., Reading Sidonius’ Epistles, Cambridge: CUP, 2019.
| catalogue | reviews: van Waarden in Plekos 21 (2019) 308-309, Neger in Gymnasium 126 (2019) 610-12, Gernot M. Müller in Sehepunkte 21.5 (15 May 2021).

Hardie, Philip, Classicism and Christianity in Late Antique Latin Poetry, Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2019.
| catalogue | reviews: David Ungvary in CJ-Online, 2020.09.06; Aaron Pelttari in CR 70.1 (2020) 136-38; Dennis Trout in JLA 13.2 (2020) 440-42.

Harich-Schwarzbauer, Henriette, ‘Pallas Athena im gallo-römischen Narbonne. Der “Tempel” der Philosophie und der “Tempel” der Webkunst bei Sidonius Apollinaris, carm. 15’, in Bardo M. Gauly, Gernot M. Müller and Michael Rathmann (eds), Dialoge mit dem Altertum. Sinnstiftungen aus der Vergangenheit in Antike, Früher Neuzeit und Moderne, Heidelberg: Winter, 2019, 161-76.
| catalogue

Harland, James M., ‘Imagining the Saxons in Late Antique Gaul’, in: Melanie Augstein and Matthias Hardt (eds), Sächsische Leute und Länder. Benennung und Lokalisierung von Gruppenidentitäten im ersten Jahrtausend, Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung 10, Braunschweig: Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum, 2019, 45-56.
| Humanities Commons

Helvétius, Anne-Marie, ‘Les premières îles monastiques de la Gaule’, in: Gabriela Signori (ed.), Inselklöster – Klosterinseln: Topographie und Toponymie einer monastischen Formation,  Berlin, De Gruyter, 2019, 13-38.

Hess, Hendrik, Das Selbstverständnis der gallo-römischen Oberschicht: Übergang, Hybridität und Latenz im historischen Diskursraum von Sidonius Apollinaris bis Gregor von Tours, Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde, Ergänzungsband 111, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019.
| reviews: Ian Wood in Sehepunkte 20 (2020) #7,8; John Drinkwater in BMCR 2020.09.13; Willum Westenholz in Plekos 22 (2020) 445-51.

Hindermann, Judith, ‘La lettre comme lieu de publication des épigrammes: les épigrammes dans les épîtres de Sidoine Apollinaire et son modèle Pline le Jeune’, in: Luciana Furbetta and Céline Urlacher-Becht (eds), Les ‘lieux’ de l’épigramme latine tardive: vers un élargissement du genre, Revue des études tardo-antiques, 2019.

Kennedy, Scott, ‘Winter is Coming: The Barbarization of Roman Leaders in Imperial Panegyric from A.D. 446-68’, CQ 69 (2019) 422-34.
| online

Kon’kov, Dmitriy S., ‘Doctiloquus by Sidonius Apollinaris: Word as a Social Action’, Tomsk State University Journal 444 (2019) 130-35.

Kulikowski, Michael, Imperial Tragedy: From Constantine to the Destruction of Roman Italy AD 363-568, History of the Ancient World, London: Profile Books, 2019.

Lenoble, Michel, et al., Atlas topographique de Lugdunum, vol. 1 Lyon-Fourvière, Dijon: Revue archéologique de l’Est Suppl. 47, 2019.
| catalogue

Litovchenko, Elena, ‘Один день из жизни позднеантичного аристократа: Сидоний Аполлинарий в гостях у родственников’ [One Day in the Life of a Late Antique Nobleman: Sidonius Apollinaris Visiting His Kin], Научные ведомости БелГУ. Серия: История. Политология 46 (2019) 620–26.
| online | info: Analyses Ep. 2.9

Litovchenko, Elena, Nikolay Bolgov, et al., ‘Sidonius Apollinaris as a Flexible Thinking Person of Fifth-Century Gaul’, Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics 10 (2019) 363-70.
| online

Litovchenko, Elena, Sergey Kutomanov, Marina Ryabtseva, and Inna Onoprienko, ‘The Image of a Christian in Sidonius Apollinaris’ Letters’, SHS Web of Conferences 72 (2019) #02007.
| open access

Machado, Carlos, Urban Space and Aristocratic Power in Late Antique Rome AD 270-535, Oxford: OUP, 2019.
| catalogue

Mascoli, Patrizia, ‘Sidonio Apollinare nella manualistica letteraria di età umanistica’, Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 25 (2019) 211–19.
| online

Mascoli, Patrizia, ‘Il recapito della corrispondenza nella Roma imperiale’, Classica et Christiana 14 (2019) 187-99.

Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘The End of the Western Roman Empire in the Fifth Century CE: Barbarian Auxiliaries, Independent Military Contractors, and Civil Wars’, in Drijvers and Lenski 2019, 137-56.
| Academia

Mattiacci, Silvia, ‘Ineptiae e il lessico riduttivo in relazione alla poesia “minore”’, Lexis 37 (2019) 236-55.

Meier, Mischa, Geschichte der Völkerwanderung: Europa, Asien und Afrika vom 3. bis zum 8. Jahrhundert n.Chr., Munich: Beck, 2019.
| review by Michael Kulikowski in Plekos 31.12.2020

Meurer, Tabea L., Vergangenes verhandeln: Spätantike Statusdiskurse senatorischer Eliten in Gallien und Italien / Negotiating the Past: Late Ancient Discourse on Status among the Senatorial Elites of Gaul and Italy, Millennium Studies 79, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019.
| catalogue | table of contents on Academia | review by Ulrich Lambrecht in Plekos (2020) 381-9.

Mondin, Luca, ‘The Late Latin Literary Epigram (Third to Fifth Centuries CE)’, in Christer Henriksén (ed.), A Companion to Ancient Epigram, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2019, 575-95.

Montone, Francesco, ‘Il Panegirico ad Antemio di Sidonio Apollinare: metapoetica e intratestualità’, Vichiana 56 (2019) 33-60.

Montone, Francesco, ‘Un principe coltissimo. L’Imperatore Antemio (467-472) nel Panegirico di Sidonio Apollinare’, Salternum 42-43 (2019) 43-56.

Neger, Margot, ‘Epigramme im narrativen Kontext: Das Handtuch des Philomatius bei Sidonius, Epist. 5,17’, RhM 162 (2019) 392-422.

O’Hogan, Cillian, ‘Thirty Years of the Jeweled Style’, JRS 109 (2019) 305-14.

Onorato, Marco, ‘L’arte della concinnatio da Ausonio a Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Étienne Wolff (ed.), La réception d’Ausone dans les littératures européennes, Scripta Receptoria 15, Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2019, 25-63.
| Academia

Onorato, Marco, ‘Variae … hostia linguae: Prudenzio, Paolino di Nola e il sottotesto ambiguo del c. 1 di Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Maria Antonietta Barbàra and Maria Rosaria Petringa (eds), In ricordo di Sandro Leanza: Giornate di studio di Letteratura cristiana antica, Messina: Sicania, 2019, 163-89.
| Academia

Raga, Emmanuelle, ‘Romans and Barbarians at the Table: Banquets and Food as Tools of Distinction According to Sidonius Apollinaris (Fifth-Century Gaul)’, in: Yaniv Fox and Erica Buchberger (eds), Inclusion and Exclusion in Mediterranean Christianities, 400-800, CELAMA 25, Turnhout: Brepols, 2019, 239-58.

Reis, Gabriel Freitas, ‘Fronteiras nas obras de Sidônio Apolinário: conflitos e negociações de gauleses com itálicos e germânicos (século V EC)’, master thesis, University of Santa Maria (Brasil), 2019.
| UFSM repository | info: published in 2022 as Identidades e Fronteiras na Antiguidade Tardia.

Santelia, Stefania, ‘Talia e i Burgundi: rifrazioni classiche e meccanismi di intertestualità in Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Olga Cirillo and Mario Lentano (eds), L’esegeta appassionato: Studi in onore di Crescenzo Formicola, Milan: Mimesis, 2019, 285-307.

Santelia, Stefania, ‘Intramontabili deliciae thermarum: versi dalla tarda antichità latina’, in: Condorelli and Onorato 2019, 527-58.

Santoro, Rosa, ‘Valenze letterarie e metaletterarie del cibo nell’opera di Sidonio Apollinare. II. Dal mito al rito. Il pasto dell’“altro” tra tradizione letteraria e scienza medica’, in: Condorelli and Onorato 2019, 559-88.

Sirks, Boudewijn, ‘Misericordia in 5th-6th century Gaul?’, Koinonia 43 (2019) 633-40.
| info: Sidon. Ep. 5.13

Squillante, Marisa, ‘La poetica delle nugae: Catullo in Sidonio’, Paideia 74 (2019) 967-83.
| Academia

Styka, Jerzy, ‘Standards of Cultural Behaviour of the Romans in the Light of Sidonius Apollinaris’ Letters’, Classica Cracoviensia 22 (2019) 79-90.
| online

Tyrrell, Vida Alice, Merovingian Letters and Letter Writers, Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin 12, Turnhout: Brepols, 2019.
| info: Chapter 1: Amicitia Networks Part 1: Sidonius Apollinaris to Nicetius of Trier and Friends

Vessey, Mark, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris Writes Himself Out: Aut(hol)ograph and Architext in Late Roman Codex Society’, in: Uta Heil (ed.), Das Christentum im frühen Europa: Diskurse, Tendenzen, Entscheidungen, Millennium Studies 75, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019, 117-54.
| catalogue | info: ‘This essay looks again at Sidonius’ letter collection, with an eye to the textual and bibliographic whole(s) therein finally composed’ (p. 117)

Whitton, Chris, The Arts of Imitation in Latin Prose: Pliny’s Epistles/Quintilian in Brief, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.