Bibliography 1900-1999


Housman, Alfred E., ‘On Apollinaris Sidonius’, CR 14 (1900) 54 (repr. in J. Diggle and F.R.D. Goodyear (eds), The Classical Papers of A.E. Housman, 3 vols, Cambridge, 1972, 2.516).
| info: About Ep. 2.2.2 Amerini and 6.8.2 mercatoris


Magaud, P., ‘Un évêque des Gaules au Ve s.: S. Sidoine Apollinaire, évêque de Clermont (430-489)’, ASLF 3 (1901) 435-73.

Molinier, Auguste, ‘136. Gaius Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius’, in: Auguste Molinier, Les sources de l’histoire de France – Des origines aux guerres d’Italie (1494). I. Époque primitive, mérovingiens et carolingiens, Paris: Picard, 1901, 45-46.
| Persée

Nicolas, Joseph, La médecine dans les œuvres de Sidoine Apollinaire (430-489), Clermont-Ferrand, 1901 (offprint from Revue médicale du Mont-Dore, 1901), 12 pp.
| Gallica and Collection Hachette BnF

Peter, Hermann, Der Brief in der römischen Literatur, Leipzig, 1901 (repr. Hildesheim, 1965).


Allain, Eugène, Pline le Jeune et ses héritiers, 4 vols, Paris, 1901-1902.
| info: Sidonius passim, but especially in vol. 3, 256-83: see

Dourif, H., ‘Une lettre de Sidoine-Apollinaire et les volcans d’Auvergne’, Bulletin historique et scientifique de l’Auvergne (1902) 308-25.
| Gallica

Mirmont, Henri de la Ville de, ‘L’astrologie chez les Gallo-Romains’, Revue des Études Anciennes 4 (1902) 115-41.
| online Persée


Mirmont, Henri de la Ville de, ‘L’astrologie chez les Gallo-Romains’, Revue des Études Anciennes 5 (1903) 255-93.
| online Persée

Ottolia, Andrea, Biografia e poesie di C. Sollio Apollinare Sidonio, Acqui, 1903.


Brakman Jzn., Cornelis, Sidoniana et Boethiana, 1904, Utrecht.
| info: Discussion and emendations of 7.1.2 tantum-tamen, 7.2.2 si moris est regularum, 7.7.1 minus, 7.9.1 videor … sermocinatus, among other passages.

Coville, Alfred, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire à Lyon’, Revue d’histoire de Lyon 3 (1904) fasc. 2 and 4 (repr. in Recherches sur l’histoire de Lyon du Ve siècle au IXe siècle (450-800), Paris, 1928, 31-76).

Mirmont, Henri de la Ville de, L’astrologie chez les Gallo-Romains, Bibliothèque des Universités de Midi 7, Bordeaux, 1904.
| | info: Chapter on Sidonius pp. 135-46


Damsté, Pieter H., ‘Ad Apollinarem Sidonium’, Mnemosyne 33 (1905) 185, 188, 218.
| info: Conjectures for Ep. 6.12.6, 6.8.2, 1.5.5 respectively

Holland, Richard, Studia Sidoniana, Programm Thomasschule 1904-1905, Leipzig: Edelmann, 1905.
| download | info: Discusses passages from Carm. 5, 9, 23; Ep. 3.13, 4.12, 5.7, 6.12, 9.13, 9.15

Raquettius, L. [Lorenzo/Luigi vel sim. Racchetti?], ‘De auctore carminis “Pervigilium Veneris” inscripti’, CR 19 (1905) 224-25, answered by J.B. Bury, ‘On the Pervigilium Veneris’, CR 19 (1905) 304.
| info: Raquettius’ hypothesis that the Pervigilium could have been written by Sidonius is countered by Bury: ‘No one could be less disposed than I to underrate the merits of Sidonius Apollinaris, but his extant poems do not intimate that he was, at any period of his life, susceptible of the poetical inspiration which distinguishes the Pervigilium Verneris, at once so fresh and so artificial’. Cf. C. Brakman Jzn., Pervigilium Veneris. Tekst en vertaling met inleiding en commentaar voorzien, Leiden: Brill, 1928: 16-17, who is of the same opinion.

Schuster, Moritz, ‘De C. Sollii Apollinaris Sidonii imitationibus studiisque Horatianis’, part 1, Programm Staatsgymnasium Mährisch Ostrau, 1905, 3-44.
| review: ZOEG 57 (1906) 667, 58 (1907) 91-92 Bitschofsky R.

van der Vliet, J., ‘Lexikalisches zu den Metamorphosen und zu Sidonius’, ALLG 10 (1905) 385-90.

van Wageningen, J., ‘De Damoclis gladio’, Mnemosyne 33 (1905) 317-29.


Mirmont, Henri de la Ville de, ‘L’astrologie chez les Gallo-Romains’, Revue des Études Anciennes 8 (1906) 128-64.
| online Persée

Schuster, Moritz, ‘De C. Sollii Apollinaris Sidonii imitationibus studiisque Horatianis’, part 2, Programm Staatsgymnasium Mährisch Ostrau, 1906, 5-30 (parts 1 and 2 reprinted Vienna, 1908)
| review by R. Bitschofsky in Zeitschrift für die Österreichische Gymnasien 58 (1907) 91-92


Duchesne, Louis, Fastes épiscopaux de l’ancienne Gaule, 2nd ed. rev. and augm., 3 vols, Paris: 1 Provinces du sud-est, 1907; 2 L’Aquitaine et les Lyonnaises, 1910; 3 Les provinces du nord et de l’est, 1915.

Mirmont, Henri de la Ville de, ‘L’astrologie chez les Gallo-Romains’, Revue des Études Anciennes 9 (1907) 69-82 and 155-71.
| online Persée a and Persée b


Allard, Paul, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire, préfet de Rome’, Revue des questions historiques 84 (1908) 399-419.

Allard, Paul, ‘La jeunesse de Sidoine Apollinaire’, RQH 83 (1908) 24-44.

Allard, Paul, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire sous les règnes d’Avitus et de Majorien’, RQH 83 (1908) 426-52.

Karsavinas, Levas, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris, a Representative of Fifth-Century Culture’, doctoral dissertation St Petersburg, 1908 (unpubl.).

Reid, J.S., ‘Note on the Introductory Epistle to the Eighth Book of Caesar’s Gallic War’, CP 3 (1908) 441-5.
| info: Sidon. Ep. 9.14 on pp. 443-5


Allard, Paul, ‘La retraite de Sidoine Apollinaire’, RQH 86 (1909) 49-66.
| info: Articles reprinted in Allard 1910

Krämer, Max, ‘Res libraria cadentis antiquitatis Ausonii et Apollinaris Sidonii exemplis illustratur’, diss. Marburg: Koch, 1909.

Mirmont, Henri de a Ville de, ‘L’astrologie chez les Gallo-Romains’, Revue des Études Anciennes 11 (1909) 301-46.
| online Persée | info: This issue discusses Sidonius on pp. 301-13


Allard, Paul, St. Sidoine Apollinaire, 431-489, Paris, 1910 (3rd ed. Paris, 1930).


Burke, Malcolm C., ‘De Apollinaris Sidonii codice nondum tractato Remensi bibl. civ. 413’, Phil. Diss. 1908, Munich, 1911.


Garrod, Heathcote W. (ed.), The Oxford Book of Latin Verse, Oxford, 1912.
| more: Features Carm. 14.1-30, 18, 20, and 26 (in Ep. 2.8.3)


Dalton, Ormonde M., The Letters of Sidonius, translated, with introduction and notes, 2 vols, Oxford, 1915.
| consult online SINCE DEC. 2019 TEMPORARILY (?) REMOVED FROM SERVER CCEL: Preface by Roger Pears (2003), IntroductionBibliographyCorrespondentsNotesBook 1Book 2Book 3Book 4Book 5Book 6Book 7Book 8Book 9
| also on in two volumes: one and two
| review by A. Souter in CR 29 (1915) 154-55

Weston, Arthur H., Latin Satirical Writing Subsequent to Juvenal, Yale PhD 1911, Lancaster: New Era Printing, 1915.
| | more: Touches upon the life and writings of: Apuleius, Tertullian, Commodianus, Arnobius, Ausonius, Tetradius, Sulpicia, Prudentius, Carmen contra Paganos, Carmen ad senatorem, Paulinus of Nola, Cresconius, Ambrosius, Hieronymus, Claudian, Epigramma S. Paulini, Orientius, Rutilius Namatianus, Lucillus, Apollinaris Sidonius (pp. 136-39 Ep. 1.11 and Carm. 12), Secundinus, Lampridius, Salvianus.


Deonna, Waldemar, ‘Le puits du Gévaudan’, RArch 4 [sic] (1916) 313-16.

Haverfield, Francis, ‘Tacitus during the Late Roman Period and the Middle Ages’, JRS 6 (1916) 196-201.

Reinach, Salomon, ‘Le puits du Gévaudan’, RArch 3 (1916) 127-34.
| more: About Carm. 24.25 sublimem in puteo videbis urbem


Brakman Jzn., Cornelis, ‘Sidoniana’, Mnemosyne 48 (1920) 97-100.
| info: Discussion and emendations of Ep. 1.2.2 (conjecture: sedet adipe), 1.5.5, 9.1.3, 7.2.2, Carm. 23.145, and additions to Geisler’s list: Ep. 1.2.8 timet timeri: Sen. Agam. 73, Ep. 1.8.3 si deteriorum collatione clarescant: Tac. Ann. 1.10, Ep. 2.14.2 amputabuntur causae morarum: Hier. Ep. 60.17.3, Ep. 4.22.3 concinnare mendacium: Apul. Met. 5.27. Adjectives Marmaricus and Nasamonius


Merchie, Ernest, ‘Un aspect de la prose de Sidoine Apollinaire’, Musée belge 25 (1921) 165-77.


Merchie, Ernest, ‘Confiteor errorem: Sidoine Apollinaire, Ep. III, 12, 2’, Musée belge 26 (1922) 145-49.

Merchie, Ernest, ‘Gloses inédites du Codex Vaticanus Reginae 203 (ff. 107v- 108r)’, Musée belge 26 (1922) 261-87.


Klotz, Alfred, ‘Sidonius (1)’, in RE II A2 (1923), cols 2230-38.

Merchie, Ernest, ‘Notes sur le style de Sidoine Apollinaire’, Musée belge 27 (1923) 83-89.


Power, Eileen, ‘The Precursors 3: Sidonius Apollinaris’ in: Medieval People, London: Methuen, 1924 (repeatedly reprinted).


Gorce, Denys, Les voyages, l’hospitalité et le port des lettres dans le monde chrétien des IVe et Ve siècles, Paris, 1925.


Grupe, Eduard, ‘Juristische Analekten aus den Briefen des G. Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius’, ZRG(R) 46 (1926) 19-31.
| info: Treats Ep. 1.7, 3.12, 4.23, 4.24, 7.2

Vercauteren, Fernand, ‘Cataplus et catabolus’, ALMA – Bulletin Du Cange 2 (1925-1926) 98-101.


Anderson, William B., ‘A Virgilian Reminiscence in Apollinaris Sidonius’, CR 41 (1927) 124-25 (also in Bulletin d’ancienne littérature chrétienne latine 1 (1921/28) 626-27).


Coville, Alfred, Recherches sur l’histoire de Lyon du Ve au IXe siècle, Paris: Picard, 1928.

Jäger, A., ‘Sidonius Apollinaris, ein Beitrag zur vor-mittelalterlichen Bildungskrise’, Pharus 19 (1928) 241-66.

Zavattaro, Giuseppe, ‘I Carmi di C. Sollio Apollinare Sidonio (431-489)’, tesi di laurea, Torino, 1928.


Anon., ‘Bericht über Apollinaris Sidonius (1900-1927)’, Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft 221 (1929) 133-36.


Duckett, Eleanor Shipley, Latin Writers of the Fifth Century, New York: Holt, 1930.

O’Brien, Mary B., Titles of Address in Christian Latin Epistolography to 543 A.D., Washington, D.C., 1930.

Semple, William H., Quaestiones Exegeticae Sidonianae, Being New Interpretations of Difficult Passages in the Works of Apollinaris Sidonius, Cambridge, 1930
| more on Semple on this site Scholars


Ritchie, William, ‘Latin Letterwriting and Apollinaris Sidonius’, in: The Classical Association of South Africa: Proceedings and Selected Papers 2, 1929-1931, 10-19.
| download | info: William Ritchie died before he could give this paper at the Cape Town branch of CASA, see CR 46,2 (1932) 50 here

Sykutris, Johannes, ‘Epistolographie’, RE Suppl. 5, 1931, cols 185-220.


Di San Lazzaro, C., ‘Nota su Avito. La tradizione sulla sconfitta dell’esercizio imperiale a Tolosa nel 438’, Convivium 5 (1933) 952-54.

Loyen, André, ‘L’Albis chez Claudien et chez Sidoine Apollinaire’, REL 11 (1933) 203-11.

Loyen, André, ‘Qu’est-ce que l’Albis?’, REL 11 (1933) 322-24.

Macé, A., ‘Qu’est-ce que l’Albis?’, REL 11 (1933) 321-22.

Stevens, Courtenay E., Sidonius Apollinaris and his Age, Oxford, 1933.
| review: by W.H. Semple in CR 48 (1934) 29-30


Anderson, William B., ‘Notes on the Carmina of Apollinaris Sidonius’, CQ 28 (1934) 17-23.

Fletcher, G.B.A., ‘Imitationes vel loci similes in poetis latinis: Apollinaris Sidonius’, Mnemosyne 1 (1933-1934) 211-13.

McCartney, Eugene S., ‘The Couch as a Unit of Measurement’, Classical Philology 29 (1934) 30-35.
| info: Briefly on Ep. 2.12.1 lecti capacem: a couch possibly as a cubic measure

Mossberg, Karl-Åke F., Studia Sidoniana critica et semasiologica, Uppsala, 1934.


Byvanck, A.W., ‘Notes batavo-romaines’, Mnemosyne 2 (1935) 309-20.
| info: On pp. 313-18, Byvanck takes position in the Albis debate pro Loyen (1933: a purely literary reminiscence of Claudian) and contra Macé (1933: a tributary of the Meuse) and Vollgraff who thought of a tributary of the Rhine near Utrecht. | download


Anderson, William B., Sidonius. Poems and Letters, with an English translation, finished by W.H. Semple and E.H. Warmington, 2 vols., Cambridge, Mass.: HUP (Loeb): 1 Poems and Letters books 1-2, 1936; 2 Letters books 3-9, 1965.
| Poems online | Letters online | free download of vol. 1 on | review vol. 1 by W.H. Semple in CR 51 (1937) 21-23

Rat, Maurice, Anthologie des poètes latins: des origines au VIe siècle après Jésus-Christ, 2 vols, Paris: Garnier Frères, 1936
| info: Latin text with facing translation


Lambrechts, Pierre, ‘Le commerce des “Syriens” en Gaule du Haut Empire à l’époque mérovingienne’, Antiquité Classique 6 (1937) 35-61.

Légier Desgranges, Henry, Les Apollinaires. Histoire d’une famille gallo-romaine pendant trois siècles, Paris: Hachette, 1937.

Stroheker, Karl F., Eurich, König der Westgoten, Stuttgart, 1937.

Vassili, Lucio, ‘Rapporti fra regni barbarici e impero nella seconda metà del V secolo’, Nuova Rivista Storica 21 (1937) 51-56.


Champomier, Jean, Esquisse pour un portrait de Sidoine Apollinaire, Paris: Debresse, 1938.

Rutherford, Hamish, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris, l’homme politique, l’écrivain, l’évêque: Étude d’une figure gallo-romaine du Ve siècle’, Clermont-Ferrand, 1938 (thèse) = Sidonius Apollinaris. Étude d’une figure gallo-romaine du Ve siècle, Clermont: de Bussac, 1938.

Vassili, Lucio, ‘La cultura di Antemio’, Athenaeum 16 n.s. (1938) 38-45.


Schuster, Moritz, ‘Die Hunnenbeschreibungen bei Ammianus, Sidonius und Iordanis’, WS 58 (1940) 119-30.


Champomier, Jean, ‘Saint Sidoine Apollinaire, évêque gallo-romain’, La vie spirituelle 65 (1941) 144-57.


Hilleman, Edith M., ‘The Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris as a Source for Roman Private Life’, MA thesis University of Chicago, 1942.

Loyen, André, Recherches historiques sur les panégyriques de Sidoine Apollinaire, Paris: Champion, 1942 (repr. Rome, 1967).


Courcelle, Pierre, Les lettres grecques en occident de Macrobe à Cassiodore, Paris, 1943 (new rev. and augm. ed. Paris, 1948).

Loyen, André, Sidoine Apollinaire et l’esprit précieux en Gaule aux derniers jours de l’empire, Collection d’Études latines, Série scientifique 20, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1943.


Alfonsi, Luigi, ‘Quaestiones propertianae’, Aevum 18 (1944) 52-60.

Loyen, André, ‘À la recherche du Vicus Helena’, REA 46 (1944) 121-34.

Vallette, Paul, ‘Isidore de Séville et la fondation de Milan’, Mélanges d’histoire et de littérature offerts à Ch. Gilliard à l’occasion de son soixante-cinquième anniversaire, Lausanne: Rouge, 1944, 93-102.


Faral, Edmond, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et la technique littéraire du Moyen Age’, Miscellanea Giovanni Mercati 2 Letteratura Medievale, Vatican City, 1946, 567-80.


Loś, J.S., ‘Sidonius Apollinaris czyli kłopoty uczonego biskupa’ [Sidonius Apollinaris or Problems of a Learned Bishop], Problemy 3 (1947) 529-36.


Courcelle, Pierre, Histoire littéraire des grandes invasions germaniques, Paris: Hachette, 1948 (3rd ed. Paris: Études augustiniennes, 1964).

Curtius, Ernst R., Europäische Literatur und Lateinisches Mittelalter, Bern, 1948.

Marrou, Henri-Irenée, Histoire de l’éducation dans l’antiquité, Paris, 1948.

Stroheker, Karl Friedrich, Der senatorische Adel im spätantiken Gallien, Tübingen, 1948 (repr. Darmstadt, 1970).


Bardy, Gustave, ‘Copies et éditions au Ve siècle’, Revue des sciences religieuses 23 (1949) 38-52.
| online Persée


Bardy, Gustave, ‘Constance de Lyon, biographe de saint Germain d’Auxerre’, in: Saint Germain d’Auxerre et son temps. Congrès du XVe centenaire de la mort de saint Germain, Auxerre, 1950, 89-108.

Früchtel, Ludwig, ‘Apollinaris Sidonius’, in RAC vol. 1 (1950) cols 522-24.

Leclercq, H., ‘Sidoine Apollinaire’, in DACL 15/1 (1950) cols 1423-27.


Courtney, John R., ‘The Letters of Pliny the Younger and Sidonius Apollinaris: A Comparative Study’, MA thesis, Fordham University, New York, 1951 [unpubl.]
| preview online


Shackleton Bailey, David R. , ‘Echoes of Propertius’, Mnemosyne 5 (1952) 307- 33.


Cavallin, Samuel, ‘Le poète Domnulus: Étude prosopographique’, Sacris erudiri 7 (1955) 49-66.

Chadwick, Nora K., Poetry and Letters in Early Christian Gaul, London, 1955: Chapter XI, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris’, pp. 296-327.


Chastagnol, André, ‘Le sénateur Volusien et la conversion d’une famille de l’aristocratie romaine au Bas-Empire’, REA 58 (1956) 241-53 (repr. in: L’Italie et l’Afrique au Bas-Empire. Études administratives et prosopographiques, scripta varia (1956-1983), Lille, 1987, 235-47).

Loyen, André, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et les derniers éclats de la culture classique dans la Gaule occupée par les Goths’, in: I Goti in Occidente: Problemi, Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo 3, Spoleto, 1956, 265-84.


Riché, PIerre, ‘La survivance des écoles publiques en Gaule au Ve siècle’, MA 63 (1957) 421-36.

Riché, PIerre, ‘La fin des écoles publiques en Gaule au Ve siècle’, BSAF 1957, 43-44.


Haarhoff, Theodore J., Schools of Gaul: A Study of Pagan and Christian Education in the Last Century of the Western Empire, Johannesburg, 1958.


Loyen, André, Sidoine Apollinaire. Poèmes et lettres, 3 vols, Paris: CUF (Budé): 1 Poèmes, 1960; 2 Lettres livres 1-5; 3 Lettres livres 6-9, 1970.

Wedeck, Harry E., ‘The catalogue in late and medieval Latin poetry’, MedHum 13 (1960) 3-16.


Rougé, Jean, ‘Quelques aspects de la navigation en Méditerranée au Ve siècle et dans la première moitié du VIe siècle’, CHist 6 (1961) 129-54.


Griffe, Élie, ‘La pratique religieuse en Gaule au Ve siècle: saeculares et sancti’, BLE 63 (1962) 241-67.

Riché, Pierre, Éducation et culture dans l’occident barbare, VIe-VIIIe siècles, Paris, 1962 (3rd rev. and corr. ed. Paris, 1973).


Anglade, Jean, Sidoine Apollinaire, Clermont-Ferrand: Volcan, 1963.

Kárpáty, Csilla, ‘Római költők antológiája’ [An Anthology of Roman Poets], Budapest, 1963.
| more : Translations of Sidon. Carm. 30 (Ep. 4.11.6), Carm. 41.57-64 (Ep. 9.16.3), Carm. 4.1–18, Carm. 12, Carm. 22.22–63

Loyen, André, ‘Résistants et collaborateurs en Gaule à l’époque des grandes invasions’, Bulletin de l’Association G. Budé 22 (1963) 437-50.

Munier, Charles (ed.), Concilia Galliae A. 314 – A. 506, CCSL 148, and Charles de Clercq (ed.), Concilia Galliae A. 511 – A. 695, CCSL 148A, Turnhout, 1963.

Musset, Lucien, ‘Notes de lecture sur la “Vita Vigoris” et les lettres de Sidoine Apollinaire: Volusianus grand propriétaire gallo-romain du Bessin’, BSAN 56 (1963) 821-24.


Aymard, Jacques, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et la chasse’, in: Marcel Renard and Robert Schilling (eds), Hommages à Jean Bayet, Collection Latomus 70, Brussels, 1964, 47-53.

Griffe, Élie, La Gaule chrétienne à l’époque romaine, 3 vols: 1 Des origines chrétiennes à la fin du IVe siècle, nouvelle édition revue et augmentée, Paris, 1964; 2 L’église des Gaules au Ve siècle, nouvelle édition revue et augmentée, Paris, 1966; 3 La cité chrétienne, Paris, 1965.

Janson, Tore, Latin Prose Prefaces: Studies in Literary Conventions, Stockholm, 1964.

Jones, Arnold H.M., The Later Roman Empire 284-602: A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, 4 vols, Oxford: Blackwell, 1964.

Oost, Stewart I., ‘Aetius and Majorian,’ CPh 59 (1964) 23-29.

Pricoco, Salvatore, ‘Sidonio Apollinare, Girolamo e Rufino’, Acta philologica 3, piae memoriae N.I. Herescu, Rome, 1964, 299-306.

Pricoco, Salvatore, ‘Sidonio Apollinare e il carme natalizio cristiano’, MSLC 14 (1964) 77-91.

Schetter, Willy, ‘Der Gallische Dichter Secundinus’, Philologus 108 (1964) 153-56.

Speyer, Wolfgang, ‘Zu einem Quellenproblem bei Sidonius Apollinaris (Carmen 15, 36-125)’, Hermes 92 (1964) 225-48.


Alfonsi, Luigi, ‘Nota a Sidonio Apollinare’, Vigiliae Christianae 19 (1965) 114-15.
| more: Points out an allusion in Ep. 9.2.2 olorinis cantibus anseres ravos (apart from Verg. Ecl. 9.35-36 and Symm. Ep. 1.1.4) to Prop. 2.34.83-84 canorus / anseris indocto carmine cessit olor

Cameron, Alan, ‘The Fate of Pliny’s Letters in the Late Empire’, CQ 15 (1965) 289-98.

Pavlovskis, Zoja, ‘Statius and the late Latin Epithalamia’, CPh 60 (1965) 164-77.

Pricoco, Salvatore, ‘Studi su Sidonio Apollinare’, Nuovo Didaskaleion 15 (1965) 71-150.

‘Sidonio Apollinare traduttore della “Vita di Apollonio di Tiana” di Filostrato’, 71-98
‘Un esercizio di “parallelo” retorico (Sidonio, Epist., IV, 12, 1-2)’, 99-112
‘Sidonio Apollinare tra Claudiano Mamerto e Fausto di Riez e la datazione del “De spiritu sancto”’, 113-40
‘Sidonio Apollinare, Girolamo e Rufino’, 141-50.

Prinz, Friedrich, Frühes Mönchtum im Frankenreich. Kultur und Gesellschaft in Gallien, den Rheinlanden und Bayern am Beispiel der monastischen Entwicklung (4. bis 8. Jahrhundert), Munich, 1965 (2nd ed. corr. with ‘Nachtrag’, Darmstadt: WBG, 1988).


Berkova, E.A., ‘Der Einfluss der Schule auf die Herausbildung des literarischen Stils des Sidonius Apollinaris’, Probl. de litt. & philol. ant., Moscow, 1966, 361-68.

Czúth, Béla, ‘A bagauda mozgalom’ [The Movement of the Bagaudae], doctoral diss., Szeged, 1966.

Uggeri, Giovanni, ‘Lussorio, Sidonio Apollinare e un’iconografia di Diogene e Laide’, Studi italiani di filologia 38 (1966) 246-55.


Blankert, Albert, ‘Heraclitus en Democritus bij Marsilio Ficino (Heraclitus and Democritus in Marsilio Ficino)’, Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art 1 (1966-1967) 128-35.
| JSTOR | more: Summary p. 135: ‘It seems that Ficino did not seek the sources for his gymnasium’s decorative program in arbitrarily chosen antique anecdotes. Rather, he applied to the single source that described the depiction in painting of Democritus and Heraclitus, i.e. the ninth letter in Book IX of Sidonius Apollinaris’ Epistulae. There, in a passage on the ‘pingantur per gymnasium’ of various philosophers, one reads: ‘Heraclitus fletu oculis clattsis, Democritus riso labris apertis’. It is striking that Ficino speaks of his ‘gymnasium’ just as Sidonius describes the decoration of the ‘gymnasium’. Thus, one may surmise that Ficino turned to this text not to find out how Heraclitus and Democritus were depicted in antiquity, but how a gymnasium ought to be decorated! It may well be that Ficino’s gymnasium owed more to Sidonius’ prescription, and that ‘Zeusippus with his neck bent, Zeno with a wrinkled forehead,… and Diogenes with a long beard’ were also to be seen there.’ See also the Reception/Italy page on this website

Cameron, Alan, ‘Pliny’s Letters in the Later Empire: An Addendum’, CQ 17 (1967) 421-22.

Châtillon, François, ‘Paulin de Périgueux, auteur de la “Vita Martini”, et Sidoine Apollinaire, panégyriste des empereurs’, RMAL 23 (1967) 5-12.

Deman, Albert, ‘A propos d’une inscription chrétienne de Lyon’, paper summarized in RBPh 45 (1967) 219.
| more: Viator at Sidon. Carm. 27.28 (in Ep. 2.10.4) means ‘hauler’

Duckworth, George E., ‘Five centuries of Latin hexameter poetry: Silver Age and Late Empire’, TAPA 98 (1967) 77-150.

Paschoud, François, Roma aeterna. Études sur le patriotisme romain dans l’occident latin à l’époque des grandes invasions, Neuchâtel, 1967.

Williams, Schafer, ‘Apollinaris Sidonii epistola ad Domnulum IV, 25’, Manuscripta 11 (1967) 48-51.


Bachrach, Bernard S., ‘A note on Alites’, ByzZ 61 (1968) 35.
| more: Contra TLL, Sidon. Carm. 5.476 Alites denotes the Equites Maurialites who served in Gaul and were recalled by Majorian for his campaign in 457

Bernt, Günther, Das lateinische Epigramm im Übergang von der Spätantike zum frühen Mittelalter, Munich, 1968.

Caliò, Giuseppe, ‘Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Bibliotheca Sanctorum, vol. 11, Rome: Lateran University, 1968, cols 1026-31.

Huber, Konrad, ‘La battaglia dei Campi Canini’, Vox Romanica 27 (1968) 202-11.
| more: Concerns Sidon. Carm. 5.373-80, among other passages | online

Loyen, André, ‘Études sur Sidoine Apollinaire’, Revue des Études Latines 46 (1968) 83-90.

Semple, William H., ‘Apollinaris Sidonius, a Gallo-Roman Seigneur’, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 50 (1967-1968) 136-58.


Chianéa, Gérard, ‘Les idées politiques de Sidoine Apollinaire’, Revue historique de droit français et étranger 47 (1969) 353-89.

Loyen, André, ‘Le rôle de saint Aignan dans la défense d’Orléans’, Comptes rendus des séances de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 113 (1969) 64-74.
| online Persée


Courcelle, Pierre, ‘Sidoine philosophe’, in: W. Wimmel (ed.), Forschungen zur römischen Literatur. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Karl Büchner, Wiesbaden, 1970, 46-59.

Courcelle, Pierre, ‘Une ΤΕΙΧΟΣΚΟΠΙΑ chez Grégoire de Tours’, in: Mélanges Marcel Durry, REL 47bis (1970) 209-13.
| more: Cf. Sidon. Ep. 8.15.1

Galy-Aché, Charles, ‘Au Ve siècle telle fut la splendeur de Bours [-sur-Gironde] d’après Sidoine Apollinaire’, Les cahiers Méduliens: Bulletin d’archéologie et de l’histoire du Médoc 5 (1970) 31-38.

Hanson, Richard P.C., ‘The Church in Fifth-Century Gaul: Evidence from Sidonius’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 21 (1970) 1-10 (repr. in R.P.C. Hanson, Studies in Christian Antiquity, Edinburgh, 1985, 332-46).

Stroheker, Karl F., ‘Princeps clausus. Zu einigen Berührungen der Literatur des fünften Jahrhunderts mit der Historia Augusta’, in J. Straub (ed.), Bonner Historia-Augusta-Colloquium 1968-1969, Bonn: Habelt, 1970, 273-83.

Thraede, Klaus, Grundzüge griechisch-römischer Brieftopik, Zetemata 48, Munich, 1970.

Zöllner, Erich, ‘Francisca bipennis’, MIŒG 78 (1970) 27-33


Broccia, Giuseppe, Logistoricus. Per la storia del termine (attestazioni e significato), Città di Castello, 1971.

Brown, Peter, The World of Late Antiquity from Marcus Aurelius to Muhammad, London, 1971.

Demandt, Alexander, ‘Die Konsuln der Jahre 381 und 382 Namens Syagrius’, ByzZ 64 (1971) 38-45.

Jones, Arnold H.M., John R. Martindale, and John Morris, The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, 3 vols, Cambridge: vol. 1 A.D. 260-395, 1970; 2 A.D. 395-527, 1980; 3 A.D. 527-641, 1992.

Scarcia, Riccardo, Sidonio Apollinare: antologia di versi, Rome, 1971.

Verdière, Raoul, ‘Un amour secret d’Ovide’, AC 40 (1971) 623-48.
| more: Cf. Sidon. Carm. 23.158-61

Witke, Charles, Numen Litterarum: The Old and the New Latin Poetry from Constantine to Gregory the Great, MST 5, Leiden: Brill, 1971.
| more: Sidonius on pp. 145-232


Arnheim, Michael T.W., The Senatorial Aristocracy in the Later Roman Empire, Oxford, 1972.

Fontaine, Jacques, ‘Valeurs antiques et valeurs chrétiennes dans la spiritualité des grands propriétaires terriens à la fin du IVe siècle occidental’, in: J. Fontaine and C. Kannengiesser (eds), Epektasis. Mélanges patristiques offerts au cardinal Jean Daniélou, Paris, 1972, 571-95.

Loyen, André, ‘La mère de Faustus, évêque de Riez (Sidoine Apollinaire, carmen xvi, v. 84)’, in: Mélanges d’histoire religieuse offerts à Monseigneur Élie Griffe, BLE 73 (1972) 167-69 [= Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique 73 (1972) 167-69].

Luiselli, Bruno, ‘Da Latine loqui a Latialiter loqui’, SR 20 (1972) 221-27.

Momigliano, Arnaldo, ‘La caduta senza rumore di un impero nel 467 d.C.’, Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Classe di lettere e filosofia III, 3, 2 (1972) 397-418 (= Rivista storica italiana 85 (1973) 5-21).

Polara, Giovanni, ‘La fortuna di Simmaco dalla tarda antichità al secolo XVII’, Vichiana 1 (1972) 250-63 (repr. in Giovanni Polara, Ricerche sulla tarda antichità, Naples: Loffredo, 2001).


Demougeot, Emilienne, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et les Gabales (l’itinéraire Auvergne-Méditerranée au Ve s.)’, Revue du Gévaudan 18-19 (1972-1973) 41- 63.

Fontaine, Jacques, ‘L’ascétisme chrétien dans la littérature gallo-romaine d’Hilaire à Cassien’, in: Actes du Colloque sur la Gallia Romana (Rome, 1971), Accademia nazionale dei Lincei 370, Rome, 87-115.

Pavlovskis, Zoja, Man in an Artificial Landscape: The Marvels of Civilization in Imperial Roman Literature, Mnemosyne Supplements 25, Leiden: Brill, 1973.


Bruguière, Marie-Bernadette, Littérature et droit dans la Gaule du Ve siècle, Paris: PUF, 1974.

Consolino, Franca Ela, ‘Codice retorico e manierismo stilistico nella poetica di Sidonio Apollinare’, ASNP 4 (1974) 423-60.

Gualandri, Isabella, Note sul testo di Sidonio Apollinare’, Acme 27 (1974) 293- 97.
| more: Ep. 8.11.2 (about the verb ventilo), Ep. 8.8.1 (proposal to emend obtusi into obtundis), Ep. 3.13.9 (prefers area pectoris to the lectio facilior arca pectoris), and Carm. 14 ep. 4 (emendation of pigmenta into figmenta)

Vessey, David W.T.C., ‘Sidonius, Polla, and two poets’, CB 50 (1973-1974) 37-39.


Alimonti, Terenzio, ‘Apuleio e l’arcaismo in Claudiano Mamerto’, in: Forma futuri: Studi in onore del cardinale Michele Pellegrino, Turin, 1975, 189-228.

Barnes, Timothy D., ‘“Patricii” under Valentinian III’, Phoenix 29 (1975) 155-70.

Janson, Tore, Prose Rhythm in Medieval Latin from the 9th to the 13th Century, Stockholm, 1975.

Lanham, Carol D., Salutatio Formulas in Latin Letters to 1200: Syntax, Style, and Theory, Munich, 1975.

Mannheimer, Irene, Sprachliche Beziehungen zwischen Alt- und Spätlatein, Zürich, 1975.

Max, Gerald E., ‘Majorian Augustus’, Diss. Univ. of Wisconsin Madison, 1975 (microfilm).


Atsma, Hartmut, ‘Die christlichen Inschriften Galliens als Quelle für Klöster und Klosterbewohner bis zum Ende des 6. Jahrhunderts’, Francia 4 (1976) 1-57.
| online

Colton, Robert E., ‘Traces of Martial’s Vocabulary in Sidonius Apollinaris’, Classical Bulletin 53 (1976) 12-16 (= Colton 1995, 262-74).

Heinzelmann, Martin, Bischofsherrschaft in Gallien. Zur Kontinuität römischer Führungsschichten vom 4. bis zum 7. Jahrhundert. Soziale, prosopographische und bildungsgeschichtliche Aspekte, Munich, 1976.

Rousseau, Philip, ‘In Search of Sidonius the Bishop’, Historia 25 (1976) 356-77.

ter Kuile, Engelbert H., De tijd van Rome’s laatste keizers. Brieven van Apollinaris Sidonius uit de jaren 455-475, vertaald en ingeleid, Zutphen, 1976.

Shackleton Bailey, David R., ‘Notes, Critical and Interpretative, on the Poems of Sidonius Apollinaris’, Phoenix 30 (1976) 242-51 (repr. in D.R. Shackleton Bailey, Selected Classical Papers, Ann Arbor, MI, 1997, 22-34).


Chastagnol, André, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et la fin du Sénat de Rome’, BSAF 1977, 117-19.

Marrou, Henri-Irénée, Décadence romaine ou antiquité tardive? IIIe-VIe siècle, Paris, 1977.


Chastagnol, André, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et le sénat de Rome’, AAntHung 26 (1978) 57-70.

Codoñer Merino, Carmen, ‘De nuevo Sidonio Apolinar y la historia del derecho’, in: Actas del V Congreso español de estudios clásicos (Madrid 20 al 25 de abril de 1976), Madrid, 1978, 349-56.

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Pellegrin, Élisabeth, ‘Le manuscrit Paris Bibl. nat. lat. 2389 et ses “membra disiecta”’, RHT 8 (1978) 295-302.
| online Persée

Pricoco, Salvatore, L’isola dei Santi. Il cenobio di Lerino e le origini del monachesimo gallico, Rome, 1978.

Rebuffat-Emmanuel, Denise, and René Rebuffat, ‘De Sidoine Apollinaire à la tombe François’, Latomus 37 (1978) 88-104.

Rousseau, Philip, Ascetics, Authority, and the Church in the Age of Jerome and Cassian, Oxford, 1978 (2nd ed. Notre Dame, IN, 2010).


Consolino, Franca Ela, Ascesi e mondanità nella Gallia tardoantica. Studi sulla figura del vescovo nei sec. IV-VI, Naples, 1979.

Czúth, Béla, ‘Geiserich és vandáljai Rómában (455. Jún. 2-16.): a Nyugat-Római Birodalom politikai felbomlásának történetéhez’ [Geiserich and His Vandals in Rome (June 2–16, 455): On the History of the Political Desintegration of the Western Roman Empire], in: Acta Antiqua et Archaeologica: Supplementum. Supplementum 2 (1979) 25–32.

Gualandri, Isabella, Furtiva lectio. Studi su Sidonio Apollinare, Milan, 1979.

Hunt, Tony, ‘The vernacular entries in the Glossae in Sidonium (MS Oxford, Digby 172)’, Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur 89 (1979) 130-50.

Latzke, Therese, ‘Der Fürstinnenpreis’, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 14 (1979) 22-65.
| info: Pp. 29-30: Filomatia (Ep. 2.8)

Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘The Ecclesiastical Aristocracy of Fifth-Century Gaul: A Regional Analysis of Family Structure’, PhD thesis, University of Wisconsin, 1979 (Ann Arbor, UMI [nowadays ProQuest Dissertations], 1980).

Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘Resistance and Reconciliation: Majorian and the Gallic Aristocracy after the Fall of Avitus’, Francia 7 (1979) 597-627 (repr. in Mathisen 1991, 167-97).
| online

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Max, Gerald E., ‘Political Intrigue during the Reigns of the Western Roman Emperors Avitus and Majorian’, Historia 28 (1979) 225–37.

Wolfram, Herwig, Geschichte der Goten. Von den Anfängen bis zur Mitte des sechsten Jahrhunderts: Entwurf einer historischen Ethnographie, Munich, 1979 (History of the Goths, transl. Thomas J. Dunlap, new and rev. from the 2nd German ed., Berkeley: UCP, 1988).


Bonjour, Madeleine, ‘La patria de Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: M.Y. Burnand et al. (eds), Mélange P. Wuilleumier, Paris, 1980, 25-37.

Casati, Giuseppe, Cristianesimo e romanità in Gallia nell’epistolario di Sidonio Apollinare, Quaderni del Seminario di Pavia 18, Pavia, 1980.

Février, Paul A., et al., La ville antique des origines au IXe siècle, vol. 1 of Georges Duby (ed.), Histoire de la France urbaine, Paris, 1980.

Goffart, Walter, Barbarians and Romans A.D. 418-584: The Techniques of Accomodation, Princeton, 1980.

Liénard, Edmond, Répertoires prosodiques et métriques, vol. 2: Ovide, Métamorphoses, livre VI. Lucain, Pharsale, livre V. Sidoine Apollinaire, Panegyricus (Carmen V), Sources et instruments 5, Brussels, 1980.

Martindale, John R., ‘Gaius Sollius (Modestus?) Apollinaris Sidonius 6’, in: The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, vol. 2 A.D. 395-527, Cambridge, 1980, 115-18.

Pietri, Charles, ‘L’espace chrétien dans la cité. Le vicus christianorum et l’espace chrétien de la cité arverne (Clermont)’, RHEF 66 (1980) 177-209.
| online Persée

Smolak, Kurt, ‘Der verbannte Dichter: Identifizierungen mit Ovid in Mittelalter und Neuzeit’, Wiener Studien 93 (1980) 158-91.
| info: Pp. 186-88: The protagonist, instead of meeting Ovid, meets Sidonius in exile and unable, for loathing, to compose an ode to Venus (Carm. 12), in Hartmut Lange’s 1965 play Staschek oder das Leben des Ovid. See also Smolak 2008, 48-49, and the Reception/Germany page of this website


Horváth, Ágnes, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris levelezési kapcsolatai és leveleinek VII. könyve’ [The Correspondence of Sidonius Apollinaris and His Letters, Book VII], MA thesis, Szeged, 1981 (unpubl.).
| the translation is available on this site Contributions

Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘Avitus, Italy and the East in A.D. 455-456’, Byzantion 51 (1981) 232-47 (repr. in Mathisen 1991, 137-52).

Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘Epistolography, Literary Circles, and Family Ties in Late Roman Gaul’, TAPhA 111 (1981) 95-109 (repr. in Mathisen 1991, 13- 27).

Mesturini, Anna Maria, ‘Sul carmen XX di Sidonio Apollinare’, Sandalion 4 (1981) 177-82.

Reydellet, Marc, La royauté dans la littérature latine de Sidoine Apollinaire à Isidore de Séville, Rome: EFR, 1981.
| info: See Staubach 1983


Baldwin, Barry, ‘Some Addenda to the Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire’, Historia 31 (1982) 97-111.

Bonjour, Madeleine, ‘Personnification, allégorie et prosopopée dans les Panégyriques de Sidoine Apollinaire’, Vichiana 11 (1982) 5-17.

Chastagnol, André, ‘La carrière sénatoriale du Bas-Empire (depuis Dioclétien)’, in: M. Corbier (ed.), Epigrafia e ordine senatorio. Atti del colloquio internazionale AIEGL, Roma, 14-20 maggio 1981 1, Tituli 4, Rome, 167-93.

Colton, Robert E., ‘Echoes of Juvenal in Sidonius Apollinaris’, Res Publica Litterarum 5 (1982) 59-74.

Faggi, Vico (pseud. of Alessandro Orengo, translation), Fernando Bandini (preface) and Anna Maria Mesturini (introduction and notes), Sidonio Apollinare. Carmina, Quaderni di Poesia, Genua, 1982.
| info: Translates (fragments of) Carm. 3, 7, 8, 4, 2, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, and 41 (from Ep. 9.16.3), in this order. For details, see Translations > Italian page

Fernández López, María Concepción, ‘Dominus: valores afectivos’, in: Juan Higueras Maldonado (ed.), Actas del I Congreso Andaluz de Estudios Clásicos: Jaén, 9-12 diciembre, año 1981, Jaén, 1982, 187-90.

Forlin Patrucco, Marcella, ‘Il quotidiano e le strutture: note sulla vita familiare nell’alto medioevo’, RomBarb 6 (1981-1982) 129-58.

Günther, Rigobert, ‘Apollinaris Sidonius: Eine Untersuchung seiner drei Kaiserpanegyriken’, in: G. Wirth (ed.), Romanitas-Christianitas. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Literatur der römischen Kaiserzeit, Johannes Straub zum 70. Geburtstag am 18. Oktober 1982 gewidmet, Berlin, 1982, 654-60.

Heinzelmann, Martin, ‘Gallische Prosopographie 260-527’, Francia 10 (1982) 531-718.
| online

Horváth, Ágnes T., ‘Sidonius Apollinaris levelezési kapcsolatai’ [Sidonius Apollinaris’ Mailing Relations], Acta Universitatis Szegediensis. Acta Iuvenum. Sectio Historica, vol. 3, Szeged, 1982, 45–60.

Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘P.L.R.E. II: Suggested Addenda and Corrigenda’, Historia 31 (1982) 364-86 (repr. in Mathisen 1991, 365-87).

Mesturini, Anna Maria, ‘Due asterischi su Sidonio Apollinare’, Sandalion 5 (1982) 263-76.
| info: On Dionysus and Phoebus in Carm. 22

Pelliciari, Luisa, Sulla natura giuridica dei rapporti tra Visigoti e Impero Romano al tempo delle invasioni del V secolo, Milan, 1982.

Shackleton Bailey, David R., ‘Notes, Critical and Interpretative, on the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris’, Phoenix 36 (1982) 344-57 (repr. in D.R. Shackleton Bailey, Selected Classical Papers, Ann Arbor, MI, 1997, 159-75).

Sheerin, Daniel J., ‘Celeuma in Christian Latin: Lexical and Literary Notes’, Traditio 38 (1982) 45-73.


Bonjour, Madeleine, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et l’empire’, in: La patrie gauloise d’Agrippa au VIe siècle, Actes du colloque de Lyon 1981, Lyon: L’Hermès, 1983, 203-17.

Cugusi, Paolo, Evoluzione e forme dell’epistolografia latina nella tarda repubblica e nei primi due secoli dell’impero, Rome, 1983.

Czúth, Béla, ‘A nép szerepe Orleans ostroma idején, 451. jún.’ [The Role of the People during the Siege of Orleans, June 451], in: András Róna-Tas (ed.), A 80- as évek társadalomtudománya: eredmények és perspektívák [The Social Sciences in the 1980-s: Results and Perspectives], Szeged, 1983, 211–27.

Czúth, Béla, ‘Die Rolle des Volkes zur Zeit der Belagerung Orleans durch Attila’, Acta Universitatis Szegediensis: Acta Historica 76 (1983) 3–10.

Czúth, Béla, ‘Coniuratio Marcellana oder Marcelli(ni)ana? (Sidonius Apollinaris ep. I 11, 5–6), Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis 19 (1983) 113–22.

Czúth, Béla, ‘Maiorianus hatalomra jutása 456. okt. 17. – 457. dec. 28.: A Nyugat-Római Birodalom politikai fölbomlásának történetéhez [Majorian’s Coming to Power, October 14, 456 – December 28, 457], in: Egon Maróti (ed.), Római történeti és irodalmi tanulmányok [Roman Historical and Political Studies], Szeged, 1983, 53–60.

Fontaine, Jacques, ‘L’apport du christianisme à la prise de conscience de la “patrie gauloise” sous la dynastie théodosienne’, in: La Patrie gauloise d’Agrippa au VIe siècle, Actes du colloque de Lyon 1981, Lyon: L’Hermès, 1983, 183-202.
| info: Ep. 9.13.3

Harrison, Geoffrey T., ‘The Verse Panegyrics of Sidonius Apollinaris: Poetry and Society in Late Antique Gaul’, Diss. Univ. of Stanford, 1983 (unpubl.).

Sánchez Salor, Eustaquio, ‘La ultima poesia latino-profana: su ambiente,’ Estud. Clás. 25 (1981-83) 111-62.

Staubach, Nikolaus, ‘Germanisches Königtum und lateinische Literatur vom fünften bis zum siebten Jahrhundert. Bemerkungen zum Buch von Marc Reydellet, La royauté dans la littérature latine de Sidoine Apollinaire à Isidore de Séville’, Frühmittelalterliche Studien 17 (1983) 1-54.

Verdière, Raoul, ‘Caesarea puella’, Helmantica 34 (1983) 619-24.
| info: Carm. 23.160

de Vrégille, Bernard, ‘Les évêques de Lyon du IVe au VIIIe siècle’ and ‘La vie de l’église de Lyon, du IVe au VIIIe siècle’, in: Jacques Gadille (ed.), Le diocèse de Lyon, Histoire des diocèses de France 16, Paris: Beauchesne, 1983, 19-29 and 30-50.

Wood, Ian, ‘The Ecclesiastical Politics of Merovingian Clermont’, in: Ideal and Reality in Frankish-Anglo-Saxon Society. Studies presented to J.M. Wallace- Hadrill, Oxford, 1983, 34-57.

Zecchini, Giuseppe, Aezio: l’ultima difesa dell’Occidente romano, Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 1983.


Anton, Hans Hubert, ‘Trier im Übergang von der römischen zur fränkischen Herrschaft’, Francia 12 (1984) 1-52.
| online

Bonjour, Madeleine, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris inter Romanos et barbaros’, in: Klaus Sallmann and Rhoda Schnur (eds), De Roma et provinciis septentrionalibus ad occidentem vergentibus, Acta Treverica 1981, Leichlingen, 1984, 109-13.

Geymonat, Marius, ‘Filargirio gallo-romano?’, in: Renato Uglione (ed.), Atti del Convegno nazionale di studio su Virgilio, Torino 1-2 maggio 1982, Turin: Regione Piemonte, 1984, 171-74.
| info: Confirms Heraeus’ identification of Philargyrius, the commentator of Vergil’s Bucolica, with Philagrius patricius, an ancestor of the Emperor Avitus (Sidon. Carm. 7.156 and possibly 24.93)

Hall, Ralph G., and Steven M. Oberhelman, ‘A New Statistical Analysis of Accentual Prose Rhythms in Imperial Latin Authors’, CPh 80 (1984) 114–30.

Horváth, Ágnes, ‘Az V. század műveltségének és latin nyelvű levelezésének néhány kérdése’ [Some Questions of Literacy and Correspondence in Latin in the Fifth Century. With a Translation of Book IV of Sidonius’ Letters], doctoral university thesis, Szeged, 1984 (unpubl.).
| the translation is available on this site Contributions

Le Bourdellès, Hubert, ‘Le problème linguistique dans l’affaire du Vicus Helena’, Revue du Nord 66 (1984) 351-59.

Мамина, Ольга Н., Понятия “negotium” и “otium” в сочинениях Сидония Аполлинария // Античная древность и средние века, вып. 21: Античная и средневековая идеология, Свердловск, 1984, 66-79. [Olga Nikolaevna Mamina, ‘The Concept of negotium and otium in the Works of Sidonius Apollinaris’, in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Vol. 21 Ancient and Medieval Ideology, Sverdlovsk, 1984, 66-79]
| online

Мамина, Ольга Н., Отражение политической организации галло-римского общества во второй половине V в. н.э. в сочинениях Сидония Аполлинария // Вопросы политической организации рабовладельческого и феодального общества / УГУ. Свердловск, 1984. С. 66-79. [Olga Nikolaevna Mamina, ‘A Reflection of the Political Organisation of the Gallo-Roman Society in the Second Half of the Fifth Century in the Works of Sidonius Apollinaris, in Issues of Political Organisation of Slave- Owning and Feodal Societies, Ural State University, Sverdlovsk, 1984, 66-79].

Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘Emigrants, Exiles, and Survivors: Aristocratic Options in Visigothic Aquitania’, Phoenix 38 (1984) 159-70 (repr. in Mathisen 1991, 1-12).

Prete, Sesto, ‘De Herculis aerumnis apud Sidonium Apollinarem’, in: Klaus Sallmann and Rhoda Schnur (eds), De Roma et provinciis septentrionalibus ad occidentem vergentibus, Acta Treverica 1981, Leichlingen, 1984, 115-19.

Pricoco, Salvatore, ‘Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Dizionario patristico e di antichità cristiane, vol. 2, Casale Monferrato, 1984, cols 3189-92 (English translation in Angelo Di Berardino (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Early Church, vol. 2, Cambridge, 1992, 778-79).

Teillet, Suzanne, Des Goths à la nation gothique. Les origines de l’idée de nation en Occident du Ve au VIIe siècle, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1984.
| info: Esp. ch. 4 ‘Sidoine Apollinaire admirateur raisonné du royaume de Toulouse’, pp. 185-206 | review by Herwig Wolfram in Francia 13 (1985) 724-26


Colton, Robert E., ‘Some Echoes of Martial in the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris’, Antiquité Classique 54 (1985) 277-84.
| Persée

Colton, Robert E., ‘Some Echoes of Martial in the Poems of Sidonius Apollinaris’, Res Publica Litterarum 8 (1985) 21-33.

Cugusi, Paolo, Aspetti letterari dei Carmina Latina Epigraphica, Bologna, 1985.

Iovine, Giovanni, La chiesa galloromana nel V secolo: Sidonio Apollinare, Naples, 1985.

Löfstedt, Bengt, ‘Sprachliches und Textkritisches zu Sidonius’ Briefen’, ALMA, Bulletin du Cange 44-45 (1985) 207-11.

Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘The Third Regnal Year of Eparchius Avitus’, CPh 80 (1985) 326-35 (repr. in Mathisen 1991, 153-62), plus a sequel, ‘The Third Regnal Year of Eparchius Avitus: The Interpretation of the Evidence’, in Mathisen 1991, 163-66.

Newbold, Ron, ‘Power Motivation in Sidonius Apollinaris, Eugippius and Nonnus’, Florilegium 7 (1985) 1-16.

Oberhelman, Steven M., and Ralph G. Hall, ‘Meter in Accentual Clausulae of Late Imperial Latin Prose’, CPh 80 (1985) 214–27.

Tordeur, Pol, ‘Recherches sur l’hexamètre latin d’Ennius à Sidoine Apollinaire: fréquence et localisation des types de mots’, Université de Bruxelles, 1985.

Van Dam, Raymond, Leadership and Community in Late Antique Gaul, Berkeley, 1985.


Anton, Hans Hubert, ‘Verfassungsgeschichtliche Kontinuität und Wandlungen von der Spätantike zum hohen Mittelalter: Das Beispiel Trier’, Francia 14 (1986) 1-25.
| online

Février, Paul-Albert, Jean-Charles Picard, Charles Pietri and Jean-François Reynaud, Province ecclésiastique de Lyon (Lugdunensis prima), Topographie chrétienne des cités de la Gaule des origines au milieu du VIIIe siècle (TCCG), vol. 4, Paris, 1986 (updated by Jean-François Reynaud and Françoise Prévot in Quarante ans d’enquête, TCCG, vol. 16/1, Paris, 2014).

Greer, Rowan A., Broken Lights and Mended Lives: Theology and Common Life in the Early Church, University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1986.
| | info: Sidonius on pp. 196-201

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Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘The Theme of Literary Decline in Late Roman Gaul’, CPh 83 (1988) 45-52 (repr. in Mathisen 1991, 45-52).

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| | info: For details, see Translations page

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| download | info: Sidonius on pp. 124-30 and passim


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| see 1997 for Bellès, Lettres

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| info: In the catalogue of earthquakes, on p. 123: 11. ‘Between 463 and 472: Vienne (Sidonius [cf. p. 84 #205], Avitus [cf. p. 84 #204]; at the origin of the Rogations) 13. C. 484: felt in Clermont? (at the death of Euric)’

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| Persée

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Cugusi, Paolo, ‘Sidonio, epist. IV 22, Plinio, epist. V 8 e Cicerone, fam. V 12’, in Studi di filologia classica in onore di Giusto Monaco, vol. 3 Letteratura latina dall’età di Tiberio all’età del basso impero, Palermo: Università di Palermo, 1991, 1329-33.
| info: On the epistolary motif of refusing to write history, see Anthony Kaldellis, ‘How Perilous Was It to Write Political History in Late Antiquity?’, Studies in Late Antiquity 1 (2017) 38-64

Delhey, Norbert, ‘Porphyr bei Apollinaris Sidonius: zu Apollinaris Sidonius epist. 2, 2, 7’, Hermes 119 (1991) 126-27.

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Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘Phoebus, Orpheus and Dionysus: Nicknames and the Literary Circle of Sidonius’, in Mathisen 1991, 29-44.

Mathisen, Ralph W., Studies in the History, Literature, and Society of Late Antiquity, Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1991.

Oberhelman, Steven, Rhetoric and Homiletics in Fourth-Century Christian Literature: Prose Rhythm, Oratorical Style, and Preaching in the Works of Ambrose, Jerome, and Augustine, Atlanta, GA, 1991.

Rossiter, Jeremy, ‘Convivium and Villa in Late Antiquity’, in: William J. Slater (ed.), Dining in a Classical Context, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1991, 199-214.

Scarcia, Riccardo, ‘Sub imagine frondis (nota a Sidonio Apollinare)’, Euphrosyne 19 (1991) 325-33
| BrepolsOnline | info: Carm. 2.102-15

Veremans, Jozef, ‘La présence de Virgile dans l’œuvre de Sidoine Apollinaire, évêque de Clermond-Ferrand’, in: Marc Van Uytfanghe and Roland Demeulenaere (eds), Aevum inter utrumque. Mélanges offerts à Gabriel Sanders, Steenbrugge, 1991, 491-502.


Banniard, Michel, ‘La rouille et la lime: Sidoine Apollinaire et la langue classique en Gaule au Ve siècle’, in: Louis Holz and Jean-Claude Fredouille (eds), De Tertullien aux Mozarabes, vol. 1 Antiquité tardive et Christianisme ancien (IIIe-VIe siècles). Mélanges offerts à Jacques Fontaine, Paris: Institut d’Études Augustiniennes, 1992, 413-27.
| HAL Archives

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| E-Periodica

Harries, Jill D., ‘Sidonius Apollinaris, Rome and the Barbarians: A Climate of Treason?’, in: Drinkwater and Elton 1992, 298-308.

Hirschberg, Theo, ‘Zu Apollinaris Sidonius, epist. 4, 3, 6’, Hermes 120 (1992) 124-27.
| info: Argues that simulat ut Crassus, dissimulat ut Caesar refers to the orators L. Licinius Crassus and C. Iulius Caesar Strabo Vopiscus.

Horváth, Ágnes, ‘Megjegyzések az V. századi latin nyelvű levelezés néhány kérdéséhez’ [Remarks on Some Issues in Fifth-Century Latin Correspondence], Antik Tanulmányok 31 (1992) 99–104.

Jourjon, Maurice, Trois entretiens sur les Pères de l’Église de France: Hilaire, Sidoine Apollinaire, Césaire, Lyon: Profac, 1992.

Loseby, Simon T., ‘Bishops and Cathedrals. Order and Diversity in the Fifth-Century Urban Landscape of Southern Gaul’, in: Drinkwater and Elton 1992, 144-55.

Loseby, Simon T., ‘Marseille: A Late Antique Success Story?’, JRS 82 (1992) 165-85.

Luiselli, Bruno, Storia culturale dei rapporti tra mondo romano e mondo germanico, Rome, 1992.

Ravenna, Giovanni, ‘Su Sidonio Apollinare: le pagliuzze e le travi’, Sandalion 15 (1992) 175-79.

Roberts, Michael, ‘Barbarians in Gaul. The Response of the Poets’, in: Drinkwater and Elton 1992, 97-106.

Schetter, Willy, ‘Zur Publikation der “Carmina minora” des Apollinaris Sidonius’, Hermes 120 (1992) 343-63 (repr. in Schetter, Kleine Schriften, 1994, 236-56).

Teitler, Hans C., ‘Un-Roman Activities in Late Antique Gaul: The Cases of Arvandus and Seronatus’, in: Drinkwater and Elton 1992, 309-17.

Wes, Marinus A., ‘Crisis and Conversion in Fifth-Century Gaul: Aristocrats and Ascetics Between “Horizontally” and “Vertically”’, in Drinkwater and Elton 1992, 252-63.


Adams, Jeremy D., ‘Sidonius and Riothamus: A glimpse of the historical Arthur?’, Arthurian Literature 12 (1993) 157-64.

Baratte, François, La vaisselle d’argent en Gaule dans l’Antiquité tardive (IIIe-Ve siècles), Paris: de Boccard, 1993.
| review by Simon Loseby in JRS 85 (1995) 340: ‘… documentary reference to silver in late antique Gaul is present in inverse proportion to surviving objects … a high-status commodity in fourth- and fifth-century Gaul’

Beltrán Serra, Joaquín, ‘Terminología para la muerte y el suicidio (Lucrecio, Séneca, San Agustín, Sidonio)’, Cuadernos de filología clásica: Estudios latinos 4 (1993) 27-38.

Blänsdorf, Jürgen, ‘Apollinaris Sidonius und die Verwandlung der römischen Satire in der Spätantike’, Philologus 137 (1993) 122-31.

Christiansen, Peter G., and James E. Holland, Concordantia in Sidonii Apollinaris carmina, Hildesheim, 1993.

Delhey, Norbert, Apollinaris Sidonius, Carmen 22 Burgus Pontii Leontii: Einleitung, Text und Kommentar, Berlin, 1993.

Gualandri, Isabella, ‘Elegi acuti: il distico elegiaco in Sidonio Apollinare’, in: C. Catanzaro and F. Santucci (eds), La poesia cristiana latina in distici elegiaci. Atti del Convegno Internazionale Assisi, 20-22 marzo 1992, Assisi, 1993, 191-216.

Horsfall, Nicholas, ‘Two Problems of Late Imperial Literary History’, in: Henry D. Jocelyn (ed.), Tria lustra: Essays and Notes Presented to John Pinsent, Liverpool Classical Papers 3, Liverpool: Liverpool Classical Monthly, 1993, 321-24.
| info: About the presumed translation of Philostratus’ Life of Apollonius of Tyana (Ep. 8.3)

Mastandrea, Paolo, and Luigi Tessarolo, De fine versus: Repertorio di clausole ricorrenti nella poesia dattilica latina dalle origini a Sidonio Apollinare, 2 vols: A-O, P-X, Hildesheim, 1993.

Mathisen, Ralph W., Roman Aristocrats in Barbarian Gaul: Strategies for Survival in an Age of Transition, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1993.
| online De Gruyter

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| JSTOR or Humanistica Lovaniensia 1993 open access | info: See also this website, page Reception in France: Influence

Nazzaro, Antonio V., ‘Momenti della fortuna di Orazio nella poesia cristiana latina’, in: C.D. Fonseca (ed.), Non omnis moriar. La lezione di Orazio a duemila anni dalla scomparsa. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio, Potenza 16-18 ottobre 1992, Lecce 1993, 231-36.

Prévot, Françoise, ‘Deux fragments de l’épitaphe de Sidoine Apollinaire découverts à Clermont-Ferrand’, AnTard 1 (1993) 223-29.

Prévot, Françoise, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et l’Auvergne’, RHEF 79 (1993) 243-59 (reprinted as Prévot 1999).
| online Persée

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Abram, Suzanne L., ‘Latin Letters and Their Commonplaces in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages’, PhD thesis Indiana University, Bloomington, 1994.

Amory, Patrick, ‘Ethnographic Rhetoric, Aristocratic Attitudes and Political Allegiance in Post-Roman Gaul’, Klio 76 (1994) 438–53.

Amory, Patrick, ‘Names, Ethnic Identity, and Community in Fifth- and Sixth-Century Burgundy’, Viator 25 (1994) 1-30.

Beaujard, Brigitte, ‘Le culte des saints chez les Arvernes aux Ve et VIe siècles’, RHEF 80 (1994) 5-22.

Beltrán Serra, Joaquín, ‘Revisión del hexámetro en Sidonio Apolinar’, Actas del VIII congreso español de estudios clásicos, Madrid, 1994, vol. 1, 427-34.

Brożek, Mieczysław, ‘Quo tempore Sidonii carmen XV editum sit’, Eos 82 (1994) 51.
| info: Like Carm. 16, Carm. 15 was not included in the first edition of the Carmina minora published c. 461

Capron, Éric, ‘Remarques étymologiques sur vicus Helena’, Linguistique picarde 129 (1994) 7-11.

de Castro Maia de Sousa Pimentel, Maria Cristina, ‘Ecos prosopográficos de Marcial em Sidónio Apolinar’, Euphrosyne 22 (1994) 81-107.

Dewar, Michael J., ‘Mollifying Quintilian’, Hermes 122 (1994) 122-25.
| info: Carm. 2.191 possibly is an ironical reminiscence of Quint. Inst. 9.4.65

Fernández López, María Concepción, ‘Sidonio Apolinar, humanista de la antigüedad tardía: su correspondencia’, PhD Madrid, Antigüedad y Cristianismo 11 (1994) 11-291.
| online Murcia | online Madrid (‘Las epístolas de Sidonio Apolinar: estudio literario’) | info: Includes Appendix III at pp. 269-74: loci similes, containing addenda to Geisler’s list

Fernández López, María Concepción, ‘Notas críticas al texto de las cartas de Sidonio Apolinar’, Actas del VIII Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos, vol. 2, 1994, 611-17.

Frye, David, ‘The meaning of Sidonius, Ep. 2, 1, 4’, Eranos 92 (1994) 60-61.

Fuhrmann, Manfred, Rom in der Spätantike. Porträt einer Epoche, Munich, 1994.

Harries, Jill D., Sidonius Apollinaris and the Fall of Rome AD 407-485, Oxford, 1994.

Horváth, Ágnes T., ‘Maiorianus császár bukása’ [The Fall of the Emperor Majorian], in: L. Szegfű and T. Nagy (eds), ‘Nem búcsúzom…’ Emlékkönyv Benda Kálmán tiszteletére [‘No Farewell…’ Commemorative Volume in Honour of Kálmán Benda], Szeged, 1994, 47–52.

Klingshirn, William E., Caesarius of Arles. The Making of a Christian Community in Late Antique Gaul, Cambridge, 1994.

Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘The Ideology of Monastic and Aristocratic Community in Late Roman Gaul’, Polis 6, 203-20.

Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘Agrestius of Lugo, Eparchius Avitus, and a Curious Fifth-Century Statement of Faith’, JECS 2 (1994) 71-102.
| Academia

Santos, Diego M., ‘Sidonio Apolinar y la politica Gala durante los últimos años del Imperio Romano en occidente’, Universidad de Buenos Aires, tesis de licenciatura, 1994 [unpubl.].
| catalogue UBA

Schetter, Willy, ‘Zur Publikation der “Carmina minora” des Apollinaris Sidonius’, in: Willy Schetter, Kaiserzeit und Spätantike, Kleine Schriften 1957-1992 (ed. Otto Zwierlein), Sonderband Hermes, Stuttgart, 1994, 236-56.
| read


Anton, Hans Hubert, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris (431-480)’, in: Biographisch- bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, vol. 10, cols 31-36.

Baumgart, Susanne, Die Bischofsherrschaft im Gallien des 5. Jahrhunderts: Eine Untersuchung zu den Gründen und Anfängen weltlicher Herrschaft der Kirche, Munich, 1995 (diss. 1990).

Colton, Robert E., Studies of Imitation in Some Latin Authors, Amsterdam, 1995.

Goldberg, Eric J., ‘The Fall of the Roman Empire Revisited: Sidonius Apollinaris and His Crisis of Identity’, Essays in History 35 (1995) 1-15.

Grünbeck, Elisabeth, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris, Bischof von Clermont-Ferrand († 479/486)’, in: Lexikon des Mittelalters, vol. 7, Munich, 1995, cols 1834-35.

Haverling, Gerd, ‘On the ‘Illogical’ Vos in Late Latin Epistolography’, in: Louis Callebat (ed.), Latin vulgaire – latin tardif 4, Actes du 4e colloque international sur le latin vulgaire et tardif, Hildesheim, 1995, 337-53.

Hen, Yitzhak, Culture and Religion in Merovingian Gaul A.D. 481-751, Leiden, 1995.

Jussen, Bernhard, ‘Über “Bischofsherrschaften” und die Prozeduren politisch-sozialer Umordnung in Gallien zwischen “Antike” und “Mittelalter”’, Historische Zeitschrift 260 (1995) 673-718.

Kaufmann, Frank-Michael, Studien zu Sidonius Apollinaris, Frankfurt am Main, 1995.
| reviews by Helga Köhler in 80 (1998) 557-59 and Ralph W. Mathisen in International Journal of the Classical Tradition 7 (2001) 443-46

Keaveney, Arthur, ‘Sulla’s Cilician command: the evidence of Apollinaris Sidonius’, Historia 44 (1995) 29-36.
| info: Uses Carm. 7.79-82 and 2.458-60

Köhler, Helga, C. Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius Briefe Buch I: Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar, Heidelberg 1995.
| info: Indexes in van Waarden and Kelly 2013, 305-51 | review by L. Watson in CR 49 (1999) 273-74

Kroon, Caroline H.M., Discourse Particles in Latin. A study of nam, enim, autem, vero and at, Amsterdam, 1995.

La Penna, Antonio, ‘Gli svaghi letterari della nobiltà gallica nella tarda antichità. Il caso di Sidonio Apollinare’, Maia 47 (1995) 3-34.

La Penna, Antonio, ‘Il poeta e retore Lampridio. Un ritratto di Sidonio Apollinare’, Maia 47 (1995) 211-24.

La Penna, Antonio, ‘Flavus/fulvus. Un dubbio su Sidonio Apollinare, carm. 22, 178’, Maia 47 (1995) 225-27.

Näf, Beat, Senatorisches Standesbewusstsein in spätrömischer Zeit, Freiburg, 1995.

Pérez Sánchez, Dionisio, ‘Ideología cristiana y sociedad en la Galia del siglo V’, Gerión 13 (1995) 209-22.

Prévot, Françoise, ‘Origène, Lactance, Jérôme et les autres. La culture chrétienne de Sidoine Apollinaire’, Bulletin de la Société nationale des antiquaires de France, 1995, 215-28.
| Persée

Swoboda, Antoni, Pojęcie przyjaźni w listach św. Paulina z Noli i św. Sydoniusza Apollinarego. Studium porównawcze (De notione amicitiae in epistulis sancti Paulini Nolani et sancti Sidonii Apollinaris usurpata. Studium comparativum), Poznań, 1995.

Zelzer, Michaela, ‘Der Brief in der Spätantike. Überlegungen zu einem literarischen Genos am Beispiel der Briefsammlung des Sidonius Apollinaris’, Wiener Studien 108 (1995) 541-51.


Aranjo, Daniel, ‘Le latin de la vingt-cinquième heure (Sidoine Apollinaire 1930)’, in: Georges Cesbron and Laurence Richer (eds), La réception du latin du XIXe siècle à nos jours. Actes du colloque d’Angers des 23 et 24 septembre 1994, Angers, 1996, 365-84.
| actualised version on this site: Contributions

Baker, Robert J., ‘Martial “Sells” a Villa: IV, 64’, La Parola del Passato 51 (1996) 33–45.
| info: Compares Sidon. Carm. 27 (in Ep. 2.10)

Beaujard, Brigitte, ‘L’évêque dans la cité en Gaule aux Ve et VIe siècles’, in: Claude Lepelley (ed.), La fin de la cité antique et le début de la cité médiévale, Bari, 1996, 127-45.

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Chatwin, Bruce, ‘The Nomadic Alternative’, in: Jan Borm and Matthew Graves (eds), Bruce Chatwin. Anatomy of Restlessness: Selected Writings 1969-1989, New York: Viking Penguin, 1996, 85-99 (original essay 1970).
| info: Sidonius and Sigismer (Ep. 4.20) on p. 88

Colombi, Emanuela, ‘Rusticitas e vita in villa nella Gallia tardoantica: tra realtà e letteratura’, Athenaeum 84 (1996) 405–31.

Gradowicz-Pancer, Nira, ‘L’honneur oblige: esquisse d’une cartographie des conduites et des stratégies de l’honneur aux Ve et VIe siècles’, RBPh 74 (1996) 273-93.

Harries, Jill D., ‘Sidonius Apollinaris and the Frontiers of Romanitas’, in: Mathisen and Sivan 1996, 31-44.

Keefer, Tracy D., ‘Anianus of Orleans and the Vita Aniani I: A Critical Study of the Codex Parisiensis 11748’, MA thesis, Sonoma State University, 1996 [unpubl.].
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Santos, Diego, ‘Sidonio Apolinar y la fragmentación política de la Galia’, in: Hugo Zurutuza (ed.), El hilo de Ariadna: Del tardoantiguo al Tardomedioevo, Rosario: Homo Sapiens, 1996.

Tamburri, Stanislao, Sidonio Apollinare: l’uomo e il letterato, Naples, 1996.

Watson, Lynette, ‘Hallowed words or melting pot? Sidonius Apollinaris’ use of the poetic tradition’, in: Lorna Hardwick and Stanley Ireland (eds), Classical Receptions in Drama and Poetry in English from c. 1970 to the Present: The Reception of Classical Texts and Images, Papers of a conference of the Open University, Milton Keynes, UK (3-4 January 1996), vol. 1.
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Wood, Ian, ‘Sépultures ecclésiastiques et sénatoriales dans la vallée du Rhône (400–600)’, Médiévales 31 (1996) 13–27.
| more: P. 13 about the tomb of Sidonius’ grandfather in Ep. 3.12


Bajoni, Maria Grazia, ‘Da Ausonio a Giovanni di Garlandia: un possibile percorso della “rota Vergilii”’, Emerita 65 (1997) 281-85.
| ResearchGate | info: The origin of the rota Vergilii can be found in the schools of antiquity, witness e.g. Sidon. Carm. 40.49 (Ep. 9.15.1), rotas Maronis, possibly deriving from the metaphor of the chariot of the Muses.

Bellès, Joan, Sidoni Apol·linar. Lletres. Introducció, text revisat i traducció, 3 vols, Barcelona (vol. 1 books 1-3: 1997, vol. 2 books 4-6: 1998, vol. 3 books 7-9: 1999).
| see 1989 for Bellès, Poemes

Brodka, Dariusz, ‘Die Idee der ‘Roma Aeterna’ in den Kaiserpanegyriken des Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: Jerzy Styka (ed.), Studies of Greek and Roman Antiquity, Classica Cracoviensia 3 (1997) 121-28.

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Gotoh, Atsuko, ‘The Consecration of Sidonius Apollinaris’, Studia Patristica 29 (1997) 40-45.
| info: Opposes Harries’ reconstruction (1994: 169-79) of Sidonius’ consecration to the episcopate of Clermont and her redatation of Ep. 9.3 (to Faustus) to c. 469. Gotoh rather views Sidonius’ election as a positive choice to fulfil his sense of noblesse oblige

Guérin-Beauvois, Marie, ‘“Montes suspensi testudinibus marmoreis”: à propos de la représentation d’une coupole de Baïes’, Mélanges d’Archéologie et d’Histoire de l’École Française de Rome, Antiquité 109 (1997) 691-740.

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| online ETHZürich | info: Pp. 15-18 Campi Canini, Sidon. Carm. 5.373-77

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Labuske, Hansulrich, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris über Kommunikationsprobleme’, in: J. Irmscher (ed.), Die Literatur der Spätantike – polyetnisch und polyglottisch betrachtet, eine Aufsatzsammlung, Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1997, 109-13.

Percival, John, ‘Desperately Seeking Sidonius: The Realities of Life in Fifth-Century Gaul’, Latomus 56 (1997) 279-92.

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Prévot, Françoise, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire pasteur d’âmes’, AnTard 5 (1997) 223-30.

Prévot, Françoise, ‘RICG VIII, 21: Clermont Ferrand, Saint-Saturnin (?)’, no 21 in Recueil des inscriptions chrétiennes de la Gaule antérieures à la Renaissance carolingienne, vol. 8 Aquitaine première, Paris: CNRS, 1997, 116-26.

Santos, Diego M., ‘Sidonio Apolinar y la descomposición del poder imperial en la Galia’, Anales de historia antigua y medieval 30 (1997) 93-106.

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Watson, Lynette, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris’ Carmina 1 and 2: A Commentary’, PhD thesis: University of London, 1997 (inedit.).


Abram, Suzanne L., ‘Brevity in Early Medieval Letters’, Florilegium 15 (1998) 23-35.

Beltrán Serra, Joaquín, ‘Estudio de la cesura en el hexámetro de Sidonio’, CFC(L) 15 (1998) 387-95.

Brodka, Dariusz, ‘Die Weltherrschaftstopik in den Kaiserpanegyriken des Sidonius Apollinaris’, Eos 85 (1998) 81-90.

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| SpringerLink download book

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Günther, Rigobert, ‘Ansätze eines Bedeutungswandels sozialer und politischer Termini bei lateinischen Schriftstellern des 5. Jahrhunderts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Sidonius Apollinaris’, Kodai 8/9 (1997/1998) 31-52.

Jussen, Bernhard, ‘Liturgie und Legitimation, oder: Wie die Gallo-Romanen das Römische Reich beendeten’, in: Reinhard Blänkner and Bernhard Jussen (eds), Institutionen und Ereignis. Über historische Praktiken und Vorstellungen gesellschaftlichen Ordnens, Göttingen, 1998, 75-136; transl. as ‘Liturgy and Legitimation, or How the Gallo-Romans Ended the Roman Empire’, in: Bernhard Jussen (ed.), Pamela Selwyn (transl.), Ordering Medieval Society: Perspectives on Intellectual and Practical Modes of Shaping Social Relations, University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia, 2001, 147-99.
| Academia

Köhler, Helga, ‘“Der Geist ist offenbar im Buch wie das Antlitz im Spiegel”: Zu Sidonius epist. I 2, III 13, VII 1’, in: Manuel Baumbach et al. (eds), Mousopolos Stephanos: Festschrift für Herwig Görgemanns, Heidelberg, 1998, 333-45.

Lepelley, Claude, ‘Le patronat épiscopal aux IVe et Ve siècles. Continuités et ruptures avec le patronat classique’, in: Éric Rebillard and Claire Sotinel (eds), L’évêque dans la cité. Image et autorité, Rome, 1998, 17-33.

Liebs, Detlef, ‘Die Juristenwelt bei Sidonius Apollinaris. Römische Juristen 420 bis 500 n. Chr. im südlichen Gallien’, in: Michel Humbert and Yan Thomas (eds), Mélanges de droit romain et d’histoire ancienne: Hommage à la mémoire d’André Magdelain, Paris: Panthéon-Assas, 1998, 259-73.

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Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘The Codex Sangallensis 190 and the Transmission of the Classical Tradition during Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages’, IJCT 5 (1998) 163-194.
| Academia

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McHugh, Michael P., ‘Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: Everett Ferguson (ed.), Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, New York, 1997-98, 846-47.

Nathan, Geoffrey S., ‘The Rogation Ceremonies of Late Antique Gaul: Creation, Transmission and the Role of the Bishop’, C&M 49 (1998) 275-303.

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| online

Santelia, Stefania, ‘Le dichiarazioni del poeta: il carme IX di Sidonio Apollinare’, Invigilata Lucernis 20 (1998) 229-54.

Watson, Lynette, ‘Representing the Past, Redefining the Future: Sidonius Apollinaris’ Panegyrics of Avitus and Anthemius’, in: Mary Whitby (ed.), The Propaganda of Power: The Role of Panegyric in Late Antiquity, Leiden, 1998, 177-98.

Woolf, Greg, Becoming Roman. The Origins of Provincial Civilization in Gaul, Cambridge, 1998.


Beaujard, Brigitte, ‘Le culte des saints chez les Arvernes aux Ve et VIe siècles’, in: Fizellier-Sauget 1999, 5-22.

Delz, Josef, ‘Zu spätlateinischen Dichtern: Avien. Orb. terr. 690; Sidon. Carm. 9.222’, MH 56 (1999) 34-35.
| info: At Carm. 9.221 read ‘per’ instead of ‘post’, at 222 ‘tomum’ instead of ‘novum

Dezillie, Tineke, ‘Représentations de la femme dans la correspondance de Sidoine Apollinaire (5e siècle), avec un excursus sur “Eugénie Grandet” d’Honoré de Balzac’, Master dissertation Ghent, 1999 [unedit.].
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Fo, Alessandro, ‘Sidonio nelle mani di Eurico (Ep. VIII 9): Spazi della tradizione culturale in un nuovo contesto romanobarbarico’, in: M. Rotili (ed.), Memoria del passato, urgenza del futuro: Il mondo romano fra V e VII secolo. Atti delle VI giornate di studio sull’età romanobarbarica. Benevento, 18-20 giugno 1998, Naples, 1999, 17-37.
| info: Enlarged and revised in Fo 2002

Fournier, Gabriel, and Bernadette Fizellier-Sauget, ‘Saint-Julien de Brioude (Haute-Loire): Approche archéologique’, in: Fizellier-Sauget 1999, 133-67.

Giardina, Andrea, ‘Esplosione di tardoantico’, Studi storici 40 (1999) 157-80.

Gillett, Andrew, ‘The Accession of Euric’, Francia 26 (1999) 1-40.
| Academia

Gualandri, Isabella, ‘Gli dei duri a morire: Temi mitologici nella poesia latina del quinto secolo’, in: Giancarlo Mazzoli and Fabio Gasti (eds), Prospettive sul Tardoantico, Como, 1999, 49-68.

Heather, Peter J., ‘The Barbarian in Late Antiquity. Image, Reality, and Transformation’, in: R. Miles (ed.), Constructing Identities in Late Antiquity, London, 1999, 234-58.

Henning, Dirk, Periclitans res publica: Kaisertum und Eliten in der Krise des weströmischen Reiches 454/5-493 n. Chr., Historia Einzelschriften 133, Stuttgart, 1999.

Horváth, Ágnes T., ‘Some Aspects of the Roman Empire’s Correspondence in Latin in the A.D. Fourth and Fifth Centuries’, Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis 34-35 (1998–1999) 269–77
| Academia

Horváth, Ágnes T., ‘A Római Birodalom latin nyelvű levél irodalmának néhány aspektusa (Tanulmányok a latin nyelvű levelezés köréből)’ [Some Aspects of Latin-Language Correspondence in the Roman Empire in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries A.D. (Studies in Latin Literature)], PhD thesis, Debrecen, 1999 (unpubl.).

Köhler, Helga, ‘Der historische Infinitiv in den Briefen des Sidonius’, in: Latin vulgaire – latin tardif, Actes du Ve Colloque international sur le latin vulgaire et tardif (Heidelberg, 5-8 septembre 1997), Heidelberg, 1999, 409-18.
| info: Discusses letters 1.7, 1.11, and 7.2

Leyser, Conrad, ‘“This Sainted Isle”. Panegyric, Nostalgia, and the Invention of “Lérinian Monasticism”’, in: W.E. Klingshirn and M. Vessey (eds), The Limits of Ancient Christianity. Essays on Late Antique Thought and Culture in Honor of R.A. Markus, Ann Arbor, 1999, 188-206.

Mathisen, Ralph W., Ruricius of Limoges and Friends. A Collection of Letters from Visigothic Gaul, TTH 30, Liverpool, 1999.

Mattiacci, Silvia, ‘Castos docet et pios amores, lusus, delicias facetiasque ovvero La poesia d’amore secondo l’“altra” Sulpicia’, InvLuc 21 (1999) 215-41.
| info: Cf., inter alia, Sidon. Carm. 9.259-64

Monni, Alessandra, ‘L’arcaismo in Sidonio Apollinare e nel suo milieu culturale’, Annali della Facoltà di Lettere dell’Università di Siena 20 (1999) 23-39.

Obermeier, Anita, The History and Anatomy of Auctorial Self Criticism in the European Middle Ages, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1999.
| info: Sidonius on pp. 57-59

Prévot, Françoise, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et l’Auvergne’, in: Fizellier-Sauget 1999, 63-80 (reprint of Prévot 1993).

Santelia, Stefania, ‘Sidonio Apollinare e gli dei pagani (a proposito di Carm. 9, 168-180)’, InvLuc 21 (1999) 341-55.

Santelia, Stefania, ‘Note sul culto di san Giuliano di Brioude: Sidonio Apollinare Carm. 24, 16-19’, Vetera Christianorum 36 (1999) 287-96.

Styka, Jerzy, ‘La culture littéraire romaine dans la Gaule du Ve siècle selon le témoignage de Sidoine Apollinaire’, Terminus 1 (1999) 43-62.

Watt, William S., ‘Notes on Sidonius Apollinaris’, Revue bénédictine 109 (1999) 5-16.