Tag: Hindermann Judith

Montone Reviews Hindermann

Francesco Montone reviews Judith Hindermann’s commentary of Book 2 of the Correspondence (Sidonius Apollinaris’ Letters, book 2: text, translation and commentary. Edinburgh studies in later Latin literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022) in BMCR 2023.11.28.

‘Il lavoro realizzato dalla studiosa è di certo apprezzabile […] per la chiarezza espositiva e per l’acribia dimostrata nella stesura dell’ampio commento.’

‘La traduzione proposta è precisa, molto aderente al testo ed attenta a cogliere le arguzie della dictio sidoniana. ‘

‘In definitiva il pregevole volume sarà di grande utilità per i cultori di cultura antica.’

Out Now: Hindermann’s Book 2

Judith Hindermann has published her translation and commentary of Book 2 of the Correspondence: Sidonius Apollinaris’ Letters, Book 2: Text, Translation and Commentary, Edinburgh Studies in Later Latin Literature, Edinburgh: EUP.

There is a 30% launch discount (NEW30) for anyone purchasing.

This book issues from the SA xxi project (Sidonius Apollinaris for the 21st Century) and begins the ESLLL series (Edinburgh Studies in Later Latin Literature), edited by Gavin Kelly and Aaron Pelttari.

Glitter in Poetry

Judith Hindermann and Raphael Schwitter will speak on late Latin poetry and Sidonius in particular at the upcoming conference “Light and Splendour: precious metal as a medium of ritual and social interaction in Late Antiquity”, in Basel (hybrid) on 20-22 January.

From the programme:
20 January
16:00–17:00 Light and splendour in literature

PD Dr. Raphael Schwitter, Bonn
Words of gold and silver: iconic and symbolic mimesis of precious metal in Late Antique poetry

Dr. Judith Hindermann, Basel
A new splendour: the recusatio of precious materials in Sidonius Apollinaris’ letters
and poems

17:00–17:30 Discussion

For in-person attendance email to annemarie.kaufmannATunibas.ch
Zoom: https://unibas.zoom.us/s/68889057751

Hindermann and Onorato on Epigrams

Judith Hindermann and Marco Onorato have contributed to the new volume Luciana Furbetta and Céline Urlacher-Becht (eds), Les “lieux” de l’épigramme tardive: vers un élargissement du genre, RET Supplement 8, 2020, with essays on Sidonius’ epigrams.

Hindermann, ‘La lettre comme lieu de publication des épigrammes: les épigrammes dans les épîtres de Sidoine Apollinaire et leur modèle Pline le Jeune’, 75-96

Onorato, ‘Presenza dell’epigramma greco e ibridismo programmatico nel carme 15 di Sidonio Apollinare’, 157-88.

See the Bibliography for 2020 and the ToC of the entire volume on the THAT/RET webpage.

Letter and Epigram

Conference: Brief und Epigramm: Bezüge und Wechselwirkungen zwischen zwei Textsorten in Antike und Mittelalter

Judith Hindermann (Universität Basel)
Grabepigramm und Trauerbrief: Plinius der Jüngere, Ausonius und Sidonius Apollinaris

Margot Neger (Universität Salzburg)
Epigrammatische Einlagen in den Nachrufen auf Literaten bei Sidonius Apollinaris (Epist. 4.11 und 8.11)