Tag: Egetenmeyr Veronika

Ferrari Reviews ‘Gallia docta?’

Carlo Ferrari reviews Tabea L. Meurer & Veronika Egetenmeyr (eds): Gallia docta? Education and In-/Exclusion in Late Antique Gaul, in Sehepunkte 24 (2024) no. 7, 8.’

‘Ten years after the release of Steffen Diefenbach and Gernot Michael Müller’s pivotal work, Gallien in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter, this new volume serves as an important resource for expanding our understanding of a region central to the cultural history of the late Roman Empire and early Middle Ages. While much of the volume understandably focuses on Sidonius’ literary production, it successfully offers a highly original and comprehensive view of Gallic society during a time of significant transformation, highlighting the strategies of inclusion and exclusion prompted by the emergence of new communities and the spread of Christianity, and going beyond the traditional barbarian/Roman and pagan/Christian dichotomies.

Meurer and Egetenmeyr: Gallia docta?

Tabea Meurer and Veronika Egetenmeyr have published a selection of the papers given at the Gallia docta? conference of March 2021 (Greifswald, online): Gallia docta? Education and In-/Exclusion in Late Antique Gaul.

Contributions specifically concerning Sidonius include articles by Hendrik Hess, Judith Hindermann, Alison John, Gernot Michael Müller and Willum Westenholz. Joop van Waarden rounds off his ‘you’ and ‘I’ cycle.

Further details and an open access PDF here

Egetenmeyr on Emotions

Just out by Veronika Egetenmeyr: ‘Constructing Emotions and Creating Identities: Emotional Persuasion in the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris and Ruricius of Limoges’, in: Mateusz Fafinski and Jakob Riemenschneider (eds), The Past Through Narratology: New Approaches to Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Das Mittelalter Supplements 18, Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2022, 75-92.

Download here (open access)

International Medieval Congress Leeds

Featuring among others:

Lisa Bailey on Women in Service
Audrey Becker on Women in the Lex Burgundionum
Veronika Egetenmeyr on Education at the Visigothic and Burgundian Courts
Jeroen Wijnendaele on the Emergence of Queens

as well as:

Pierre-Eric Poble, ‘A New Way of Thinking about Territory Borders in Gaul?: From the Time of Sidonius Apollinaris to that of Gregory of Tours’.

Egetenmeyr on The Others

Veronika Egetenmeyr is interviewed on her work on “others” aka “barbarians” in a series produced by the University of Oldenburg. Watch here.

She has also just put out an article on this issue titled “Kontingenz und die Konstruktion des ‘Anderen'” in a collective volume edited by Matthias Becher and Hendrik Hess, Kontingenzerfahrungen und ihre Bewältigung zwischen imperium und regna.

Gallia docta? Programme

The definitive programme has come out for the digital international conference ‘Gallia docta? Learning and Its Limitations in Late Antique Gaul’, 17-20 March 2021, Greifswald, organised by Tabea Meurer and Veronika Egetenmeyr.

Wednesday 17, 18.00 CET Public Keynote Lecture by Sigrid Mratschek: Sidonius’ kunstsinnige Musen.

Thursday 18 – Saturday 20 Sessions 1-5. Participation by invitation only. Speakers include Tabea Meurer, Veronika Egetenmeyr, Peter Gemeinhardt, Christian Stadermann, Nikolas Hächler, Joop van Waarden, Gernot M. Müller, Ulrike Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Raphael Schwitter, Willum Westenholz, Hendrik Hess, Maik Patzelt, Judith Hindermann, Alison John, Danuta Shanzer.

Website here. Information Conference Office Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald, Natalia Zborka, natalia.zborka AT wiko-greifswald.de

Download programme and poster.