Tag: Ferrari Carlo

Ferrari Reviews ‘Gallia docta?’

Carlo Ferrari reviews Tabea L. Meurer & Veronika Egetenmeyr (eds): Gallia docta? Education and In-/Exclusion in Late Antique Gaul, in Sehepunkte 24 (2024) no. 7, 8.’

‘Ten years after the release of Steffen Diefenbach and Gernot Michael Müller’s pivotal work, Gallien in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter, this new volume serves as an important resource for expanding our understanding of a region central to the cultural history of the late Roman Empire and early Middle Ages. While much of the volume understandably focuses on Sidonius’ literary production, it successfully offers a highly original and comprehensive view of Gallic society during a time of significant transformation, highlighting the strategies of inclusion and exclusion prompted by the emergence of new communities and the spread of Christianity, and going beyond the traditional barbarian/Roman and pagan/Christian dichotomies.

Ferrari’s Reappraisal of Paganism

Carlo Ferrari argues for the re-emergence of Celtic – and, in fact, Eurasian – religiosity in Gaul in the upheaval of late antiquity: Santi e sciamani. Una lettura storico-religiosa della Gallia tardoromana, Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis, 2022. See the publisher’s catalogue.

The book is an adaptation of Ferrari’s PhD thesis ‘Observatio paganorum: pratiche e comportamenti religiosi nella Gallia tardoantica (IV-VI secolo d.C.)’, Florence, 2019, which is available in open access here.