A First: A Hungarian Translation

Hungary’s most prominent Sidonius scholar, Ágnes Horváth (Szeged), has kindly revised her translations of Letters Books 4 and 7, and of Ep. 9.13, for publication on the Sidonius website.

Az Epistolae IV. és VII. könyvének, valamint az Ep. IX. 13. levél fordítása
Translation of Epistolae Books IV and VII, and Ep. IX. 13.
Fordította: T. Horváth Ágnes
Translated: Agnes T. Horvath

Download the translations on the Contributions page.

Sidonius for Creative Writing

A brand-new historical novel on Sidonius is forthcoming. Annabelle Grierson (in arte J A Grierson) has recently got her Creative Writing Master degree at Auckland University of Technology with a two-part novel breathing life into fifth-century history, with Sidonius among its protagonists. She was inspired by his letters, and the novels actually quote them, including the famous letter to Bishop Graecus (Ep. 7.7), which is cited almost in full. The first volume, entitled The Wars with Attila, centred around a fictionalised Avitus, is expected to be published next Spring. The second volume, centred around Sidonius, will be called The Last Roman.
For information, go here.

Lo specchio del modello

Anita Di Stefano and Marco Onorato are organizing an international Sidonius conference in Messina, 4-5 October. Speakers include Franca Ela Consolino, Jesús Hernández Lobato, Maria Jennifer Falcone, Stefania Santelia, Marco Onorato, Gavin Kelly, Matthijs Zoeter, Aaron Pelttari, Rosa Santoro, Luciana Furbetta, Silvia Condorelli, Étienne Wolff, Anita Di Stefano, and Joop van Waarden.

See further in the Events Calendar

Beyond the Horned Helmet

Camille Bonnan-Garçon (Lyon) writes about Sidonius’ favourable image of Theodoric and about the changing roles of letters and panegyrics for praising monarchs in Interférences 11, 2018. She has just finished her doctoral dissertation: ‘L’épigramme et la lettre d’Ausone à Ennode de Pavie: étude stylistique, littéraire et historique d’une contiguïté générique dans l’antiquité tardive’, doctoral thesis June 2018 (supervisors Marie Ledentu and Bruno Bureau, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3).