Isabella Gualandri praises Lo specchio del modello in her review in CR 71 (2020) 125-27: ‘This volume offers precious hints of novelty’.
Isabella Gualandri praises Lo specchio del modello in her review in CR 71 (2020) 125-27: ‘This volume offers precious hints of novelty’.
The Association pour l’Antiquité Tardive has got a new website featuring news, publications, and a picture gallery.
This week, Sigrid Mratschek opens the Gallia docta conference (Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald, digital) with a public keynote speech entitled ‘Sidonius’ kunstsinnige Muse’.
Date and time: Wednesday 17 March 2021, 18:00 h CET. Admission through the dedicated webpage.
The conference is organised by Tabea Meurer and Veronika Egetenmeyr. Webpage here.
Papers (registration necessary):
Tabea Meurer & Veronika Egetenmeyr, Theoretical approaches to inclusion and exclusion. Response: Peter Gemeinhardt.
Christian Stadermann, Barbarians within the gates. Integration and separation in late Roman Gaul.
Nikolas Hächler, The value of classical education (paideia) reflected in the material culture of the later Roman Empire.
Joop van Waarden, The consummate gentleman weighs his ‘You’ and ‘I’.
Gernot M. Müller, Gemeinschaftsbildung und Selbstvergewisserung. Zu Stil und Komposition der carmina minora des Sidonius Apollinaris.
Ulrike Egelhaaf-Gaiser, ‘Bei solchem Zank öffnet sich der Satire ein weites Feld’. Schlagfertigkeit und briefliches Selbstbewusstsein in Sidonius Brief 1,11.
Raphael Schwitter, The schools of Gaul revisited – old questions and new perspectives.
Willum Westenholz, When you have nothing nice to say … Hostile letters of recommendation in late antique Gaul.
Hendrik Hess, The role of women in Gallic letter collections in the second half of the 5th century.
Maik Patzelt, Widows, nuns and religious knowledge in Gallic cloisters.
Judith Hindermann, Lists as a means of education in Sidonius Apollinaris’ letters and poems.
Alison John, Bilingualism in literary circles of Gaul.
Danuta Shanzer, Count Arbogast addressed by Sidonius and Auspicius of Toul – an episcopal eye for a barbarian guy?
Stefano Magnani is to give a paper on ‘Non solo rane e zanzare. Paesaggi padani nella descrizione del viaggio in Italia di Sidonio Apollinare’ at the online conference ‘Italia settentrionale e regioni dell´arco alpino tra V e VI secolo’, 15-17 april 2021.
Date/time: 15 april, 18.00 h.
Meeting-ID: 93446094423 – Code: 464511 – MU28ydHJGdz09
Conference programme:
Francesco Montone wrote a favourable review of Lo specchio del modello for BMCR 2021.03.20.
Chris Whitton announces the Companion in Greece & Rome 68 (2021) 120-128 ‘Latin Literature”, on p. 123:
Gavin Kelly has contributed with ‘Sidonius as a Reader of Rutilius Namatianus’ to the Festschrift for Marisa Squillante, Rossana Valenti and Concetta Longobardi (eds), DISSONA NEXIO. Rotte del sapere, tra storia e futuro per Marisa Squillante, Invigilata Lucernis 42 (2020) 151-61.
Volume ToC here
At the Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Nicolas Goldmann is working on a PhD thesis, provisional title ‘Die Briefe des Sidonius Apollinaris als gesellschaftlich-literarische Gelegenheiten’, under the supervision of Prof. Ulrike Egelhaaf-Gaiser and Prof. Meike Rühl.
Email nicolas.goldmann AT
Patrizia Mascoli has put out the first Italian translation of Sidonius’ Correspondence: Sidonio Apollinare. Epistolario, Testi patristici, Rome: Città Nuova, 2021.
Here goes to the publisher’s catalogue
Marie-Adeline Le Guennec writes on ‘La fumée des cuisines et le chant des buveurs: l’auberge romaine et ses nuisances’, in Mélanges de l’École française de Rome, Antiquité 132-2 (2020) 313-26. She starts from Sidonius’ Carm. 35 in Ep. 8.11.
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