Stefania Santelia discusses Sidonius’ description of Pontius Leontius’ Burgus villa: ‘”Est locus …”: Verbindung di realtà, mito ed elogio nella descrizione di Burgus (Sidon. Apoll. carm. 22,101-220a)’, in: Borgna, Alice, and Maurizio Lana, Epistulae a familiaribus. Per Raffaella Tabacco, Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2022, 475-88.
Author: JvW
Santelia on Language and Identity
Stefania Santelia has written an article for a general audience on language and identity: ‘Barbarica verba: riflessioni sulla lingua come elemento di identità’, Salternum 26 (no 48-49) (2022) 55-59.
Wahlgren-Smith Reviews the Companion
Lena Wahlgren-Smith (Southampton) published a review of the Companion in Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture 8,2 (2022) 173-84, online here.
‘With the exception of material culture, this rich volume appears to cover almost every aspect of Sidonius’ life and oeuvre that a student of the period might look for. It not only represents an enormous advance in the understanding of this author, but also suggests ways in which other authors, in this and other periods, might profitably be approached. It will add greatly to the field of Sidonius studies and doubtless stimulate further exploration of the author, his genres, and his time.’
Egetenmeyr on the Construction of ‘Others’
Just out: Veronika Egetenmeyr, Die Konstruktion der ‘Anderen’. Barbarenbilder in den Briefen des Sidonius Apollinaris, Philippika 165, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2022.
Find it here
Marolla on Sidonius in Leopardi
Giulia Marolla has written an article about the traces of Sidonius (and Mamertus Claudianus) in Giacomo Leopardi’s early works: ‘Leopardi lettore di Sidonio Apollinare e Mamerto Claudiano’, Bollettino di Studi Latini 52 (2022) 592-600.
Abstract: This paper analyses the quotations of Sidonius Apollinaris and Mamertus Claudianus in the works of Giacomo Leopardi, whose interest for the two late Latin authors can be traced back to the years he spent studying at his father’s library in Recanati (in particular to 1815-1823). As can be inferred from his epistolary exchange with Niebuhr, for Giacomo, Sidonius constitutes a useful source. He is also an author the young Leopardi admires in light of the peculiar details he relates and because of his refined word choice. Together with Mamertus Claudianus, Sidonius is in particular cited as a source on Fronto and on the evolution of Latin in Late Antiquity. Furthermore, the paper suggests to link one entry in Leopardi’s autograph document C.L.XV.31 (Claudianus= 1762) to Mansi’s 1762 edition of Mamertus Claudianus, which was owned by Leopardi, as can be inferred from his Lettera al Giordani sopra il Frontone del Mai.
Ethnographic Change
1-2 December, Conference at the University of Bielefeld
Diesseits und jenseits der Imperien: Wissensordnung und ethnographisches Vergleichen in der Spätantike
Veronika Egetenmeyr will speak on ‘How to create a community? Sidonius Apollinaris and his others’
Information and registration here
Ausonius, Sidonius and Piccolomini
Friday 18 November 14:30 – 16:00
University of Basel, Department of Altertumswissenschaften
Presentation ‘Muse – Musse – Musseraum: neueste Forschungen zu Ausonius, Sidonius und Piccolomini’ by Markus Kersten, Christian Guerra and Ann-Kathrin Stähle
Get flyer here
Everybody welcome. Information anne-sophie.meyer AT
Book Presentation Horváth
Wednesday 9 November, 16:00 h.
Presentation of Ágnes Horváth’s translation of Sidonius’ letters:
Pál Diószegi-Szabó and Zsuzsanna Hoffmann speak with the author.
Flyer here.
Out Now: Hindermann’s Book 2
Judith Hindermann has published her translation and commentary of Book 2 of the Correspondence: Sidonius Apollinaris’ Letters, Book 2: Text, Translation and Commentary, Edinburgh Studies in Later Latin Literature, Edinburgh: EUP.
There is a 30% launch discount (NEW30) for anyone purchasing.
This book issues from the SA xxi project (Sidonius Apollinaris for the 21st Century) and begins the ESLLL series (Edinburgh Studies in Later Latin Literature), edited by Gavin Kelly and Aaron Pelttari.
Oppedisano on the Legatio Arverna (Ep. 1.9)
Fabrizio Oppedisano published ‘Une note sur la legatio Arverna à Rome (467 ap. J.-C.)’ in Marie-Pierre Chambon et al., L’Antiquité tardive dans le centre et le centre-ouest de la Gaule (IIIe-VIIe siècles), Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France, Supplement 82, 2022, 69-75.
At the end of 467, Sidonius Apollinaris came to Rome to bring petitions from the Arverni to the court of Anthemius. This paper aims to reconstruct the legatio and to place it within the framework of the relations between central government and provincial communities in the specific context of the last years of the Western Roman Empire.