Sara Fascione has come up with the publication of her PhD thesis entitled: Gli ‘altri’ al potere: Romani e barbari nella Gallia di Sidonio Apollinare.
See publisher’s catalogue
Sara Fascione has come up with the publication of her PhD thesis entitled: Gli ‘altri’ al potere: Romani e barbari nella Gallia di Sidonio Apollinare.
See publisher’s catalogue
Thanks to Jeffrey Murray, Head of Classics at the University of Cape Town, a hitherto unkown South-African paper on Latin letter-writing and Sidonius from c. 1930 by the then President of the Classical Association of South Africa, William Ritchie, has come to our notice.
Download it from this website, page Bibliography 1900-1999, year 1931.
Just published, by Mark Vessey: ‘Sidonius Apollinaris Writes Himself Out: Aut(hol)ograph and Architext in Late Roman Codex Society’, in: Uta Heil (ed.), Das Christentum im frühen Europa: Diskurse, Tendenzen, Entscheidungen, Millennium Studies 75, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019, 117-54.
‘This essay looks again at Sidonius’ letter collection, with an eye to the textual and bibliographic whole(s) therein finally composed’ (p. 117)
Publisher’s catalogue
Hendrik Hess has published a monograph on the self-image of the Gallo-Roman upper class, based on his PhD thesis at the University of Bonn: Das Selbstverständnis der gallo-römischen Oberschicht: Übergang, Hybridität und Latenz im historischen Diskursraum von Sidonius Apollinaris bis Gregor von Tours.
See the publisher’s catalogue
In 2017, at the 39th Yearly Conference of the Association pour l’Antiquité Tardive in Clermont-Ferrand, Patrice Montzamir gave a paper ‘Du nouveau sur l’épitaphe attribuée à Sidoine Apollinaire’. It is now available for download from the HAL repository.
Tabea Meurer has published her Münster PhD thesis Vergangenes verhandeln: Spätantike Statusdiskurse senatorischer Eliten in Gallien und Italien / Negotiating the Past: Late Ancient Discourse on Status among the Senatorial Elites of Gaul and Italy.
See publisher’s catalogue. Table of contents on Academia.
“This study in cultural history addresses the value of past relations in Gallo-Roman and Italian discourses on social status in late antiquity. The volume examines how senatorial figures referred back to ancestors and ancient times to better position themselves in relation to their peers. At a broader level, it describes the negotiative processes surrounding the establishment of rank.”
New on the Translations and Reception/Germany pages: entries on Karl Wolfskehl. The Jewish poet and translator Karl Wolfskehl (1869-1948), in the last decades of his life a refugee from Nazi Germany, first in Italy, then in New Zealand, extensively read and admired Sidonius’ work. An aestheticist in the tradition of Stefan George, he was sensitive to Sidonius’ particular style while his plight as an exile created a feeling of shared fates with Sidonius and his time “of festering and pregnant doom”.
Elena Litovchenko, Nikolay Bolgov and others gave a paper at a conference of applied linguistics in St Petersburg last July, entitled ‘Sidonius Apollinaris as a Flexible Thinking Person of Fifth-Century Gaul’. It is now available online.
The 2018 instalment of Invigilata Lucernis is now available. It features articles, among others, derived from the international ‘Prospettive sidoniane’ seminar (Bari 2017) by Sara Fascione, Marisa Squillante, Annick Stoehr-Monjou, Joop van Waarden, and Étienne Wolff.