The Western Empire in the 5th Century

At an online conference in Jena, ‘Das Weströmsiche Reich und seine Erforschung – neue Perspektiven’ (4-6 June 2021), Tabea Meurer specifically addressed Sidonius in connection with the development of the senatorial otium concept.

For a report of the conference see: Tagungsbericht: Das Weströmische Reich und seine Erforschung – neue Perspektiven, 04.06.2021 – 06.06.2021 digital (Jena), in: H-Soz-Kult, 28.06.2021.

Sidonius and the Other

Sidonius is thematized in two upcoming papers at the conference ‘Othering and the Other. Performing Identity in the Roman Empire’ (Universities of Coimbra and Évora) on 13 July, 15:15 – 16:45 (Lisbon-London time):

Pavle Pavlović (Singidunum University of Belgrado), The barbarian ‘Other’ and Sidonius’ ‘language of paradox’

Filomena Giannotti (University of Siena), News from a mundus senescens: Romans, Visigoths and Saxons in a letter by Sidonius Apollinaris (viii 6).

Register here (also links to the conference programme and the booklet of abstracts).

Rush: Landscapes Along the 5th-C. Rhône

Richard Rush is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of California, Riverside (United States of America). In his dissertation, “Landscapes along the Fifth-Century Rhône,” he argues that the literary use of a landscape cannot be separated from the author’s experience of that landscape. Richard uses Latin authors who lived along the Rhône during the long fifth century to explore how reading their texts in conjunction with an analysis of the landscapes evoked therein can deepen our understanding of the authors’ lived experiences. This dissertation requires close engagement with both the literary works of fifth-century Gallic authors and what remains of the fifth-century landscape.
While in Lyon, Richard will analyze the local geography’s relationship to the works of Sidonius Apollinaris, Avitus of Vienne, and the “Life of Apollinaris of Valence,” as well as the fifth-century archeology of Lyon and its environs.

He currently is a HiSoMA bursary in Lyon, as part of the project Lugdunum dans l’empire de Rome. See also paper IMC Leeds.

Sidonius at IMC Leeds

The International Medieval Congress at Leeds is approaching. Note that registrations will close on Friday 25 June 2021. See also on this website: events.

Papers touching on Sidonius and his times include:

Panel: #TakeBackControl: Imperial Authority in Late Antiquity
Time: 5 July 2021: 11.15-12.45
Programme here
Organiser: Jeroen W.P. Wijnendaele
Moderator: Benet Salway
Featuring among others: Jeroen Wijnendaele, ‘”The Last Shadow Puppets”?: The Final Fight for Western Imperial Control, 455-480’.

Panel: Writing Letters in Climates of Conflict during Late Antiquity
Time: 7 July 2021: 16.30-18.00
Programme here
Organisor: Daniel Knox
Moderator: Danuta Shanzer
Featuring among others: Madeleine St. Marie, ‘A Bishop in Unstable Times: Conflict in the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris’.

Panel: Seasons of the Mind: Weather and Interiority in Literature
Time: 8 July 2021: 16.30-18.00
Programme here
Organiser: IMC Programming Committee
Moderator: Andrew Richmond
Featuring among others: Richard Rush, ‘When the Rhône Boils: Literary Uses of Hot Summer Weather in Sidonius Apollinaris’s Epistula 2.2 and the Vita Apollinaris‘.

Portraits in the Forum of Trajan

Gregor Kalas writes on the cultural significance of Sidonius’ portrait bust among others in ‘Portraits of Poets and the Lecture Halls in the Forum of Trajan: Masking Cultural Tensions in Late Antique Rome’, in: Gregor Kalas and Ann van Dijk (eds), Urban Developments in Late Antique and Medieval Rome: Revising the Narrative of Renewal, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2021, 75-108.

See catalogue

The Jeweled Style Revisited

We are delighted to announce the conference ‘The Jeweled Style Revisited’, which aims at developing, extending, celebrating and refining (aspects of) the concept first described by Michael Roberts in his seminal study The Jeweled Style (1989). The conference is going to take place online (Zoom) on Friday 25 June and Saturday 26 June 2021.

For the programme, see below or here. To register, please email by 24 June. All are welcome!

Best wishes,

Joshua Hartman and Helen Kaufmann

The Jeweled Style Revisited

Friday 25 June 2021

14.45h Welcome: Joshua Hartman (Bowdoin) and Helen Kaufmann (Erlangen)
14.50h Introduction: Joshua Hartman (Bowdoin)

15.00h-16.30h: First session: Vergil, Homer, and Classicism in the Jeweled Style

Scott McGill (Rice), Virgil’s children: Christian centos and Virgil’s fourth Eclogue
Frances Foster (Cambridge), Learning the Jeweled Style
Fotini Hadjittofi (Lisbon), The Greek Jeweled Style

16.30h-16.45h: Break

16.45h-18.15h: Second session: Homiletics, Exegesis, and the Jeweled Style

David Ungvary (Bard), The cento and scripture: An early Christian debate over the poetics of exegesis
Francesco Lubian (Padua), Sparkles and textures: Jeweled sea storm descriptions in Zeno of Verona and Ambrose’s Exameron
Elena Castelnuovo (Milan), Biblical clusters in Dracontius’ De Laudibus Dei: A Christian Jeweled Style?

18.15h-18.30h: Break

18.30h-20.00h: Third session: Testing the Boundaries of the Jeweled Style

Markus Kersten and Ann-Kathrin Stähle (Basel), Jewels or rhinestones? Diminishing paratexts in Ausonius and Sidonius Apollinaris
Jesús Hernández Lobato (Salamanca), An ‘unjeweled’ Christian style? A look at Augustine’s Confessions
Bret Mulligan (Haverford), The Jeweled Style in epigram

Saturday 26 June 2021

15.00h-16.30h: Fourth session: The Language of the Jeweled Style

Michael Roberts (Wesleyan), The Jeweled Style in context
Cillian O’Hogan (Toronto), The Jeweled Style in early medieval Latin poetry
Christoph Schubert (Erlangen), Metaphor squared

16.30h-16.45h: Break

16.45h-18.15h: Fifth session: Histories of The Jeweled Style

Ian Fielding (Michigan), Run the jewels: The decadent prehistory of the Jeweled Style
Ruth Parkes (UWTSD), Reclaiming the wood from the trees: The Jeweled Style and Silver Latin scholarship
Carole Newlands (Colorado), Architectural ekphrasis in Venantius Fortunatus: Beyond the Jeweled Style

18.15h-18.30h: Break

18.30h-20.00h: Sixth session: Unity, Genre, and the Jeweled Style

Andreas Abele (Tübingen), The Jeweled Style and Neoplatonism
Catherine Ware (Cork), The Jeweled Style in prose panegyric
Helen Kaufmann (Erlangen), Digression, variety and unity in (late) Latin poetry

20.00h-20.30h: Break

20.30h: Final discussion

All times are Central European Time.

Further information: