Tag: Visigoths

Szada on Nicene-Homoian Relations

Marta Szada’s book Conversion and the Contest of Creeds in Early Medieval Christianity (Cambridge, 2024) contains a chapter on ‘The Religious Controversies in Gaul and Hispania before the Goths’ (pp. 169-87).

This chapter analyses how the re-emergence of Homoianism among the Visigoths, Vandals, and Suevi was interpreted in the Nicene church in Gaul and Spain and what this reception reveals about Nicene–Homoian relations in the region in the fifth century. It also examines the evidence for the development of the Homoian Church and the increase in the number of Homoians.

Tags include Sidonius Apollinaris.

Link to the item in CUP’s catalogue.

Giannotti on a mundus senescens

Now available: Filomena Giannotti, ‘News from a mundus senescens: Romans, Visigoths and Saxons in a Letter by Sidonius Apollinaris (8.6)’, in: José Luís Brandão, Cláudia Teixeira and Ália Rodrigues (eds), Confronting Identities in the Roman Empire: Assumptions about the Other in Literary Evidence, London: Bloomsbury, 2023, 213-36.

Can be read online in open access. Hardback forthcoming 14 December 2023.

Exposition Wisigoths: Rois de Toulouse

The Saint-Raymond museum in Toulouse this year presents an exposition “Wisigoths: Rois de Toulouse“.

It is accompanied by a virtual 360° visit online.

The museum has also published a catalogue: Laure Barthet and Claudine Jacquet (eds), Wisigoths: Rois de Toulouse, where, on pp. 116-20 Jean-Marie Pailler, Jean-Luc Boudartchouk and Patrice Montzamir discuss Sidonius and his (or his son’s?) epitaph in both its versions.