Babnis on Diplomacy in Persia

Tomasz Babnis writes on Roman embassies to Persia, comparing passages in Claudian and Sidonius: ‘Idem aliter, czyli o dwóch opisach dyplomatycznej podróży do Persji w poezji późnego antyku (Claud. Cons. Stil. I 51–68; Sid. Carm. II 75–88)’ [… two descriptions of a diplomatic trip to Persia in the poetry of Late Antiquity], Collectanea Philologica 24 (2021) 111-25.

Read in Academia

Glitter in Poetry

Judith Hindermann and Raphael Schwitter will speak on late Latin poetry and Sidonius in particular at the upcoming conference “Light and Splendour: precious metal as a medium of ritual and social interaction in Late Antiquity”, in Basel (hybrid) on 20-22 January.

From the programme:
20 January
16:00–17:00 Light and splendour in literature

PD Dr. Raphael Schwitter, Bonn
Words of gold and silver: iconic and symbolic mimesis of precious metal in Late Antique poetry

Dr. Judith Hindermann, Basel
A new splendour: the recusatio of precious materials in Sidonius Apollinaris’ letters
and poems

17:00–17:30 Discussion

For in-person attendance email to

How About Quintilian and Ennodius?

Just out: Marc van der Poel et al. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Quintilian. The chapter on Quintilian in Late Antiquity by Catherine Schneider mentions Sidonius in par. 16.2 (Carm. 2.191, 9.315-17, Ep. 5.10).

Another recent publication marginally related to Sidonius is Francesco Montone, ‘Lo scrittore Ennodio (474-521) in viaggio sulle Alpi: l’Itinerarium Brigantionis Castelli‘, Salternum 46-47, 2021, 35-59 (passages from the carmina and Ep. 1.5 in particular).

Festschrift Mastandrea

A miscellaneous volume Paulo maiora canamus is out in honour of Paolo Mastandrea including contributions by colleagues and friends dealing with some of the main topics of his scientific interests: intertextuality, late Latin studies, philological problems, the legacy of Classics in Renaissance and digital humanities.

Download here

Woudhuysen Reviews ODLA

Under the title ‘Codex Nicholsonianus’, George Woudhuysen writes a broad review article of Oliver Nicholson’s 2018 The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity, ‘first port of call for anyone with a basic question’ on Late Antiquity, in the Journal of Roman Studies 111 (2021) 225-38, online here.