Furbetta and Stoehr-Monjou in Stumbling Texts

Luciana Furbetta and Annick Stoehr-Monjou contributed chapters to a new volume, edited by Christian Guerra, Markus Kersten and Ann-Kathrin Stähle, The Dynamics of Paratextuality in Late Antique Literature: Stumbling Texts, sera tela, London: Bloomsbury, 2024. Available here

These chapters are:

  • Furbetta, ‘Legere or tegere? Reflections on a “Key Question” for the Late Antique Author and His Readers’ (discussing Sidon. Ep. 8.4, 8.16, 9.13, Carm. 8, 24, among other things), pp. 39-52.
  • Stoehr-Monjou, ‘Poetics of Conclusion in Sidonius’ Letters (Books 7-9, Epist. 9.12-16)’, pp. 53-70.

Zhang-Baduel on ‘patria’

Working on an Oxford DPhil in Ancient History, Hanzi Zhang-Baduel explores the perceptions of homeland in late antiquity: ‘My research explores the transformation of the concept of patria in the West from the middle of the third century to the very end of the Western Empire, focusing in a first stage on Latin authors from Gaul, e.g. Ausonius, Paulinus of Nola, Rutilius Namatianus and Sidonius Apollinaris.’

Horváth on Gastronomy

Ágnes T. Horváth, ‘Változá valóság, irodalmi toposzok, intertextualitás Sidonius Apollinaris, gastronómiai köslézeiben’ [Changing reality, literary topos, intertextuality in the gastronomic contexts of Sidonius Apollinaris], in: Zsolt Hunyadi and Tomás Kőfalvi (eds), Napok, évek, századok: Tanulmányok Almási Tibor 65. születésnapjára [Days, Years, Centuries: Studies for Tibor Almasi’s 65th Birthday], Szeged: Szeged University, Institute of History, 2024, 165-79.

Download volume on Academia

Sidonius’ Poem for Patiens Translated

Sidonius’ poem for the dedication of Bishop Patiens’ church in Lyon (Carm. 27 in Ep. 2.10, including the prose introduction paras 2b-4) has been translated into French and Russian by Sergey Kim as part of a two-volume box Les saints de Lyon: I Martyrs de Lyon, II Les saints évêques de Lyon, Saints bilingues vols 3-4, Ferney-Voltaire: Eikôn, 2024 (in part 2, 135-45).

Item in catalogue here

Furbetta on Landscape, Natural and Anthropic

Just published: Luciana Furbetta, ‘Paesaggio naturale e paesaggio antropico: rappresentazioni, interazioni e pratiche sociali tra scambi epistolari e divertissements poetici (IV-VI sec. d.C.)’, in: Ida Gilda Mastrorosa and Élisabeth Gavoille (eds), La villa et ses ressources naturelles, de l’Antiquité à la première modernité / La villa e le sue risorse naturali fra antichità e prima età moderna, Scripta receptoria 27. Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2024, 69-92.

Listed in the publisher’s catalogue

Sara Fascione Appointed in Liège

New Appointment

Sara Fascione has been recently appointed as ‘chargée de cours’ of Latin Language and Literature at the University of Liège, in Belgium. She will work on the letter collections by Fronto, Symmachus and, of course, Sidonius, trying to cast further light on the dynamics of reception and circulation of letter collections in late antiquity.