Harm Pinkster’s new Oxford Latin Syntax is now complete with the publication of volume 2: The Complex Sentence and Discourse.

Harm Pinkster’s new Oxford Latin Syntax is now complete with the publication of volume 2: The Complex Sentence and Discourse.
In its first year, since March 2020, the Sidonius Companion has even made it to scholars’ kitchen tables (picture with kind permission of Veronika Egetenmeyr).
Edinburgh University Press released two free chapters:’The Manuscript Tradition of Sidonius’ and ‘Sidonius Reception: Late 19th-21st Centuries’ (advertised on Twitter and elsewhere)
They also offer a 40% discount on purchasing the Companion from their website until the end of April 2021 (discount code CLASS40).
Now the Sidonius website comes up with a brand-new The Companion Continued section.
Joop van Waarden got a contract with Cambridge University Press for writing a Sidonius Apollinaris: Selected Letters commentary in the Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics series (‘Green and Yellow’), to be ready by September 2024.
The provisional table of contents is:
1.1 Correspondence: structure and style
1.5 Rome: journey, literary landscape
1.7 Rome: Arvandus, treason or adjustment
1.9 Rome: court, panegyric
1.10 Rome: city prefect
2.2 Villa: invitation, Avitacum, architecture, Pliny
2.8 Women: death of Philomathia, epitaph
2.10 Church: building, ekphrasis, poem
3.9 Correspondence: recommendation, Riothamus
3.12 Family: grandfather, epitaph
4.19 Correspondence: shortest letter
4.20 Barbarians: marriage Sigismer
5.5 Barbarians and Roman culture: Syagrius mastering Burgundian
5.16 Family: career prospectives (to his wife)
7.1 War and church: to Mamertus
7.7 War and politics: demise of Clermont
7.17 Asceticism: political powerplay, abbot Abraham, Lérins
7.18 Correspondence: structure
8.1 Correspondence: structure
8.3 Apollonius of Tyana, court, exile
8.15 Correspondence: refusal to write history, promise of hagiography
9.16 Correspondence: structure, poetry
Fabio Gasti has published an acclaimed overview of later Latin literature: La letteratura tardolatina: un profilo storico (secoli III-VII d.C.), Studi superiori 1197, Rome: Carocci, 2020.
| catalogue | review by Dennis Trout BMCR 2021.02.21
Next Monday, 30 November, St Andrew’s Day, Edinburgh University Press will be running their 24 hour 50% sale (0:00 am – 11:59 pm). Ever wanted to buy the Companion? This is your chance. At half price.
Fabrizio Oppedisano rounds off his Anthemius project with the publication of a diptych consisting of a monograph on the Panegyric of Anthemius (see previous post) and a multi-author volume of essays: Procopio Antemio, imperatore di Roma, Bari: Edipuglia, 2020.
In print: Fabrizio Oppedisano’s edition with translation and commentary of the Panegyric of Anthemius: In lode di Antemio: L’ultimo panegirico di Roma imperiale, Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider.
See the catalogue
Sara Fascione has come up with the publication of her PhD thesis entitled: Gli ‘altri’ al potere: Romani e barbari nella Gallia di Sidonio Apollinare.
See publisher’s catalogue