Author: JvW

Manitius’ Indexes Opened Up

The three volumes of Max Manitius’ Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters are a Fundgrube of the most minute references. Joop van Waarden has made a three-page document which is an elaboration, for the lemma Sidonius Apollinaris, of the indexes of these volumes by means of the text passages they refer to. Its aim is to simplify access to the wealth of detail they contain, and make them even more accessible for the study of Sidonius’ reception.

This document initiates a new page ‘Appendices’ in the Companion Continued section. Here goes.

Bruno Luiselli Has Died

Bruno Luiselli, professor emeritus of Latin literature at La Sapienza University, died on 2 June at the age of 87 years. A versatile academic, he was a leading authority in the field of romano-barbarian studies. He founded the Romanobarbarica review as well as the series Biblioteca di Cultura Romanobarbarica. His own output includes, among much else, Romanobarbarica. Scritti scelti, Florence 2017, and Storia culturale dei rapporti tra mondo romano e mondo germanico, Rome 1992.

Read the obituary in La Repubblica here.

SISMEL/Edizioni del Galuzzo publishes the Nuova Biblioteca di Cultura Romanobarbarica in his honour. Its editors are Proff. Antonella Bruzzone, Alessandro Fo, and Luigi Piacente. Information here.

Green, Sidonius Complete Poems

Now announced by Liverpool University Press for publication on 1 November 2021:

Roger P.H. Green, Sidonius Apollinaris. Complete Poems, Translated Texts for Historians 76.


Sidonius Apollinaris was an inhabitant of southern Roman Gaul in the mid fifth century AD, when it was threatened by invasions from beyond the boundaries of the Roman Empire and by competing warlords. His many poetic works include three panegyrics to emperors at the beginnings of their reigns; these are carefully translated and annotated, and provided with comment and synopses.  His multiple shorter poems, in a variety of metres, are translated into appropriate English and given separate introductions and notes of various kinds, historical and literary. There is an extensive and informative introduction to the whole work.

This book by Roger Green, a lifelong expert in Late Antiquity, gives a firsthand account of the political strife and manoeuvring of the times but also a vivid picture of the lives of his like-minded friends in an almost post-Roman episode of Rome’s existence. Sidonius was read widely in the Middle Ages, with a golden age in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and also in the fifteenth century revival of Late Antique literature. Today his poetry will awaken new study and interest, without the archaism of many older translations and with a fresh and updated approach to many issues.

Van Waarden on SAxxi and Contingency Projects

In 2017, at the invitation of the University of Bonn, Joop van Waarden reflected on the SAxxi project and the Bonn Contingency project. Now out, in de proceedings of that day: ‘Das Sidonius- und das Kontingenz-Projekt im Spiegel der Theorie’, in: Matthias Becher and Hendrik Hess (eds), Kontingenzerfahrungen und ihre Bewältigung zwischen imperium und regna. Beispiele aus Gallien und angrenzenden Gebieten vom 5. bis zum 8. Jahrhundert, Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2021, 29-49.

The book’s blurb: In Gaul and neighbouring areas Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages were times of political upheaval, change and unpredictable dynamics. As alternative to historical metanarratives such as ‘fall/decline’, ‘continuity’ or ‘transformation’ the papers of this volume analyse the narrative modes of (coping with) contingency – understood as the space which makes coincidence possible and intelligible (following Luhmann, Rüsen and others) – in contemporary sources.

Metamorfosi del classico

International online conference organised by the Universities of Sassari and Siena:

Metamorfosi del classico in età romanobarbarica

17-18 June 2021

Download flyer here

Free access to the Conference is available through the following link:

Scientific Committee: Antonella Bruzzone, Alessandro Fo, Luigi Piacente
For further information: Filomena Giannotti (


giovedì 17 giugno

ore 15.00 Saluti di benvenuto e introduzione ai lavori: Alessandro Fo (Università di Siena)

Presiede: Roberto Palla (Università di Macerata)

ore 15.15 Antonella Bruzzone (Università di Sassari): Mundum tibi nullus ademit. Il paradiso non-perduto per Ila in Draconzio

ore 16.00 Joop A. van Waarden (Radboud Universiteit – Nijmegen): Epistolary Politeness in the Long Fifth Century in Italy and Gaul: Symmachus and the Metamorphosis of ‘You and I’


Presiede: Raffaella Tabacco (Università del Piemonte Orientale)

ore 17.15 Raffaele Perrelli (Università della Calabria): Claudiano e l’elegia: sondaggi e qualche certezza

ore 18:00 Gavin Kelly (University of Edinburgh): Titles and Other Paratexts in the Collection of Sidonius’ Works

venerdì 18 giugno

Presiede: Mario Lentano (Università di Siena)

ore 9.00 Filomena Giannotti (Università di Siena): Ceu flos succisus aratro. Metamorfosi di un topos classico in Ennodio (carm. II 86 = 204 Vogel)

ore 9.45 Fabio Gasti (Università di Pavia): Dal Titano ai martiri torinesi: un percorso ennodiano fra poesia e fede


Presiede: Luigi Piacente (Università di Bari Aldo Moro)

ore 11.00 Marco Formisano (Universiteit Gent): Paesaggi trasgressivi. Un’interpretazione territoriale della poesia tardoantica

ore 11.45 Silvia Mattiacci (Università di Siena): Presenza di Fedro e ‘metamorfosi’ della favola tra IV e V secolo