Ann-Kathrin Stähle got her doctorate at the University of Basel (2022, summa cum laude, supervisor Prof. Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer): ‘…quid poema frangat? Zur Poetik des Bruchs in den Carmina des Sidonius Apollinaris’.

Ann-Kathrin Stähle got her doctorate at the University of Basel (2022, summa cum laude, supervisor Prof. Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer): ‘…quid poema frangat? Zur Poetik des Bruchs in den Carmina des Sidonius Apollinaris’.
Friday 18 November 14:30 – 16:00
University of Basel, Department of Altertumswissenschaften
Presentation ‘Muse – Musse – Musseraum: neueste Forschungen zu Ausonius, Sidonius und Piccolomini’ by Markus Kersten, Christian Guerra and Ann-Kathrin Stähle
Get flyer here
Everybody welcome. Information anne-sophie.meyer AT
Lector, quas patieris hic salebras! The Stumbling Texts (and Stumbling Readers) of Late Latin Poetry
International Conference and Workshop targeting new perspectives on late antique prose and poetry
Confirmed Speakers include L. Furbetta, J. Hernández Lobato, S. McGill, A. Pelttari, C. Schindler, A. Stoehr-Monjou,
Call for papers until 15 July 2021
Lector, quas patieris hic salebras! The Stumbling Texts (and Stumbling Readers) of Late Latin Poetry
International Conference and Workshop, Basel, 30th September – 2nd October 2021
Confirmed speakers include L. Furbetta, J. Hernández Lobato, S. McGill, A. Pelttari, C. Schindler, A. Stoehr-Monjou
Organisation: and
Click here to download the invitation