In the latest issue of Athenaeum (112/1, June 2024), there are reviews of F. Oppedisano (ed.), Procopio Antemio, imperatore di Roma, Bari 2020 (by A. Sassoli), and of F. Giannotti, Scrinia Arverna, Pisa 2021 (by S. Condorelli).

In the latest issue of Athenaeum (112/1, June 2024), there are reviews of F. Oppedisano (ed.), Procopio Antemio, imperatore di Roma, Bari 2020 (by A. Sassoli), and of F. Giannotti, Scrinia Arverna, Pisa 2021 (by S. Condorelli).
Fabrizio Oppedisano edited a dossier ‘Poesia, potere e la fine di un impero. Il Panegirico di Antemio’ in Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 150 (2022) 425-521. It comprises:
– Onorato, Marco, ‘L’elogio della paideia di Antemio come manifestazione culturale’, pp. 427-55
– Consolino, Franca Ela, ‘Mito e politica nel Panegirico di Antemio’, pp. 456-77
– Oppedisano, Fabrizio, ‘La voce di Enotria e la solitudine di Ricimero’, pp. 478-98
– Roberto, Umberto, ‘Furores Caucasei: Sidonio Apollinare e l’alterità culturale e politica dei Vandali’, pp. 499-521.
Fabrizio Oppedisano published ‘Une note sur la legatio Arverna à Rome (467 ap. J.-C.)’ in Marie-Pierre Chambon et al., L’Antiquité tardive dans le centre et le centre-ouest de la Gaule (IIIe-VIIe siècles), Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France, Supplement 82, 2022, 69-75.
At the end of 467, Sidonius Apollinaris came to Rome to bring petitions from the Arverni to the court of Anthemius. This paper aims to reconstruct the legatio and to place it within the framework of the relations between central government and provincial communities in the specific context of the last years of the Western Roman Empire.
Joop van Waarden is to give a lecture at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa on performance aspects of the Panegyric of Anthemius.
Title: ‘A Ceremony Embodied: Experiencing Anthemius’ Panegyric’
Date and time: Thursday 15 April, 16:00-18:00 CEST
Mode: distance. Everybody is welcome. In order to participate, send an email requesting to be included in the Teams group to Fabrizio Oppedisano:
On 26 February, 16:00 CET, the Istituto italiano per la storia antica will relay via Facebook:
Poesia, potere e la fine di un impero. Il Panegirico di Antemio
Fabrizio Oppedisano talks to Franca Ela Consolino, Marco Onorato, and Umberto Roberto. Moderator Pierfrancesco Porena.
Fabrizio Oppedisano rounds off his Anthemius project with the publication of a diptych consisting of a monograph on the Panegyric of Anthemius (see previous post) and a multi-author volume of essays: Procopio Antemio, imperatore di Roma, Bari: Edipuglia, 2020.
On 29 June, Marco Formisano and Fabrizio Oppedisano will discuss Sidonius’ Carmen 1 in the online series Titubanti testi: Binomio di lettura. To participate, drop Marco an email at Here is the programme of the series (new speakers are welcome from September):
In print: Fabrizio Oppedisano’s edition with translation and commentary of the Panegyric of Anthemius: In lode di Antemio: L’ultimo panegirico di Roma imperiale, Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider.
See the catalogue
Session 1: Cultural, social, and religious transformations
Session 2: Territorial developments in Late Antiquity
Session 3: Economy and material culture
As for Sidonius, Fabrizio Oppedisano will speak about ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et la legatio Arverna (467 ap. J.-C.)’.
At the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Fabrizio Oppedisano is running a project on the emperor Anthemius. On 8 June, a symposium was held on the subject (see flyer). The project also includes a translation and commentary of Sidonius’ Panegyric (Carm. 1-2), to be published next year.