Category: Publication

Reis on Identities and Frontiers

Gabriel Reis’ master thesis at the University of Santa Maria (Brasil) has been published. The book is titled Identitades e Fronteiras na Antiguidade Tardia and investigates power negotiations among Romans based in Gaul and Italy and Germanic people.

It is accessible via Academia.

Its genesis is within the research group of Prof. Semíramis Corsi Silva, Grupo de Estudos sobre o Mundo Antigo Mediterrânico GEMAM.

How About Quintilian and Ennodius?

Just out: Marc van der Poel et al. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Quintilian. The chapter on Quintilian in Late Antiquity by Catherine Schneider mentions Sidonius in par. 16.2 (Carm. 2.191, 9.315-17, Ep. 5.10).

Another recent publication marginally related to Sidonius is Francesco Montone, ‘Lo scrittore Ennodio (474-521) in viaggio sulle Alpi: l’Itinerarium Brigantionis Castelli‘, Salternum 46-47, 2021, 35-59 (passages from the carmina and Ep. 1.5 in particular).

Harm Pinkster Knighted

Yesterday, 8 October, Harm Pinkster, trailblazer and standard bearer of the Amsterdam school of linguistics, was knighted in the Order of the Netherlands Lion for his exceptional merits for Latin literature and linguistics. He received the award at the hands of the Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam, Simone Kukenheim, during the presentation of the second volume of his magnum opus, the Oxford Latin Syntax.

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Lyon in Texts

Just out the second, updated edition of Jean-Claude Decourt and Gérard Lucas, Lyon dans les textes grecs et latins. La géographie et l’histoire de Lugdunum, de la fondation de la colonie à l’occupation burgonde (43 avant - 460 après J.-C.), Histoire & Épigraphie 2, Lyon: MOM Éditions, 2021.

Read on OpenEdition.

Texts from Sidonius (Ep. 1.5.2, 1.8.1-2, 2.10.2-4, 5.17.3-6, 9.3.5; Carm. 5.571-86, 13.19-25) on pp. 398-424.

Green, Sidonius Complete Poems

Now announced by Liverpool University Press for publication on 1 November 2021:

Roger P.H. Green, Sidonius Apollinaris. Complete Poems, Translated Texts for Historians 76.


Sidonius Apollinaris was an inhabitant of southern Roman Gaul in the mid fifth century AD, when it was threatened by invasions from beyond the boundaries of the Roman Empire and by competing warlords. His many poetic works include three panegyrics to emperors at the beginnings of their reigns; these are carefully translated and annotated, and provided with comment and synopses.  His multiple shorter poems, in a variety of metres, are translated into appropriate English and given separate introductions and notes of various kinds, historical and literary. There is an extensive and informative introduction to the whole work.

This book by Roger Green, a lifelong expert in Late Antiquity, gives a firsthand account of the political strife and manoeuvring of the times but also a vivid picture of the lives of his like-minded friends in an almost post-Roman episode of Rome’s existence. Sidonius was read widely in the Middle Ages, with a golden age in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and also in the fifteenth century revival of Late Antique literature. Today his poetry will awaken new study and interest, without the archaism of many older translations and with a fresh and updated approach to many issues.