Tag: tradition

Tradition and New Authors: 26-27 October

Sara Fascione organizes an International Conference “Tradizione e nuovi auctores della Tarda Antichità” at the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II on 26-27 October 2023.

For registration and Zoom link please write to sara.fascione AT unina.it

Download poster with programme here

26 October 2023

15.30 Welcome

15.50 Introduction: Sara Fascione, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Chair: Marisa Squillante

16.00 Jean-Louis Charlet, Université Aix-Marseille

Alcuni aspetti del dialogo culturale tra poeti latini della Tarda Antichità

16.30 Luca Mondin, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Dicendi arte nova parem vetustis: la celebrazione dei nuovi auctores nella poesia tardolatina

Chair: Lucio De Giovanni

17.00 Andrea Pellizzari, Università degli Studi di Torino

Il lessico dell’agronomia nella scoliastica tardoantica: prestiti e confronti letterari

17.30 Sara Fascione, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Nullo veterum minor noster Symmachus. Leggere Simmaco in un mondo in cambiamento

18.00 Discussion

27 October 2023

Chair: Luca Mondin

9.00 Pierre Descotes, Université Paris-Sorbonne – Institut d’Études Augustiniennes

Hilaire, Cyprien, Tychonius: une discussion sur l’autorité d’auteurs ‘récents’ dans l’epistula 93 d’Augustin d’Hippone

9.30 Gavin Kelly, University of Edinburgh

The Latin secular historians of the fourth century and their early reception

10.00 Umberto Roberto, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Tradizione e nuovi modelli nella riflessione storico-politica dell’aristocrazia senatoria di Roma tra quarto e quinto secolo: la rappresentazione di Domiziano e Diocleziano

10.30-11.00 Discussion

11.00-11.30 coffee break

Chair: Chiara Renda

11.30 Silvia Condorelli, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Sidonio Apollinare e Paolino di Périgueux: consonanze poetiche

12.00 Alfredo Mario Morelli, Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Lussorio e gli auctores epigrammatici latini tardo-antichi

12.30 Discussion

13.00-14.30 Lunch break

14.30 Conclusion and final remarks: Claudio Buongiovanni, Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli

Kelly on Sidonius in England

Gavin Kelly wrote a blogpost on the manuscript transmission of Sidonius in England, following up on a tweet concerning the Durham Bible of William of St Calais (1096 CE) and the list of manuscripts it contains, which mentions a copy of Sidonius’ ‘panegyrics’ among others (see also on this website). William’s Sidonius manuscript is a typically English representative of manuscripts containing Sidonius’ poems without the letters.

On 5 February ‘Ennius’ (@Red_Loeb) shared an image from a Durham manuscript, Cathedral Library A.II.4, the bible of William of St Calais, bishop of Durham, from AD 1096. This bible is said to originate in Normandy, like its owner. On f. 1v there is a list of the books that the bishop gifted to the library. In a retweet, my friend and colleague Justin Stover (‘Transmission of the Latin Classics’ = @OxGTLC), pointed out that it contained references to the works of Justin and Sidonius. Sure enough, two thirds of the way down you can see a paragraphus sign (¶) followed by Sidonius Sollius Panigericus. …
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