Author: JvW

Bonnan-Garçon on Carm. 21

Camille Bonnan-Garçon, ‘Munus flatteur, présent ou sportule? Le billet accompagnant un cadeau dans l’Antiquité tardive’, in: Thomas Deswarte, Klaus Herbers and Nathanaël Nimmegeers (eds), Epistola IV. La lettre dans son environnement, ive-xie siècle, Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 2024, 181-95.

Available online in OpenEdition. Features Sidonius Carm. 21 among other examples.

Ferrari Reviews ‘Gallia docta?’

Carlo Ferrari reviews Tabea L. Meurer & Veronika Egetenmeyr (eds): Gallia docta? Education and In-/Exclusion in Late Antique Gaul, in Sehepunkte 24 (2024) no. 7, 8.’

‘Ten years after the release of Steffen Diefenbach and Gernot Michael Müller’s pivotal work, Gallien in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter, this new volume serves as an important resource for expanding our understanding of a region central to the cultural history of the late Roman Empire and early Middle Ages. While much of the volume understandably focuses on Sidonius’ literary production, it successfully offers a highly original and comprehensive view of Gallic society during a time of significant transformation, highlighting the strategies of inclusion and exclusion prompted by the emergence of new communities and the spread of Christianity, and going beyond the traditional barbarian/Roman and pagan/Christian dichotomies.

Szada on Nicene-Homoian Relations

Marta Szada’s book Conversion and the Contest of Creeds in Early Medieval Christianity (Cambridge, 2024) contains a chapter on ‘The Religious Controversies in Gaul and Hispania before the Goths’ (pp. 169-87).

This chapter analyses how the re-emergence of Homoianism among the Visigoths, Vandals, and Suevi was interpreted in the Nicene church in Gaul and Spain and what this reception reveals about Nicene–Homoian relations in the region in the fifth century. It also examines the evidence for the development of the Homoian Church and the increase in the number of Homoians.

Tags include Sidonius Apollinaris.

Link to the item in CUP’s catalogue.