Tag: contingency

Van Waarden on SAxxi and Contingency Projects

In 2017, at the invitation of the University of Bonn, Joop van Waarden reflected on the SAxxi project and the Bonn Contingency project. Now out, in de proceedings of that day: ‘Das Sidonius- und das Kontingenz-Projekt im Spiegel der Theorie’, in: Matthias Becher and Hendrik Hess (eds), Kontingenzerfahrungen und ihre Bewältigung zwischen imperium und regna. Beispiele aus Gallien und angrenzenden Gebieten vom 5. bis zum 8. Jahrhundert, Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2021, 29-49.

The book’s blurb: In Gaul and neighbouring areas Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages were times of political upheaval, change and unpredictable dynamics. As alternative to historical metanarratives such as ‘fall/decline’, ‘continuity’ or ‘transformation’ the papers of this volume analyse the narrative modes of (coping with) contingency – understood as the space which makes coincidence possible and intelligible (following Luhmann, Rüsen and others) – in contemporary sources.