Category: Publication

Grig on Popular Culture

Lucy Grig has put out Popular Culture and the End of Antiquity in Southern Gaul, c. 400–550, Cambridge: CUP.

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1 Introduction: Popular Culture and the Study of (Late) Ancient History 1
2 Urban Contexts for Popular Culture in an Age of Transformation 36
3 Popular Culture, Society and Economy: The Countryside in Transition in Late Antiquity 73
4 Christianizing Popular Culture: The View ‘from the Pulpit’ 110
5 An Alternative View: Lived Religion As Popular Culture 144
6 The Kalends of January: The Persistence of Popular Culture 173
7 Conclusions: Popular Culture and the End of Antiquity? 219

Lamoine on Sidonius in 471

Laurent Lamoine has published 471. L’évêque contre le roi, Sidoine Apollinaire défend sa cité, Cette-année-là à Clermont-Ferrand, Portet-sur-Garonne: Éditions Midi-Pyrénéennes, 2023.

Here is a sample. Bibliographical data on HAL

471 : Sidoine Apollinaire est élu évêque des Arvernes. Que vient faire ce sénateur, ancien préfet de Rome, à la tête de la cité arverne ? L’homme vient se mettre au service de la résistance au roi wisigoth Euric, qui cherche à s’emparer de la ville. Malgré son énergie, son entregent et ses talents de propagandiste, Sidoine Apollinaire échoue. Après un très court exil, il rentre à Clermont pour reprendre sa pastorale. Pendant des siècles, les Clermontois ne se souviennent que du saint. Seuls le combat contre les fascismes des années noires et la découverte à Clermont-Ferrand, dans les années 1980/1990, des fragments de l’épitaphe d’un Apollinaire ont réveillé le souvenir de l’évêque combattant.

The Jeweled Style Revisited

Now out in e-book: Joshua Hartman and Helen Kaufmann (eds), A Late Antique Poetics? The Jeweled Style Revisited, Bloomsbury Academic (hardback available 13 July).

‘The poetry of the late Roman world has a fascinating history. Sometimes an object of derision, sometimes an object of admiration, it has found numerous detractors and defenders among classicists and Latin literary critics. This volume explores the scholarly approaches to late Latin poetry that have developed over the last 40 years, and it seeks especially to develop, complement and challenge the seminal concept of the ‘Jeweled Style’ proposed by Michael Roberts in 1989. While Roberts’s monograph has long been a vade mecum within the world of late antique literary studies, a critical reassessment of its validity as a concept is overdue.

This volume invites established and emerging scholars from different research traditions to return to the influential conclusions put forward by Roberts. It asks them to examine the continued relevance of The Jeweled Style and to suggest new ways to engage it. In a joint effort, the nineteen chapters of this volume define and map the jeweled style, extending it to new genres, geographic regions, time periods and methodologies. Each contribution seeks to provide insightful analysis that integrates the last 30 years of scholarship while pursuing ambitious applications of the jeweled style within and beyond the world of late antiquity.’

Atlas of Clermont 1st c. BCE – 5th c. CE

A comprehensive topographical atlas of ancient Clermont has come out: Hélène Dartevelle (ed.), Augustonemetum. Atlas topographique de Clermont-Ferrand, 2 vols, Gollion: Infolio, 2022.

Announced by the French Ministère de la Culture: ‘La publication présente la ville antique de Clermont-Ferrand, Augustonemetum, capitale gallo-romaine des Arvernes: son organisation spatiale, sa genèse et son évolution de la fin du Ier av. J.-C. au Ve ap. J.-C.’

In catalogue of publishing house Infolio here

Out Now: Hindermann’s Book 2

Judith Hindermann has published her translation and commentary of Book 2 of the Correspondence: Sidonius Apollinaris’ Letters, Book 2: Text, Translation and Commentary, Edinburgh Studies in Later Latin Literature, Edinburgh: EUP.

There is a 30% launch discount (NEW30) for anyone purchasing.

This book issues from the SA xxi project (Sidonius Apollinaris for the 21st Century) and begins the ESLLL series (Edinburgh Studies in Later Latin Literature), edited by Gavin Kelly and Aaron Pelttari.