Category: Book chapter

The Latest on the Life of Apollonius

In their new Fragmentary Latin Histories of Late Antiquity (AD 300-620): Edition, Translation and Commentary, Cambridge: CUP, 2020, in a chapter on Nicomachus Flavianus (pp. 36-58), on pp. 50-53, Lieve Van Hoof and Peter Van Nuffelen argue that the supposed Latin Life of Apollonius is a spurium, concluding that it must have been a Greek manuscript that Sidonius copied.

Onorato detects Prudentius and Paulinus

In a new article, Marco Onorato has identified Prudentius and Paulinus of Nola in Carm. 1. See Bibliography, tab 2019.

Abstract. In the preface to Sidonius’ panegyric of Anthemius the expression variae … hostia linguae (c. 1.29) discloses a contamination of lexical and thematic features of Prud. perist. 10 and Paul. Nol. c. 18. Starting from these allusive marks it is possible to reconstruct further elements of the poem’s Christian subtext, which brings out the ambiguity of Sidonius’ attitude towards the emperor.

Festschrift for Giovanni Cupaiuolo

Out soon, the Festschrift for Giovanni Cupaiuolo, edited by Silvia Condorelli and Marco Onorato and published by Paolo Loffredo, presents a rich harvest of Sidonius papers:

Condorelli, Silvia, ‘La lettera 9.11 di Sidonio Apollinare a Lupo di Troyes: luci e ombre di una excusatio epistolare’

Di Stefano, Anita, ‘Commentarios in Apollinarem petis. L’epistola prefatoria di Giovan Battista Pio all’edizione sidoniana del 1498′

Fera, Vincenzo, ‘Un fantasma petrarchesco: Sidonio il temerario’

Foscarini, Sergio, ‘Una pista lessicale nella prosa di Sidonio Apollinare: i grecismi’

Santoro, Rosa, ‘Valenze letterarie e metaletterarie del cibo nell’opera di Sidonio Apollinare. II. Dal mito al rito. Il pasto dell’“altro” tra tradizione letteraria e scienza medica’

and also:

Santelia, Stefania, ‘Intramontabili deliciae thermarum: versi dalla tarda antichità latina’

Vessey on Sidonius and the Codex

Just published, by Mark Vessey: ‘Sidonius Apollinaris Writes Himself Out: Aut(hol)ograph and Architext in Late Roman Codex Society’, in: Uta Heil (ed.), Das Christentum im frühen Europa: Diskurse, Tendenzen, Entscheidungen, Millennium Studies 75, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019, 117-54.

‘This essay looks again at Sidonius’ letter collection, with an eye to the textual and bibliographic whole(s) therein finally composed’ (p. 117)

Publisher’s catalogue

Pallas Athena in Narbonne

Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer writes about ‘Pallas Athena im gallo-römischen Narbonne. Der “Tempel” der Philosophie und der “Tempel” der Webkunst bei Sidonius Apollinaris, carm. 15′, in Bardo M. Gauly, Gernot M. Müller, and Michael Rathmann (eds), Dialoge mit dem Altertum. Sinnstiftungen aus der Vergangenheit in Antike, Früher Neuzeit und Moderne, Heidelberg: Winter, 2019, 161-76.

See catalogue