Category: Book chapter

Van Waarden on SAxxi and Contingency Projects

In 2017, at the invitation of the University of Bonn, Joop van Waarden reflected on the SAxxi project and the Bonn Contingency project. Now out, in de proceedings of that day: ‘Das Sidonius- und das Kontingenz-Projekt im Spiegel der Theorie’, in: Matthias Becher and Hendrik Hess (eds), Kontingenzerfahrungen und ihre Bewältigung zwischen imperium und regna. Beispiele aus Gallien und angrenzenden Gebieten vom 5. bis zum 8. Jahrhundert, Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2021, 29-49.

The book’s blurb: In Gaul and neighbouring areas Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages were times of political upheaval, change and unpredictable dynamics. As alternative to historical metanarratives such as ‘fall/decline’, ‘continuity’ or ‘transformation’ the papers of this volume analyse the narrative modes of (coping with) contingency – understood as the space which makes coincidence possible and intelligible (following Luhmann, Rüsen and others) – in contemporary sources.

Egetenmeyr Introducing Barbarus in Sidonius

The first Sidonius publication of 2021 is out: Veronika Egetenmeyr, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris’s Use of the Term Barbarus: An Introduction’, in: Matthias Friedrich and James M. Harland (eds), Interrogating the ‘Germanic’: A Category and its Use in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Supplement to Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde 123, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020, 145-66.

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Onorato on ‘The Poet and the Light’

In a new article, ‘The Poet and the Light’, Marco Onorato develops two different applications of Prudentius’ ekphrasis of light and colour in the Temple of Wisdom in Psychomachia 823-887 in Sidonius’ poems, a profane and a religious one, Carm. 11 (the temple of Venus, vv. 17-33) and Carm. 27 in Ep. 2.10.4 (the church of Lyon, vv. 8-15) respectively.

See bibliography 2020

Onorato on Carm. 22 and Ovid

Marco Onorato has contributed to a new volume of Présences ovidiennes with ‘La parola e il silenzio. Echi dell’ultimo Ovidio in un dittico paratestuale sidoniano’. See bibliography page 2020 and Academia

‘Tracce di un fecondo confronto con Ovidio e, in particolare, con la sua produzione dell’esilio affiorano nella praefatio epistolare del c. 22 di Sidonio, delineando l’esistenza di un paratesto ‘espanso’ che deborda nei primi versi del componimento e che sviluppa una riflessione organica sullo statuto del canto e sul rapporto con l’orizzonte d’attesa del pubblico. Emergono inoltre nuovi indizi della fortuna dell’Ibis nella Gallia tardoantica.’

The Latest on the Life of Apollonius

In their new Fragmentary Latin Histories of Late Antiquity (AD 300-620): Edition, Translation and Commentary, Cambridge: CUP, 2020, in a chapter on Nicomachus Flavianus (pp. 36-58), on pp. 50-53, Lieve Van Hoof and Peter Van Nuffelen argue that the supposed Latin Life of Apollonius is a spurium, concluding that it must have been a Greek manuscript that Sidonius copied.