Tittse on Sidonius’ Network

Celis Tittse (BA student in Medieval History at Radboud University Nijmegen) contributes a paper entitled ‘A Changing Roman World and Its Networks’ in which he makes an attempt at comparing the networks of Sidonius and Avitus in evidence in their correspondences, applying Social Network Analysis and statistical methods. To this end, Ralph Mathisen kindly made available the Sidonius database that is also at the basis of his chapters ‘Sidonius’ People’ and ‘A Prosopography of Sidonius’ in the Companion (pp. 29-165).

Download Celis’ paper from the Contributions page. On the same page, there is a link to the fully scalable graphs and figures.

Müller Reviews Hanaghan

‘Insgesamt verdient es Hanaghans Studie, zu einem Standardwerk der Sidonius-Forschung zu werden’ is the conclusion of Gernot Michael Müller’s review of Michael Hanaghan’s 2019 monograph Reading Sidonius’ Epistles.

Published in Sehepunkte 21.5 (15 May 2021). Read here

Earlier reviews include van Waarden in Plekos 21 (2019) 308-309 and Neger in Gymnasium 126 (2019) 610-12.