Francesco Montone writes on ‘Riti sacri, giochi … e poesia: per un commento a Sid. Apoll. epist. 5.17’ in Vichiana 62 (2025) 65-81.
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Francesco Montone writes on ‘Riti sacri, giochi … e poesia: per un commento a Sid. Apoll. epist. 5.17’ in Vichiana 62 (2025) 65-81.
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Adding another article to his series on Sidonius, Francesco Montone has written ‘L’imperatore Eparchio Avito (455-456) nel panegirico di Sidonio Apollinare’, Salternum 50-51 (2023) 43-71.
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Francesco Montone writes on Sidonius’ health lexicon in ‘Alcuni specimina del lessico della salute nell’epistolario sidoniano, e intratestualità’, Vichiana 60 (2023) 71-86.
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Abstract: Some Specimina of the Health Lexicon in Sidonius’ Correspondence, and Intratextuality. The paper deals with the health lexicon in Sidonius Apollinaris’ Letters; Sidonius’ illnesses and those of his relatives and friends are analyzed in order to show possible hypotexts of the literary tradition; words such as morbus, medicus, medicina, medicor are present several times in the correspondence, sometimes in the proper sense, sometimes in a figurative sense; Sidonius creates interesting intratextual mechanisms, following a principle of stylistic uarietas. Finally, the two antithetical descriptions of the healthy body of the Visigothic king Theodoric and the sickly one of the parasite Gnathon are compared.
Francesco Montone reviews Judith Hindermann’s commentary of Book 2 of the Correspondence (Sidonius Apollinaris’ Letters, book 2: text, translation and commentary. Edinburgh studies in later Latin literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022) in BMCR 2023.11.28.
‘Il lavoro realizzato dalla studiosa è di certo apprezzabile […] per la chiarezza espositiva e per l’acribia dimostrata nella stesura dell’ampio commento.’
‘La traduzione proposta è precisa, molto aderente al testo ed attenta a cogliere le arguzie della dictio sidoniana. ‘
‘In definitiva il pregevole volume sarà di grande utilità per i cultori di cultura antica.’
Just out: Marc van der Poel et al. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Quintilian. The chapter on Quintilian in Late Antiquity by Catherine Schneider mentions Sidonius in par. 16.2 (Carm. 2.191, 9.315-17, Ep. 5.10).
Another recent publication marginally related to Sidonius is Francesco Montone, ‘Lo scrittore Ennodio (474-521) in viaggio sulle Alpi: l’Itinerarium Brigantionis Castelli‘, Salternum 46-47, 2021, 35-59 (passages from the carmina and Ep. 1.5 in particular).
Francesco Montone studies the section of the Panegyric on Anthemius where goddess Roma sums up her former conquests: ‘Sidonio Apollinare e i suoi modelli: un mosaico letterario e le conquiste orientali di Roma’, Parole Rubate 23 (2021) 207-22.
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Recently out: Francesco Montone, ‘Imperatori romani a caccia. L’Ars venandi nei panegirici di Sidonio Apollinare’, Salternum 44-45 (2020) 79-100.
Francesco Montone wrote a favourable review of Lo specchio del modello for BMCR 2021.03.20.
Francesco Montone has added another article to his Anthemius series, this time on his education: ‘Un principe coltissimo. L’Imperatore Antemio (467-472) nel Panegirico di Sidonio Apollinare’, Salternum 42-43 (2019) 43-56.