Tag: Marolla Giulia

Conference The Making of the Author

Coming soon, the international conference ‘The Making of the Author: Self-Fashioning in Letter Collections Across the Mediterranean (4th-14th c.)’. Giulia Marolla will give a paper on Sidonius: ‘Authorial self-fashioning and editorial designs in Sidonius’ letter collection’.

4-6 September 2024, University of Vienna, Faculty of Protestant Theology

Convenor: Madalina Toca (madalina.toca AT univie.ac.at).

Presentation Santelia and Marolla 30 Oct.

Invitation to the presentation of Stefania Santelia’s and Giulia Marolla’s recent commentaries
Venue: University of Bari Aldo Moro, Palazzo Ateneo, Aula Magna
Date, time: 30 October 2023, 15:30 h.

Download poster here

Arturo De Vivo (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II – Scuola Superiore Meridionale) will present the volume:
Sidonio Apollinare: Carmina Minora. Testo, traduzione e note a cura di Stefania Santelia. Saggio introduttivo di Silvia Condorelli

Gavin Kelly (University of Edinburgh) presents the volume:
Sidonius: Letters Book 5, Part 1. Text, Translation and Commentary by Giulia Marolla

Further explanation by the authors. Chair: Rosa Alba Dimundo.

Marolla Commentary Letters 5/1

Out now, in Edinburgh Studies in Later Latin Literature, Giulia Marolla’s commentary on Sidonius Letters Book 5, Part 1. It covers the first half of this book from a philological, literary and historical perspective:

— providing the first commentary on Book 5 of Sidonius’ Letters
— including a newly edited Latin text and a new English translation
— contributing to an overall understanding of Sidonius’ literary output as a whole
— offering a comprehensive and innovative study of key historical data, especially prosopography and dating of the letters.

Enjoy a 30% discount with the promo code NEW30. Here is to the publisher’s catalogue