Giulia Marolla’s Sidonius: Letters Book 5, Part 1 is now available for pre-order in paperback. Claim 30% discount ordering from EUP using the code PAPER30.
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Giulia Marolla’s Sidonius: Letters Book 5, Part 1 is now available for pre-order in paperback. Claim 30% discount ordering from EUP using the code PAPER30.
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In JLA 17 (2024) 558-60, Andreas Abele reviews Giulia Marolla’s commentary on Letters Book 5, Part 1.
“No future study can neglect Marolla’s book. The sequel she announces on page 2, a follow-up commentary on the second half of book 5, is eagerly awaited.”
In Historische Zeitschrift 319(2), Veronika Egetenmeyr just published a review of Giulia Marolla, Sidonius. Letters Book 5, Part 1. Text, Translation, and Commentary, Edinburgh 2023.
‘Giulia Marolla hat mit ihrer Arbeit <...> einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Sidoniusforschung geleistet. Besonders der Kommentar besticht durch eine exzellente Recherche sowie eine übersichtliche Gestaltung.’
Laurent Ripart, ‘The bipolar organisation of early Lerinian monasticism’, at the Ewa Wipszycka Warsaw Late Antique Seminar, 3 October.
Giulia Marolla, ‘”Artigli di sfinge” e “spire di serpente”. Due casi di vituperatio nell’epistolario di Sidonio Apollinare’, at the Giornate di studi Pisa, 17-18 October.
Coming soon, the international conference ‘The Making of the Author: Self-Fashioning in Letter Collections Across the Mediterranean (4th-14th c.)’. Giulia Marolla will give a paper on Sidonius: ‘Authorial self-fashioning and editorial designs in Sidonius’ letter collection’.
4-6 September 2024, University of Vienna, Faculty of Protestant Theology
Convenor: Madalina Toca (madalina.toca AT
Alessandro Fo reviews Giulia Marolla’s commentary on book 5, part 1, of the Correspondence in FuturoClassico 9 (2023) 251-59.
‘… la ricchezza della trattazione …’
‘… la novità di molti suoi approcci …’
‘… il rigore metodologico …’
‘… la lettura di queste pagine critiche perfino, a volte, avvincente.’
Invitation to the presentation of Stefania Santelia’s and Giulia Marolla’s recent commentaries
Venue: University of Bari Aldo Moro, Palazzo Ateneo, Aula Magna
Date, time: 30 October 2023, 15:30 h.
Download poster here
Arturo De Vivo (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II – Scuola Superiore Meridionale) will present the volume:
— Sidonio Apollinare: Carmina Minora. Testo, traduzione e note a cura di Stefania Santelia. Saggio introduttivo di Silvia Condorelli
Gavin Kelly (University of Edinburgh) presents the volume:
— Sidonius: Letters Book 5, Part 1. Text, Translation and Commentary by Giulia Marolla
Further explanation by the authors. Chair: Rosa Alba Dimundo.
Published online in Mnemosyne: Giulia Marolla, ‘The Names of Sidonius’ Addressees and the Manuscript Tradition of the Letters’.
Out now, in Edinburgh Studies in Later Latin Literature, Giulia Marolla’s commentary on Sidonius Letters Book 5, Part 1. It covers the first half of this book from a philological, literary and historical perspective:
— providing the first commentary on Book 5 of Sidonius’ Letters
— including a newly edited Latin text and a new English translation
— contributing to an overall understanding of Sidonius’ literary output as a whole
— offering a comprehensive and innovative study of key historical data, especially prosopography and dating of the letters.
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