Tag: Marolla Giulia

Classics Seminars Edinburgh

The Classics Department of Edinburgh University has announced its research seminars for the first half of 2023. For Sidonius and late antique Gaul they include:

Wednesday 8 Feb, 5.10, Teviot Lecture Theatre
Giulia Marolla (Bari) Four Burgundian kings in fifth-century Gaul? The case of Sidonius Ep. 5.7.

Thursday 18 May, 2.10, Sydney Smith Lecture Theatre
Adrastos Omissi (Glasgow) Late Roman Italy, late Roman Gaul: their strategic and geographic relationship

These are hybrid lectures. Please contact Dr Ben Harriman (Benjamin.Harriman [at] ed.ac.uk) for the link; please also contact him if you wish to be added to the seminar mailing list.

Seminar organisers: Ben Harriman, Gavin Kelly

Marolla on Sidonius in Leopardi

Giulia Marolla has written an article about the traces of Sidonius (and Mamertus Claudianus) in Giacomo Leopardi’s early works: ‘Leopardi lettore di Sidonio Apollinare e Mamerto Claudiano’, Bollettino di Studi Latini 52 (2022) 592-600.

Abstract: This paper analyses the quotations of Sidonius Apollinaris and Mamertus Claudianus in the works of Giacomo Leopardi, whose interest for the two late Latin authors can be traced back to the years he spent studying at his father’s library in Recanati (in particular to 1815-1823). As can be inferred from his epistolary exchange with Niebuhr, for Giacomo, Sidonius constitutes a useful source. He is also an author the young Leopardi admires in light of the peculiar details he relates and because of his refined word choice. Together with Mamertus Claudianus, Sidonius is in particular cited as a source on Fronto and on the evolution of Latin in Late Antiquity. Furthermore, the paper suggests to link one entry in Leopardi’s autograph document C.L.XV.31 (Claudianus= 1762) to Mansi’s 1762 edition of Mamertus Claudianus, which was owned by Leopardi, as can be inferred from his Lettera al Giordani sopra il Frontone del Mai.

In Flore Novo 2018

Organizado por el Departamento de Filología Clásica de la Universidad de Cádiz con la colaboración de la Red Internacional de Investigación Evropa Renascens, la Sociedad de Estudios Latinos, la Federación Andaluza de Estudios Clásicos y la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía

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