Nicholas Hudson has written Dining at the End of Antiquity: Class, Status, and Identity at Roman Tables, Oakland: UCPress, 2024.
Here is to the catalogue
Nicholas Hudson has written Dining at the End of Antiquity: Class, Status, and Identity at Roman Tables, Oakland: UCPress, 2024.
Here is to the catalogue
David Ungvary wrote Converting Verse: The Poetics of Asceticism in Late Roman Gaul, Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity, Oxford: OUP, 2024.
See item in catalogue here
Has a chapter on Sidonius: ‘Announcing Renunciation: Sidonius Apollinaris and Poetic Disavowal’. The blurb reads:
Ellen Arnold wrote Medieval Riverscapes: Environment and Memory in Northwest Europe, c. 300-1100, Cambridge: CUP, 2024.
Check it in the catalogue. Late antique Gaul is treated on pp. 15-64.
Lucy Grig has put out Popular Culture and the End of Antiquity in Southern Gaul, c. 400–550, Cambridge: CUP.
Go to catalogue
1 Introduction: Popular Culture and the Study of (Late) Ancient History 1
2 Urban Contexts for Popular Culture in an Age of Transformation 36
3 Popular Culture, Society and Economy: The Countryside in Transition in Late Antiquity 73
4 Christianizing Popular Culture: The View ‘from the Pulpit’ 110
5 An Alternative View: Lived Religion As Popular Culture 144
6 The Kalends of January: The Persistence of Popular Culture 173
7 Conclusions: Popular Culture and the End of Antiquity? 219
Gaëlle Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard has put out a detailed study of the terminology of Christian buildings: Naissance du discours sur les édifices chrétiens dans la littérature latine occidentale: d’Ambroise de Milan à Grégoire de Tours, Turnhout: Brepols, 2023.
Here goes to the publisher’s catalogue
As to Sidonius, the book discusses: Les descriptions d’édifices religieux dans l’œuvre de Sidoine Apollinaire | Les vers consacrés à la description de l’église de Lyon, à la demande de l’évêque Patiens et leur présentation par Sidoine, Lettre 2, 10, 2-4 | Nouvelle évocation de l’œuvre édificatrice de Patiens de Lyon, Lettre 6, 12, 3-4 | Évocation de la reconstruction (ou agrandissement) de la basilique Saint-Martin de Tours et les vers que Sidoine a composés à ce sujet à la demande de l’évêque Perpetuus, Lettre 4, 18, 4 | Autres passages de Sidoine Apollinaire évoquant avec un certain degré de précision des édifices religieux.
Its second part is a full glossary of the vocabulary of the description of Christian buildings.
Just out: Veronika Egetenmeyr, Die Konstruktion der ‘Anderen’. Barbarenbilder in den Briefen des Sidonius Apollinaris, Philippika 165, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2022.
Find it here
Just out: Jan R. Stenger, Education in Late Antiquity: Challenges, Dynamism, and Reinterpretation, 300-550 CE, Oxford: OUP.
1:Educational Communities
2:The Emergence of Religious Education
3:What Men Could Learn from Women
4:The Life of Paideia
5:Moulding the Self and the World
6:The Making of the Late Antique Mind
Carlo Ferrari argues for the re-emergence of Celtic – and, in fact, Eurasian – religiosity in Gaul in the upheaval of late antiquity: Santi e sciamani. Una lettura storico-religiosa della Gallia tardoromana, Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis, 2022. See the publisher’s catalogue.
The book is an adaptation of Ferrari’s PhD thesis ‘Observatio paganorum: pratiche e comportamenti religiosi nella Gallia tardoantica (IV-VI secolo d.C.)’, Florence, 2019, which is available in open access here.
Audrey Becker has published Dieu, le souverain et la cour. Stratégies et rituels de légitimation du pouvoir impérial et royal dans l’Antiquité tardive et au haut Moyen Âge, Scripta antiqua 151, Bordeaux: Ausonius Editions, 2022.
Look it up here.
Now out: Filomena Giannotti, Scrinia Arverna: Studi su Sidonio Apollinare, Studi e testi di storia antica 29, Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2021.
Click here for the item in the publisher’s catalogue.