Category: Epistolography

Reading Sidonius’ Epistles
Michael Hanaghan has written a monograph on Sidonius’ Epistles, about to be published by Cambridge University Press in January 2019. From the blurb in the catalogue:
‘This book provides a fuller understanding of [Sidonius’] contribution to Latin literature, as a careful arranger of his self-image, a perceptive exploiter of narrative dynamics, and an influential figure in Late Antique Gaul.’
Michael is currently employed by the Australian Catholic University in Melbourne, at the Institute for Religion & Critical Enquiry. Email: Michael.Hanaghan@acu.edu.au.

The Latest on Late Epistolography
Edited by Gernot Michael Müller, a multi-author volume on Latin epistolography in Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages has come out: Zwischen Alltagskommunikation und literarischer Identitätsbildung. Ulrike Egelhaaf-Gaiser contributes a chapter on Sidonius: ‘Vom Epulonenschmaus zum Fest der Worte’.