Category: Article

NOVELTY: Sirmond Travels to Rome

Gavin Kelly discovered a forgotten poem by Jacques Sirmond in a 1993 article.

Sidonius’ editor Jacques Sirmond (1559-1651), when still a young man, was summoned to Rome by the general of the Jesuit order to serve as his secretary. He describes his arduous voyage from Paris to Rome (August-December 1590) in a Hodoeporicum that is clearly reminiscent of Rutilius’ De reditu suo and, above all, Sidonius’ letter 1.5 with the description of his voyage from Lyon to Rome.

Find this article on JSTOR: ‘L’Hodoeporicum de Jacques Sirmond, S.J.: Journal poétique d’un voyage de Paris à Rome en 1590′, Humanistica Lovaniensia 42 (1993) 301-22, or download the 1993 instalment of the journal in open access.

Bedon on Sidonius’ Travels

Just out: Robert Bedon, ‘Présence, rôles et aspects des voyages de Sidoine Apollinaire et de ses relations dans la vie et l’œuvre de cet auteur’, Vita Latina 202 (2022).

Earlier relevant publications by Robert Bedon:

Rus amoenum: les agréments de la vie rurale en Gaule romaine et dans les régions voisines (ed.), Caesarodunum 37–38, Limoges, 2004.

‘Les auteurs latins et le voyage thérapeutique: à la recherche d’une nature bienfaisante’, in: Christine de Buzon and Odile Richard-Pauchet (eds), Le corps et l’esprit en voyage: le voyage thérapeutique, Paris: Garnier, 2012, 17-44.

‘Les glaces de la Loire et le séjour en Touraine d’un futur empereur romain dans l’œuvre d’un écrivain gaulois du Ve siècle de notre ère’, Mémoires de l’Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Touraine 27 (2014) 17-33.

‘Le séjour et les actions d’un futur empereur romain au bord de la Loire prise par les glaces (Sidoine Apollinaire, Carmina V, 206-211’, RIPARIA 2 (2016) 93-113.

‘L’accès des femmes aux livres et aux bibliothèques familiales en Gaule romaine’, La Revue de la BNU 14 (2016) 26-35.

Babnis on Diplomacy in Persia

Tomasz Babnis writes on Roman embassies to Persia, comparing passages in Claudian and Sidonius: ‘Idem aliter, czyli o dwóch opisach dyplomatycznej podróży do Persji w poezji późnego antyku (Claud. Cons. Stil. I 51–68; Sid. Carm. II 75–88)’ [… two descriptions of a diplomatic trip to Persia in the poetry of Late Antiquity], Collectanea Philologica 24 (2021) 111-25.

Read in Academia

How About Quintilian and Ennodius?

Just out: Marc van der Poel et al. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Quintilian. The chapter on Quintilian in Late Antiquity by Catherine Schneider mentions Sidonius in par. 16.2 (Carm. 2.191, 9.315-17, Ep. 5.10).

Another recent publication marginally related to Sidonius is Francesco Montone, ‘Lo scrittore Ennodio (474-521) in viaggio sulle Alpi: l’Itinerarium Brigantionis Castelli‘, Salternum 46-47, 2021, 35-59 (passages from the carmina and Ep. 1.5 in particular).

Stoehr-Monjou ‘How to Conclude?’

Annick Stoehr-Monjou, ‘How to conclude? A poetics of contrast and paradox in Book 9 and especially in Epist. 9,13-16 by Sidonius Apollinaris’, is a paper given at the International conference and workshop ‘The Stumbling Texts (and Stumbling Readers) of Late Latin Poetry (Lector, quas patieris hic salebras!)’, organised by Markus Kersten, Ann-Kathrin Stähle and Christian Guerra, September 2021, Basel.

Stoehr-Monjou argues that the last four letters of book 9 can be read together as the peroration of his epistolary work, a paradoxical peroration since he writes about poetry.

In HAL Archives (first version).