In a new article, ʻPrincipi identitari e inclusione del “diverso”: Sidonio lettore di Simmacoʼ, Sara Fascione distinguishes Sidonius’ from Symmachus’ attitude towards the Other.
Tag: Fascione Sara
Fascione, Sidonius, and Symmachus
Sara Fascione has published the first article resulting from her research on Symmachus in Sidonius’ letters: ‘Simmaco e la difesa della Romanitas nell’ottavo libro delle Epistole di Sidonio Apollinare’. Read it on Academia.
Sara Fascione and the ‘Others’ in Power
Sara Fascione has come up with the publication of her PhD thesis entitled: Gli ‘altri’ al potere: Romani e barbari nella Gallia di Sidonio Apollinare.
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News from Invigilata Lucernis
The 2018 instalment of Invigilata Lucernis is now available. It features articles, among others, derived from the international ‘Prospettive sidoniane’ seminar (Bari 2017) by Sara Fascione, Marisa Squillante, Annick Stoehr-Monjou, Joop van Waarden, and Étienne Wolff.
Sara Fascione on Symmachus in Sidonius
Sara Fascione, ‘The reception of Symmachus in Sidonius Apollinaris’ letters’