Category: Paper

Neger Speaks on Ep. 3.12

On 10 December, Margot Neger is to speak on Ep. 3.12 at the University of Gießen.

Source Gießener Anzeiger, 05.12.2024:

Interaktion zwischen Brief und Versinschrift

Gießen (red). Das Institut für Altertumswissenschaften der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen lädt für Dienstag, 10. Dezember, ab 18 Uhr zum Gastvortrag »Brief und Versinschrift: Das Beispiel der Epist. 3,12 des Sidonius Apollinaris« von Dr. Margot Neger (University of Cyprus) in den Margarete-Bieber-Saal (Ludwigstraße 34) ein.

Der Vortrag beleuchtet die komplexe Interaktion zwischen Brief und Versinschrift am Beispiel der Epist. 3,12: In diesem Schreiben erzählt Sidonius, wie er am Vortag beinahe zum Zeugen der Schändung des Grabes seines Großvaters in der Nähe von Lyon wurde. Nach einer eindrucksvollen Schilderung dieses Vorfalls in Prosa zitiert Sidonius ein Gedicht in 20 hendecasyllabi, das er in der Nacht nach dem Zwischenfall für den Grabstein des Großvaters verfasst haben will. Im Vortrag werden die narrative Struktur des Briefes 3,12, sein intermediales Potenzial sowie die intertextuellen Bezüge zu verschiedenen literarischen Vorbildern diskutiert.

Tittse on Sidonius’ Network

Celis Tittse (BA student in Medieval History at Radboud University Nijmegen) contributes a paper entitled ‘A Changing Roman World and Its Networks’ in which he makes an attempt at comparing the networks of Sidonius and Avitus in evidence in their correspondences, applying Social Network Analysis and statistical methods. To this end, Ralph Mathisen kindly made available the Sidonius database that is also at the basis of his chapters ‘Sidonius’ People’ and ‘A Prosopography of Sidonius’ in the Companion (pp. 29-165).

Download Celis’ paper from the Contributions page. On the same page, there is a link to the fully scalable graphs and figures.

Sidonius and the Other

Sidonius is thematized in two upcoming papers at the conference ‘Othering and the Other. Performing Identity in the Roman Empire’ (Universities of Coimbra and Évora) on 13 July, 15:15 – 16:45 (Lisbon-London time):

Pavle Pavlović (Singidunum University of Belgrado), The barbarian ‘Other’ and Sidonius’ ‘language of paradox’

Filomena Giannotti (University of Siena), News from a mundus senescens: Romans, Visigoths and Saxons in a letter by Sidonius Apollinaris (viii 6).

Register here (also links to the conference programme and the booklet of abstracts).

15 April: Van Waarden on Performance

Joop van Waarden is to give a lecture at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa on performance aspects of the Panegyric of Anthemius.

Title: ‘A Ceremony Embodied: Experiencing Anthemius’ Panegyric’

Date and time: Thursday 15 April, 16:00-18:00 CEST

Mode: distance. Everybody is welcome. In order to participate, send an email requesting to be included in the Teams group to Fabrizio Oppedisano:

Magnani to Discuss Po Valley

Stefano Magnani is to give a paper on ‘Non solo rane e zanzare. Paesaggi padani nella descrizione del viaggio in Italia di Sidonio Apollinare’ at the online conference ‘Italia settentrionale e regioni dell´arco alpino tra V e VI secolo’, 15-17 april 2021.

Date/time: 15 april, 18.00 h.
Meeting-ID: 93446094423 – Code: 464511 – MU28ydHJGdz09

Conference programme: