Category: Article

Bąk on Aristocratic Upbringing

Out recently: Aneta Bąk, ‘Cele wychowania rzymskiego arystokraty w V wieku n.e. w świetle listów Sydoniusza Apollinarisa’ [Objectives of the education of a Roman aristocrat in the fifth century in the light of the letters of Sidonius Apollinaris], Res Gestae 15 (2022) 23-35.

Read from Res Gestae (Kraków) in open access.

Abstract: During the fifth century Gaul was struggling with barbarian tribes, which threatened the Roman order. Sidonius Apollinaris, as a representative of local aristocracy and bishop, believed that there was a possibility to protect at least part of Roman traditions from their disappearance. He saw the chance for keeping them in bringing up the next generations. In his letters there are many examples of what a model Roman aristocrat should look like. This article analyzes fragments from Sidonius’ letters, which are connected with the goals of upbringing: being inspired by right people, education, caring for beautiful and correct Latin language, caring for family name and creating social bonds. On their basis, a catalog of values, which were a hope for continuity of Roman life in restless times, was created.

Wood on the Silence of Sidonius

Ian Wood writes on Sidonius’ silence in his letters about activities mentioned in his epitaph:

Causarum moderans subinde motus
Leges barbarico dedit furori;
Discordantibus inter arma regnis
Pacem consilio reduxit amplo.

Ian Wood, ‘The Silence of Sidonius’, in: Alessandro Campus et al. (eds), Tempus Tacendi. Quando il silenzio comunica, Verona: Alteritas, 2023, 213-28.

Download the volume from Alteritas or from Academia

See also Wood 2016, 2017, 2020, 2021.