The Companion Continued

Addenda et corrigenda

p. 15 n. 13: replace ‘Montzamir (forthcoming)’ with ‘Montzamir (2017)’.

p. 17 Add to the list of references to Sidonius: ‘9 In the early sixth century, Parthenius, a grandson of Ruricius of Limoges and of the emperor Avitus (PLRE 2, 833 ‘Parthenius 3′), met the poet Arator as a student in Ravenna and introduced him, among other works of literature, to Sidonius’ poetry: Arator ad Parth. 48 Arvernisque canis, Sidoniana chelys (this restoration by Harduinus, printed by Arntzenius, Zutphen, 1769, is generally accepted; both mss Par. lat. 2773 f. 26r and 9347 f. 75v, however, have a lacuna followed by nianacęles). See Mathisen 1991b, 38; Gillett 2003, 153 (n. 159) and 244; P. Mastandrea, ‘Aratore, Partenio, Vigilio coetani (e amici?) di Massimiano elegiaco’, Incontri triestini di filologia classica 3 (2003-2004), 327-42, esp. 337 with n. 40; Hernández Lobato in the Companion, 666 with n. 8.’

p. 18 list point 5. Now add: ‘In their new Fragmentary Latin Histories of Late Antiquity (AD 300-620): Edition, Translation and Commentary, Cambridge: CUP, 2020, in a chapter on Nicomachus Flavianus (pp. 36-58), on pp. 50-53, Lieve Van Hoof and Peter Van Nuffelen argue that the supposed Latin Life of Apollonius is a spurium, concluding that it must have been a Greek manuscript that Sidonius copied.’

p. 27 l. 2: Galliatum > Galliarum.

p. 59 3rd para: ‘Likewise, in 474 Sidonius spoke …’ is to be reformulated in light of the full quotation: pro iure vel sanguinis vel aetatis reverenda familiaritate complector (5.6.1), accidentally truncated in the footnote (cited correctly in the lemma Thaumastus of Vienne on p. 123). Thaumastus belonged to the same generation as Sidonius or perhaps even to an older generation.

p. 88 Consentius, letters/poems received: add Ep. 8.4.

p. 90 Domnulus: add reference to Carm. 5.570 where he is probably meant by quaestore diserto (add an Anonymus entry to the same effect).

p. 93 Euphronius: add ‘letters/poems received: Ep. 7.8, 9.2′.

p. 93 Eustachius: delete ‘letters/poems received: Ep. 7.2′.

p. 98 Gelasius: replace ‘hendecasyllables’ with ‘iambics’.

p. 98 Germanus, bibliography: Muthisen > Mathisen.

p. 104 Lampridius: add ‘letters/poems received: Ep. 8.9′.

p. 106 Magnus: add reference to Carm. 5.558‒63 where he is anonymously eulogised as praetorian prefect of Gaul (add an Anonymus entry to the same effect).

p. 123 Thaumastus iunior: add ‘letters/poems received: Ep. 5.7′.

p. 128 Anonyma 7 is the wife, not the mother, of Thaumastus of Vienne (5.6.1 caelibatu).

p. 172 l. 4 ‘in twenty elegiacs’ > ‘in ten elegiacs’.

p. 201 2nd para, line 11: lose ‘would’.

p. 234 n. 158: curulis > curuli.

p. 267 1st para, line 5 from below: close up space between left parenthesis and Carm. 41.

p. 285 n. 35: [Condorelli] (2013a) > (2013b).

p. 295‒6 cocta Babylon, possibly, rather than from Martial, from the story of Pyramus and Thisbe ubi dicitur altam / coctilibus muris cinxisse Semiramis urbem (Ov. Met. 4.58) (suggestion Daniël den Hengst; ‘really persuasive’, Isabella Gualandri 19.02.2021).

p. 308 Add to biblio for ‘a coming together of influences’ and ‘a patchwork of references’: J.J.L. Smolenaars, Statius Thebaid VII: A Commentary, Leiden, 1994, and idem, ‘Statius Theb. 2.496‒523: The Poet at Work’, in A.P. Orbán and M.G.M. van der Poel (eds), Ad litteras: Latin Studies in Honour of J.H. Brouwers, Nijmegen, 2001, 241‒57, for his theory of combinatorial imitation (suggestion Daniël den Hengst).

p. 309 second para, line 4: Ep. 7.3 > Ep. 7.7.

p. 331 l. 12 and n. 110: prosopopeia/e > prosopopoeia/e.

p. 335 n. 159: Venustas > Vetustas.

p. 357 n. 78: 20026 > 2002b.

p. 399 1st bullet point, lecturire ‘to be eager to read (2.10.5 and 9.7.1’): add 7.18.4.

p. 400 last para but one, item monstrabilis: read: monstrabilis, ‘remarkable’ (1.5.1, 3.7.2, 4.3.5; see Plin. 6.21.3).

p. 412 3rd para, last line: Carm. 23.25‒6 > Carm. 13.25‒6.

p. 414 n. 89: 104 should be 105.

p. 418 1st para, l. 11: closing quotation mark before ‘to show …’ should be opening mark.

p. 431 4th para with n. 32: drop letter 5.10 as an example of tu/vos, as vos and vestra in 5.10.4 are real plurals, referring to the addressee Sapaudus and his friend Pragmatius (signalled by Giulia Marolla in ‘Sidonius Apollinaris, Letters Book 5 (Epp. 1–10)’, p. 325 n. 4 – correctly [JvW]).

p. 442 Add another example of metrical licence: Carm. 34.47 (in Ep. 8.9) stipendiali (short i), whereas in Carm. 7.449 stipendia (long i) is correct; there is one other known instance of short i: Anth. Lat. 649.25 famosa stipendia linguae.

p. 509 #1. Avranches, BM, 242: the digitised copy has moved to

p. 511 #6. Brussels, BR, 10020‒21, 2nd para: Ortesius > Ortelius.

p. 519 #29. Montpellier, BU Méd., H 4, line 6: read Variae instead of Varia.

p. 520 #31. Montpellier, BU Méd., H 541: replace URL –>

p. 538 #91*. Montpellier, BU Méd., H 145: replace URL –>

p. 539 #98. Paris, BNF, lat. 2191, last line but one: read I.2 instead of 1.2.

p. 552 n. 40 ‘like Pio 1498’: Pio, in reality, prints ‘arma, et armatum, et armatos‘, while the editio princeps has ‘arma, et armatum, et animatos‘. In his 2nd edition, Savaron will conjecture ‘arma, et armatos, et animatos‘ (pp. 274‒5).

p. 584 Pelttari (2016): add fn.: ‘For a different view, see below, sect. 3.8, Mratschek (2017), who argues that Sidonius does adopt the Horatian rules as the poetic programme for his correspondence, stressing its coherence and inner unity of poetry in prose, and distancing himself from Prudentius’ professed diversity.’

p. 601, section 3.8: add: ‘Mratschek (2013). Sigrid Mratschek outlines Sidonius’ central preoccupation in the letter collection of creating identity from the past, exemplified by his treatment of the Fall of Clermont in Ep. 7.7.’ Also add fn.: ‘See also below, sect. 3.8.7 Letter 7.7.’

p. 601 Mratschek (2017): add: ‘Sidonius’ various partial collections, separately and combined, publicised his poetic expertise. Together with his shifting roles used for self-promotion – from politician to bishop to the poet as a craftsman – his inserted poems transform the letter collection into “poetry in prose” and prove to be a tool for creating poetic authority.’ Also add fn.: ‘See also below, sect. 3.8.9 Letter 9.16 and Carm. 41.’

p. 604, section Letter 2.9: add: ‘Eigler (2013). Ulrich Eigler describes the provincialising dynamics that changed the Gallic literary landscape, with a prominent place for Ep. 2.9.4-5.’

p. 608 Mratschek (2013): add: ‘… exploiting epic patterns and ancient history to make past voices relevant for the present.’ Also add fn.: ‘See also above, sect. 3.8 Studies on the Epistulae.’

p. 611, section Letter 9.16 and Carm. 41: add: ‘Mratschek (2017). Sigrid Mratschek argues that Sidonius here offers the key to understanding the overall concept of his letter collection: poetry in prose – embracing Horatian unity and rejecting the diversity praised by Prudentius (Perist. Epil. 7-30).’ Also add fn.: ‘See also above, sect. 3.3, Pelttari (2016), and sect. 3.8, Mratschek (2017).’

p. 669 n. 37: add: ‘This quotation interestingly heads the text of Sidonius’ letters in MS Lat. 70 in the Bavarian State Library, Munich (Dolveck #32, written c. 1460), on f. 12r’.

p. 732 n. 7 p. 000 > p. 4‒5.

p. 751 insert: [Eigler, U.] (2013) ‘Gallien als Literaturlandschaft. Zur Dezentralisierung und Differenzierung lateinischer Literatur im 5. und 6. Jh.’, in S. Diefenbach and G.M. Müller (eds), Gallien in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter. Kulturgeschichte einer Region, Millennium Studies 43, Berlin, 399–420.

p. 757 heading Gibson, R.K.: the entry:
—– and R.D. Rees (eds) (2013) Pliny in Late Antiquity, Arethusa 46,
should read, under a different head:
Gibson, B.J., and R.D. Rees (eds) (2013) Pliny in Late Antiquity, Arethusa 46.

p. 765 insert: Kitchen, T.E. (2010) ‘Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: R. Corradini et al. (eds), Ego Trouble: Authors and their Identities in the Early Middle Ages, Vienna, 53-66.

p. 775 insert: Miller K., Itineraria romana. Römische Reisewege an der Hand der Tabula Peutingeriana, Rome: Bretschneider, 1964 (reprint of Stuttgart: Strecker und Schröder, 1916).

p. 776 Monni, A. (1999): page range should be 23-39.

p. 776 replace [Montzamir, P.] (forthcoming) ‘Du nouveau sur l’épitaphe attribuée à Sidoine Apollinaire’ with:
—– (2017) ‘Du nouveau sur l’épitaphe attribuée à Sidoine Apollinaire’, Bulletin de l’Association pour l’Antiquité Tardive 26, 45-53.

p. 794 insert: Westenholz, W. (2015) ‘Sidonius as an auctor in the Middle Ages’, Classica et Mediaevalia 66, 243-83.

insert: Whitton, C.L. (2018) ‘Context, Commentary and Pliny (Epistles 9.3)’, in U. Tische, A. Forst and U. Gärtner (eds), Text, Kontext, Kontextualisierung: Moderne Kontextkonzepte und antike Literatur, Hildesheim, 137-60.

p. 817 left column, line 3: 265 > 267.

p. 835 add: Crinitus, Petrus, 514-5, 548-9, 581; Giraldi, Giraldo, 515; Giraldi, Lilio Gregorio, 685.

p. 836 add: Pithou, Pierre, 17, 481, 519, 541, 550.