A recent Bachelor thesis of the University of Lund, Erik Nilsson, Contra barbaros et haereticos, is an indication of where budding talent in the field is going and, particularly in its cutting-edge bibliography, how the Sidonius Companion has started being trendsetting.
Month: January 2021
Ep. 3.12 in Titubanti testi
On 3 May (N.B. date has changed) at 18 h. Filomena Giannotti (Siena) and Simona Corso (Roma Tre) are due to discuss Sidonius’ Ep. 3.12 in the third series of Marco Formisano‘s Titubanti testi: Binomio di lettura.
Download the complete season (8 February – 21 June) here.
Sidonius at Leeds IMC
At this year’s virtual Leeds International Medieval Congress, Sidonius will be addressed by Madeleine St. Marie, ‘A Bishop in Unstable Times: Conflict in the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris’, and Richard Rush, ‘When the Rhône Boils: Literary Uses of Hot Summer Weather in Sidonius Apollinaris’s Epistula 2.2 and the Vita Apollinaris‘.
For details, see the Events post on this website.
Gallia docta? Conference
From 17-20 March, Veronika Egetenmeyr and Tabea Meurer will be organizing the online conference ‘Gallia docta? Learning and its limitations in late antique Gaul / Gallia docta? Bildung (begrenzen) im spätantiken Gallien’ at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg, Greifswald. Webpage here.
The opening keynote speech ‘Sidonius’ kunstsinnige Muse’ will be given by Sigrid Mratschek. It can be freely accessed here.
Other speakers include Christine Delaplace, Ulrike Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrich Eigler, Nikolas Hächler, Hendrik Hess, Angela Kinney, Alison John, Gernot Müller, Maik Patzelt, Raphael Schwitter, Danuta Shanzer, Christian Stadermann, Peter Van Nuffelen, Joop van Waarden, and Willum Westenholz.