Tag: sanctuaries

Freely Available: Where Did Sidonius Live?

John Collis kindly makes available his 2023 article ‘Where Did Sidonius Apollinaris Live?’ Download it here.

It was announced on this website some time ago and appeared in March 2023. It can now be downloaded from this website.

John Collis is Emeritus Professor of Archaeology at the University of Sheffield. He has carried out excavations in the Auvergne around Clermont-Ferrand and Gergovia, among other regions. In this article, he makes a case for the continuity of late Roman churches and burial sites to the early modern period on the basis of two new digs of churches in the Auvergne. This would heighten the probability of modern Aydat and its church as the site of Sidonius’ and Papianilla’s Avitacum, no doubt provided with a chapel and a graveyard. Any comments are welcome: j.r.collis AT sheffield.ac.uk