Bibliography 2020 and later
Allen, Pauline, and Bronwen Neil, Greek and Latin Letters in Late Antiquity: The Christianisation of a Literary Form, Cambridge: CUP, 2020.
Anon., ʻTheoderic II, Euric, and Vectius – as seen by Sidonius Appolinaris’, Medieval Histories 07.09.2020.
[Awtar-Alsama], سيدونيوس أبولليناريس أسقف كليرمونت / Sidonius Apollinaris Bishop of Clermont, on Awtar-Alsama church history blog. Consulted 10 November 2020.
Banniard, Michel, ʻLes Wisigoths, des germanophones devenus latinophones’, Pallas 114 (2020) 237-48.
Barthet, Laure, and Claudine Jacquet (eds), Wisigoths: Rois de Toulouse, exposition catalogue, Toulouse: Musée Saint-Raymond, 2020.
| virtual 360° visit | info: On pp. 116-20 Jean-Marie Pailler, Jean-Luc Boudartchouk and Patrice Montzamir discuss Sidonius and his (or his son’s?) epitaph in both its versions.
Brolli, Tiziana, ʻLa duplice prex del carme 13 di Sidonio Apollinare’, Wiener Studien 133 (2020) 215-35.
| online
Cobbett, Roland, ʻThe Colliton Park Dice Tower and Others Made of Wood and Bone’, Lucerna 58 (2020) 10-13.
| download | info: On dice towers (turricula, pyrgus) for rolling dice, among others at Ep. 8.12.5 tessera frequens eboratis resultatura pyrgorum gradibus
Condorelli, Silvia, ʻNota ad un hapax sidoniano (Ep. 9, 11, 4)’, in: Ferruccio Conti Bizzarro, Mario Lamagna and Giulio Massimilla (eds), Studi greci e latini per Giuseppina Matino, Naples: fedOA, 2020, 61-72.
| volume open access online | info: Discussion of trebaciter, a (probably Greek) neologism belonging to military terminology
Di Stefano, Anita, and Marco Onorato (eds), Lo specchio del modello: Orizzonti intertestuali e Fortleben di Sidonio Apollinare, Studi Latini 94, Naples: Paolo Loffredo, 2020.
Di Stefano, Anita, and Marco Onorato, ʻPremessa’, 7-10
Prima parte. Forme e funzioni del riuso sidoniano dei modelli
Onorato, Marco, ‘Introduzione. Velut de quodam speculo formatum: L’intertestualità sidoniana tra teoria e prassi’, 13-54
Consolino, Franca Ela, ‘A confronto con la tradizione: Sidonio, il mito e la struttura dei carmi’, 55-94
Falcone, Maria Jennifer, ‘Agnita … virgo crimine: Alcune considerazioni sulla presenza del mito di Medea in Sidonio’, 95-118
Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘Phoenix and Aurora in Sidonius’ carm. 2: A Self-Representational Metaphor?’, 119-138
Santoro, Rosa, ‘Valenze letterarie e metaletterarie del cibo nell’opera di Sidonio Apollinare: I. Il ʻpasto del mostroʼ e il mito’, 139-172
Santelia, Stefania, ‘Non solo Ovidio: Giochi di intertestualità in Sidonio Apollinare carm. 12’, 173-190
Pelttari, Aaron, ‘The rhetor Sapaudus and conflicting literary models in Sidonius Apollinaris and Claudianus Mamertus’, 191-210
Onorato, Marco, ‘Il filosofo, la tessitrice e la cortigiana: echi neoplatonici e sperimentalismo di genere nell’epitalamio sidoniano per Polemio e Araneola’, 211-278
Zoeter, Matthijs, ‘Death of the Poet: A Commentary on Sidon. epist. 8.11’, 279-289
Seconda parte. Percorsi della ricezione di Sidonio
Di Stefano, Anita (ed.), ‘Introduzione. Per il Fortleben di Sidonio: Alcune riflessioni’, 293-310
Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Inter facundiae paternae delicias: Interferenze mnemoniche, testi e intertesti sidoniani nell’opera di Avito di Vienne: Sulle orme del “modello”?’, 311-360
Condorelli, Silvia, ‘Sidonio e Venanzio Fortunato’, 361-406
Di Stefano, Anita, ‘Il commento a Sidonio di Giovan Battista Pio: Il testo “forzato”’, 407-450
Wolff, Étienne, ‘La notice de Pietro Crinito (1474-1507) sur Sidoine Apollinaire dans le De poetis latinis’, 451-460
van Waarden, Joop, ‘Fifty Years of Sidonius Scholarship in the Mirror’, 461-80
| reviews: Isabella Gualandri in CR 71 (2020) 125-27; Francesco Montone in BMCR 2021.03.20; Sara Fascione in Plekos 23 (2021) 261-69; Ioana Munteanu in Classica et Christiana 17 (2022) 365-69.
Ehrhardt, Christelle, ‘Bâtir une église, fonder une mémoire, asseoir une autorité: lieux de culte et représentations du passé dans les campagnes des anciens diocèses de Bordeaux, Bazas et Agen au premier Moyen Âge (IVe-XIe siècle)’, doctoral thesis Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux III, 2020.
| HAL archive | info: Pp. 102-22 focus on Sidonius, and the private chapel in the Burgus of Pontius Leontius in particular
Fascione, Sara, ‘Principi identitari e inclusione del “diverso”: Sidonio lettore di Simmaco’, Bollettino di Studi Latini 50 (2020) 204-11.
Felici, Enrico, ‘Sidonio Apollinare e la pozzolana a Costantinopoli. Temi di ingegneria portuale romana’, Journal of Ancient Topography / Rivista di Topografia Antica 30 (2020) 57-80.
| info: ‘The research on the building systems of the ports in Roman times is now enriched by the testimony of Sidonius Apollinaris on the use in Constantinople of the pulvis puteolanus (pozzolana) coming from the Phlegraean Fields, near Naples.’
Fernández López, Ma. Concepción, Pervigilium Veneris. Alborada de Venus. Vísperas de Amor. Texto y traducciones gallega y castellana, Lugo: AXAC, 2020.
| catalogue | info: Opts for a date of Summer 475-476 and the probability of Sidonius’ authorship
Fo, Alessandro, ‘Schegge odeporiche dell’odierna recezione di poeti latini: fra Catullo, Ovidio e Rutilio Namaziano’, in: Michela Landi and Sara Svolacchia (eds), ‘Hodoeporica. Gli ospiti del caso / The Guests of Chance / Les hôtes du hasard’, Semicerchio 63, 2 (2020) 37-44.
| info: Especially pp. 39-40 for Sidonius, featuring the poem ‘Una lettera del 467’ by Claudio Pasi which combines Epp. 1.5 and 1.8. See Reception/Italy page
Furbetta, Luciana, and Céline Urlacher-Becht (eds), Les “lieux” de l’épigramme tardive: vers un élargissement du genre, RET Supplement 8, 2020.
| ToC
Furbetta, Luciana, ‘La question du “lieu” et de l'”élargissement” en relation à l’épigramme latine tardive: quelques réflexions’, in: Furbetta and Urlacher-Becht 2020, 3-21.
| Academia | info: On pp. 4-9, a discussion of the epigram for Ragnahilda’s cup in Ep. 4.8
Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Les multiples formes de la mémoire d’Ovide en Gaule du Ve au VIe siècle: enquête sur la présence et l’exploitation de modèle ovidien’, in: Rémy Poignault and Hélène Vial (eds), Présences ovidiennes, Caesarodunum 52-53bis, Clermont-Ferrand: Centre de Recherches A. Piganiol – Présence de l’Antiquité, 2020, 247-80.
| info: Briefly on Sidonius on pp. 248-51
Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Premiers sondages et quelques réflexions pour tracer la survie de l’ouvrage de Rutilius Namatianus’, in: Étienne Wolff (ed.), Rutilius Namatianus, aristocrate païen en voyage et poète, Scripta antiqua 131, Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 321-45.
Gasti, Fabio, La letteratura tardolatina: un profilo storico (secoli III-VII d.C.), Studi superiori 1197, Rome: Carocci, 2020.
| catalogue | review by Dennis Trout BMCR 2021.02.21
Giannotti, Filomena, ‘Vivet in posterum nominis tui gloria: la lettera di Sidonio a Fortunale (VIII 5)’, Maia (2020) 139-48 (included in Giannotti, Scrinia Arverna, 2021, 83-93).
Giannotti, Filomena, ‘Litteras nosse: l’ep. 8, 2 di Sidonio Apollinare e l’importanza della cultura sotto i barbari’, Pan. Rivista di Filologia Latina 9 n.s. (2020) 143-53 (included in Giannotti, Scrinia Arverna, 2021, 69-82).
Girotti, Beatrice, ‘Sidonio Apolinar y Ruricio de Limoges. Cartas de obispos y poetas, entre primado manifiesto y primado encubierto’, in: Silvia Acerbi and Ramón Teje (eds), El primado del obispo de Roma: Orígenes históricos y consolidación (siglos IV-VI), Madrid: Trotta, 2020, 205-18.
Harich-Schwarzbauer, Henriette, and Judith Hindermann (eds), ‘Leisure and the Muses in Sidonius Apollinaris’, special issue of Journal of Late Antiquity 13, 1 (2020).
| Project Muse
Harich-Schwarzbauer, Henriette, and Judith Hindermann, ‘Leisure and the Muses in Sidonius Apollinaris’, 2-9
Mratschek, Sigrid, ‘The Silence of the Muses in Sidonius Apollinaris (Carm. 12–13, Ep. 8.11): Aphasia and the Timelessness of Poetic Inspiration’, 10-43
Schlapbach, Karin, ‘Veriora Nomina Camenarum: Erudition, Uncertainty, and Cognitive Displacement as Poetic Strategies in Sidonius Apollinaris’, 44-61
Stähle, Ann-Kathrin, ‘Apollo Apollinaris’, 62-72
Schwitter, Raphael, ‘Rival Friends: Sidonius Apollinaris and Literary Competitiveness in Late Antique Gaul’, 73-93
Hindermann, Judith, ‘At Leisure with Pliny the Younger: Sidonius’s Second Book of the Epistulae as a Book of Otium’, 94-116
Hanaghan, Michael, ‘Competing at Otium: A Juxtaposed Reading of Sidonius’s Baths’, 117-136
Dell’Anno, Laila, ‘Sidonius’s Carm. 22: An Ecphrasis of Otium’, 137-148
van Waarden, Joop, ‘Amicitia, Otium, and the Chronotope of Sidonius’s Correspondence’, 149-172
| review by Veronika Egetenmeyr in Plekos 23.12.2021.
Heijmans, Marc, ‘Arles au Ve siècle. Dernier bastion de la Romanité en France’, in: Paolo de Vingo and Joan Pinar Gil (eds), Barbares dans la ville de l’Antiquité tardive. Présences et absences dans les espaces publics et privés, Romania Gothica IV, Sesto Fiorentino: All’Insegna del Giglio, 2020, 73-93.
Heijmans, Marc, ‘The Late Roman City Walls in Southern Gaul’, in: Emanuele E. Intagliata, Simon J. Barker and Christopher Courault (eds), City Walls in Late Antiquity: An Empire-Wide Perspective, Oxford: Oxbow, 2020, 51-62.
| Academia | info: Clermont on p. 55
Hernández Lobato, Jesús, and Óscar Prieto Domínguez (eds), Literature Squared: Self-Reflexivity in Late Antique Literature (Papers of the fifth ISLALS conference at Salamanca, October 2017), Studi e testi tardoantichi 18, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020.
| catalogue
Herrin, Judith, Ravenna: Capital of Empire, Crucible of Europe, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020.
| info: Chapter 7 ‘Sidonius Apollinaris in Ravenna’ on pp. 72-76.
Hindermann, Judith, ‘La lettre comme lieu de publication des épigrammes: les épigrammes dans les épîtres de Sidoine Apollinaire et leur modèle Pline le Jeune’, in: Furbetta and Urlacher-Becht 2020, 75-96.
John, Alison, ‘Learning Greek in Late Antique Gaul’, CQ 70 (2020) 846-64.
Kaufmann, Helen, ‘Unity in Late Latin Poetry’, in: Hernández Lobato and Prieto Domínguez 2020, 175-202.
Kelly, Gavin, ‘Sidonius as a Reader of Rutilius Namatianus’, in: Rossana Valenti and Concetta Longobardi (eds), Dissona nexio. Rotte del sapere, tra storia e futuro per Marisa Squillante, Invigilata Lucernis 42 (2020) 151-61.
| volume ToC
Kelly, Gavin, and Joop van Waarden (eds), The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris, Edinburgh: EUP, 2020.
Kelly, Gavin, and Joop van Waarden, ʻIntroduction’, 1-9
Part I Sidonius’ Life, the Characters in his Work, and its Dating
1. van Waarden, Joop, ‘Sidonius’ Biography in Photo Negative’, 13-28
2. Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘Sidonius’ People’, 29-75
—–, ‘A Prosopography of Sidonius’, 76-154
—–, ‘Sidonius’ Places: A Geographical Appendix’, 155-65
3. Kelly, Gavin, ‘Dating the Works of Sidonius’, 166-94
Part II Sidonius in his Political, Social, and Religious Context
4. Kulikowski, Michael, ‘Sidonius’ Political World’, 197-213
5. Mratschek, Sigrid, ‘Sidonius’ Social World’, 214-36
6. Mratschek, Sigrid, ‘Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius’, 237-60
7. Bailey, Lisa K., ‘Sidonius and Religion’, 261-75
Part III Sidonius’ Work in its Literary Context
8. Gualandri, Isabella, ‘Sidonius’ Intertextuality’, 279-316
9. Stoehr-Monjou, Annick, ‘Sidonius’ Panegyrics’, 317-40
10. Consolino, Franca Ela, ‘Sidonius’ Shorter Poems’, 341-72
11. Gibson, Roy, ‘Sidonius’ Correspondence’, 373-92
Part IV Sidonius’ Language and Style
12. Wolff, Étienne, ‘Sidonius’ Vocabulary, Syntax, and Style’, 395-417
13. van Waarden, Joop, ‘”You” and “I” in Sidonius’ Correspondence’, 418-39
14. Condorelli, Silvia, ‘Metrics in Sidonius’, 440-61
15. van Waarden, Joop, and Gavin Kelly, ‘Prose Rhythm in Sidonius’, 462-75
Part V The Manuscript Tradition and the History of Scholarship
16. Dolveck, Franz, ‘The Manuscript Tradition of Sidonius’, 479-507
—–, ‘A Census of the Manuscripts of Sidonius’, 508-42
17. Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Sidonius Scholarship: Fifteenth to Nineteenth Centuries’, 543-63
18. Condorelli, Silvia, ‘Sidonius Scholarship: Twentieth to Twenty-First Centuries’, 564-617
19. Green, Roger, ‘Translating Sidonius’, 618-27
Part VI Readers of Sidonius from Antiquity to the Present
20. Mathisen, Ralph W., ‘Sidonius’ Earliest Reception and Distribution’, 631-42
21. Chronopoulos, Tina, ‘Glossing Sidonius in the Middle Ages’, 643-64
22. Hernández Lobato, Jesús, ‘Sidonius in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance’, 665-85
23. van Waarden, Joop, ‘Sidonius Reception: Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries’, 686-704
24. Giannotti, Filomena, ‘Sidonius Reception: Late Nineteenth to Twenty-First Centuries’, 705-29 (translated and revised in Giannotti, Scrinia Arverna, 2021, 117-83)
Kelly, Gavin, and Joop van Waarden, ‘Epilogue: Future Approaches to Sidonius’, 730-36
Bibliography, 737-96
| reviews: Tabea Meurer in BMCR 2020.11.29; Sara Fascione in Plekos 8.12.2020; Chris Whitton in Greece & Rome 68 (2021) 120-28, on p. 123; Marco Onorato in BSL 51 (2021) 283-88; Fabio Gasti in Athenaeum 109 (2021) 301-303; Hendrik Hess in Historische Zeitschrift 312 (2021) 760-61; Paolo Mastandrea in CR 71 (2021) 424-27; Céline Urlacher-Becht in AnTard 29 (2021) 400-404; Raphael Schwitter in Gnomon 94 (2022) 270-73; Mark Vessey in EME 30 (2022) 484-86; Lena Walhgren-Smith in Peregrinations: JMAA 8 (2022) 173-84; Roberto Alciati in Annali di storia dell’esegesi 39 (2022) 485-87.
Kovács, Péter, ‘Emperor Avitus in Pannonia?’, Acta Archaeologica 71 (2020) 661-68.
| AKJournals and Academia
Kuhlmann, Peter A., ‘Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: Heinz L. Arnold (ed.), Kindlers Literatur Lexikon, Stuttgart: Metzler, 2020.
| online
Le Guennec, Marie-Adeline, ‘La fumée des cuisines et le chant des buveurs: l’auberge romaine et ses nuisances’, MEFR Antiquité 132-2 (2020) 313-26.
| OpenEdition | info: Starts from Sidon. Carm. 35 (in Ep. 8.11)
Manukyan, Eduard, ‘Стать своим среди своих: методы адаптации и служения Сидония Аполлинария на епископском престоле’ [Becoming Oneself Among One’s Peers: Sidonius’s Methods of Adaptation and Serving in the Episcopal See], Cursor Mundi 11 (2020) 47-83.
| Academia
Manukyan, Eduard, ‘Из тоги в мантию: способы и аспекты интеграции галло-римской аристократии в епископат в IV—VI веках’ [From the Toga to the Robe: Ways and Aspects of the Integration of the Gallo-Roman Aristocracy into the Episcopate in the IV-VIth Centuries], Bulletin of the Ivanovo State University. Series Humanities (2020) no 2, 57-68.
| Academia
Marcone, Arnaldo, Tarda antichità. Profilo storico e prospettive storiografiche, Frecce 307, Rome: Carocci, 2020.
Marolla, Giulia, ‘Il trasformismo dell’aristocrazia gallica nelle epistole di Sidonio Apollinare / Political Flexibility of the Gallic Aristocracy in Sidonius’ Letters’, eClassica 6 (2020) 59-71.
| download here
Mascoli, Patrizia, ‘Per intricati sentieri: la traduzione dell’epistolario di Sidonio Apollinare’, Classica et Christiana 15 (2020) 201-207.
Montone, Francesco, ‘Imperatori romani a caccia. L’Ars venandi nei panegirici di Sidonio Apollinare’, Salternum 44-45 (2020) 79-100.
| Academia
Neger, Margot, ‘Lascivire vetat mascula dictio: Metaliterary Reflections on Poems in Late Antique Prose Letters’, in: Hernández Lobato and Prieto Domínguez 2020, 83-109.
Neger, Margot, ‘Brief, Satire und Epigramm: Literarische Traditionen und narrative Strategien in Epist. 1, 11 des Sidonius Apollinaris’, Gymnasium 127 (2020) 361-88.
Onorato, Marco, ‘Pinguia alabastra: Metaliterature and Intertextuality in Sidonius Apollinaris’ Carmen 9’, in: Hernández Lobato and Prieto Domínguez 2020, 41-64.
Onorato, Marco, ‘La parola e il silenzio. Echi dell’ultimo Ovidio in un dittico paratestuale sidoniano’, in: Rémy Poignault and Hélène Vial (eds), Présences ovidiennes, Caesarodunum 52-53bis, Clermont-Ferrand: Centre de Recherches A. Piganiol – Présence de l’Antiquité, 2020, 221-45.
Onorato, Marco, ‘The Poet and the Light: Modulation and Transposition of a Prudentian Ekphrasis in Two Poems by Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: Fotini Hadjittofi and Anna Lefteratou (eds), The Genres of Late Antique Christian Poetry: Between Modulations and Transpositions, Trends in Classics Supplementary Vol. 86, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020, 75-92.
Onorato, Marco, ‘Presenza dell’epigramma greco e ibridismo programmatico nel carme 15 di Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Furbetta and Urlacher-Becht 2020, 157-188.
Oppedisano, Fabrizio (ed.), Procopio Antemio, imperatore di Roma, Munera Studi storici sulla Tarda Antichità 48, Bari: Edipuglia, 2020.
| catalogue | reviews by Jeroen Wijnendaele in AnTard 29 (2021) 335-37; A. Sassoli in Athenaeum 112 (2024).
Oppedisano, Fabrizio, ‘Sidonio, Antemio e il senato di Roma’, in: Oppedisano, Procopio Antemio, 2020, 97-119.
| Academia
Pailler, Jean-Marie, ‘Sidoine et les Barbares’, Pallas 114 (2020) 249-66.
| ResearchGate
Ripart, Laurent, ‘Les déserts de l’Occident. Monastères et société, fin IVe-début VIe siècle (Italie, Provence, bassin rhodanien)’, Bulletin du centre d’études médiévales d’Auxerre | BUCEMA 24.1, 2020.
| OpenEdition
Salamon, Gérard, ‘Scaeua, centurion de César: apparition, développement et survie d’un exemplum littéraire’, Vita Latina 200 (2020) 96-110.
Santelia, Stefania, ‘Barbari crapuloni, “afasie” poetiche e Muse ubriache: il De conviviis barbaris, Anth. Lat. 285 Bergasa (285-285a R., 279-280 Sh.B.) tra Sidonio ed Ennodio’, in Giovanni Polara (ed.), Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci: Studi in onore di Arturo De Vivo, 2 vols, Naples: Satura, 2020, 899-909.
Santelia, Stefania, ‘Il θ e la condanna del critico: Orazio ars 446-447 e Sidonio Apollinare carm. 9, 332-335’, in: Rossana Valenti and Concetta Longobardi (eds), Dissona nexio. Rotte del sapere, tra storia e futuro per Marisa Squillante, Invigilata Lucernis 42 (2020) 403-11.
| volume ToC
Selvaggi, Rocco, Erfolgreiche Vertragskonzepte oder foedera incerta? – Die weströmische Außenpolitik des 5. Jahrhunderts im Spiegel der römisch-germanischen Vereinbarungen, Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, 2020 [diss. 2019].
| Oapen open access
Serrano Madroñal, Raúl, ‘Frederico: un miembro de la dinastía visigoda de los Baltingos / Fredericus: A Member of the Visigothic Balt Dynasty’, Habis 51 (2020) 245-61.
| Habis website | Academia
Squillante, Marisa, ‘Le “chiacchiere” di un poeta: Plauto e Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Ferruccio Conti Bizzarro, Mario Lamagna and Giulio Massimilla (eds), Studi greci e latini per Giuseppina Matino, Naples: fedOA, 2020, 343-50.
| volume open access online
Stadermann, Christian, ‘Goten in Gallien. Aufstieg und Untergang des Tolosanischen Reiches’, Zur Debatte. Themen der Katholischen Akademie in Bayern. Sonderheft zur Ausgabe 2020/4, 16-19.
| Academia
Stüber, Till, Der inkriminierte Bischof: Könige im Konflikt mit Kirchenleitern im westgotischen und fränkischen Gallien (466-614), Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020.
| info: Sidonius on pp. 58-67 | A few corrigenda on Academia | review by Hendrik Hess in Plekos (2020) 301-5.
Truhina, Natalya N., and Aleksandr L. Kostenetskiy, ‘О ПРАКТИКЕ ПОСВЯЩЕНИЯ ЕПИСКОПОВ В РИМСКОЙ ГАЛЛИИ ПОСЛЕДНЕЙ ТРЕТИ V ВЕКА (ПО ПИСЬМАМ СИДОНИЯ АППОЛИНАРИЯ)’ [On the Practice of Episcopal Consecration in Roman Gaul in the Last Third of the Fifth Century (According to the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris)], Journal of the University of Tambov 25 (2020) 194-205.
| online
Underwood, Douglas, ‘Good Neighbors and Good Walls: Urban Development and Trade Networks in Late Antique South Gaul’, in: Michael J. Kelly and Michael Burrows (eds), Urban Interactions: Communication and Competition in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Binghamton, NY: Gracchi Books, 2020, 373-427.
| Punctum Books open access
Van Hoof, Lieve, and Peter Van Nuffelen, The Fragmentary Latin Histories of Late Antiquity (AD 300-620): Edition, Translation and Commentary, Cambridge: CUP, 2020.
Van Nuffelen, Peter, and Lieve Van Hoof, Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris: An Inventory of Late Antique Historiography (A.D. 300-800), Turnhout: Brepols, 2020.
| ToC | database online at UGent | reviews by Bruno Bleckmann in Histos 16 (2022); George Woudhuysen in JRS 2022 | info: In a chapter on Nicomachus Flavianus (pp. 36-58), the authors discuss, on pp. 50-53, the supposed Latin Life of Apollonius, calling it a spurium, and concluding that it must have been a Greek manuscript that Sidonius copied. – Reaction in Bleckmann 2022.
van Waarden, Joop, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris’, in Oxford Classical Dictionary, 5th edn online
| access
van Waarden, Joop, ‘The Emergence of the Gallic Rogations in a Cognitive Perspective’, in Nienke M. Vos and Albert C. Geljon (eds), Rituals in Early Christianity: New Perspectives on Tradition and Transformation, Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 164, Leiden: Brill, 2020, 201-20.
| catalogue
Vršecká, Kateřina, ‘Chironomos v latině středověkých Čech: od pantomima ke stolníkovi’ [Chironomos in the Latin of medieval Bohemia: from pantomime to tabletop], in: E. Poláčková et al. (eds), Jubilate et Bibite. Studie k antice a její recepci v evropské kultuře. Ad honorem Jan Bažant, Prague: Filosofia, 2020, 149-64.
Wolff, Étienne, ‘Plaisanterie, humour et liberté de ton dans la correspondance de Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Élisabeth Gavoille (ed.), Liberté de ton et plaisanterie dans la lettre, Tours: Presses de l’Université François-Rabelais, 2020.
Wolff, Étienne, ‘L’image de Trajan dans l’Antiquité tardive et jusqu’au début du viiie siècle’, in: Stéphane Benoist, Alban Gautier, Christine Hoët-van Cauwenberghe, and Rémy Poignault (eds), Mémoires de Trajan, mémoires d’Hadrien, Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2020, 221-32.
| online
Wood, Ian N., ‘Sidonius and the Burgundiansʼ, in: Dominic Moreau and Raúl González Salinero (eds), Jean-Yves Marc (pref.), Academica libertas. Essais en l’honneur du professeur Javier Arce, Bibliothèque de l’Antiquité Tardive 39, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020, 365-72.
| info: A reassessment, among other things, of Sidonius’ epitaph for his relationship with the barbarian world.
Ando, Clifford, and Marco Formisano (eds), The New Late Antiquity: A Gallery of Intellectual Portraits,, Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, Neue Folge, 2. Reihe, Volume 162, Heidelberg: Winter, 2021.
| catalogue | reviews by Filomena Giannotti in Quaderni di storia 95 (2022) 329-35, Francesco Lubian in BMCR 2022.02.33.
Babnis, Tomasz, ‘Idem aliter, czyli o dwóch opisach dyplomatycznej podróży do Persji w poezji późnego antyku (Claud. Cons. Stil. I 51–68; Sid. Carm. II 75–88)’ [… two descriptions of a diplomatic journey to Persia in the poetry of Late Antiquity], Collectanea Philologica 24 (2021) 111-25.
| Academia
Becher, Matthias, and Hendrik Hess (eds), Kontingenzerfahrungen und ihre Bewältigung zwischen imperium und regna. Beispiele aus Gallien und angrenzenden Gebieten vom 5. bis zum 8. Jahrhundert, Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2021.
| review by Marco Cristini in Plekos 25 (2023) 421-9
Bruzzone, Antonella, Alessandro Fo and Luigi Piacente (eds), Metamorfosi del Classico in età romanobarbarica, Nuova biblioteca di cultura romanobarbarica 2, Florence: Sismel–Galluzzo, 2021.
| catalogue | review: Marco Onorato in BSL 53 (2023) 344-46.
Cavuoto-Denis, Nicolas, ‘L’escargot, l’oie, le castor… La place des animaux chez quelques auteurs latins tardifs’, in: Philippe Guisard, Christelle Laizé and Antoine Contenso (eds), Cultures antiques. L’homme et l’animal. Programme ENS 2022, Paris: Ellipses, 545-53.
| catalogue | info: Mainly about Macrobius and Symmachus, but mentions Sidon. Ep. 4.17.2, 4.22.6, 5.5.2
Condorelli, Silvia, ‘Sulle perdute Declamationes di San Remigio: Sidon. ep. 9.7’, in: Manca and Venuti 2021, 295-309.
| volume online
Crogiez-Pétrequin, Sylvie, ‘Les bénéficiaires du cursus publicus: des privilégiés?’, Revue historique 698 (2021) 447-62.
| online | info: Pp. 453-54 on Sidonius’ voyage to Rome in 467
Danza, Juan Manuel, ‘La Psychomachia de Prudencio: un artefacto inspirado’, Circe 25 (2021) 141-59.
| online | info: Pp. 153-55 ‘Estrategias poéticas tardoantiguas: Prudencio y Sidonio’, comparing the negative metapoetics of Sidonius’ Ad Catullinum
Decourt, Jean-Claude, and Gérard Lucas, Lyon dans les textes grecs et latins: La géographie et l’histoire de Lugdunum, de la fondation de la colonie à l’occupation burgonde (43 avant - 460 après J.-C.), new enlarged edition, Lyon: MOM Éditions, 2021, online DOI [accessed 1 April 2024].
| online | info: Sidonius paras 398-424: fragm. 105 Les brouillards de Lyon (Ep. 1.8.1-2), 106 À Majorien, pour le relèvement de Lyon (Carm. 5.571-86), 107 À Majorien, demande d’exemption d’impôt (Carm. 13.19-25), 108 Dédicace de la cathédrale de Lyon (Ep. 2.10.2-4, 9.3.5), 109 Réunion mondaine à Saint-Just (Ep. 5.17.3-6), 110 Les murailles de Lyon (Ep. 1.5.2)
Egetenmeyr, Veronika, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris’s Use of the Term Barbarus: An Introduction’, in: Matthias Friedrich and James M. Harland (eds), Interrogating the ‘Germanic’: A Category and its Use in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Supplement to Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde 123, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021, 145-66.
Egetenmeyr, Veronika, ‘Kontingenz und die Konstruktion des “Anderen”: Die Darstellung von “Barbaren” als Ausdruck von Kontingenzbewältigung’, in: Becher and Hess 2021, 121-54.
Flierman, Robert, ‘Gregory of Tours and the Merovingian Letter’, Journal of Medieval History, online 25.02.2021.
| view | info: Has much to say about types of letters, letter delivery, couriers and messengers, and secret communication
Formisano, Marco, ‘The King Listens: Origins, Noises, and Panegyric in Sidonius Apollinaris’ Carmen 1’, Arethusa 54 (2021) 275-90.
| issue 54.3
Giannotti, Filomena, ‘Pronus prope o prope patruum? Nota sul Propempticon ad libellum di Sidonio Apollinare (carm. 24,84-89)’, BSL 51 (2021) 169-77 (included in Giannotti, Scrinia Arverna, 2021, 31-40).
Giannotti, Filomena, ‘Je suis le miroir à la fin de la décadence: Mirror-Games Between Sidonius Apollinaris and Jean Marcel’, ClassicoContemporaneo 7 (2021) 146-56 (translated and expanded in Giannotti, Scrinia Arverna, 2021, 185-92).
| online
Giannotti, Filomena, ‘Levigata pagina. Riconsiderando l’epitaffio di Sidonio per il nonno Apollinare (ep. 3,12)’, Invigilata Lucernis 43 (2021) 7-22 (included in Giannotti, Scrinia Arverna, 2021, 41-57).
Giannotti, Filomena, Scrinia Arverna: Studi su Sidonio Apollinare, Studi e testi di storia antica 29, Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2021.
| ETS catalogue | info: Ch. 1 ‘Affinità uditive’ (Carm. 24), first publ.; 2 Pronus prope o prope patruum? (Carm. 24.84-89), repr. BSL 2021; 3 Levigata pagina (Carm. 28 in Ep. 3.12), repr. Invig. Luc. 2021; 4 Mens et gloria non queunt humari (Ep. 4.4.3, 4.19 and 4.11), rev. Invig. Luc. 2001; 5 Litteras nosse (Ep. 8.2), repr. Pan 2020; 6 Vivet in posterum nominis tui gloria (Ep. 8.5), repr. Maia 2020; 7 Notizie da un mundus senescens (Ep. 8.6), first publ.; 8 ‘Il y a un revival de Sidoine’ (reception 19th and 20th cent.), rev. Companion ch. 24, 2020; 9 Je suis le miroir à la fin de la décadence (reception Jean Marcel), rev. ClassicoContemporaneo 2021. | reviews: Joop van Waarden in CR 73 (2023) 159-61; Daniele Di Rienzo in BSL 52 (2022) 788-93; Francesco Montone in Vichiana 60 (2023) 87-92; Silvia Condorelli in Athenaeum 112 (2024).
Gusso, Massimo, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris and the “Senate in Exile”: On a “Republican” Poetic Metaphor’, Lexis 39.1 (June 2021).
| online
Gwynn, David, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, update, 2021.
Hanaghan, Michael, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris contra Claudianus Mamertus: Jerome, Julianus Pomerius, and the Subversion of Praise’, Journal of Early Christian Studies 29 (2021) 215-35.
Hess, Hendrik, ‘Gallien zwischen imperium und regna. Kontingenzdarstellung und -bewältigung in den Briefsammlungen des Sidonius Apollinaris, des Ruricius von Limoges und des Avitus von Vienne’, in: Becher and Hess, 2021, 155-99.
Kalas, Gregor, ‘Portraits of Poets and the Lecture Halls in the Forum of Trajan: Masking Cultural Tensions in Late Antique Rome’, in: Gregor Kalas and Ann van Dijk (eds), Urban Developments in Late Antique and Medieval Rome: Revising the Narrative of Renewal, Social Worlds of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2021, 75-108.
| catalogue | explore
Kelly, Gavin, ‘A Textual and Onomastic Problem in Sidonius’, blogpost Ausonius 29 Oct. 2021.
| info: Was the addressee of Ep. 2.4 Sagittarius or Syagrius?
Kelly, Gavin, ‘Titles and Paratexts in the Collection of Sidonius’ Poems’, in: Bruzzone et al. 2021, 77-97.
Liccardo, Salvatore, ‘Identical Strangers: The History of the Heruli Between the 3rd and the 5th Century’, blogpost Historical Identity, ÖAW, 12 Oct. 2021.
Manca, Massimo, and Martina Venuti (eds), Paulo maiora canamus. Raccolta di studi per Paolo Mastandrea, Antichistica 32.5, Venice: Ca’ Foscari, 2021.
| online
Marcone, Arnaldo, L’ultimo anno dell’Impero: Roma, 476 d.C., Naples: Salerno, 2021.
| catalogue
Marolla, Giulia, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris, Letters Book 5 (Epp. 1-10): Text, Translation, and Commentary’, PhD San Marino, 2021 [unpubl.]
Marolla, Giulia, ‘Sidonio Apollinare e il concetto di satira nella tarda antichità’, Invigilata Lucernis 43 (2021) 129-44.
Marrón, Gabriela Andrea, ‘De-cadencias y traspiés. Estrategias intertexuales en la Antigüedad Tardía’, Circe 25 (2021) 161-81.
| online | info: Pp. 176-77 interpret the metrical ‘licence’ Orphéüm in Sidonius’ Carm. 35.19 (in Ep. 8.11.3) as intentional, in connection with a similar case in Dracontius
Mascoli, Patrizia, Sidonio Apollinare. Epistolario. Introduzione, traduzione e note, Testi patristici, Rome: Città Nuova, 2021.
| catalogue | blogpost Città Nuova | reviews by Filomena Giannotti in BSL 51 (2021) 719-21; Nelu Zugravu in Studii Clasice 51-52 (2022-2023) 298-301.
Montone, Francesco, ‘Sidonio Apollinare e i suoi modelli: un mosaico letterario e le conquiste orientali di Roma’, Parole Rubate 23 (2021) 207-22.
| online Parole Rubate and repository UniParma
Neri, Valerio, ‘Representation and aesthetic evaluation of the barbarian body in Late ancient literature’, keynote Maynooth University ‘Reading Beauty in Late Antiquity’, 26 November 2021.
| Academia | info: Sidonius on Theodoric on pp. 2-3
Ripart, Laurent, Les déserts de l’Occident. Genèse des lieux monastiques dans le sud-est de la Gaule (fin IVe – milieu VIe siècle), Collection d’études médiévales de Nice 18, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.
| catalogue
Ripart, Laurent, ‘Le désert des moines latins’, AnTard 29 (2021) 149-57.
| Academia
Salzman, Michele Renee, The ‘Falls’ of Rome: Crises, Resilience, and Resurgence in Late Antiquity, Cambridge: CUP, 2021.
| review by David Ungvary in BMCR 2022.07.14
Santelia, Stefania, ‘Sidonio Apollinare, carme 9: un griphus per il lector?’, in: Manca and Venuti 2021, 255-66.
| volume online
Stoehr-Monjou, Annick, ‘Enjeux mémoriels d’un récit de voyage de Lyon à Rome: Sidoine Apollinaire (Lettre 1, 5)’, in: Fabien Galtier (ed.), Voyage et mémoire: Les écrits latins sur le voyage et leurs enjeux mémoriels, Viatica, HS 4, June 2021.
| Viatica
van Waarden, Joop, ‘Das Sidonius- und das Kontingenz-Projekt im Spiegel der Theorie’, in: Becher and Hess, 2021, 29-49.
van Waarden, Joop, ‘Symmachus and the Metamorphosis of “You and I” in Epistolary Usage’, in: Bruzzone et al. 2021, 145-61.
| info: One of a series of three articles covering the interactive use of the first and second persons singular and plural in epistolography. The central part of this series is chapter 13 in the Sidonius Companion: ‘“You” and “I” in Sidonius’ Correspondence’ (pp. 418-39). The third part is ‘A Gentleman Weighs His “You” and “I”: Inclusion in the Letters of Faustus, Mamertus Claudianus, Ruricius, Avitus and Ennodius’, in Egetenmeyr and Meurer 2023, 91-115
Vitiello, Massimiliano, ‘The “Fear” of the Barbarians and the Fifth-Century Western Chroniclers’, MAAR 66 (2021) 115-50.
| JSTOR open access
Wagner, Hendrik A., Das spätantike Rom und die stadtrömische Senatsaristokratie (395–455 n. Chr.). Eine althistorisch-archäologische Untersuchung, Millennium Studies 91, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021.
| online open access
Wolff, Étienne, ‘Quelques remarques sur la lettre, V, 14 de Sidoine Apollinaire et les rogations’, in: Mathilde Simon and Étienne Wolff (eds), Operae pretium facimus. Mélanges en l’honneur de Charles Guittard, Collection Kubaba. Série antiquité, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2021, 759-65.
| catalogue
Wood, Ian, ‘The Making of “the Burgundian Kingdom”’, Reti Medievali 22 (2021) 1-31.
| Academia
Zingg, Roland, ‘Kontingenz(bewältigung) und neue politische Ordnung im Burgunderreich’, in: Becher and Hess, 2021, 201-18.
Bąk, Aneta, ‘Cele wychowania rzymskiego arystokraty w V wieku n.e. w świetle listów Sydoniusza Apollinarisa’ [Objectives of the education of a Roman aristocrat in the fifth century in the light of the letters of Sidonius Apollinaris], Res Gestae 15 (2022) 23-35.
| Res Gestae open access
Becker, Audrey, Dieu, le souverain et la cour. Stratégies et rituels de légitimation du pouvoir impérial et royal dans l’Antiquité tardive et au haut Moyen Âge, Scripta antiqua 151, Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2022.
Bedon, Robert, ‘Présence, rôles et aspects des voyages de Sidoine Apollinaire et de ses relations dans la vie et l’œuvre de cet auteur’, Vita Latina 202 (2022).
Benedetti, Pedro, ‘Para além das estratégias aristocráticas: experiências subalternas e populares nas cartas de Sidônio Apolinário (430–486 d.C.)’, Alethéia, volume 1, issue 2 (2022) 53-68 [published in 2024].
| Portuguese version online
Benedetti, Pedro, ‘Beyond aristocratic strategies: popular and subaltern experiences in Sidonius’ letters (430 – 486 AD)’, Alethéia, volume 1, issue 2 (2022) 69-82 [published in 2024].
| English version online
Bleckmann, Bruno, ‘Eine Fragmentsammlung spätlateinischer Historiker’, review article of Van Hoof and Van Nuffelen 2020, Histos 16 (2022) I-XXIX.
| Histos 16 (2022) | info: On pp. II-IV, qualifies their rejection of the translation of the Vita Apollonii (Ep. 8.3.1) for being a spurium, referring, among others, to Mülke 2008, 236-43, and Köhler 2014, 246.
Breen, Katherine, ‘Personification and Gender Fluidity in the Psychomachia and Its Early Reception’, Speculum 97 (2022) 965-1011.
| info: Detects gender fluidity in Sidonius’ classification of Prudentius in Ep. 2.9.4
Budd, Jennifer, ‘Maerendo pauca: Lament in the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris’, Research Master thesis Macquarie University, 2022 [unpubl.].
| abstract and download
Clay, John-Henry, ‘Claiming the Wilderness in Late Roman Gaul’, JECS 30 (2022) 403-32.
Condorelli, Silvia, Tra Gallia e Italia sulle tracce di Catullo. Echi del Veronese nella poesia del VI secolo, Cesena: Stilgraf, 2022.
| info: Briefly on Sidonius on pp. 38-40, signalling traces of Catullus in Carm. 9.65 loquente silva, 23.508 quingenti hendecasyllabi, 15.188 consurge, 15.126 at parte ex alia textrino prima Minervae (and the following ekphrasis), 15.201 (the Parcae), 24.62 hyacinthinosque flores, apart from his being mentioned in Carm. 9.266 and Ep. 2.10.6
Corsi, Cristina, ‘”Strangers on the way”: hospitalité, identité et défis lors des voyages à la fin de l’Antiquité’, in: Fauchon-Claudon and Le Guennec 2002, 303-20.
Consolino, Franca Ela, ‘Mito e politica nel Panegirico di Antemio’, in: Oppedisano (ed.) 2022, 456-77.
Curta, Florin, ‘Pseudo-Martin of Braga and the Slavs: A Re-Examination of the Poem In Basilica’, in: Andrew Cain and Gregory Hays (eds), Omnium magistra virtutum. Studies in Honour of Danuta R. Shanzer, Turnhout: Brepols, 2022, 115-39.
| Academia
Dartevelle, Hélène (ed.), Augustonemetum. Atlas topographique de Clermont-Ferrand, 2 vols, Gollion: Infolio, 2022.
| catalogue
Delattre, Aurélie, ‘L’Afrique vue de Rome: les réalités administratives face à l’image littéraire’, in:
Sabine Lefebvre (ed.), Quis sum? Provincialis? Manifestations identitaires dans le cadre supra-civique: les identités provinciales et régionales, Dijon: ARTEHIS, 2022, n.p.
| OpenEdition
Di Rienzo, Daniele, ‘La Praefatio nepotibus Proculi dicta sub die XV. Kal. Mai. di Ennodio (carm. 1,3 = 262 Vogel)’, Bollettino di Studi Latini 52 (2022) 70-88.
| info: Might concern the poet Proculus, mentioned in Sidon. Ep. 9.15
Egetenmeyr, Veronika, Die Konstruktion der ‘Anderen’. Barbarenbilder in den Briefen des Sidonius Apollinaris, Philippika 165, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2022.
| catalogue | reviews by Hendrik Hess in Plekos 26 (2024) 301–306; Nikolas Hächler in BMCR 2024.08.12.
Egetenmeyr, Veronika, ‘Constructing Emotions and Creating Identities: Emotional Persuasion in the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris and Ruricius of Limoges’, in: Mateusz Fafinski and Jakob Riemenschneider (eds), The Past Through Narratology: New Approaches to Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Das Mittelalter Supplements 18, Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2022, 75-92.
| download (open access)
Fascione, Sara (ed.), Concatenantur sibi epistulae nostrae. Reading Ancient Latin Letter Collections (23-24 September 2021), Echo 38, Foggia: Il Castello Edizioni, 2022.
| Introduction and ToC | catalogue
Fascione, Sara, ‘Secundum regulas Flacci. Orazio e il ritorno alla metrica nell’epistolario di Sidonio Apollinare’, in: Concetta Longobardi (ed.), Horatiana. La ricezione di Orazio dall’antichità al mondo moderno: le forme liriche, Pisa: ETS, 2022, 91-103.
| volume in catalogue
Fauchon-Claudon, Claire, and Marie-Adeline Le Guennec (eds), Hospitalité et régulation de l’altérité dans l’Antiquité méditerranéenne, Scripta Antiqua 156, Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2022.
Ferrari, Carlo, Santi e sciamani. Una lettura storico-religiosa della Gallia tardoromana, Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis, 2022.
| catalogue | info: A re-evaluation of the Celtic substrate in late antique Gaul. An adaptation of Ferrari’s PhD thesis ‘Observatio paganorum: pratiche e comportamenti religiosi nella Gallia tardoantica (IV-VI secolo d.C.)’, Florence, 2019, open access here
Ford, Eryn E., ‘The Letter Collection of Ruricius of Limoges’, MA thesis Ottawa, 2022 [unpubl.].
| download | info: Sidonius passim
Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Les architectures, les décors et l’image dans les écrits de Sidoine Apollinaire entre mémoire, création littéraire, imagination et réalité. L’exemple de la domus Aurorae dans le carmen 2,407-435’, in: Gaëlle Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard and Pedro Duarte (eds), Renaud Robert (coll.), Architectures et décors fictifs antiques et médiévaux. Illusion, fiction et réalité, Paris: Karthala, 2022, 139-77.
| catalogue
Furbetta, Luciana, ‘L’usage des procédés rhétoriques et leur fonction communicative dans l’épigramme latine: l’“épigramme lettre” comme cas d’étude’, in: Florence Garambois-Vasquez and Daniel Vallat (eds), Stylistique et poétique de l’épigramme latine. Nouvelles études, Lyon: MOM Éditions, 2022, 181-201.
| OpenEdition | info: Examples from Ausonius, Sidonius (Carm. 17 and 20) and Venantius Fortunatus
Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Les Métamorphoses (et pas seulement) d’Ovide dans les vers et les lettres de Sidoine Apollinaire: quelques sondages’, in: Hélène Vial (ed.), La poésie augustéenne et la rhétorique, Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2022, 369-87.
Giannotti, Filomena, ‘Maxumam solitudinem appello: The Presence of Tacitus in Sidonius Apollinaris’, Pan 11 n.s. (2022) 67-77.
| internet
Green, Roger P.H., Sidonius Apollinaris. Complete Poems, translated with introduction and commentary, TTH 76, Liverpool: LUP, 2022.
| catalogue Liverpool University Press, Oxford University Press (USA)
Harich-Schwarzbauer, Henriette, ‘Satirische Transformation des Epithalamiums des Sidonius Apollinaris, Carm. 15’, in: Lavinia Galli Milić and Annick Stoehr-Monjou (eds), Au-delà de l’épithalame. Le mariage dans la littérature latine (IIIe s. av. – VIe s. ap. J.-C.), Giornale Italiano di Filologia – Bibliotheca 27, Turnhout: Brepols, 2022, 401-17.
| online | catalogue
Heinrich, Peter, Markus Meinen and Kristine Siebert (eds), Der Untergang des Römischen Reiches [exhibition catalogue], Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2022.
| reviews by Anna Sitz in Studies in Late Antiquity 7 (2023) 487–97; Ulrich Lambrecht in Plekos 25 (2023) 647–59.
Hess, Hendrik, ‘Herrschaftstransgression zwischen Spätantike und Frühmittelalter: die litterae gallischer Bischöfe, ihre Poetologie und Strategien’, in: Ines Soldwisch, Rüdiger Haude and Klaus Freitag (eds), Schrift und Herrschaft: Facetten einer komplizierten Beziehung, Histoire 187, Bielefeld: transcript, 2022, 113-43.
Hindermann, Judith, ‘Lucubratio (Night Work) and the Candelabra as a Symbol of Marriage and Inspiration in Sidonius Apollinaris (Epist.. 2,10,5)’, in: Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer and Cédric Scheidegger Lämmle (eds), Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften. Women and Objects in Antiquity, IPHIS. Beiträge zur altertumswissenschaftlichen Genderforschung 12, Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2022, 205-22.
Hindermann, Judith, Sidonius Apollinaris’ Letters, Book 2: Text, Translation and Commentary, Edinburgh Studies in Later Latin Literature, Edinburgh: EUP, 2022.
| catalogue | reviews: Willum Westenholz in Plekos 25 (2023) 313-25; Francesco Montone in BMCR 2023.11.28.
Horváth, Ágnes T. (tr.), Caius Sollius Modestus Sidonius Apollinaris levelei [… Sidonius … Letters], Szeged: JGYF Kiadó, 2022.
| catalogue | announcement on YouTube | presentation | info: Translation with notes and essays: p. 245ff. The life and career of Sidonius, 274ff. Sidonius and his fame in Hungary, 304ff. Prosopography, 318ff. Bibliography
Horváth, Ágnes T., ‘Sidonius a középkor és a reneszánsz magyar irodalmában’ [Sidonius in Hungarian Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance], Antikvitás & Reneszánsz 9 (2022) 69-86.
| Open Journal download
John, Alison, ‘(Mis)Identifying Teachers in Late Antique Gaul: Sidonius’ Ep. 4.11, Mamertus Claudianus and Classical vs. Christian Education’, Mnemosyne 75 (2022) 996-1020.
| online open access
John, Alison, ‘Cultural Memory and Classical Education in Late Antique Gaul’, in: Martine De Marre and Rajiv K. Bhola (eds), Making and Unmaking Ancient Memory, Abingdon: Routledge, 2022.
| catalogue
Kaufmann, Helen, ‘Identity in Latin Verse Autobiography’, in: Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta, José Luís Brandão, Cláudia Teixeira and Ália Rodrigues (eds), Roman Identity: Between Ideal and Performance, ASH 8, Turnhout: Brepols, 2022, 71–90.
| open access BrepolsOnline | info: Includes Sidonius Carm. 41 (Ep. 9.16.3)
Kruschwitz, Peter, ‘Notions of Barbarians and Barbarian Lands in the Latin Verse Inscriptions’, Medieval Worlds 16 (2022) 163-94.
| open access download | info: Pp. 179-81 about Sidonius’ epitaph
Litovchenko, Elena V., ‘Captatio benevolentiae in Late Antique Epistolography as a Means of Preserving Communication of the Intellectual Elite’ / «СНИСКАНИЕ БЛАГОСКЛОННОСТИ» (CAPTATIO BENEVOLENTIAE) В ПОЗДНЕАНТИЧНОЙ ЭПИСТОЛОГРАФИИ КАК СРЕДСТВО СОХРАНЕНИЯ КОММУНИКАЦИИ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ ЭЛИТЫ, Perm University Bulletin: History / Вестник Пермского университета. История 59/4 (2022) 11–17.
| online
Marolla, Giulia, ‘Leopardi lettore di Sidonio Apollinare e Mamerto Claudiano’, Bollettino di Studi Latini 52 (2022) 592-600.
Marolla, Giulia, ‘Who Was Sidonius’ Correspondent Simplicius? An Identification Problem in the Letters’, Classical Quarterly 72 (2022) 889-901.
| CQ online 30.03.2023 here
Mascoli, Patrizia, ‘Le lettere commendaticiae in Sidonio Apollinare tra vita quotidiana e impegni istituzionali’, Classica et Christiana 17 (2022) 555-67.
| download volume 17/2 here
Mondin, Luca, ‘I metri oraziani nel quadro della polimetria tardoantica’, in: Concetta Longobardi (ed.), Horatiana. La ricezione di Orazio dall’antichità al mondo moderno: le forme liriche, Pisa: ETS, 2022, 11-62.
| volume in catalogue | info: Considers Sidonius’ poems among other authors
Morvillez, Éric, ‘Louer l’hospitalité des évêques dans l’Antiquité tardive en Gaule: entre traditions et nouvelles exigences chrétiennes’, in: Fauchon-Claudon and Le Guennec 2022, 87-103.
Nardelli, Jean-Fabrice, ‘Nicomaque Flavien Senior et la Vie d´Apollonios de Tyane. Essai de résolution du témoignage de Sidoine Apollinaire’, Exemplaria Classica 26 (2022) 33-83.
| abstract
Onorato, Marco, ‘Sidonio Apollinare e la tradizione dei villa poems’, in: Vanni Veronesi (ed.), Il calamo della memoria. Riuso dei testi e mestiere letterario nella tarda antichità, vol. IX-2020 (2021), Trieste: EUT, 2022, 197-261.
| Academia | volume in open access | info: The debt of Carm. 22 to the villa poems of the Flavian age, in particular Stat. Silv. 1.3, 1.5 and 2.2
Onorato, Marco, ‘L’elogio della paideia di Antemio come manifestazione culturale’, in: Oppedisano (ed.) 2022, 427-55.
Oppedisano, Fabrizio, ‘Une note sur la legatio Arverna à Rome (467 ap. J.-C.)’, in: Marie-Pierre Chambon et al. (eds), L’Antiquité tardive dans le centre et le centre-ouest de la Gaule (IIIe-VIIe siècles), Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France, Supplement 82, 2022, 69-75.
Oppedisano, Fabrizio (ed.), ‘Poesia, potere e la fine di un impero. Il Panegirico di Antemio’, dossier in Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 150 (2022) 425-521.
| online | info: Contains an introduction and contributions by Franca Ela Consolino, Marco Onorato, Fabrizio Oppedisano and Umberto Roberto
Oppedisano, Fabrizio, ‘La voce di Enotria e la solitudine di Ricimero’, in: Oppedisano (ed.) 2022, 478-98.
Reiss, Gabriel Freitas, Identidades e Fronteiras na Antiguidade Tardia. Negociações de poder entre gauleses, itálicos e germânicos nas obras de Sidônio Apolinário (século V EC), São João de Meriti, RJ: Desalinho, 2022.
| Academia | info: publication of master thesis 2019 ‘Fronteiras nas obras de Sidônio Apolinário’
Robb, Graham, France: An Adventure History, London: Picador, 2022.
| catalogue | info: Part 1, ch. 2 ‘A Home in Gaul’ discusses late-Roman estates, prominently featuring Sidonius. Revives the ancient theory of the Lake of Sarliève (south-east of Clermont, surmounted by Gergovia) as the location of Avitacum; cf. Trément 2007.
Roberto, Umberto, ‘Furores Caucasei: Sidonio Apollinare e l’alterità culturale e politica dei Vandali’, in Oppedisano (ed.) 2022, 499-521.
Rush, Richard R., ‘Landscape and Experience in Late Antique Gaul’, PhD thesis UC Riverside, 2022 [unpubl., under embargo until 26 Jan. 2025].
| repository | info: Contains a chapter on Sidonius
Santelia, Stefania, ‘”Est locus …”: Verbindung di realtà, mito ed elogio nella descrizione di Burgus (Sidon. Apoll. carm. 22,101-220a)’, in: Borgna, Alice, and Maurizio Lana, Epistulae a familiaribus. Per Raffaella Tabacco, Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2022, 475-88.
Santelia, Stefania, ‘Barbarica verba: riflessioni sulla lingua come elemento di identità’, Salternum 26 (no 48-49) (2022) 55-59.
Stenger, Jan R., Education in Late Antiquity: Challenges, Dynamism, and Reinterpretation, 300-550 CE, Oxford: OUP, 2022.
| catalogue
Stover, Justin, and George Woudhuysen, ‘The Poet Nemesianus and the Historia Augusta’, JRS 2022.
| JRS open access | info: Centred on onomastics in the Life of Carus. Fn. 4: ‘The argument of Domaszewski (Die Personennamen bei den Scriptores historiae Augustae, Heidelberg, 1918: 19, here), that Aurelius Apollinaris was inspired by Sidonius Apollinaris, who did write about the deeds of Carus (Carm. 23.88–96), has been treated with greater contempt than it perhaps deserves.’
van Waarden, Joop, ‘Leafing through Pliny with Sidonius: Sidon. Ep. 1.1, Plin. Ep. 1.1, 1.2, and 1.5, and Satire’, Mnemosyne 75 (2022) 1021-43.
| online open access | review by Henning Ohst in Forum Classicum 66 (2023) 62-64.
van Waarden, Joop, ‘The Proportions of Latin Letter Collections: A Probe’, in: Fascione 2022, 57-70. With an accompanying digital set of calculations and charts, for download here.
| info: Features Cicero, Seneca, Pliny, Symmachus, Sidonius, Ruricius, Avitus, and, for comparison, Vergil, Horace, Propertius, Ovid and Statius
Wolff, Étienne, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire et la satire’, in: Da satura a ‘satira’: studi su un genere (non solo) letterario, dossier in Paideia 77 (2022) 253-62.
Wolff, Étienne, ‘Présence de Juvénal dans l’Antiquité tardive et notamment chez Ausone’, in: Grégoire Blanc, Fabrice Galtier and Rémy Poignault (eds), Présence de Juvénal, Caesarodunum LIV-LV bis, Clermont-Ferrand: Centre de Recherches A. Piganiol, 2022, 275-85.
| info: For Sidonius, discusses Carm. 9.271-3, Ep. 8.9.1 (Juv. 7.62), 8.16.1 (Juv. 1.5-6)
Yilmazata, Mehmet, ‘Notes on Flavius Aetius, “The Last of the Romans”: A Representation in Historiography’, Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology 9 (2022) 53-75.
| online
Benedetti, Pedro, ‘As relações entre as populações provinciais romanas e os bárbaros nas Gálias dos
séculos IV e V (c. 350–475 d.C.)’, PhD thesis University of São Paulo, 2023 [unpubl.].
| read in USP repository
Cadili, Luca, ‘In tunica Iouis: Sidoine Apollinaire et les antiquités romaines’, RET 12 (2022-2023) 39-50.
| RET contents
Collis, John, ‘Where Did Sidonius Apollinaris Live?’, in: Martin Henig, Grahame Soffe, Kate Adcock and Anthony King (eds), Villas, Sanctuaries and Settlement in the Romano-British Countryside: New Perspectives and Controversies, Roman Archaeology 95, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2023, 332-41.
| catalogue volume
Couture, Béatrice, ‘Autour des Rogations: création, pratiques et communautés (Ve-VIe siècles)’, MA thesis, University of Montréal, 2023 [unpubl.].
| ResearchGate
Fiorentini, Marzia, ‘Tyrants in Late Antiquity: A Rhetorical and Historical Analysis of Claudian and Sidonius’, PhD thesis University of St Andrews – Sapienza Università di Roma, 2023 [unpubl.].
| abstract here
Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Sidoine Apollinaire’, in: Urlacher-Becht 2023, 1365-70.
Furbetta, Luciana, ‘L’écriture “en réseau”. Réflexions sur la fonction “socio-stylistique” de la correspondance de Sidoine Apollinaire’, Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Moyen Âge 135 (2023) 171-89.
| MEFRM online
Furbetta, Luciana, Fabrizio Oppedisano and Céline Urlacher-Becht (eds), Mouvements de personnes, circulation littéraire et rapports politiques, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Lettere e Filosofia, s. 5, vol. 15/1 (2023).
| ASN online open access
Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Dinamiche interazionali tra le élites e il potere a partire dalla testimonianza delle epistole di Sidonio Apollinare e Avito di Vienne’, Rivista Storica dell’Antichità 53 (2023) 297-313.
| Academia
Giannotti, Filomena, ‘News from a mundus senescens: Romans, Visigoths and Saxons in a Letter by Sidonius Apollinaris (8.6)’, in: José Luís Brandão, Cláudia Teixeira and Ália Rodrigues (eds), Confronting Identities in the Roman Empire: Assumptions about the Other in Literary Evidence, London: Bloomsbury, 2023, 213-36.
| open access | hardback
Giannotti, Filomena, ‘Translation vs Decadence: Revisiting Sidonius Apollinaris’ Ep. 8, 3’, PAN 12 n.s. (2023) 115-29.
| online
Goncalves, Vincent, ‘Les cheveux de Sidoine Apollinaire. Identifier le “corps de l’honneur” dans l’Antiquité tardive (ive-vie siècles après J.-C.)’, in: Christophe Badel and Henri Fernoux (eds), Honneur et dignité dans le monde antique, Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2023, 259-76.
| OpenEdition | volume in catalogue | info: With particular attention to hairstyle and Ep. 2.1.4 seu patriam dimittere seu capillos
Hartman, Joshua, and Helen Kaufmann (eds), A Late Antique Poetics? The Jeweled Style Revisited, London: Bloomsbury, 2023.
| catalogue
Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard, Gaëlle, Naissance du discours sur les édifices chrétiens dans la littérature latine occidentale: d’Ambroise de Milan à Grégoire de Tours, Turnhout: Brepols, 2023.
| catalogue | review by Raymond Van Dam in JECS 32 (2024) 645-7.
Hess, Hendrik, ‘The Role of Women in Gallic Letter Collections in the Second Half of the Fifth Century’, in: Meurer and Egetenmeyr 2023, 237-56.
Hindermann, Judith, ‘Lists as a Means of Education: The Inclusion of Literary Authorities in Sidonius Apollinaris’ Letters and Poems’, in: Meurer and Egetenmeyr 2023, 211-36.
Horváth, Ágnes T., ‘Supplements to the Ancestry of Sidonius Apollinaris’, Chronica 22 (2023) 154-63.
| Academia
Huntzinger, Hervé, ‘Désigner et concevoir les nouvelles frontières en Gaule et en Italie aux Ve et VIe siècles’, in: Furbetta et al. 2023, 41-84.
| online open access
John, Alison, ‘Greek in the Literary Circles of Sidonius’ Gaul’, in: Meurer and Egetenmeyr 2023, 303-30.
Kelly, Gavin, ‘A Detail in the Manuscript Transmission of Sidonius’, blogpost Ausonius 12 May 2023.
| info: William of St Calais’ Sidonius manuscript from 1096 CE as a typically English representative of manuscripts containing Sidonius’ poems without the letters
Ker, James, The Ordered Day: Quotidian Time and Forms of Life in Ancient Rome, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2023.
| info: Sidonius on pp. 287-90: ‘Days with Sidonius Apollinaris (Letters 2.9)’
Lamoine, Laurent, 471. L’évêque contre le roi, Sidoine Apollinaire défend sa cité, Cette-année-là à Clermont-Ferrand, Portet-sur-Garonne: Éditions Midi-Pyrénéennes, 2023.
| sample
Leflaëc, Alice, and Céline Urlacher-Becht, ‘Le détournement du texte biblique dans les épîtres de l’Antiquité tardive (IVe-VIe s.): modalités et limites du jeu’, in: Étienne Wolff (ed.), Les jeux sur les mots, les lettres et les sons dans les textes latins, Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2023, 323-50.
| catalogue open access | info: Discusses Paulinus of Nola, Sidonius Apollinaris, Ruricius of Limoges and Ennodius of Pavia
Liebs, Detlef, ‘Zur Legitimität gentiler Fürsten bei ihren römischen Bürgern’, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Romanistische Abteilung 140 (2023) 166-92.
| online
Litovchenko, Elena V., ‘”Объятия писем”: текстовые механизмы коммуникации в позднеантичных эпистолярных сетях’ [“In the arms of letters”: textual mechanisms of communication in late antique epistolary networks], Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 9 (2023) 159-77.
| online
Marolla, Giulia, Sidonius: Letters Book 5, Part 1. Text, Translation and Commentary, Edinburgh Studies in Later Latin Literature, Edinburgh: EUP, 2023.
| catalogue | reviews by Alessandro Fo in FuturoClassico 9 (2023) 251-59, Marco Onorato in BSL 54 (2024) 279-82, Veronika Egetenmeyr in Historische Zeitschrift 319 vol. 2 (2024), Andreas Abele in JLA 17 (2024) 558-60.
Marolla, Giulia, ‘Authors, Addressees, and Audiences in Roman Letters: University of Edinburgh, 20th February 2023’, BSL 53 (2023) 295-97 .
| info: Conference report. Sidonius discussed by Joop van Waarden, ‘Sidonius Ep. 3.12 to Secundus and the rehabilitation of Apollinaris sr.’, Giulia Marolla, ‘Sidonius Ep. 5.11 to Potentinus’, and Willum Westenholz, ‘Sidonius Ep. 9.11 and the Lupus “dossier”’
Meurer, Tabea L., ‘Spatia vitae. Social Time Issues in Sidonius’, Hermes 151 (2023) 467-89.
| Hermes issue
Meurer, Tabea L., and Veronika Egetenmeyr (eds), Gallia docta? Education and In-/Exclusion in Late Antique Gaul, Seraphim 19, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2023.
| catalogue, including an open access PDF | review by Carlo Ferrari in Sehepunkte 24 (2024) no. 7, 8
Montone, Francesco, ‘Alcuni specimina del lessico della salute nell’epistolario sidoniano, e intratestualità’, Vichiana 60 (2023) 71-86.
| Academia
Montone, Francesco, ‘L’imperatore Eparchio Avito (455-456) nel panegirico di Sidonio Apollinare’, Salternum 50-51 (2023) 43-71.
| Academia
Montzamir, Patrice, ‘Sidonius’ Presumed Epitaph: Two Manuscripts, Two Fragments of Stone, and Many Questions’, Contributions to the Sidonius Apollinaris Website, 1 July 2023.
| download dossier from the Contribs and Text page | in HAL Archive
Mullen, Alex, and George Woudhuysen (eds), Languages and Communities in the Late-Roman and Post-Imperial Western Provinces, Oxford: OUP, 2023.
| catalogue open access
Müller, Gernot Michael, ‘Zwischen Abgrenzung und Integration. Sidonius Apollinaris’ Carmina minora im Horizont der Bildungsgeschichte des fünften und sechsten Jahrhunderts’, in: Meurer and Egetenmeyr 2023, 175-207.
Omissi, Adrastos, ‘Late Roman Italy in Latin Panegyric: From the Panegyrici Latini to Ennodius’, in: Jeroen W.P. Wijnendaele (ed.), Late Roman Italy: Imperium to Regnum, Edinburgh: EUP, 2023, 454-74.
| catalogue
Onorato, Marco, ‘Le tenebre e il lago. Il De piscibus nocte captis di Sidonio Apollinare e il ciclo di Avitaco’, in: Orazio Portuese (ed.), Sagaci corde. Studi di filologia classica per Rosa Maria D’Angelo e Antonino Maria Milazzo, Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2023, 283-93.
Panzram, Sabine, and Pablo Poveda Arias (eds), Bishops under Threat: Contexts and Episcopal Strategies in the Late Antique and Early Medieval West, Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte 150, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023.
| catalogue
Porena, Pierfrancesco, ‘Simmaco, Sidonio Apollinare e la gloriosa genealogia dei Syagrii di Lione’, in: Furbetta et al. 2023, 137-65.
| online open access
Poveda Arias, Pablo, ‘Threatening Metropolitan Authority in Fifth-Century Gaul’, in: Panzram and Poveda Arias 2023, 27-54.
Raschieri, Amedeo, ‘Poesia, musica e convivio tra Sidonio Apollinare, Cassiodoro ed Ennodio’, in: Cecilia Nobili and Riccardo Saccenti (eds), Filosofia e convivialità dall’antichità al Medioevo, Milan: Mimesis, 2023, 147-67.
| Academia sample | volume in catalogue | info: From Sidonius, Ep. 9.13
Rodríguez García, Àngel, ‘Episcopal Correspondence in Fifth-Century Gaul: Leadership in Times of Crisis’, in: A. Lario Devesa, J. Campmany Jiménez, M. Marzo Pallàs, and O. Morillas Samaniego (eds.), (Not) All Roads Lead to Rome: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Mobility in the Ancient World, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2023, 168–78.
| catalogue
Romano, Antonio, ‘A proposito della Iuventii Martialis historia’, Graeco-Latina Brunensia 28 (2023) 129-40.
| download | info: In a letter to his friend Burgundio (Sidon. epist. 9.14), who was about to write a laus Caesaris, Sidonius Apollinaris drew up a short list of the works written on Caesar that Burgundio had to face: scripta Patavinis … voluminibus, opera Suetonii, ephemeris Balbi, and finally a Iuventii Martialis historia. If the mention of Livy, Suetonius, and Balbus is not surprising, the name Iuventius Martialis (or Vivencius in the Parisinus Latinus 9551) raises some problems: first the identification and, subsequently, the nature of his work on Caesar. Following an ancient hypothesis of identification as Quintus Gargilius Martialis, this paper aims to discuss this suggestion by placing it in the political and cultural context of the end of the Severan age, during the reign of Severus Alexander.
Santelia, Stefania, and Silvia Condorelli, Sidonio Apollinare. Carmina minora. Testo, traduzione e note a cura di Stefania Santelia. Saggio introduttivo di Silvia Condorelli, Studi latini n.s. 97, Naples: Paolo Loffredo, 2023.
| catalogue | reviews: Marco Onorato in BSL 54 (2024) 808-10, Ignazio Lax in Classica Vox 6 (2024) 283-88.
Stadermann, Christian, ‘Between Rome and Toulouse: The Catholic Episcopate in the regnum Tolosanum (418-507)’, in: Dolores Castro and Fernando Ruchesi (eds), Leadership, Social Cohesion, and Identity in Late Antique Spain and Gaul (500-700), Amsterdam: AUP, 2023, 215-56.
| catalogue
Stickler, Timo, and Umberto Roberto (eds), Das Weströmische Reich und seine Erforschung. Neue Perspektiven, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2023.
| catalogue | info: Contributors include Rene Pfeilschifter (the continuity of the local), Hendrik Wagner (Alaric’s Itinerarium), Frank Schleicher (patria and imperium sine fine), Henning Börm (shadow emperors), Mischa Meier (the later Attila), Timo Stickler (Attila magister militum), Laura Mecella (eastern officials), Jeroen Wijnendaele (delegation), Udo Hartmann (Damaskios), Hansjoachim Andres (Olympiodorus of Thebes), Tabea Meurer (otium), Roland Steinacher (North Africa), Philippe Blaudeau (christological controversy of 448-55), Carla Sfameni (paganism after Theodosius), Ignazio Tantillo (worshipping columns), Lucrezia Spera (the emperors and Rome).
Urlacher-Becht, Céline (ed.), Dictionnaire de l’épigramme littéraire dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine, 2 vols A-H, I-Z, Turnhout: Brepols, 2023.
| catalogue
Urlacher-Becht, Céline, ‘“Gaule” et “Italie” dans les épîtres de la fin Ve-début VIe siècle: stratégies littéraires et enjeux identitaires’, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa s. 5, 15/2 (2023) 309-53.
| ASN open access | info: On pp. 312-19, discussion of Ep. 1.5
van Waarden, Joop, ‘A Gentleman Weighs his “You” and “I”: Inclusion in the Letters of Faustus, Mamertus Claudianus, Ruricius, Avitus and Ennodius’, in: Meurer and Egetenmeyr 2023, 91-115.
| info: Part 3 of the triptych on the use of the first and second persons singular and plural in late Latin correspondence. See van Waarden 2020 in the Sidonius Companion for Sidonius and van Waarden 2021 in Bruzzone et al. for Symmachus
Westenholz, Willum, ‘When You Have Nothing Nice to Say … Some Unkind Letters of Recommendation from the Pen of Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: Meurer and Egetenmeyr 2023, 283-300.
Williard, Hope, ‘Letter Carriers and the Scale of Communication in the Epistolae of Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: Kristina Sessa and Kevin Uhalde (eds), Scale and the Study of Late Antiquity: Collected Essays from the 14th Meeting of Shifting Frontiers, Munera 53, Bari: Edipuglia, 2023, 153-67.
| catalogue | Academia preprint
Wood, Ian, ‘The Silence of Sidonius’, in: Alessandro Campus, Anna Chahoud, Gianfrancesco Lusini and Simona Marchesini (eds), Tempus Tacendi. Quando il silenzio comunica, Verona: Alteritas, 2023, 213-28.
| Alteritas | Academia | info: See also Wood 2016, 2017, 2020, 2021
Wood, Ian, ‘The Development of the Visigothic Court in the Hagiography of the Fifth and Sixth Centuries’, in: Damián Fernández, Mollie Lester and Jamie Wood (eds), Rome and Byzantium in the Visigothic Kingdom: Beyond Imitatio Imperii, Amsterdam: AUP, 2023, 53-72.
| catalogue
Zoeter, Matthijs, ‘The Art of Writing (and Collecting) Letters: the Case of Pliny’s and Symmachus’ Ep. 7.9’, Mnemosyne online May 2023.
| open access | info: Touches in passing on Sidon. Ep. 2.11 and 2.12
Arnold, Ellen F., Medieval Riverscapes: Environment and Memory in Northwest Europe, c. 300-1100, Cambridge: CUP, 2024.
| catalogue | info: Late antique Gaul on pp. 15-64
Babnis, Tomasz, The Image of the Iranian World in the Roman Poetry of the Imperial and Late Antique Ages, Cracow: Księgarnia Akademicka, 2024.
| catalogue | info: Chapter on Sidonius on pp. 283-309
Becker, Audrey, ‘The Power of Humility: Fifth-Century Gallic Bishops in Negotiations with Barbarian Kings’, Studies in Late Antiquity 8 (2024) 12-35.
| issue
Bohîlţea-Mihuţ, Florica, ‘Classical Authors in Sidonius Apollinaris’ Letters’, Classica et Christiana 19 (2024) 389-99.
| issue online | info: Contrary to what the title suggests, the article discusses the use of colour in Sidonius
Bonnan-Garçon, Camille, ‘Munus flatteur, présent ou sportule? Le billet accompagnant un cadeau dans l’Antiquité tardive’, in: Thomas Deswarte, Klaus Herbers and Nathanaël Nimmegeers (eds), Epistola IV. La lettre dans son environnement, IVe-XIe siècle, Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 2024, 181-95.
| OpenEdition | info: Features Sidonius Carm. 21 among other examples
Börm, Henning, ‘Enttäuschte Eliten. Das Scheitern des Kaisers Anthemius als historische Zäsur’, in: Jan-Markus Kötter, Maria Osmers, Dorothea Rohde and Jan Timmer (eds), Zum Umgang mit Enttäuschungen in der Antike, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2024, 245-65.
| catalogue | Academia (uncorrected proof)
Fögen, Thorsten, and Nina Mindt (eds), Brief und Epigramm. Bezüge und Wechselwirkungen zwischen zwei Textsorten in Antike und Mittelalter, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024.
| catalogue
Fornés Pallicer, M. Antonia, and Mercè Puig Rodríguez-Escalona, ‘Non-Verbal Communication in Ancient Rome: Eyebrow Gestures’, Languages 9:92 (2024),, 18 pp.
| open access | info: References to Sidonius Carm. 15.189-90, Ep. 8.9.2
Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Nostrae vagae nugae: Sidonio Apollinare e la poesia’, in: Angelo Luceri (ed.), Profili di poesia latina tardoantica, Res Publica Litterarum Quaderni 1, Rome: RomaTre-Press, 2024, 53-86.
| open access
Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Paesaggio naturale e paesaggio antropico: rappresentazioni, interazioni e pratiche sociali tra scambi epistolari e divertissements poetici (IV-VI sec. d.C.)’, in: Ida Gilda Mastrorosa and Élisabeth Gavoille (eds), La villa et ses ressources naturelles, de l’Antiquité à la première modernité / La villa e le sue risorse naturali fra antichità e prima età moderna, Scripta receptoria 27. Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2024, 69-92.
| catalogue
Furbetta, Luciana, ‘Legere or tegere? Reflections on a “Key Question” for the Late Antique Author and His Readers’, in: Guerra et al. 2024, 39-52.
| info: Discusses Sidon. Ep. 8.4, 8.16, 9.13, Carm. 8, 24, among other things
Grig, Lucy, Popular Culture and the End of Antiquity in Southern Gaul, c. 400–550, Cambridge: CUP, 2024.
| catalogue
Guerra, Christian, Markus Kersten and Ann-Kathrin Stähle (eds), The Dynamics of Paratextuality in Late Antique Literature: Stumbling Texts, sera tela, London: Bloomsbury, 2024.
| catalogue
Hindermann, Judith, ‘Grabepigramm und Trauerbrief: Plinius der Jüngere, Martial, Ausonius, Hieronymus und Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: Fögen and Mindt 2024, 197-228.
| info: Discusses Ep. 2.8 about Filimatia compared with similar letters
Horváth, Ágnes T., ‘Változá valóság, irodalmi toposzok, intertextualitás Sidonius Apollinaris, gastronómiai köslézeiben’ [Changing reality, literary topos, intertextuality in the gastronomic contexts of Sidonius Apollinaris], in: Zsolt Hunyadi and Tomás Kőfalvi (eds), Napok, évek, századok: Tanulmányok Almási Tibor 65. születésnapjára [Days, Years, Centuries: Studies for Tibor Almasi’s 65th Birthday], Szeged: Szeged University, Institute of History, 2024, 165-79.
| Academia
Hudson, Nicholas, Dining at the End of Antiquity: Class, Status, and Identity at Roman Tables, Oakland: UCPress, 2024.
| catalogue
Lenski, Noel, Roger Rees and Onno van Nijf (eds), From East to West in Late Antiquity: Studies in Honor of Jan Willem Drijvers, Bari: Edipuglia, 2024.
Marolla, Giulia, ‘The Names of Sidonius’ Addressees and the Manuscript Tradition of the Letters’, Mnemosyne 77 (2024) 796-817.
| online
Mondin, Luca, ‘Un classico inaspettato? Marziale nella poesia cristiana’, in: Concetta Longobardi (ed.), Poetica spolia. Il reimpiego del testo dei poeti nei generi letterari della Tarda Latinità, Trieste: EUT, 2024, 109-220.
| Academia | info: Includes Sidon. Carm. 16.128; 17 (in particular vv. 5-6 and 8); 27.22-7 (in Ep. 2.10.4); 28.11 (in 3.12.5); 30.1 and 22 (in 4.11.6); and 31.2 (in 4.18.5)
Neger, Margot, ‘Brief und Epigramm in den Nachrufen auf Literaten bei Sidonius Apollinaris (Epist. 4,11 und 8,11)’, in: Fögen and Mindt 2024, 229-58.
Osnabrügge, Jonas, ‘Exkurs – Sidonius Apollinaris und die verfallene Nekropole’, in: Jonas Osnabrügge, Die epigraphische Kultur an Oberrhein und Neckar in römischer Zeit, HABES 66, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2024, 345-6.
Schwameis, Christoph, ‘Noster Scipiades’, WS 137 (2024) 185-214.
| Wiener Studien | info: The panegyrics of Claudian, Sidonius and Gorippus as examples of the late antique reception of Silius’ Punica
Starostin, Dmitry N., ‘Astronomical Cycles and Late Antique Chronology’, arXiv:2403.03682 [physics.hist-ph], 6 March 2024, 24 pp.
| access arXiv | info: Heightened eschatological sensitivity evident among the historians writing in the 5th century caused by the irregularities of the lunisolar calendar and its particular realization, the Easter calendar. Crucial years include 410, 467 and 476. Sidonius on p. 13
Stoehr-Monjou, Annick, ‘Poetics of Conclusion in Sidonius’ Letters (Books 7-9, Epist. 9.12-16)’, in: Guerra et al. 2024, 53-70.
Szada, Marta, ‘The Religious Controversies in Gaul and Hispania before the Goths’, in: Marta Szada, Conversion and the Contest of Creeds in Early Medieval Christianity, Cambridge: CUP, 2024, 169-87.
Ungvary, David, Converting Verse: The Poetics of Asceticism in Late Roman Gaul, Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity, Oxford: OUP, 2024.
| catalogue | info: Has a chapter on Sidonius: ‘Announcing Renunciation: Sidonius Apollinaris and Poetic Disavowal’.
van Waarden, Joop, ‘The Death and Public Rehabilitation of Apollinaris the Elder: Intertextuality with Lucan in Sidonius Apollinaris, Epist. 3.12’, CQ 74 (2024) 309-14.
| CQ open access
Montone, Francesco, ‘Riti sacri, giochi … e poesia: per un commento a Sid. Apoll. epist. 5.17’, Vichiana 62 (2025) 65-81.
| sample in Academia