In Preparation and Forthcoming
Margot Neger, ‘Framing Verse Inscriptions in Ancient Epistolography: The Example of Sidonius Apollinaris’ Epist. 3.12’, in: Ábel Tomás and Dániel Kozák (eds), Framing Poetry (see conference programme).
Joop van Waarden, ‘Sidonius’ Journey to Rome and Ockham’s Razor: An Essay’, in: Scott DiGiulio and Dominic Machado (eds), Poeticis magis decora? Latin Prose and the Limits of Intertextuality, forthcoming.
Alison John, Learning and Power in Late Antique Gaul: Classical Education and the End of Roman Rule, CUP, expected July 2025
Gavin Kelly and Aaron Pelttari (eds), Cambridge History of Later Latin Literature, CUP, forthcoming October 2025. Look here
Eve-Marie Becker, Ulrike Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Alfons Fürst (eds), Handbuch Brief: Antike, Berlin: De Gruyter.
Sigrid Mratschek is to produce the first German translation of Sidonius’ Poems (provisional title: Sidonius Apollinaris, Panegyrici und carmina, lateinisch – deutsch, Sammlung Tusculum: de Gruyter) with an introduction, notes, a research essay and a selected bibliography.
Walter Pohl, ‘The identities of Sidonius Apollinaris’, in: N. Kıvılcım Yavuz and Richard Broome, Transforming the Early Medieval World: Studies in Honour of Ian N. Wood, Romanitas 2, Leeds: Kısmet Press, forthcoming.
Jill Harries on Sidonius’ use of Claudian, in the same Festschrift Ian Wood.
Emanuela Colombi et al., Traditio Patrum. The Transmission of Latin Fathers in the Middle Ages, vol. 1 Scriptores Antenicaeni, Italiae, Galliae, Turnhout: Brepols.
SAxxi Project
Tiziana Brolli, Sidonio Apollinare. Il panegirico di Maggioriano. Traduzione e commento (PhD thesis, University of Turin 2005).
Luciana Furbetta, Sidonio Apollinare e l’imperatore Eparchio Avito. Testo, traduzione e commento dei carmi 6, 7 e 8 (University ‘La Sapienza’, Rome 2010).
Further Commentaries and Translations
Fabrizio Oppedisano, In lode di Antemio: L’ultimo panegirico di Roma imperiale, Saggi di Storia Antica 44, L’Erma di Bretschneider: Rome.
Giulia Marolla, Sidonius, Letters Book 5, second volume in preparation.
Willum Westenholz, ‘Sidonius Apollinaris Letters Book 6: A Commentary’, after PhD thesis Vienna supervised by Danuta Shanzer.
Marco Onorato, Epistulae Book 8. Introduction, text, translation, commentary.
Silvia Condorelli, Epistulae Book 9. Introduction, text, translation, commentary.
Joop van Waarden, Sidonius Apollinaris: Selected Letters, Cambridge ‘Green & Yellow’, forthcoming autumn 2025.
Ongoing Project
Alexander Arweiler (Münster) is principal investigator of the project ‘Verhandlung und Kritik religiöser Evidenzansprüche in der Epistolographie zwischen Fronto und Sidonius’ (2019-2025). Link
Finished PhD Theses Not (Yet) Published
Ann-Kathrin Stähle, ‘…quid poema frangat? Zur Poetik des Bruchs in den Carmina des Sidonius Apollinaris’, PhD 2022 Basel.