Month: April 2022

Furbetta on the Domus Aurorae

Luciana Furbetta writes on ‘Les architectures, les décors et l’image dans les écrits de Sidoine Apollinaire entre mémoire, création littéraire, imagination et réalité. L’exemple de la domus Aurorae dans le carmen 2,407-435’ in Gaëlle Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard and Pedro Duarte (eds), Architectures et décors fictifs antiques et médiévaux. Illusion, fiction et réalité, Paris: Karthala, 2022, 139-77.

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NOVELTY: Sirmond Travels to Rome

Gavin Kelly discovered a forgotten poem by Jacques Sirmond in a 1993 article.

Sidonius’ editor Jacques Sirmond (1559-1651), when still a young man, was summoned to Rome by the general of the Jesuit order to serve as his secretary. He describes his arduous voyage from Paris to Rome (August-December 1590) in a Hodoeporicum that is clearly reminiscent of Rutilius’ De reditu suo and, above all, Sidonius’ letter 1.5 with the description of his voyage from Lyon to Rome.

Find this article on JSTOR: ‘L’Hodoeporicum de Jacques Sirmond, S.J.: Journal poétique d’un voyage de Paris à Rome en 1590′, Humanistica Lovaniensia 42 (1993) 301-22, or download the 1993 instalment of the journal in open access.

Bleckmann on Apollonius’ Vita

Bruno Bleckmann reconsiders Van Hoof and Van Nuffelen’s rejection of the translation of the Vita Apollonii (Ep. 8.3.1) for being a spurium, referring, among others, to Mülke 2008, 236-43, and Köhler 2014.

Bruno Bleckmann, ‘Eine Fragmentsammlung spätlateinischer Historiker’, review article of Van Hoof and Van Nuffelen 2020, Histos 16 (2022) I-XXIX, esp. II-IV.

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